by Lycia Harding |
absence, bereavement, break up, depression, grief, lost love, silence,
Nothing further can be said.
No more shall now be spoken
from dispassion's distant bed.
Nothing further can be said,
as such deals are, by the dead,
struck mute. So even broken,
nothing further can be said.
No more shall now be spoken.
by Paul Callus |
love, relationship,
You think you’re the best
Your mind is at rest
You love with trust and zest
Believing that deep down he feels the same.
But now I’m afraid
His love could abate
It looks like it's too late
Already in his dreams he calls her name.
[I have to point out that this is not the usual tailed rhyme poem,
it's my own personal layout.]
by Cynthia Russell |
adventure, africa, age, america, anniversary, anti bullying, appreciation,
The Splendid Tulip
No other flower has been the cause of savor
There are 16th century tulips beds of every flavor
Oriental pigments suited for an exotic bouquet
Garden visitors buy tulips with pots made of clay
The sparkling tulip arranged in a basket
A layout of tulips found by a love one’s casket
A wish for variety of tulips never gets loss
Beautiful composition at the right cost
Red, yellow, white tulips of splendor
Tulips in the window not associated with gender
European vases for tulips with a long stalk
Splendid tulip scenery in the forest to take a long walk
by Irfana Ali Bhat |
nature, seasons,
Amazed to see
the flaky romance
of snow with whirling winds……
As if nature is playing
a pillow fight….
With all its might….
Or as if it is showering
flower petals in honour
of his muse…
What an ambiance it has created for his love
in no time…
The layout so serene
and groovy
Even heaven is looking down with envy
After the tumult is over
The eagerly waiting Sun
comes out to see what has
been created in its absence
The earth appears sparkling
As if layered with diamonds
Leaving everyone spellbound
With such a startling view…
by DM Babbit |
absence, anxiety,
Not one more me and you's
the silence that layout in the open
reveals the unsaid truths
everything is broken
nothing left for love now stolen ...
Just another open-heart surgery
that tears apart my soul
that me and you lost in our perjury
making us cut apart from the whole
everything ends of a once me with you toll.
Pack your things as quickly as you can
the holiday is over
better to go now than then
wave goodbye over your shoulder
as we end, don't say it ever again, I'm no pushover.
by Melani Udaeta |
emotions, feelings, love, romance,
My whole layout you rearranged
fragments fit my shredded heart,
revived by a blackout unplanned;
Cabinets you couldn’t leave closed,
repairing hinges that had fallen apart;
My whole layout you rearranged;
Led me down a route untouched
unprepared for all you would impart,
revived by a blackout unplanned;
All that was familiar now changed
as I stretch along this new chart;
My whole layout you rearranged;
Doors and windows you have opened,
transformed this home from the start;
revived by a blackout unplanned;
Commencement began at the end
I am excited to finally depart;
My whole layout you rearranged,
revived by a blackout unplanned.