Love Poems About Jewish or Jewish Love Poems
by Matthew Anish |
Categories: jewish, joy,

Another Day Before Nightfall

Pen to paper
So no tears today
Monday back to slavery 
I cast my out my lline
Hoping for a bite from a female fish
Do you not see what is meant by love ? 
Do you not see what is meant by peace?
Shalom is where its at, friends 

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: care, christian, friendship, giving, god, heart, humanity, jewish,

With All Your Heart

Love God with all your heart
  with all your soul and all your might
Give generously; always do your part
  Deep down, you know what's right

And love your neighbor as yourself
  Be his best friend if you can
Treat him like your favorite brother
  ~ That you've met is in God's plan


               August 05, 2020
        Heart Truth Poetry Contest
       Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

by Misheel Chuluun |
Categories: husband, life, love, people,

You'Re My Person

Your Heart is
Big and Mysterious,
My charming Husband.

Beating hard on a bike ride
Pulling our family onward
You listen to your earphones.

Besting me, admonishing me
Yet believing in me... Your faith
is Jewish/Buddhist/Christian.

Amused during thrillers
Belittling the monsters I fear
Sarcasm is your weapon.

Breaking stride, you smile
I know what you want
You're my patron.

You're my person.

by Diane Pennestri |
Categories: best friend, dog, friendship, imagination, jewish,

Dog Mans Best Friend

A dog is known for man's best friend,
spell it backwards, read it again.
When you do this you'll understand,
why they both go hand in hand.
A dog was created from up above,
this shows we are really loved.
He has four legs we have two,
the extra stand strong for me and you.
A famous name Rover,
he sits, heels, and learns to roll over.
Performs many tricks from day to day,
best of all is to obey.
He's always there honest and true,
gives himself to me and you.
You both become good pals,
even through all the howells.
Like a boy scout in many ways,
standing beside you all the days.
Remember dog is your friend,
backwards is love in the end.
                       Dog ~ God.

by Vee Bdosa |
Categories: allah, angel, heaven, jesus, jewish,

Bright and Morning Star

The grace of all He is be with you all
as certain as the end, the promised love
comes quickly as a thief, to bring the fall
of what the world's become, and singing of.

Behold how quickly comes, from Alphas flame;
as naught can end unless it has begun;
the light of one who's called a holy name
will light Jeruselum without the sun.

These words were said--to write--Omega's near.
And all who can will find the narrow way,
as prophesied for all the world to hear,
and then the bride says, come, this is the day.

Those hearing all will come, from near and far,
to Davids' own, a bright and morning star.
© ron wilson aka vee bdosa the doylestown poet

by Ajayi Angel-Simon |
Categories: love, mother,

Dear Mother: Iyaniwura

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”… Jewish proverb

M: for the MILLION things you gave me
O: for I'm OPPORTUNE to be called your son
T: for your TEACHINGS on the true values of life
H: for your HEART of purest gold
E: for your EYES shining with love
R: for you're always RIGHT and will always be

“A mother is she who breastfeeds children with the milk of love, and rejoices at their 
growth”… Ángélì (Angel Simon)

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: friendship, hate, jewish, teen, war,

Joy and the Goy and Israel

the love and reverence 
is what I noticed first 
a motherland a homeland 
but then I saw the curse 

a beautiful Israeli girl
too jewish shunned like me 
but a goy in the kitchen 
still instant friends were we

fast forward to this present day
with Gaza razed a perilous fate
towards its people a palpable hate
to mind my jewish summer camp stay

how at an early age I could plainly name
both belonging and pack mentality 
how hate and bigotry will stake their claim
when so by example one is taught to be

For Simcha, 
never forgotten ~x

by Mike Liquori |
Categories: america, anti bullying, character, community, love, drug,

It's Enough

It's ugly out here and getting worse

The winters wind blows cruel harshness upon on our own humanity,
scarring with images the brutality of our most innocent
The degradation of ourselves, 
by ourselves.

