Love Poems About July or July Love Poems
by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: beauty, butterfly, sad love,

Bluewing Falling

Her magic is drawn 
from an ocean's 
million hues 
boundless skies

slain by her trembling perfection 
you grab hold of her 
to save yourself 
and you do not mean her any harm 
you just want to feel what azure feels like
to experience the depths of cerulean 

but her cobalt dust 
rubs off all over you 
your being  

indelibly indigo stained 
as the beauty you wished to possess 
lays crushed 
at your feet

July 13th, 2018

by John Gondolf |
Categories: time,


Relentless in it’s movement
like the ticking of a clock
as time keeps marching forward
for our future to unlock.

The past is but a memory
the present but a blur;
this moment gone in just a blink
as “now” becomes the times that were.

This ticking seems so infinite
eternal in its life;
forever forging on ahead,
its endless moments rife.

But as for us a different tune,
we know our time will end;
for us the ticking soon will cease;
prepare yourself my friend.

Love your neighbor and your God
and nature here on earth;
give service to your fellow man,
the measure of your worth.

July 4, 2020

Poem of the Day - July 6, 2020

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: appreciation, creation, emotions, happiness, joy, love, magic,

Prayer For Her, This Wounded Heart Healed

Prayer For Her, This Wounded Heart Healed

Please keep this dream in my lost life
remove painful sting and life filled with strife
Let her dance and sing another sweet tune
as I hold her under this, merciful God's moon.

An excerpt from:  "As I Hold Her Under This, Merciful God's Moon"
(written 7/26/2015)
For- Your Best Poem #2 contest, sponsor	Shadow Hamilton

Now Submitted for contest: July 19, 2019
Contest: Arbitrium Divisa 3
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden

by John Gondolf |
Categories: death, lost love, sad love, suicide,

One Step Away From Eternity

Alas, I stand atop this mountain crest,
and gaze upon the valley down below;
the graveyard where your body lays at rest,
sits in the center shadowed by plateau.

My sad heart aches with every breath I take;
I wonder why I’m made to bear this bane,
and live a life that’s cruel and opaque,
while trying hard my teardrops to restrain.

This awful illness claimed your life so soon,
while you and I were living in our prime;
the heavens haled you, leaving my life strewn
across this wasteland, sadly out of rhyme.

‘Tis but a step across this steep degree,
and I will join you in eternity.

July 20, 2018

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: angst, conflict, depression, fate, love hurts, sorrow,

Fortunes of My Tears

I see the future
in the constellation of my crystal tears
as you siphon the sparkle off what’s left of my joy.

Heavy is my heart where you spread your composting ego 
sacrificing my fire.

Your unwillingness
to ascend from darkness 
on wings of breath and light
is not lost on me..

as you strut your fan of peacock plumes
snuffing out any hope 
for my flickery flame.

Susan Ashley
July 19, 2018

~ Third Place ~
Contest: Any July 2018 Poem
Sponsor: Dear Heart a.k.a. Broken Wings

~ POTD ~
July 21, 2018

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: break up, heartbreak, lost love,

The Never Ending Now

Upon a breathless moment in time, A thousand hells do exist; Within a paralyzed paradigm A love is lost in the mist. Where hearts are broken forever, Amidst the never ending now; As anguished sorrows sever And tears break the bough. A twinkling second of love lost, Like mirages melting of mind; A neglected nuance in frost Caged memories are confined. In an instant love is crushed, And a lonely moment hushed. July.17.2020 JUST A MOMENT Poetry Sponsored by~ John lawless Placed 4'th...Thank You

by Paghunda Zahid |
Categories: joy, love, smile,

Just Your Face

Futile is the sun to a heart in awe
And trivial is the moon's cosmic fame

All these voices are nothing but noises 
These Flowers are like invisible stars

For what's it that the universe contains 
Nothing... but your face to keep me sane 

Only your voice brings exceptional joy
Only your lovely smile can make me fly

Syllable count: 10 per line
27th July, 2020

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: beauty, dance, happiness, inspiration, music, uplifting, world,

Be the Poem

the world craves
more artists
creative souls
sensitive antennas
conceptual skills
performing arts
artisans of beauty
the world craves
more expression
more love
more magic

your life is your gift
back to the universe

be the poem
that moves the world

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~IN THE GARDEN OF MY FANTASY~ 2023

Read on air by invitation  ~  July 14, 2021  'WORDS & MUSIC'

AP: 2nd place 2021, Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on July 13, 2021 for A BRIAN STRAND JULY 14 POETRY CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST

Originally posted on June 20, 2019

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: angel, love, spiritual,

Reflections In Twilight

Angels in twilight
Reflections of affections
Dancing in starlight

When angels entwine
Harmonic explosions of devotions
A love divine

When angels embrace
Roses and wine will make you mine
With satin and lace

When angels dance
Starlets on fire with great desire
A burning romance

When angels fly
Dropping wishes of kisses
Amidst the jasmine sky

When angels sing
Humming in orchestral celestial
Vibrations in their wing

When angels dream
Marshmallow clouds over the crowds
Sitting on soft lavish green

When angels cry
Tears of wasted years
Reflections in my eye.

