by Elaine George |
rose, winter,
I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath
How I long to touch those petals again
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss
Opened in passion whispering my name
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss
Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold
That now my love keeps you and me apart
But if I were to pluck this winter rose
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?
by Arthur Vaso |
art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,
The Park Bench
I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die
When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears
I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended
When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene
The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway
Drawing love on paper in may
by Daniel Turner |
analogy, life,
When we were young we loved our fairy tales
A frog could be a prince with just one kiss
Each cloud, a boat where dreamers could set sail
Imagination was the great abyss
Too soon we grew and lost our innocence
Found out that swords are never pulled from stones
That dreams come true but only with expense
And happy ever after's come and gone
Yet some of us still wish upon a star
Believe that rainbows come with pots of gold
Reality is life for most comes hard
And love like water runs both hot and cold
Like you I wish that fairy tales came true
But grown ups know they very seldom do
by Daniel Turner
by Lin Lane |
What beauty reflected in love's fair eyes,
a passion treasured beyond all measure.
As ardor stirred flames, I failed to disguise
the need in my loins ere want of pleasure.
As sweet the music I discern profound,
tis more honeyed your lips when touching mine.
Oh! My pained heart shall beckon love resound,
my moonstruck maiden, unearthly divine.
Mute, I cannot be, so near your soft breasts.
This besotted man has but scant more breath.
Grant me your pure love, not in mere request,
but with an angelic kiss 'fore my death.
I beg thee allow the stars remain bright.
Give yourself to me ere the end of night.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
January 9th 2016
by Elizabeth Wesley |
love, me, me,
You loved me just a little
You never loved me long;
But you gave my soul serenity
And gave my heart a song.
You loved me for a moment
I found it in your eyes;
But your mouth I could not capture
By temptation or surprise.
Sweet lips that I remember
With a poignant surge of pain
As one remembers fragrance
Of the softly falling rain.
Within this world of wonder
Without warning I feel sad;
The dream I hold still haunts me
For the kiss I never had.
by Connie Marcum Wong |
dream, friendship love, longing, love,
Your sensuous eyes render me a fool.
How clumsy I become within your mien.
I stutter, stumble trying to keep cool
While all the time envisioning a scene
Of you and I together palm in palm
As sun departs behind the hillside's face,
And in the blush of twilight I feel calm
Enough to kiss your lips with lover's grace.
My heart would swell if only this were so,
If even in my dreams it would come true,
That you might sense within my smile aglow
The awesome humble love I have for you.
One tiny glance of regard you impart
Would be enough to satisfy my heart.
by Andrea Dietrich |
How many images can I paint more
than I’ve already done? Like nights moon-lit
or meadow-dancing? You - whom I adore -
in every love scene - you’re the star of it.
The many colors! Oh, each brilliant hue.
I splashed them giddily when we shared bliss.
I’ve given sunsets, snow and spring to you -
Sweet passion’s words for you, Dear, and a kiss
I’ve always left down on the corner of
each canvas in our life, for there’s no me
without you, and there’s nothing but our love
to get us through, and sometimes tragedy
I’ve painted too – deep ocean’s blue – yet still,
I’ll paint you always lovely with my quill.
by Silent One |
love, romance,
Honey vapour scents travelled among seduced tepid zephyrs.
This was not a dream for I was within the realms of reality,
as fate's footsteps led my heart back to forgotten pastures.
Her persona was poetic personification, yet I was lost for words,
so in simple silence, souls serenaded suppressed symphonies.
The idyllic radiance of her eyes became a timeless memory,
the warmth of our first kiss an eternal celestial connection.
Silent One
21 June 2018
Example for seven lines of romantic heaven poetry contest
by Frederic Parker |
Along the feathered edge, a red sun-sets
To bind the evening in dreams eyes explore
Two hearts will greet, till' paradise begets
Love leaves impressions as waves swirl to shore
These caps of white will churn warmly the sand
The world will pass, the change of light is missed
Lonely eyes search for their yearning dreamland
When lips taste fire in a hungry kiss
As night arrives to shelter silhouettes
Soft is the sea to these two souls afar
In a twilight's pulse when the tide resets
And hands hold tight to await the Daystar
The fate of these lovers sealed in evermore
Tomorrow's memory from the seashore
by Vijay Pandit |
love, sunset,
Find me then, when gilded ruby sky
Adorns mauve twilight on canvas pink
Pleasing ardor of magenta dreams
Tinting smiles in brushstrokes tangerine;
Find me then, when ocean's blue bosom
Scintillates waves' vermilion passions
As sun's orange glow folds in embrace
Caressing kiss of love --find me then.
