Love Poems About January or January Love Poems
by Lin Lane |
Categories: longing,

Moonstruck Maiden

What beauty reflected in love's fair eyes,
a passion treasured beyond all measure.
As ardor stirred flames, I failed to disguise
the need in my loins ere want of pleasure.

As sweet the music I discern profound,
tis more honeyed your lips when touching mine.
Oh! My pained heart shall beckon love resound,
my moonstruck maiden, unearthly divine.

Mute, I cannot be, so near your soft breasts.
This besotted man has but scant more breath.
Grant me your pure love, not in mere request,
but with an angelic kiss 'fore my death.

I beg thee allow the stars remain bright.
Give yourself to me ere the end of night.

~    ~    ~    ~    ~
January 9th 2016

by John Gondolf |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

Carpe Noctem

Up above the moon shines brightly;
starlight touches earth so lightly;
passions teasing impolitely.
Midnight whispers, “Carpe noctem.”

Blowing soft the summer breezes
through her hair as nighttime pleases,
and the moonlight softly teases.
Voices urging, “Carpe noctem.”

Standing close our bodies facing;
hand in hand our fingers lacing;
gentle touches, hearts are racing.
Longings begging, “Carpe noctem.”

Wonder where her thoughts are leading;
do my eyes reveal my pleading?
Will she, with her voice conceding,
whisper softly, “Carpe noctem?”

January 10, 2022
Carpe Noctem - Latin for "seize the night"

Poem of the Week - January 16, 2022

by John Gondolf |
Categories: lonely, lost love,

Sadly Musing Life and Love

I sit alone as evening claims the day,
with common crow my only confidant.
I watch the sun sink slowly in the bay
while musing life and love so nonchalant.

As night descends upon my humble soul,
my furtive feelings ponder kinship lost.
I’m missing precious love that makes me whole;
my dearest darling gone at such a cost.

And woe I say, why did she go away,
and leave my heavy heart in agony;
behind, my shallow spirit here to stay;
she cast our love away so damnably.

Alas, I rue thee, my ascetic life,
and long to lance my heart with wretched knife.

January 17, 2018
Poem of the Day - January 18, 2018

by John Gondolf |
Categories: love, poetry,

The Magical Music of Poetry

The notes of love in verse;
a melody of life
penned softly a la carte
which render thoughts of bliss
that whisper heart-to-heart.

The notes of love in verse;
a symphony of hope
shared ‘tween two hearts in love 
just trying to connect
beneath the stars above.

The notes of love in verse;
a rhapsody of words
sighed with a tender flow
when whispered in the dark
sets lovers’ hearts aglow.

The notes of love in verse;
the poetry of thoughts
sung softly in the night,
with stardust raining down,
ignites love’s midnight flight.

January 5, 2024
Poem of the Day - January 6, 2024

by Claudia Polydoro |
Categories: word play,

Your Better End

YOUR BETTER END To be To stare To contemplate To risk To dare Once and again To trust To leap A Jump of faith To fall To land No one can say To forgive To forget Or try again To breathe To love Feel whole and place The fears The doubts To rest and then To grow To become Your better end *** January 20, 2017

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: heaven, inspirational, love,

Heavens Eternal Love

Let me take away pains of forever-with heavens eternal love monoku-17 Syllables Jan.25.2019 Heavenly Monoku Sponsored by: Kim Rodrigues ...thank you so much to those who have made this monoku, POTD...and thank you kindly to all that have left their lovely of late, I have been ill with a flu-like virus...and usually in January, I take a little break to rest and refuel the muse...may Heaven's light shine through everyone...God bless... N/A for contest

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, peace, violence,

Wisdom's Trail Vi

The towering mountains 
menacing fanaticism 
In the midst of the shadows 
Constant fear
Agonizing humanity,               
Is crawling in search of  
Trail of understanding,


That it would lead her 
The valley of God-loving peace
The people of the world, 
Respecting the beliefs of others, 
In harmony, would live,
Glorifying God’s wisdom that has saved them 
From falling
The ravines of voracious hate 
Where Man's annihilation 
Impatiently awaits!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
  10 JANUARY 2015

by John Gondolf |
Categories: goodbye, lost love,

Last Love Letter

Last Love Letter

Adrift upon a sea of dreams
like paper boats on downhill streams;
my swirling heart is like debris
forever drifting endlessly
while weathered by your wily schemes.

And so I write as my soul screams
this last love letter so it seems
as hearts approaching apogee 
          adrift upon a sea.

