by Andrea Dietrich |
romance, water,
sheets of silver water
spill incessantly into the lake
beauty before our eyes
beckons us to bathe in radiance
lost in froth
we find ourselves engulfed
by nature’s pulse, shimmering delight
lost in love
my heart is pounding too
falling with the water - into you
Written Oct. 30, 2014
for the SOME FORM OF CRYSTALLINE Contest of nette onclaud
Now for A Strand (1063) Poetry Contest
by Sandra Adams |
longing, love,
the morning air staggers above the lake
through trees, i almost feel it kissing me
my thoughts spiral down like leaves amidst fall
this emptiness is more than i can take
beneath closed eyes you are all that i see
yet emptiness haunts within morning's call
Sandy Adams
by Heather Ober |
love, nature,
Trees reach like glowing embers
to singe the autumn skies.
Leaves burst with blinding colour
like sparks that spin and rise.
Then a breath of weightless fog
moves across the silent lake
where trails of molten clouds
fill the sunset's smoky wake.
The harvest moon emerges
like a second burning sun
to fill the sky with button-stars
that morning pulls undone.
Sunlight floods the gardens
to melt the morning dew.
This is where my heart resides
since September gave me you.
by Kash Poet |
imagination, love, romance,
Last night when you were in deep sleep
I scribbled a poem on your bare back,
a page so soft--with love bites and moles
I used them to cut the t's and dot the i's;
my finger tips' softly turn created ripples
in a placid lake where you prepared
to take a dip in your dream,
my words followed you in that unknown land
secretly to know your destination.
I remembered to forget every scribbled word
as it was my gift to the sleepless night,
she was picking up each word one by one
and kept them in her lap of silence.
For the first time,you never knew
how a poem was born and lost
in the silence of night.
© kash poet (kashinath karmakar)
by Hiya Sharma |
art, emotions, heart, imagery, moon, sun, sunset,
I'm an estuary of ivy-furs,
sleeping in monsoonal moonglades of love~
as the savannah sun of sunset blurs,
slowly unveiling stars with golden glove.
When russet- fairies twirl in a bronze lake,
singing with springs of watermelon wand,
an untouched summer unfurls behind ache,
lacing twilights with lush wishes, so fond.
Garden of grapefruit, doesn't forbid faith,
exotic eyes paint life with a rare art,
where hilly hues drape seashores ~ daisy-bathe,
my muse weaves magic on the 'bay of heart'.
by Andrea Dietrich |
love, nature, summer,
Oh, summer sun, all winter I have missed
your stale hot breath upon my upturned face;
your tongue that seers my flesh as I unlace
the strings on my bikini. I am kissed
by sultry lips that burn. I can’t resist!
I bask in light of day, and I embrace
Your penetrating rays that find each space
of skin exposed. I wait and plan my tryst.
And when you come, I’ll reverence you once more,
supine, as you would have me, to receive
your torrid touch as token of your lust.
In June we’ll meet as always by the lake shore.
I should not go. So well you can deceive.
Some lovers you have killed! Yet still I trust. . .
for Brian Strand's Your Choice,Any Form,Any Theme Poetry Contest
by Connie Marcum Wong |
river, romantic, water,
Romantic Waters
Romance dwells in moving waters
Cerulean lake lapping the shore...
Moonlight cast across the waves
As the sea sings of passion's amour.
Kayaking on the Russian river
In twilight's softest silhouette...
Feeling the droplets from Niagara
Lovers kiss near romantic falls.
Skinny dipping in an aqua lagoon
To cool before a night of passion.
Lazing next in hot spring waters
Encompassed in aurora's lights.
Lotus blossoms bask in waters
Of loving mem'ries so sublime.
Romance dwells in moving waters
In love straight from Nature's heart.
by White Wolf |
Before I leave from this world
A vision of you I yearn to see
Intrepidly my heart leads on
I possess the door but not the key
A swan on this lake of love
Loneliness, finally, has reared its head
Cold is the lake I am drifting on
I search the shallows for warmth instead
No comfort to be found for my aching heart
The shallows may be clear to see your way
But I desire the depths to dive down in
To turn this night into day
by Victor Buhagiar |
The forest music plays
A haunting tune,
Vibrating softly
All around the countryside.
The fragrance of the spruce
Exuding joy,
Combine with the scent
Of the mighty magnolia
Now in full bloom.
Darkness falls.
