Love Poems About Kindergarten or Kindergarten Love Poems
by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: anger, sad love, school,

The Angry Wasp

He was an angry wasp, zooming around the kindergarten classroom.
Stinging other children with hits, smacks, pops and bites.
They were terrified of him within the first hour or so.
The teacher was losing her cool, her anger was showing on her face now.

Even the kindergarteners who had not been stung did not care for him.
They did not like watching him hurt others, and they saw the teacher’s face.
She hated him, so they would hate him too. 
It was what he wanted. He liked the validation.

It proved that his parents were right.
He was unlovable.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: crush,

His Name Was Bobby

His name was Bobby.
Angelic eyes; light blue.
Nothing like anyone I had ever seen 
Blonde hair
Odd for a boy I thought
Giggled better than me

I was completely smitten
He was smitten too
With Joyce, another blonde angel
Sweet girl whom I immediately decided to not like
in any way

He did not know I was alive
Could not tell me apart from my identical twin
I tried, but it did not work.
My love went to the other side quickly
He whom I had loved and dreamed about
I now hated with a passion

It is odd how you can go from love to hate
when you are in kindergarten.

by Sidney Beck |
Categories: childhood, education, school, day, kindergarten, , cute,

Tired Kindergarten Teacher


I love their cute,  fresh, open minds
But teaching  comes in different kinds
One day  I succeed in  planned  teacher-telling
The way to do things properly 
Next day  I  fail like a drunk in charge of a watermelon
Kids are like balls of mercury
Their containment is in serious  doubt
Exhaust me like a lemon at maximum squeeze-out.

by S.Jagathsimhan Nair |
Categories: kindergarten, love, me, passion,

Another Love-2

Another Love

You hold me in thrall
Charm me with your demeanor
And draw me to you
Like a kindergarten kid 
Is, by a wayside puddle.

For: Chris Aichtner's 'Enter the Tanka' contest

by Patricia Lewis |
Categories: life, child, child, senses, i love you, granddaughter,

Priceless To Me Or You

Hearing your first born cry..
Seeing your first born child take his or her first steps..
Hearing your first born say I love you mommy...
Seeing your first born child graduate from kindergarten..
Hearing your first born child say mommy your going to be a grandmother...
Seeing your granddaughter being born...
Hearing your granddaughter cry for the first time..
Seeing your granddaughter reaching out to you because she smells your scent..
Just think if we didn't have these two senses we would miss out on a lot !
Or would we?
If we just would take out a moment and realize the simpler things in life and not take our senses for granted we would appreciate way more

by L.C. Jarrette |
Categories: children, class, farewell, graduation, kindergarten, love, teacher,

Memories of a Chalk

Silhouettes fade as summer draws near
Yearning for their presence in this barren room
Rippling sounds of one's laughter cause me to tear
Awakens this reverie like scent perfume

The vastness I never thought existed
Past the hallways where we've spent our youth
Smiles of the little ones thus recollected
Pictures from the bulletins show love and truth

Just as my heart, the red apple sits quietly
Treasuring the bond of our love so pure
The hugs, fights, celebration and anxieties
Carves the path to grow and mature

Oh darlings, it pains me to say goodbye
So please keep this chalk to remember me by.

by Charlotte Jordan |
Categories: childhood, family, inspirational, life, love, mystery, nostalgia, time, graduation, prayer, time, kindergarten,

Last Time Forever

A mother’s loving look at her newborn child,
Never able to relive that moment again.
For it’s the last time forever.

Walking into kindergarten for the first time,
Feeling so alone and afraid, don’t fear
For it’s the last time forever.

Kneeling in prayer as you are born again,
Living as a sinner no longer,
For it’s the last time forever.

Walking across stage on graduation night,
Nervous because it’s your last few steps as a “child”,
For it’s the last time forever.

Praying to God to help you jump the hurdles,
Seeing prayers being answered, never doubt
For it’s NOT the last time forever.

by Leon Stacey |
Categories: education, inspirational, on work and working, kindergarten,

Secret Beauty

There is a secret to beauty
As timeless as the ages
With constant love and duty
Since the beginning stages
No wages could recompence
This fountain built of youth
And praises so excellent
For the art of work and truth

There is a beauty secret
That keeps you patient and kind
That first impression, I'll keep it
Etched in my heart and mind
So divine in all you say and do
Still angelic you do appear
With every teacher who loves to 
Teach us to reach our goals each year

Dedicated to my Kindergarten teacher:  Ms. David

by Kevin Crutchfield |
Categories: devotion, family, mother, me, me, kindergarten,