I’m hiding from the moon’s soft beams;
a pool of sorrow sadly steams
with fantasies you stole from me 
when you walked out and set me free
and left my heart in dire extremes
          adrift upon a sea.

January 8, 2021

Poem of the Day - January 9, 2021

by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: first love, music,

Let the Music Play On

Let the music play on

My heart beats
and passion springs,
As my fingers vibrate
the subtle violin strings,

Soft notes float
in the air to enchant,
Cheeks bear a red glow 
as palpitations enhance,

Anticipating a meet
with sweetheart there on,
Rhythmic waves I create,
Let the music play on !!

Written January 1st, 2014
For contest "Let the music play on" by Mystic Rose

Got N/A in contest, was sure of getting amongst top ten, 
Now for contest " Screwed II " by rob carmack

Awarded 4th place

by John Gondolf |
Categories: i miss you, lost love,

I Wonder

I wonder why on winter night so cold as darkness looms and daylight takes her bow that I am feeling loneliness take hold. I wonder what it is she’s doing now; perhaps she’s letting poetry console emotions that her life does not allow. I wonder why I feel I’ve lost control and wishing that forever I could flee these torrid storms that start to fill my soul. I wonder if she ever thinks of me and wishes we could make a brand new start; or if, from love, she’s happy to be free. My storms are raging since we’ve been apart; I wonder if it’s raining in her heart.
January 12, 2020

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love

One More Peg

One more peg to quench my thirst, thirst of a desert nearer to sea so close to it yet so far. One more peg to forget the pain, pain of my heart which I once offered to you but you refused. One more peg to end this poem, a poem of love, love that is lost, lost in time never to come. Just one m o r e pe....... ===================== placement:10 th, (July 2011) Contest:Anything Goes Sponsor:Irma Linda Trevino By:kashinath karmakar(18th January,2011)

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: imagery, nature,

Nature's Ballad

It was the dream of night to write her message in verses of romance on nature’s ballad 
So, the rising morn painted passions of heart on marigold arc in vermilion and purple 
For that’s what Venus said love was, when moon relayed night’s song to amative dawn
January 8, 2020
Threesome poetry contest by Silent One

by P.S. Awtry |
Categories: celebration, inspiration, love,


she hums a tune so joyful 
that all the songbirds hush
her countenance so lovely 
that all the flowers blush

her gown such shimmering glory
it makes the stars grow dim
and all her lambent radiance
she wears because of him

January 2, 2019

by John Gondolf |
Categories: death, loss, lost love,

Muted Echoes

Muted Echoes
The echoes of piano notes play softly in my mournful mind as melody so gently floats like ghosts of songs she left behind. My memories are brought to bear, the echoes of piano notes forever floating in the air, as lumps well up in saddened throats. This winter day we don our coats to lay her body down to rest; the echoes of piano notes show sadness in our hearts expressed. The instrument sits dormant now; its presence quietly emotes her playing, as our thoughts allow the echoes of piano notes.
January 28, 2020

by Daver Austin |
Categories: inspirational



Glorious month
Good will
Hearth-side colors    aromas
Sound of Jingle Bells    carols
All the senses taking one back -
    back when imagination was fertile    rooted in
     In magic    and love
We – even the godless – cherish the entire month
But what when December fades?
I say there should be another month
Oh    not rooted in time –
A contemplative month – outside the let-down that is
    January 2nd

When one goes out the window    taps the eternal
    love and joy    listening to that inner voice 
    proclaiming –
“Nothing is over
Here is eternal Christmas      in the true sense

by Sandra Adams |
Categories: fate, love, time,

A Key

a broken heart awaits its somber fate
the hands of time have made it beat too weak
to find the pulse of love it used to seek
it fades within a burdened soul abate
then hides the key that frees the chains of weight
within a soul where darkness seems to peak
it cannot beat in harmony nor speak 
without the stroke of time to guide its gait

a gallant soul i give this gift to you
break free these chains that weigh this heart of mine
awake from dreams a restless soul to see
a heart that beats an endless pulse anew
and sees again how fate and love entwine
when souls in love through time find ways to be

January 1 2020

Open me first poetry contest
Sponsored by Craig Cornish

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, love, wind,

Beware, the Wayward Heart

The wayward wind forever so aloof
across the prairie blowing wild and free;
just like a herd of horses on the hoof,
and running loose with nature’s grand esprit.

