by P.S. Awtry |
christian, heaven, song,
I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.
Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.
August 22, 2022
by Kim Merryman |
devotion, faith, religion,
Amazing love,
Amazing grace,
You gave Your life,
You took my place.
I should have died,
On Calvary's tree,
But You stepped in,
And died for me.
What can I say?
What can I do?
To show my love,
My gratitude?
To You my Lord,
My Savior King,
For becoming my
Sin offering?
Here is my heart,
Here is my soul,
Come Lord Jesus,
Take control.
The old is gone,
You've made me new.
You died for me,
I'll live for you.
by Harry Horsman |
Life ground to a halt
living down a dead end street
where there's no sunlight
and shadows of doubt linger...
Till your love blew them away.
© Harry J Horsman 2021
by Victor Buhagiar |
Light me a new candle,
Put it before the manger,
It is a bit cold, love.
Yet we’re in no danger.
There's Jesus, a small babe
In a cold, wintry day
Lying on some fresh straw.
Kneel down and calmly pray.
Mary, Joseph calmly,
Adore the king of kings
Shepherds come with their lambs
Angels fly with bright wings.
Christ in Bethlehem born.
Choirs sing heavenly hymns.
Let us give Him His due
Ask to forgive our sins.
by James Marshall Goff |
My Inventory:
high-performance yo-yo
poetry books
fishing poles
ice-fishing hut
pocket knife
sharpening stones
life's artifacts
Grandpa's Fishing Hat
hope and joy
Guardian Angel
wooden snow-sleds
more poetry books
camping gear
Babar, the Stuffed-Elephant
McCoy Cookie Jars
nature field-guides
ties I don't wear
family heirloom recipes
suits I try not to wear
treasured photographs
170 poems
antique lamps
my Children's love
......and You
my Savior
....... Jesus Christ
by Tom Valles |
christian, easter, god, good friday, hope, jesus, love,
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was scourged and bleeding.
Sunday, when He rose again-
A spotless Lamb proceeded.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son had cried: “forsaken?”
Sunday, when He rose again-
The keys of hell were taken.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son of God was dead.
Sunday, when He rose again-
Trembling demons fled.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was laid to rest.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He bore a Royal Crest.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was in a tomb.
Sunday, when He rose again-
The Rose of Sharon bloomed.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was set in stone.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He claimed His rightful throne.
by Michael Tor |
depression, god, grief, hope, jesus,
When your friends have drifted off,
and you find yourself alone.
When the parents that you love,
the Lord has taken home.
When your burdens are so great,
and there is no hope left inside.
When you feel you can't live on,
and continue with your life.
There is One who cares and loves
you, and knows your every pain.
Seek his love and mercy,
Jesus is his name...
by Winged Warrior |
best friend, easter, jesus,
I am the someone in no one
I am the beginning and the end
I am the alpha and omega
I am your true best friend
I am not here nor there
I am that I am
I am the son of my father
I am the lion I am the lamb
I am the you in the me
I am the all in all things
I am the one that shows you love
I am the king of all kings
I am forever forgiving
I am the one that gives you sight
I am at the right hand of my father
I am the way I am the light.
Rising of the Son
Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke
Placed 3'rd...Thank You
by Jeffrey Lee |
inspirational, philosophy, social, visionary, planet,
If there was no crime
No hurry for time
No genocide
No homicide
If there was no mothers burying their sons
If mankind didn't invent guns
If schools still had prayer
If everybody recognize Jesus Christ as our savior
If there was love and respect
No hate between white and black
No homeless
No loneliness
No wars
No rich or poor
No accidents or disasters
If man only served one master (God)
Imagining is good for all it's worth
Heaven is definitely not planet earth
by Sandra Haight |
god, inspirational, jesus, love, metaphor, wisdom, words,
As precious stones are hidden and entwined
in minerals of ordinary worth,
they must be found, professionally mined
from common, rocky layers of the earth.
Extracted, polished, cut- they'll stand apart
as valued gems. Neglected, they will share
in earth's destructive force- erosion's art-
dissolve away with nature's wear and tear.