Sponsored by: Brian Strand

by Vera Duggan |
Categories: happiness, how i feel, love, sea,

As We Walk Hand In Hand

As we walk hand in hand

Today as we walk hand in hand
Happily through pure white sand
The love within my heart for thee
It flows to you so tenderly.

The ocean waves ebb to and thro
As hand in hand along we go
Bare feet in the silky sand
 The sun shines down and life’s so grand

We stop, the two of us and kiss
Oh how nice to feel such bliss
As love matures we two, entwined
Such perfect sweetness we do find

Today as we walk hand in hand
Happily through pure white sand.

Vera Duggan 10 July 2014.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, autumn, goodbye,

Saying Goodbye To Autumn

It seems we said hello, just yesterday
Do you recall the night you came to town?
You blew in silently, I hoped you'd stay
Time really flies when old friends come around

When you leave here, I guess you'll be southbound
I love the pretty blanket left for me
Those yellows mix so well with red and brown
It will make such a treasured memory

Yet when you've gone, how diff'rent things will be
So cold and bare, your warmth will disappear
It happens ev'ry year so let's agree
We'll plan a longer visit for next year

Sweet autumn it is time to say goodbye
I wish you'd come next year about July

   by Daniel Turner
Spenserian sonnet  rhyme scheme

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: heart, love,

The Heart's Journey

Should there be such pain in 
passion of the heart?
Or does the heart, 
simply by beating, 
know the boundaries of pain 
when it can no longer absorb any more joy?
The two seem intertwined at times, 
each exalted unto itself.
From euphoria to melancholia, 
the heart is on an endless journey 
seeking harmony and balance, 
yet finding anything but.
We torture our souls 
for the sake of love,
enduring countless curves,
on the road to the steep summit 
where a plateau cannot survive
the weathered storms for long, 
but for the season’s summers 
we exist.

Make Me Feel it Poetry Contest
Sponsor Becca Teagan
July 9, 2016

by Paul Callus |
Categories: baby, joy,

Time For Tears

The wait has been too long but now it’s time
To hold with love what she yearned for
No words for joy but grateful tears.

The radiant face aglow with sparkling tears
Cradling her child for the first time
She knows it’s been worth waiting for.

The fruit of mutual love she’s thankful for
She feels its breath and sheds warm tears
A lasting bond will grow in time.

A precious gift is born; it’s time for tears.

1st line of each tercet & final line = pentameter
2nd & 3rd lines of each tercet = tetrameter

19th July 2014
Contest: Tritina Challenge
Sponsor: Craig Cornish

by Kash Poet |
Categories: hope, imagination,

Stardust Drench Me

Stardust drench me with dreams tonight fill this heart with heavenly lights when the world is deep asleep lonely hearts which love to weep sprinkle your dreams on them all wrap their pains with your bright shawl stardust drench me with dreams tonight fill this heart with heavenly lights ==========000=========== Date--14th July 2013 Contest--STARDUST IN AN OCTELLE By--kash poet Octelle---the syllable count structure for this verse is: 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8 rhyme scheme is aa/bb/cc/aa... the first two lines and the last two lines are identical. © kash poet (kashinath karmakar) ==============000==============

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, time, visionarylove,

Amazing Grace

The soul whom the Son sets free
is free indeed,
Unlocking the rusting shackles
of oppression,
Allowing life’s amazing grace
to shine with His embrace,
Transformation of soul’s darkness
to light’s brightness,
The uplifting revelation of God’s
truth of freedom,
His extraordinary and infinite power
shining love every hour,
Preservation and hope for life
His love abound, no strife
How sweet the sound—
Wrapped in His embrace
Singing Amazing Grace! 

17th Place Honorable Mention/Certificate
Poetry Soup's International Poetry Contest
July 1, 2007

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: blessing, inspirational love, meaningful,

Haiku- Love Eternal

Haiku- love eternal through the realms unseen where the shadows reminisce I set forth my love July.05.2018 HAIKU in 5 7 5 only - Volume 1 Sponsored by: Poet Doctor The

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: life, light, love,

Be the Dawn

Be the dawn my love 

Shed the light into my heart

Everlasting bliss!