Happy Mother's Day

From Kindergarten to Graduation,
you've made a lasting impression.
From the good times to the bad,
you've been the greatest mother I could have ever had.
You've been a great inspiration in my life.
A loving mother, and to Dad, a superb wife.
You've helped me keep my head straight,
took off work to watch me at the plate.
As the years go by and my life begins to wind,
your love and advice is one of a kind.
Thanks for showing me the way,
to becoming a man one day.
From playing sports to playing with toys,
no matter what, I will always be your baby boy.
Thank you for everything you've ever done,
I always have been and always will be,
Your Loving Son!

by Dana Redricks |
Categories: absence, anger, father, graduation, growing up, hurt, sad,

Where Were You

Where Were You
Author Dana Redricks
December 7, 2015

You missed all the big moments
In my life my elementary graduation 
My first date; my junior high school graduation
My high school graduation; the birth of your
First grandchild; her first steps; her kindergarten
Graduation; her middle school graduation,
And her high school graduation and we are
Both now almost about to achieve another
Milestone; college graduation, and my question
For you is where will you be on that day? You
Missed most of my life, but you still say you
Love me, but I still say where were you, because
All I hear is empty words, and promises.

by Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther |
Categories: baby, home, kindergarten, life, light, love,

My Baby Strolling On Monday

There goes my baby
Strolling the long way home
Light of my life song

Shedding Sunday now
Kicking remnants down the slope
Waiting for Monday

by Cindi Rockwell |
Categories: anxiety, depression, heartbreak, heartbroken,

Total Collapse of the Heart

When once I sat and pondered the definition of heartbreak
I realized mine changed almost as quickly as I matured.
My toddler heart broke when Rover stole my ice cream.
My Kindergarten heart broke when Susie was cast as Cinderella.
In middle school it was whenever someone called me fat.
Home alone on prom night, chest a bonfire of pain;
That perfect job I didn’t get and heart broken again.
The thing is, the fuller the heart with love, hope
The greater the pain when broken, like two storm-fronts clashing.
So news my daughter had cancer broke heart, soul, spirit.

January 16, 2019

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, kindergarten, school, teacher,

The Mighty Fives and Sixes

I was asked to be a substitute teacher
For kindergarten. Wow. Sounds like a blast I think.
Sure. I’d love to, I say.
This was at 8:42 a.m.
By 9:00 I realized 
Kindergarten is tough.
Tougher than teaching menopausal kangaroos.
These mighty five-and-six-year-olds were
In complete control.
Me being the way I am.
I tried to run away a couple of times.
But the ringleaders kept grabbing me
And tossing me back into the waiting
Arms of the followers.
I got as far as the water fountain once,
But pretty soon I quit struggling,
Realizing I was a cracker
Being held hostage
By an ant brigade.

by Kevin Croft |
Categories: life, love,

It Goes Fast

Can i pay for a second?

To talk for a minute.

Can we escape for an hour?

Wake up the next day.

I'll call you next week.

We'll fix the patio this month.

Married this year.

He's in kindergarten at 5.

On the porch coffee and cigarettes.

We have been riding the decades.

70 smiling no reason for hiding.

At a gravestone confiding

Thank you for that second.

You gave me life undying.

by Chittaranjan Dey |
Categories: love, romance, love,

Lessons of Love

To love you is like Learning in the kindergarten, Honor your teacher with All the heart and soul. To love you is like To learn the song, To sing as you want With your tone & bass. But I have learned not to Worry and walk with you, I have learned not to Ask you any question. May be it's astonishing To a man in this world, Give you endless support But this is our fate. Because a girls heart Is the most precious thing All over in the world, I have learned this too.

by Nicole Poet |
Categories: angel, anxiety, appreciation, baby, body,

The Apple Does Not Fall Far From the Tree

Whispers surrounding every inch of her reckless body,
She hands the gumdrop to a stranger,
The gumdrop learns to walk and talk,
The gumdrop slowly potty trains,
The gumdrop goes to kindergarten,
The gumdrop falls on her head.

The gumdrop joins a soccer team,
Soon the gumdrop quits,
The gumdrop is a woman now,
The gumdrop graduates freely,
The gumdrop starts to go crazy,
Seeing splotches in her soup,
Talking to the statues,
The only friends of hers.

She meets a man and falls in 'love',
She expects her own gumdrop,
She breaks down.
Whispers surrounding every inch of her reckless body,
She hands the gumdrop to a stranger.

by M. Shahid H. Chouhdry |
Categories: allegory, analogy, appreciation, beauty, dream, love, missing you,

Fake Admirers of John Keats

Fake admirers of John Keats are spotted,
To check out if their luck goes as plotted,
Accepted the challenge,
They were so brave,
But they turned out to be kindergarten kids, so naive, 

How come a person claims to be Keats' admirer? 
If he hasn't faced the pain and is not a survivor,
Whoever hasn't read John Keats' letters,
Should be tied with a long chain of fetters.