Oh God, you are both Mine and Miner; strip
this soul embedded in your work of clay,
and let your tools of grace and fellowship
preserve the gem of Love from life's decay.
Cut many facets that reflect and show-
the worth of gem and Miner in its glow.
November 13, 2014
by Joyce Johnson |
God sent His only Son to Earth to bring
Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony.
Free will forbade that he should force
The Truth on world that would not see.
For thirty years Christ labored here,
With His clear message from above.
Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony
Will come when Man has learned to love.
Betrayed by one professed as friend,
Christ died upon the cruel tree.
The only charges they could press
Were Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony.
Christ died, but then He did not die
And His bright light still lights the way
To Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony
If we live and love in His pure way.
April 20/13
For Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony contest
by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
faithlove, , cute,
The Deposition
The love God gives remains unbound.
Jesus of Nazareth came down.
Everlasting, His love abounds.
Deliverer and Redeemer: crucified, He died.
Eternal sacrifice, His perfect life tried.
Painfully executed, giving no retort to their lies.
Omnipotent creator, teacher, and revelator
Righteous, He lived, and died; over sin the victor.
Incomprehensible pain He, for us bore.
Two women, Mary, His mother, and Mary Magdalene
Inconceivable how perfect love and wisdom fomented.
Overcome with grief, Nicodemus and more lamented.
Never ending love, on the third day Jesus the Christ, alive presented.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
December 5, 2009
by Laura Leiser |
christian, jesus, love,
The Rose of Sharon bled holy red
with a crown of thorns upon His head
His blood flowed through time and space
pleased the Father, covered our disgrace.
How great Thou art, oh spotless Lamb
to suffer for the souls of man
innocent, beaten, torn and scarred
healed by Your stripes from eternal harm.
Believe in the power of the blood
shed freely on that cross above
cleansed and forgiven when we believe
new life is given when we receive.
The Rose of Sharon bled holy red
with a crown of thorns upon His head.
by Susan Jeavons |
blessing, faith, heaven, inspirational, jesus, spiritual,
God touches us with healing hands
if we will just believe
he’ll take away our every pain
our sorrows when we grieve.
He’ll hold us in his loving arms
and wipe away our tears
and in the darkest part of night
he’ll ease all of our fears.
For God the Father’s love is pure
much purer than the snow
and when we accept him in our hearts
it’s then that we will know
that no other love can ever compare
to the love we feel inside
for a father who loved us all so much
that upon a cross he died.
Even in our darkest hour
his love will light the way
so that we might have eternal life
with him in heaven someday.
by Sara Kendrick |
faith, life,
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8, KJV
R ejected ungraciously at a young age
E jected right away
J ust what were they thinking?
E xcluded from a family's love
C aring move for self, not the child
T ell me how did you fare in your life's quest?
I gnorant were they just like Jesus said on the cross
O therwise they would have held the child very close
N ow I understand and forgive releasing those feelings so I can live
A little tidbit about my life. Forgiveness is the key.
by Michael Jordan |
faith, hope, life
To love that which can not be loved
Is to accept grace from the Lord above
To hate that which should not be hated
Is to let one’s self be eternally degraded
To think that which should not be thought
Allows your own soul to be easily bought
Most things in life are very easy to see
If you hold simplistic views like me
“It is what it is” and it always was
The reason why, “Just because”
What shall happen shall come to pass
Accept it gracefully and show your class
As you live out the story of your today
Let Jesus Christ guide your way
In doing so you will be able to see
The Lord guiding you to eternity
by Beata Agustin |
blessing, christian, faith, forgiveness, god, jesus, spiritual,
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 of the King James Bible; "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" Romans 6:1 KJV
God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide
As pardon reigns above sin’s pain
There --- mercy, hope and love reside.
God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide
Since divine forgiveness smites pride
Toward triumph of blissful gain.