We trudge a path
Towards a lake.
The peach-hued moon shines brightly.
Peace reigns.
We shelter in a hostel.
Besides a window.
The glitter of the moon
Shines across the placid waters.
All is calm.
A room is available.
What better way to spend the night?
by Tim Smith |
child, friendship,
Magical memories etched into time
looking at life through innocent eyes
laughter and giggles are reminders to us
to cherish the moments, sit back there's no rush
Incredible journey's are about to take place
soon they'll be off bringing tears to this face
First friendships are molded from what young ones see
God's little soldiers are about to be set free
Teach them good values, kindness and trust
love and humility of course, respect is a must
show them with actions let feelings shine through
and never forget to say I love you
The roses are blooming, there are geese in the lake
Invite them to nature and special memories make
by Victor Buhagiar |
Lilac lavender leaves fluttered ethereally
over the smooth sea of the placid lake.
A shimmer of light shone over the calm waves,
as they rolled silently and collectively
towards the sandy shore now lit
by the rising of the amber full moon.
Wave after wave composed
a lyrical enchanting melody
played by the rising orb.
The leaves formed fragrant shapes
emulating the grandness of the scene.
In the gathering darkness two lovers
heard the alluring symphony
and felt each other entwined
in a dance of love as the moon
in a dreamy crescendo shone
brightly evermore.
Until the eclipse took place.
Then it hummed no more that night.
by Jeffrey Leiser |
animal, autumn, dog, nature,
Down through the thicket,
Over and across the forest bend,
A tail sways, as the wind lifts leaves
of red and yellow.
Aside a pond kissed with moss,
we take a long walk on a clear day,
crawdads and minnows astir.
With hind quarters stiffly creaking forward,
he pants and sniffs at vibrant life
before stopping to rest and regain.
At the edge of the lake,
he laps the fresh water,
his fur glistening, hot to the touch.
Back home, he gets a warm bath,
the fragrance of his fur calling to mind memories
of previous days.
And as he sleeps, that labrador of love
on four legs, I am thankful for the
leash-led life.
by Edward Ebbs |
Eyes like a clear lake,
reflections of a dreamland,
skylights for two hearts.
Walking amidst the cloud tops,
the light brightens up their day.
Edward J. Ebbs - March 15, 2015
Written for a Contest, TANKA 2
by Mohammad Yamin |
love, passion, night, night,
In summer night when the sky is blue
When in hearts passions ignite
When the clouds shower a sprinkle or two
When desires brighten the darkness of night
When in the skies the stars wink
When butterflies sleep and night bird’s awake
When fountains flow with serenity’s drink
When the sound of breathing, the silence break
When thoughts are dressed in colorful gowns
When the breeze is pregnant with love’s fragrance
When the time in the lake of enchantment drowns
When in ecstasy the whirling Sufis dance
When my soul in agony of despair writhes
When swords of loneliness are out of sheaths
I care not whether false or true
Whisper in my ears, “I love you”
by Kim Merryman |
god, inspirational,
Rainbow days and starry nights,
Snow-capped mountains and eagles' flight.
Crashing waves from storm-tossed seas,
Refreshing rain and a gentle breeze.
Delicate flowers and trees so tall,
Red, orange and yellow leaves of fall.
Rolling thunder and lightning bright,
Sunny skies that bring delight.
Cotton puff clouds on display,
A clear blue lake where fish can play.
The chirping of birds and crickets song,
Invites all creatures to sing along.
In all these things God can be found,
Indeed, His gifts are all around.
Open your eyes and be amazed,
As God reveals His love each day.
For Brian Strand's All Yours (April 24) contest
by Sandra Adams |
autumn, love, memory, today,
Today I find
yesterday's essence
still tarries within my mind
I try and wrap myself
in thoughts of you
to regain warmth
from November's wind
the trees
are less blushed than I
as they stand naked
from this weathered touch
I feel you
in a winded breath
like a tongued whisper
against bare flesh
the lake
mirrors my reflection
as I smile back
through its ripples
as if fingered
by the soft caress
of your hands
I can see the sun
paint passion's red
across the sky
I get lost in the depths
of you within mind
and climax
between the folds
of this day
by Arthur Vaso |
art, french, imagination, lost love, love, moon, symbolism,
Skies falling, upon the ragged heart pasquil
Tranquility ripples across the lake in plethora
She is there, in my heart, a sweet delusion
As I cross the waters wishing I was omnipotent
I drop my oars on forest floor, seeking Aurore
I run along the earth clad pathways towards the cloister
Praying that accrued love still has her beholden
Kneeling on one knee, I look up with a glint of promise
The Lantern reflects back the softness of her eyes
by Tom Zart |
adventure, happiness, nature, men,
Besides love men need fishing,
And for both, most are wishing,
Catching trophies chosen best,
To be envied by the rest.