A restless spirit is this wayward child
who’s never satisfied in just one place;
she longs to solve the secrets of the wild,
and ne’er her ventured steps will she retrace.

A wayward heart is like the wayward wind,
forever restless, always on the move,
and always searching, seeking, ne’er chagrined;
she’ll leave you lonely and her love disprove.  

Beware, before you carelessly depart,
don't wrap your love around a wayward heart.

January 8, 2020

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: lonely, longing, lost love, words, writing,

Crumpled Thoughts

so many lines i’ve written
in the middle of the night
only to toss them

simply not measuring up
to the depths of my feelings
their dull reflections lost
in the yearning of my love for you

seeking those perfect words 
worthy of wings taking flight
to find their way across the sky
where you now sleep 

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on January 9, 2021 for contest CRUMPLED THOUGHTS sponsored by JOHN LAWLESS  -  RANKED 7TH

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: dream, giving, hope, tribute, uplifting,

If Only

if I had only
one message to leave
it would be
to love yourself enough
and in such a way
to make the most
of your many talents
to pursue
your every dream

if I had only
one gift to leave you
it would be a magical cloak
to protect your heart and soul
from all disparaging negativity
so you would never veer from
living all your dreams

Published in my photo/poetry book ~IF ONLY~ 2019

AP: 1st place 2021, Honorable Mention 2022

Submitted on January 13, 2020 for contest STRAND SELECT 11 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

Originally posted on December 2, 2018

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: courage, humanity, love,

Enemies We Were Never Born

No, my loving friend,

Enemies we were never born but we were made

By all those evil men who had the most to gain

Thus I implore you ready to be each other to embrace

Forgetting to which religion we belong and to what race!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     12 January 2022

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: death, emotions, grief, heartbroken, longing, lost love, sad,


going through the motions
in the silence raw emotions

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on February 4, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (FEB 5) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

Originally posted on January 30, 2021

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: inspiration, inspirational, spiritual,

Wonderful Acrostic

W  ishful thinking that He would greet warmheartedly
O  verjoyed when strong arms of love wrapped around
N  umbed by surprise but lifted by love assuredly
D  elighted that He could love even me when sins astound
E  mbraced by a warm bright light out of this world
R  endezvous with a Higher Power greater than I'd found
F  illing full where the Soul was  depleted and gnarled
U  nburdened, uplifted, united and totally sound 
L  oved, loveable, absolutely healed emotionally, and grounded  

Inspired by John Hamilton's Wonderful-Acrostic poem contest..
Written: January 11, 2016

by Elaine George |
Categories: lost love,

Adrift - a Quatern

As raindrops grace my windowpane,
My thoughts return to you again;
Beneath those cliffs of 'Evermore',
That morn along that rocky shore.

My mind ablaze, in that old flame,
As raindrops grace my windowpane;
Beneath those veils of silver mist,
Drenched in the bliss, of that first kiss.

Lost lover to that ocean's roar,
Cannon, the one that I adore;
As raindrops grace my windowpane,
I am consumed by you again.

A soul on fire, now set adrift,
I sail beneath those purple cliffs;
Upon a sea of joy and pain,
As raindrops grace my windowpane. 

Written:  January 29th, 2016

by Berteena Harmony Of The Soul |
Categories: bereavement, cancer, grief, loss, lost love, native american, tribute,


knew a Tiger
who swam with dolphins
along the razor’s edge

meditated with a yellow bird
under his honey’s tree
in a west coast garden.

rare breed
from an indigenous

poetic wisdom
written with

sung his songs
in syllables:
5-7-5 and 5-7-5-7-7.

beloved’s last kiss
left him fragrant roses
when she crossed over.

did our

beads, sky lanterns,
and a beautiful

he crying with Coyotes
to the moon or on
heaven’s Windswept Shore?

knew a Tiger
who walked
with the wind.

by Berteena
Harmony of the Soul
PoetrySoup Poem of the Day - January 29, 2019

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: beautiful, love, mountains, sea,

Beautiful Sunrise - the Whitney Style

~Beautiful Sunrise~ ( Whitney Duet ) Sunrise shines Appears again Spreads around Cover mountains Sea, above Clouds softly pass A band of seagulls fly high. The air's cool And the sun's warm Delightful Wonderful spring Warms my heart Songbirds sings His love shines upon my face. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2012
January.11.2017 ~Author's Notes: The "Whitney" is a syllabic poetry form or style, that was created by Betty Ann Whitney.The "Whitney" is also known as an American Asian Poem.