God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide
As pardon reigns above sin’s pain.
by Joanna Daniel |
god, jesus, joy,
Christ, the Lord of all tomorrows
Lived a holy life of true worth
Died for me, the Man of sorrows
Angels proclaimed His virgin birth
The wise men came in faith to see
Messiah, king of all the earth
His love was shown on Calvary
When He paid the penance for sin
He cried and died for you and me
This woebegone world we live in
We need His all-sufficient grace
The wiles of the devil to win
The hope of His return we face
Giving us joy none can replace.
For Regina McIntosh's "Jesus" contest
by Gordon Mcconnell |
change, life, remember,
Having lived my own life
lessons you learn through time
ones that count for life
to forget would be a crime
Stammered every day since birth
enduring it all incredibly tough
but better things around my corner
believing it could be enough
One day God broke through
revealing His love in His blessed son
who had died for all my sins
to indwell me shows salvation's done
This God assured me of one thing
He accepted me just as I am
nothing I bring just to Jesus cling
this truth eternally brings me calm
(I have written this to pass on the main life lesson I've learned throughout my life that this has kept me calm and how to live in the forward direction.)
by Carol Sunshine Brown |
faith, hope, love, religion, day, day, jesus, love,
Good Friday, is the day Jesus was crucified on the cross.
Jesus was willing to give His life for ours in order to give
us eternal life.
Easter Sunday, is the day Jesus rose from his tomb.
This is a joyous day and reminds us of His love for all
of us.
This is why I celebrate Easter, because I love Jesus for
all he did for you and for me.
He has prepared us a home in heaven and filled it with
his everlasting love for us.
For Linda-Marie's "Easter Inspirations" Contest
Written by: Carol Brown
4th Place Winner
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
christmas, light, love,
Let your light, sweet Jesus
Into our souls’ crib to shine
Bless our hearts, divine infant
Your love, forever to enshrine!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
15 DECEMBER 2014
by Dana Smith |
courage, dark, death, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, faith, happiness, jesus, life, love, metaphor, nature, pain, sad,
She is the muse to her own sorrow;
She is the digger of her grave.
She is the painter of her ocean view
and every fatal wave.
She is the shadow of her Father;
She is the darkness in your sight.
She is the night without the stars
surrounding pale moonlight.
She is the music with no words;
She is sweet love without the reason.
She is your dreamer with submission
cold by warmth with every season.
She is your pet with cold intentions;
She is your baby scared and shaken.
She is the bold and pure- the lost and found,
She is a soul awakened.
by Kim Merryman |
faith, jesus, life, love, religion,
P ierced for our transgressions,
A crown of thorns upon His head.
I ndecent agony Jesus suffered,
D ying to give us life instead.
I niquities demanded payment.
N one of us worthy to pay the price.
F aithful Father provided ransom,
U nfailing love turned into sacrifice.
L aying down His life for sinners,
L isten: Jesus paid sin's full price.
2/20/12 for Brian Strand's up to 12 lines
max. contest
1st place
by Marty Owens |
inspirationaleaster, earth, love,
L-ove for one another is what we all need.
O-n earth especially with all of the greed.
V=anity of vanities can plant it's own seed.
E-ach one should love as in the Bible we read.
T-he Ten Comandmants tell us to love.
H-ave mercy on us we pray to the Lord above.
Y-et we still don't love, we wear a face glove.
B-ring all your burdens to the cross, we say.
R-easoning that Jesus shed His blood there one day.
O-nly He had the greatest love for mankind, and for their sins did pay.
T-hen after three days in the ground where he lay,
H-e arose from the dead, on earth could not stay.
E-very Easter we celebrate this wondrous Love.
R-emembering Christ and His Love from above.
by Neal Carl |
devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, love, religionprayer,
Good morning Lord Jesus,
With you I'll start my day.
Reading your word for direction,
So I can walk in your way.
To start each morning,
In prayer and meditation.
Talking and listening,
A two-way conversation.
To lay at your feet,
All that I am.
So I can be your servant,
To every child, woman, and man.
As the day goes on,
Together we will face.
Those trials and temptations,
That could bring me disgrace.
At the end of the day,
I'll take time to reflect.
Confessing my sins and failures,
Your forgiveness I'll not reject!
Neal A. Carl