by Gershon Wolf |
care, friendship, judgement, love,
Please don't mistake a smile for warmth, it's not
Behind the surgeon's smile sure lurks a knife
That pal at work you hang out with a lot
Will cut your heart out, ruin your very life
When young, we think we have a million friends
We laugh, we play, we think that life is great
Though really they pursue their selfish ends
So easy for their love to turn to hate
True warmth won't turn you out in winter's cold
It cooks a hearty meal for you at night
It also will take care of you when old
It sympathizes with your every plight
Look past that smile, my friend, and see the heart
~ The best advice to you I can impart
Iambic Pentameter
by A.O. Taner |
august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,
Don't rush to wash off the sea salt
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.
by Deb M |
age, judgement, old, voice,
You look but do not see
The true worth and value of me
You just see an old man
An empty battered can
Not the strength l possess
Nor the life l was blessed
Love l gave , love l received
The accomplishments l achieved
My body is aged and frail
Though my mind and spirit still prevail
Look closely as l am still here
I have not vanished nor disappeared
Don’t look through me as if l don’t exist
Ageism and ignorance resist
Lets chat ,share life ,have a laugh
I may be old but l am certainly not daft!
by James West |
Let not thine lips utter a curse
Upon those the Lord has Blessed.
Let not thine heart be hardened
Or thine mind be under duress.
For the rain falls upon the wicked
And the righteous just the same,
Do not cast a stone in anger,
In judgement, or in vain.
For vengeance is mine saith the Lord,
And my Will, it will be done.
Do not doubt,
Do not fear,
For after the nighttime,
comes the sun.
Be as equals.
Love in kind.
This Commandment above all else.
Treat your neighbor as Your kin,
And love them as yourself.
by Silent One |
Two Sedoka's on addiction.
I think we all know someone who suffers from addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, pills or gambling.. Sadly too many judge from the action and do not see the reason behind many fall into it.
fighting addiction
chains of control solder hold
held captive to corrupt brain
unhealed trauma screams
judgement offers no respite
soul hopes to escape prison
warfare addiction
mind battles intense craving
brain hellbent to find next fix
without compassion
do not judge - support through love
save a soul that's still alive
by Anna Hopper |
age, change, remember, time,
It’s a feeling that never fails
To follow a generation
Triggered by sights and smells
A nostalgic way of thinking
A one up on millennials
Knowing the correct way
It’s all the vibes and feels
Of back in the good old days
A love/hate relationship
For the progression of technology
Every day we use it
But reminisce the “used to be”
An expression of disappointment
Across a slowly, shaking head
And subconscious judgement
Of how others break their bread
One thing is for certain
History will repeat
This earth will keep turning
Beneath our aging feet
by Yazmin Malik |
abuse, allah, anti bullying,
I am FREE,
not a prisoner
inside judgemental eyes,
staring at me.
This cloth I wear,
protects my modesty.
Let me be,
do not swear.
My faith is my power.
I am God's diamond.
I embrace his love,
in his blessings I will shower.
We are all FREE,
to be what we want.
Breathe love,
live and let live.
We all should be free to wear and do as we please. I receive a lot of abuse when I wear the hijab, but I also used to receive abuse when I did not. Women are still subjected to judgement, regardless of their dress.
You live your life and I will live mine. Respect is important if we are to live in harmony.
by Rob Carmack |
christian, dark, death, grave, judgement, lost, sorrow,
Memories of once the sun shined,
oiled and tanned we denied
the only living book and subtle nudges.
Nothing but truth in the grave
when too in love with everything
reached the top and found nothing
but the pain of a flame’s dedication
and an absolute conviction,
replays the familiar
screams and whispers them.
Strain a touch through the glare,
but they ain’t there.
No one left to save us
as we find common grace
included tears.