Righteously wrapped in the shadowy shroud of God,
The harshest of the verdicts,
handed down,
administered as only we can,
as only we understand. 

What is one more,

Black life,
Muslin life,
Jewish or
Christian's Life?

What is one more.
drug addict?

When does spring bloom on this winter?

When will humanity shine its light,
its hope, 
its future 

In each other?

When will it be time to say
It is enough!

by Chelsea Zayas |
Categories: family, father, father daughter, love,

Sapora Rifka

Hello all! This next poem is a very special poem because it was written by my father when I was very young and because of him, he has passed his talent to write poetry down to me. This poem is called "Sapora Rifka" or Hebrew for "singing bird" (Yes, I new fact about me is that I am Jewish :P) Anyway, please enjoy "Sapora Rifka" by my father!

Despite the Chelsea,
Ever arrayed and a keen,
Sapora Rifka soars high above the world she lives in.
Childlike in her disposition.
Sapora Rifka finds joy in harmonizing what she sees.
Sports Rifka, my little fatal;
On key to sing her many songs of praise.

by Anil Deo |
Categories: allegory, celebration, christian, easter, jesus, jewish, passion,

Passover Tanka 20170411

Wine, bread, bitter herbs Blood, body, sin, suffering This is Passover in old and new Testaments Love means Sacrifice
(c)Anil Deo, 11 April 2017 Shalom shalom, Happy Passover to all Jews and Christians. During Passover Jesus instituted the Holy Communion summed up in "unleavened bread & wine." PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM: "Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim." Ps 122:6

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: holiday, peace,

Passover Wishes

The years have 
    come and gone 
  and we are gathered here 
to celebrate the 
   end of our enslavement 
    We can only hope that all slaves
              will soon be free 
And that they will become  
     joyous free people
At the Seder table 
Where Messiahs have come and gone 
And prophets true and false 
have spoken their words 
   We hope for the best 
for the Jewish people 
    and for the rest of the world's people
Light and love 
   to all of you out there in the darkness
Peace - sisters and brothers

by Jack Webster |
Categories: angel, christian, faith, god, jewish, miracle, song,


Hymn (there wasnt a hymn option in the form list)
CM (common meter,  8,6)
dedicated to my grandfather who used to teach Sunday School.

Your Awesome Splendor, Mighty Lord,
sustains all time and place.
Let us devout with cherubs sing:
"Behold! Your Wondrous Face!"

Announce to us Your Shakeless Love
that sin cannot erase. 
Let he that's wronged and needs You still
behold Your Wondrous Face!

Please, hearken with each prayer, or cry
with fingers interlaced.
Let all, throughout the world that stings,
behold Your Wondrous Face!

You made us all in Likeness-fair
with Your Resplendant Grace.
Let those in doubt the Angels bring.
Behold your wondrous face.

September 3, 2017

by Prince Alexander |
Categories: books,

Rhymed Review On Spanish Ballad By Lion Feuchtwanger

It's Spain's Toledo in Castile at times of Reconquest 
The pic of history entails both love and war along with Jewish people drama zest 
My fellow Jews, who are advisers to the kings, - to you I issue my advise: 
Please read this book and hide your daughters from king's eyes, 
Or otherwise, so much to your surprise, 
In vanity pursuit and lack of humbling you will find your own family demise.

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: jewish, love,

Someone, Somewhere

Let the love  flow 
    a deep 
bond has developed 
between the lands we 
and the lands we will eventually reach
  movements of light 
moments of joy will entertain us 
    Now we dance
under the clouds
    let freedom be your guide 
to new horizons
   In the land of Israel peace will eventually reign

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: father daughter, love, truth,

Jewish Rite of Passage

Yes, I love you child
more than you'll ever know
Although you don't understand me right now
because you're only one-year-old

Rest assured,
rest assured

Yes, I love you dear
more than you could possibly know
Even though you're smarter than me
when I was ten-years-old

Keep your heart,
keep it pure

Yes, I love you daughter
in every way you now know
Because your love has surpassed mine
now that you're twenty-years-old