The philosophers in this group drowned and dead,
They'd found a purpose in Lela, or their beloved,
When asked a question about Keats, they fell to the ground,
Some were bold enough to answer; the rest made no sound.

Written in response to questions asked to John Keat's admirers.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: love, school, teacher, teachers day, wisdom, woman, women,

A Wise Kindergarten Teacher

They were confident
 as they added their flowers, 
hearts and stars.

They were the dreamers, 
the doers, the artists, the doers, 
and they were mighty.

Their teacher was delighted, 
she gave them the pats and
hugs they sought.

Her words of encouragement 
gave them the bonus
 they needed, the love they were after.

They left for the summer, 
knowing they were the smartest children
 who ever were.

They were the mighty, 
magical, magnificent kindergarteners, 
thanks to a wise and loving teacher.

by Michelle Phillips |
Categories: dedicationme, me,

My Mom

Walked to school on that very first day of kindergarten. Helped me plant my first seed in my 
own special garden. Helped me up when I was down, turned my frown upside down. Healed 
my aching heart when it was broken and bruised, was always there when i was so confused. 
She always had a love for me that no one could ever measure, my mom was and always will 
be my greatest treasure.

by Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris |
Categories: dedication, friendship, kindergarten, mentor, nursery rhyme, people, poetry,

Loving People

We love people who hate us
Do all things with kindness 
Teaching them more about us 
To treat other people with kindliness

Life is too short 
Some people don't use money wisely
It is a wide long shot
Their future can be worst 

Knowing  to love and  assist others 
It is  always pleasing  God 
Who is living among us 
And want us to continue doing good. 

February 26/2023
Written for contest sponsored by Eve Roper
...Nursery Rhyme...

by Tina Dinh |
Categories: appreciation, boyfriend, crush, first love, girl, how i feel, i love you,

The Three Words

Every time I see him,
the whole world stops
as I grin
He looks at me
as if I’m crazy,
But I look at him
As if he were my prince
One with gorgeous eyes
Who attracts all the girls
Leaving them breathless
I want to tell him
I love you
Always have, always will
But the thought of it makes me
Feel like a hundred degrees
We’ve been together since kindergarten
But we don’t have much in common
He likes football
I like reading
He likes ESPN
While I like The Age of Innocence
But it doesn’t matter
Because of his magnificence
And all I want to say to him is
I love you.

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: cute, cute love, forgiveness, humorous, kindergarten, wisdom, words,


I guess, next to actual
transfiguration, writing
is closest I will ever come
to sainthood.  Not that 
everything about me
needs correcting, the 
old nun would scold me
with a suspicious smile – 
for more than once I saw 
her sneak a candy from her
top desk-draw, just before 
lunch, and the Sacrament
of Grace...

I forgave her
with a smile....

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: friend, friendship, friendship love,

Like the Commercials

They give me hugs and we laugh with glee
My childhood forever friends
The ones I have had for over fifty years.
One for sixty-two years actually, since kindergarten.
We make an arrangement for a playdate
And we run toward each other like the TV commercials.
We are linked by memories and experiences 
Too silly to explain to others
Remembered immediately upon sight of each other
Childhood friends, the ones you can laugh with
And cry with, but laugh with a full open mouth
Spittle is funny too!

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: school,

Do You Know What She Said To Me

My daughter came home from her first day of kindergarten thrilled with her teacher.
I was amazed, shocked, pleasantly surprised, as everything I had heard about the woman was unkind.
“I LOVE MRS. BETTING!” she yelled. She was dancing and twirling. She threw her lunchbox high in the air.
“Do you know what she SAID to me?” she asked us.  
I could not wait to find out.
“She said, ‘If you think you are so smart, little girl, why don’t you come up here and teach this class?”
So much for sarcasm, Mrs. Bee.

by John Rockk-Fiordelisi |
Categories: 2nd grade, depression, recovery from,

The Last Memory

Silly putty emotions 
Modeled with every 
Drama on TV.
So shallow.
Happy agony 
Not even scraping 
The surface.
Like a kindergarten 
Block stacking,
It all falls down.
That year
When you were 6,
And your second grade
Bravery was
All you had to hold?
When your pain 
In hell,
In the bathtub 
Of all sorts,
Molested your face
And pictures were
Taken,  because it's 
Grinding on the kite
You are flying high...
Cause the face hurts too much.