Inspired by the song ‘The Rapture’ by Puscifer
by Peter Walsh |
anti bullying, friend, hurt, love, sad love,
Sticks and stones, never hurt them bones
Names, cut him to the kwik
They hurt so deep, for to make him weep
More than any club, or stick
See the sun won't shine and it won't be fine
And it won't all fade away
And it don't seem right, that he has to fight
A world that calls him gay
So he'll hang his head and he'll live his life
While his soul is torn in two
Spend his teenage years, with his straight-laced peers
And a heart, so black and blue
The taunting in the classroom
The whispers 'round the bend
The vision of a cold tomb
Oh! will it ever end
My love it's not so different
My dreams are pure and true
Why do you stand in judgement
Of a heart, so black and blue
by Meghan Hutchings |
appreciation, celebration, emotions, friendship, judgement, love,
Colorblind love
Equality for all
Embrace mankind by character.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Stand up for the rights of all men.
Speak up against bias.
Rise together!
Submitting into Give me a Rictameter! Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: M. L. Kiser
Date: 02/14/2022
by Paul Callus |
A funambulist
Walks the tightrope
Between mind and heart ~
An error of judgement
Places love in jeopardy
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
by Tony Brady |
death, destiny, forgiveness, judgement, life, love, memory,
Born from a line of kings,
to be the Messiah or the antichrist,
or something equally as great.
I have fallen from the path that was laid before me,
but I will not, I cannot,
fail my fate.
My eyes have been forced wide open,
so my realities I must face.
And for all of those who are hoping,
that I’ll take my rightful place.
I have failed you for now,
yes, I have let you down,
but I am still alive.
So please hold on and forgive my wrongs,
and I will lead us toward the skies.
I will give my everything,
that I have to give,
because I know you are worth this love.
Then we can dance,
in the Golden halls,
and sing of what once was.
by Lifes' Tapestry |
I fear our next encounter;
haunted by your sight.
Your presence penetrates my heart like a knife.
Your not a man but an intruder,
forcing your way, judge and juror.
Hand down your penalty, much we must take.
Abrasions, contusions, are your biggest mistake.
Hugs and kisses, only come from jerks,
your BANDAIDS don't work.
Brute force.
Torn at the seams.
Dare to move.
Dare to scream.
Noise not permitted,
take it, be silent.
Withhold your tears in his judgement.
Is there a thin line between DISLIKE and HATE?
Can you define where one begins and the other one waits?
by David Brown |
Measure me fairly, if you must
but gauge me now, before I'm dust
For when I'm gone, I'll seem ideal
though that'd be far, from what was real
So better then to see me truly,
assess me closely, regard me coolly
You'll see my good, you'll see my bad
you'll see me happy, you'll see me sad
And if you love me, you'll accept
I'm but a man and imperfect
With all my flaws and talents too,
you'll see in me, what's seen in you
A caring, kind and gentle treasure,
if love for you, is what you measure
by Silent One |
In abstract eyes
what is poetry,
but words weaved in
meter, verse and rhymes
to explain profound
vivid images
using metaphors,
or simple stanzas.
What our eyes capture,
what our mind thinks and
the moods of our heart.
Some inspired by the
moon, flowers or love,
politics and health,
showing and telling
in different styles
or freely flowing.
Using techniques like
syllable forms like
cinquain and choka
or an acrostic.
Poems will make us
laugh, cry or relate,
so let your ink bleed
to release your thoughts
in whatever way
your soul desires to
express without
ignorant judgement.
by David Welch |
death, love, passion, people, sad,
Her beautiful eyes closed forever
The angel sleeps no harm to weather
Frozen in time under glass
Her cold tears trapped in the past
The demon that brought her guards the door
Of the angels keep in the streets of the poor
Her blonde hair and wings are raised and flared
The expression on her face is calm not scared
The demon murderd her quick and painless
In his depression mad and aimless
She would have remained alive
All she had to say was hi
He adored here every movement
She ignored and made her judgement
He tried to speak and joke around
She rolled her eyes and shut him down
He grew angry and mad one night
He froze her body in a block of ice
by Caren Krutsinger |
I do not believe in a judgement gate
I do believe in heaven’s gate
I feel when we arrive there will be five questions.