 © Demetrios Trifiatis
          15 July 2017

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: love, magic, moon, romantic, winter,

First Snow

First Snow Winter snow glistens painting our landscape white. Luna peers down from her lofty height bestowing her lovely glow as winter winds blow cold outside snow warm inside with hearth's fire aglow in loving arms of my beau. We both give thanks for this special night. Winter snow glistens painting our landscape white. July 13, 2020 ~2nd Place~ Andaree - 11 Lines Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Joseph May November 20, 2018 ~3rd Place Premiere Contest~ ONE NEW ANDAREE POEM Sponsor Emile Pinet November 2018 First Snow ~1st place~ CONTEST NO 520,ANY FORM,ANY THEME,UPTO A MAX OF 20 lines Sponsor Brian Strand

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: confidence, faith, longing, love, soulmate, time, wisdom,

Finding the One

to find one's soulmate
one needs to listen to their heart

some set out for the big quest
the truth is your soulmate is nearby

your mate’s destiny is to find you
strange how serendipity works

while you keep busy being
the best person you can become

your soulmate will hover around you
like a bee to a flower

it will happen when you least expect it
when you're at peace within

you’ll recognize your soulmate
you just need to listen with your heart

AP: Honorable Mention 2021, Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on July 17, 2021 for contest I SEE LOVE sponsored by MYSTIC ROSE ROSE

POTD - May 6, 2021

Originally posted on May 4, 2021

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

When Love Reckons For a Second Time

When love reckons for a second time, like a drum, it comes on fast and hard and strong until two hearts in synch beat passion’s song. Sometimes second love may gently climb or ease sure-footed to one’s door where it sweetly seeps and saturates the soul. Love the second time is strong and yet it’s soft. It doesn’t sting or snip. It listens and reverberates the whispers of the heart. July 29, 2014 for the Contest of Nayda Ivette Negron

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love

One More Peg

One more peg to quench my thirst, thirst of a desert nearer to sea so close to it yet so far. One more peg to forget the pain, pain of my heart which I once offered to you but you refused. One more peg to end this poem, a poem of love, love that is lost, lost in time never to come. Just one m o r e pe....... ===================== placement:10 th, (July 2011) Contest:Anything Goes Sponsor:Irma Linda Trevino By:kashinath karmakar(18th January,2011)

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: care, humanity, love,

Awake Compassion X

Awake compassion!
Your destiny's call, do not disregard,
Scorch the frantic passions,
Smash the rocks of excess,
And bar the streams of hate!

Awake compassion!
Your luminous face, do not turn
Open the gates of charity,
Trace the path of happiness,
And light mercy's holiest flame!

Awake compassion!
Your noblest hour has come,
Humanity's decree to proclaim!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       14 July 2022

* I am humbled by your comments and your support and for that reason 
I would like to share with you the POTD honor bestowed upon me. God bless
you all.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: inspirational love, love, spiritual, uplifting,

The Artistry of Your Loom

Transform me...

weave me slowly
into the silky essence
of ecstasy ~

spellbinding are your stirring threads
of silver and gold -
rich is your tapestry of tender tendrils --

and sacred is the union
of our
tantra breaths

Susan Ashley
July 6, 2018

*Tantra; Sanskrit: literally “loom, weave, system” - Wikipedia.
Tantra represents weaving strands into a unified whole; leaving this piece open to different interpretations of awareness, romance or spirituality based on your perspective*

~ First Place ~
Premiere Contest: July 2018 
Sponsor: Brian Strand

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, longing, lost love, lust, passion, sensual,

Her Brandied Beauty

Amidst wistful notions
   to revive his parched heart,
      he craves to be ladled with her ardent spirits,
         to be cradled... in the tulip of her essence.

Susan Ashley 
July 19, 2019

~ Tenth Place ~ 
An excerpt from: The Irony Of Fate (written July 18, 2018)
Submitted for contest: July 19, 2019
Premiere Contest: Arbitrium Divisa 3
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: lost love,

My Star

Diamond of my youth, bright like a star, I imagine sometimes where you are . . .  You may well be, as always I assume, far - so very far - away from me, but for all I know, you could also be like those mountains nearby me that loom. In my mind, you loom. But what if it's the tomb where I might find you ultimately? I can't bear to think of you, Darling, in the tomb or beneath the hard dark ground better it will be to think of you as my star burning ever brightly on May 3, 2017 for 'Best romantic write May-July 2017' Poetry Contest of John Hamilton