Fishing is a game of sport
Loved by all, both tall and short.
We must fool the fish’s eye,
If we plan to stir and fry,
Some use boats while others wade,
As they fish the sun or shade.
Ice-cold drinks help pass the day,
While life’s troubles fade away.
Most men feel they've everything,
With their rod, hook, cork and string.
Be it river, pond or lake,
We all pray our line won't break.
By Tom Zart
by John Watt |
first love, loss, lost love, love hurts, sad,
I write of two-edged swords (that tired clichè)
as though this modern boy knew hilt from blade;
as if I had been taught of true swordplay,
not learned from movies Errol Flynn had made.
But plainly put, things work more than one way:
the lake that offers joy can also drown,
the sun that melts the wax can harden clay,
the fire that heats the meal burns houses down.
A hammer is adept at building things,
though hammer's claw might tear the same apart.
The kiss that first gave freedom to love's wings,
when given to another, broke my heart.
Two-edged clichès may give the reader pause -
I know firsthand the damage they can cause.
written 30 Apr 2022
by Andrea Dietrich |
bird, winter,
Far from the town and its bustling throng
knowing just where to go,
Sister and I are walking along
a pathway in the snow.
Down by the lake and over a fence
are hungry ducks and geese.
To their clamor we give audience,
watching their flock increase.
Off comes my ****, for I have brought
what they love to be fed.
I hold out my hand then as I squat
to toss them crumbs of bread.
Those ducklings and geese can’t get enough,
but new snow fills the sky.
My frozen hand goes back in my ****,
for no more crumbs have I!
For the Let it Snow Contest
Based on the first picture: George Dunlop Leslie's Winter Walk
by Frederic Parker |
beautiful, love,
The moon gave silent shadows to our form
As we lay beneath its splayed softer light
The time spent is instinctual and warm
As mist from the lake engulfs us from sight
The depth of suspended droplets transform
And roll across us in sheltered delight
To be covered by moisture's misty air
Leaves a mystery,no trace of us there
Contest Through The Mist
Frederic Parker
by Le Incendié |
love, daffodils,
Pelting shapely pebbles into the lucid lake,
Lonely, among daffodils and golden mandrakes,
And rejoicing the dance of silver flakes,
A delicate penumbra catches his fancy great,
And in a sweep, away, his heart does take.
Ruthless in love and incredible in stake,
He dives deep down,
Into his own grave.
by Connie Marcum Wong |
angst, hope, longing, winter,
How beautiful our love was
In the springtime of our lives.
How tender was your touch—
Your fingers caressed my body
As softly as a willow’s leaves
Brush the waters of a still lake
In the wake of a soft breeze—
I felt each ripple spread
Outward over me,
Consuming me with
The pulse of your passion.
The vessel I use to contain these
Precious memories keeps longing
To return to our springtime,
Where time stood still and our hearts
Remained impenetrable
To the outside world.
How cold this winter has become.
For Chris D. Aechtner's Free Verse for Winter Contest
by Phillip Garcia |
divorce, lost love,
Mid-April evening, overlooking Clear Lake
at Chelsea’s Wine Bar, a party of one:
Sipping white zinfandel, I feel the chill
of my half-empty glass while fancy-free
flatware clatters impassive pageantry.
A moment. An hour. Another, until,
on the wooden veranda, I see you take
a familiar draw from your lipstick stained
cigarette. I thought you had quit awhile back.
I couldn’t - and step outside where the
unchanged breeze holds a subtle hint
of perfume. That hasn’t changed. I hesitate,
but then say “hello”. Turning away, you say
“it’s late”. I nod. Unnoticed by agreement.
For Fancy Free Poetry Contest
by Vijay Pandit |
girl, imagery, innocence,
Blue sky
Meets vigor
Of azure lake,
Golden light frolics upon amber waves
While little girl sits, conversing with duck;
Feel my
August 16, 2020
Double Tetractys Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Eve Roper
Photo #1