Always believe
love endures

Dedicated to my beloved daughter Sade

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: football, jewish, love, summer,

Summer Reflection

I remember summers past
My arms around pretty women 
Making love on the beach or in a car 
Summer brings romance in its wake 
The years come and go 
This evening I flipped on my "Festival of Lights:" CD
Soon autumn will come with the NY Giants 
heading off to battle 
and the high holiday services 
which I always used to attend with my father 
He is gone now 
But I'm still here!
The presidential elections are coming, too 
Someone will win  - others go down to defeat 
Our nation survives, friends 
For all its faults  - it is our homeland 
Let us hope love triumphs over hate 
So we Americans can continue to live decent lives

by Billy Tunk |
Categories: allegory, education, friendship, hope, imagination, introspection, life, love, romance,

Jewish Rhythmic Elemental Summoning Dance Music

Fool an i
we lay so incredulously
In a love....
That it seems our sorrows rest in mind
and all is enabled,
now we able,
to weave mesh of this light as we bind...
seemingly caught up in webs of time.

But stood it may
like a shadow 
was the thoughts that attest between us..
how uncouth the prattled battle lay,
all it consumes,
as it presumes ,
to arrest and attest for our lives...
keeping us caught up in lies 'till we die.

by Elijah Zmuda |
Categories: baptism, christian, faith, god, jewish, love, miracle,

Miracle River

The Jordan River in Israel is remembered;
As the river where miracles occurred.
Joshua lead by God almighty was instructed;
To put the ark of the covenant in the Jordan
River, where an awesome miracle happened.
Later, John the Baptist was instructed by the lord,
To baptise Jesus Christ with water from the Jordan.
The spirit of God came upon Jesus Christ;
Revealing the greatest sign from heaven
as a holy dove while in the Jordan.

by Mark Woods |
Categories: christian, hope, islamic, jewish, judgement, peace,

A Cowards Will

I gift to you this world my child Alas its’ troubles I can’t tame Others efforts I have reviled On judgement day I’ll face the same. I’ve seen the mosque where people weep At times Christs’ church rocked to the core and God’s chosen placed in trenches deep Watched peace and love hijacked for war. Cowards choose to say they’ve failed So do not accept mans’ violent bent Hate speech is bloodshed thinly veiled Unity a gift from heaven sent. When imam, priest or rabbi call Hear love not hate to heal us all.

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: celebration, holiday,

Happy Passover




Remember this day on which you went free from Egypt, the house of        bondage,how Adonai freed you from it with a mighty hand!
Exodus 13:3




by Matthew Anish |
Categories: jewish, love,


He can barely talk
   since he was born with severe autism 
I taught him a Lemon Piper and a Nat King Cole song 
He likes music! 
But will never have a girlfriend 
or work for pay 
   Friends, if you feel bad about missing out 
on fame or fortune 
Consider the case of Gabriel - whom we love 
Be thankful you can talk!!

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: love, valentines day,

Day of Love

There is St. Valentine's day 
There is also the Jewish Day of Love
I believe it is called Tu'Bal
It comes in August 
I celebrated it 
   only once 
 Read poems 
   I think that 
I may celebrate 
The rabbi said 
"Let love win"
   and love may 
yet win 
   unless it doesn't 
which would be 
    too bad 
  Auden  asked what it love 
Not sure I know at   59
Maybe I'll know by the time 
I'M 80

by Edward Johnson |
Categories: africa, america, bible, black african american, jesus, jewish, marriage,


I did not marry
 you for sex
I marry you
I LOVE you


by Mark Toney |
Categories: conflict, courage, film, jewish, love, prejudice,

Oscar-Ku 20 -Gentleman's Agreement

social problem film
writer feigns being Jewish-
bigotry revealed

Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved. 
First published 2018 in Hollywood Haiku via

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: jewish, music,

60's Retro Trip

With my stereo
I return to the sixties 
Love was still in bloom