Who did you love? How many did you love?
How did you show them love?
Did you love everyone you saw or only your friends and family?
Did you show them love in empathy and compassion?
it is my truth, and I live it daily, for I know the benefits
Showing and sharing love to everyone I meet
Showing love to animals also. It revitalizes and rejuvenates me.
It keeps me skipping forward toward heaven.
Fearing no one, knowing I have done my best today.
Ready to answer these questions if I should be turned over to heaven.
by Anthony Biaanco |
I've traipsed down a cobble of your path.
If you're ever lost, forgotten or misstep
I'll surely spruce up a room for you.
It'll be on the mundane -humble side
but safe-warm and welcoming
like in a child's sunlit dream.
I can cloak the well-worn floor
with a pattern of your choice.
There'll be no rent (of judgement).
Only a gray shoulder to stain
with the colors of your
desperation and heaviness.
We'll whisper of the misty past
untangle the present and its jaggedness
pan the gold from the slag of tomorrow.
I'll gently lay a patch upon
that blue chip in your heart
for I love you immensely
you can stay forever if you wish
dear heart
by Unseeking Seeker |
judgement, spiritual,
holy books
speak of sin
invoke fear
guilt stifles
we are free
always were
love and light
is the truth
of our soul
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
day, judgement, love,
The only advocate to plead our case on judgment day would be our deeds of love!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
21 August 2018
by Jeremy Smith |
conflict, god, heaven, love,
Fearing the end is imminent
I pray the Lord will bring me home
My soul no longer innocent
Heaven is where I wish to roam
Surrounded by love so wholesome
God's warmth forever ambient
prevents from feeling unwelcome
Only upon final judgement
"If, we trust in GOD. He, will walk by our side, through the end."
by Daniel Sweatt |
christian, evil, faith, god, jesus, judgement, spiritual,
Cleaning up my spirit; I am using my Jesus Sweep. Letting go all these evil spirits because they are too heavy to keep. Hanging on to a thin thread as I look up high, surrounded by God’s love as I climb up the sky and fly. Cleaning up my spirit, as I look inside. Praising our Lord Jesus Christ for he has been crucified. I am continually doing God’s will for we shall not lie, cheat and steal. When judgment day comes, I am a child of God and forever sealed.
by Timothy Carter |
change, character, conflict, confusion, corruption, emotions, evil, fear, feelings, goodbye, heart, how i feel, introspection, judgement, leaving, lost, lost love, me, pain, parody, relationship, remember, sad love, self, slam, spoken word, storm, stress, time, together, truth,
Oh what a mistake I have made,
Traveled so far to end up this way.
Not in a million years would I have guessed,
That this idea was truly not one of my best.
Never had known things had changed so much,
We for sure had fallen so far out of touch.
So many different do's , don't , and bewares,
Actually has left me absolutely scared.
What a fool I was to ever believe,
That she would ever be in love with me.
At my age you would think I know better,
You can trust this will be remembered forever.
Oh what a terrible mistake I have made,
Wanting all these memories to just fade away.
by Jonny Sance |
first love, judgement, life, love, lust, rap, thanks,
love is a drug
its a down and a high is lust
love is to chill out
lust has styles
if love is to savour
lust is to pizazz the flavor
ya'll fronting like you know better
wRAP the flow like so : its a down and a high. and a high is lust
by Malcolm Brooks |
adventure, black african american, death, future, judgement, poetry, success,
I stay up through the nights.
Will I get to eat tonight?
Will I see the day I turn 21?
One-Day, will I feel the pain of a gun?
Will I die young?
Am I asking too many questions?
Does everything happen for a reason?
Is everything I go through one of God's lessons?
Will I go to Heaven?
I stay up through the nights.
Will I reach new heights?
Lord tell me everything will be alright.
Now I think I want to be in love with the lights.
I don’t want to fall to a Price.
Lord tell me everything will be alright.
I stay up through the night.
My eyes are getting heavy.
Am I ready to sleep?
Because Sleep Could be Deadly