June 11, 2020
Placed 3rd: Repeat the phrase poetry contest
Nine syllables per line (
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud
by Karen Jones |
dream, feelings, green, how i feel, lost love,
I write so many poems that you don’t see
They end up in purple poem cemetery
Mangled in the **** of my maroon mind
Tangerine tangles of wasted time
Violet vines of not good enough
Tall teal trees of unreturned love
Winged words white like albino leaves
Falling to their death from teal tree
Falling for you’re deaf to my poet tree
Bass treble cleft left in green cerebral dream
Unsung songs unmade love
Sing a longs gone wrong
Made in maroon lust
But somehow I manage to hold on to it
Maybe it will be reborn as a chocolate kiss
of rainbow reflection of historical views
Of future endeavors red spice unused.
by Susan Ashley |
beauty, kiss, light, love, morning, romantic, rose,
Wettened by the mornings dew
Closely spaced where rows of roses grew
Footprints stained the cobblestone
Where my love and I had walked, alone
Sweet light's tryst with blowy mist
The fog and the dawn waltzed as we kissed
Fertile bliss of rosebud lips
Strands of sunlight round my fingertips
by Elaine George |
hope, love, nature,
Kiss you
While you sleep
Lady dressed in white
And melt your cold heart made of ice
Will rise
High into the sky
And fall as raindrops from God’s eyes
Buds below
Where now you will grow
With me - in the bloom of a rose
Author: Elaine Cecelia George
* Note: This poem is a Personification as well as a triple Fibonacci
Brian Strand's 'Image Contest': First Place
John Heck's '12-in-one' Contest: First Place
by Arthur Vaso |
deep, dream, lost love, love,
I lay down
A lazy Sunday afternoon
The first winds from the north
Blowing snow like a blanket upon our souls
I fall asleep, in a haze of dreams
Where there she appears and forgive the obvious
The woman of my dreams
Never undressed, mind nor body
Here, in my delusion I beg for her heart
Tears roll down upon her chest
I whisper softly, tell me, tell me
You are my twin, in coldness and the dark
Entwined, we breathe slowly in silence
Words have flowed like the tears of the past
I hold on, in love, in desperation, in ecstasy
I caress her hair, and whisper be mine
Then I awoke, another sad day
by Emile Pinet |
beauty, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts, music, passion,
Callused fingers press vibrating strings;
drawing passion from a violin.
With the burnished wood snug to his cheek,
the violinist plays from his heart.
Subtle vibes saturate my being
as crying strings elicit feelings.
And expounding on love's betrayal;
music stirs the imagination.
His bow hangs like a lingering kiss;
savoring the taste of ecstasy.
And then, with tears trickling down his cheek,
he unleashes unbridled fervor.
Experiencing pangs of rapture;
sound slips the bounds of reality.
And every note penetrates my heart;
igniting fiery flames of passion.
by Andrea Dietrich |
lost love,
I stand here by the lakeshore, and I smell
fresh honeysuckle as I kiss the rain.
A memory that I cannot curtail
wafts bitter sweetly to me, and again
it’s May. . . the night you came by the moon's light.
The air was permeated by perfume
from blossoms colored innocently white.
But now it’s summer; yellow is each bloom.
When plump upon the vines, sweet berries, red,
will be swooped up by birds - carried away.
I stoop to touch a stem. How soon has fled
my flowered youth, and now this day chilled grey.
I bow in downpour like the vines bent low
while raindrops - glistening with my own tears - flow.
by Emile Pinet |
beautiful, emotions, feelings, heart, how i feel, love,
How do I answer, what is love;
it's part hope, part apparition.
But what love truly is kind of
defies any definition.
Have you ever felt so alive
that it was almost too extreme?
And caught up in passion's drive,
have you ever let yourself dream?
Have you ever stolen a kiss
that left you floating on a cloud?
And filled with spontaneous bliss;
have you ever shouted out loud?
Have you ever danced on the air;
or felt warm and gooey inside?
And when jealous eyes gawk and stare,
have you ever strutted with pride?
Have you ever, for once, felt whole;
falling head over heels in love?
And felt such warmth within your soul;
that it rivals heaven above?
by Emile Pinet |
beach, beautiful, imagery, imagination, innocence, love, romantic,
Cascading waves wash ashore,
tickling toes, they ebb and flow;
as moonbeams
set a thousand jewels sparkling
upon the shoal.
Smiles summon sweet emotions
as we stroll upon the beach,
hand in hand
under a starry sky;
pausing to build castles in the sand.
And in this state of blissfulness,
two lonely souls unite
for all eternity.
Our hopes and tears
willingly shared;
trust defines the essence of caring.
And yet, love offers us much more;
facilitating fantasies,
while fulfilling dreams.
Agony and ecstasy meld
with each passionate kiss.
And my heart's consumed by fire;
having never felt a love
as intense as this.
by Mel Merrill |
Dancing once again with words,
As the two of us, embrace--
Another verse, another rhyme
Of waterfalls, and lace.
Romantic words in meter,
Although where's the gentle kiss?
Where's the touch and feel of it,
The tenderness, I miss?
Need I craft another verse, or two,
Of moon and leafy wood?
Should one appear, and touch my heart,
Then possibly I could.
But what would be the good of it,
Shall my words a love renew?
Then a sonnet I would surely pen
With the imagery of you.
And who can say, though distantly,
Perhaps a spark could grow--
Then I would dance, and cheek-to-cheek...
And let my poems go.
by White Wolf |
analogy, joy, love,
Such lovely lilac and crimson tones,
As a rainbow of colours fill the sky,
Radiant and beautiful soothes my bones,
Takes me above the clouds so far and high.
Captured in a moment of total bliss,
Wondering all the time what is life for?
Suspended in awe like a lover’s kiss,
Never felt like this to my very core.
Love all around and it's time I was found,
Beauty everywhere can't you see her smile,
Smiling at you and smiling all around,
It's time you gave love a chance for awhile.
But leave me above the clouds, here I'll stay,
I have found love in a different way.
(Ten syllables per line)
by Charmaine Chircop |
happiness, lost love, love,
Swept away
the last colour
of sunset,
Ocean in his eyes,
winds and waves
the sea-man loved.
Forever gone
the late-song
of night birds,
crushed corals,
sand and rocks
the sea-man loved.
Blown afar
the harvest seeds,
Flowers in his heart,
Petals in bloom,
Pale-pink blossoms
the sea-man loved.
Found and lost
the light of stars,
Alone He sailed
through narrow paths,
to mountain'shadows
the sea-man loved.
In hope to smell
the scent of her hair,
In hope to wipe
rain off her lips,
In hope to taste
her roasting- chestnuts,
to mend regrets
with just one kiss.
by Mike Gentile |
flying, hope, how i feel, journey, uplifting,
Each day I live and wake to see
the scarlet sun that shines for me
and listen to a feathered song
inviting me to sing along
I know I’ll find just what I seek
though rain may come to kiss my cheek
for with each day, with every sigh
there comes another chance to fly
The bluest blues of azure seas
are calling me now to appease
to leave behind an angry man
and wing away, I know I can
With love and grace, I’ll find the way
as I then glide through twilight gray
and to the clouds, I say goodbye
here comes another chance to fly
by Daniel Henry Rodgers |
love, march, math,
Infinite Loves Pi
Circling souls, forever one,
Decimal twirls, a spiral kiss
Endless loop, hearts entwined
Burning bright, love's endless climb.
by Vijay Pandit |
eve, romantic,
Meet me when
Sky paints pink
On mauve eve
Embossing love
With blue sapphires
Lured by kiss of
Romantic night
And twilight amber
In themes enamored
Bedazzles your dream
As horizon gleams
Lapis lazuli
by Poet Destroyer A |
beauty, care, creation, imagination, inspiration, lonely, love hurts, metaphor, nature, rain, sad love, september,
She writes about Fall's beauty in the rain
The falling raindrops' dance ascribing thence
Bespoken verse that lightens her refrain
before the time they met - her steps commence.
She listens to the soft and rhythmic thrum,
her love turned to escape and cloudy string
Where nimbus mistletoe fell, tears to become
Their kiss of Autumn was symbolic ring.
The first light cotton mists with summer rays
While skyward cheerful laughs adorn the land,
their ceremonial dance diffuses grays,
affectionate embrace, where dreams expand.
Upon September's sky the raindrops gleam
With half of hidden Sun to laugh and beam.
--------- 8-29-13