Love Poems About Leaving or Leaving Love Poems
by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, best friend, light, moon, sun,



The shining light hides behind my eyes,
Comes in a super nova surprise
My spirit glides into the skies,
Spreading the perfect heat like the sunrise

I was like a diamond under the beauty of the ocean!
My current rides out with smooth motions,
Leaving a taste with intense emotion
Captured by my tides, sunk to my love potion

The sun sends my waves like a mirage of snow
I got the moon to favor upon my glow
With every star touching my inner soul
A glimpse of darkness in my light entwining with a massive flow

Blinded by my own ECLIPSE!
My sun & moon collide
Until the day we both touch lips


by Daniel Turner |
Categories: philosophy,

The Sum of a Life

This life we're living
Is so unforgiving
Reminding us every day
Of games that we played
Choices we made
Dreams that faded away
Paths that were crossed
Loved ones we've lost
Still promising a brighter tomorrow
When that promise is broken
Our wounds rip back open
Leaving hope to drown in deep sorrow

From our very first breath
We're stalked by death
We live our lives in fear
Knowing well it won't last
So we live loose and fast
Look up and the days have become years
We add peace, subtract strife 
Find the sum of a life
Discover we've love left for giving
Love that goes wasted 
On the bitterness tasted
In a life so unforgiving

  by Daniel Turner

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: angst,


Our shadows were so restless
As we passed from room to room;
They pretended to be living
But they died within their tomb

 They shrank a little bit each day
When the sun shone bright above;
And both of us now waste away
In the sadness of lost love.

In days of younger shadows
That danced in noon's bright light;
Laughter floated on the breeze
Till our day turned into night.

Burdened by life's troubles
Our shadows danced no more;
They became the darkened spots
That faded on the floor.

Now death's arms have taken you
Leaving only memories of your face;
The shadow that was part of you
Is now gone without a trace.

Collab with Danny Boy, the Kearley

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

A Peaceful Smile

"Before the winds were born and there were signs of life,
 your beauty was already stirring inside my soul."

Star light shine down for me this night
for I may see just one more time
through hungry eyes
a solemn soul   still
in contemplation 

Strokes gentle in a sea of silk
reflected in a perfect way
showing beauty
unknown   still
seeing faults

Night carry your breeze to her side
blow away any guilt
leaving   just
visions    still
and a peaceful smile

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, angst, anxiety, death, emotions, feelings, grief,

Fueled By Love

Grief hides itself
behind a veil
of anger, fear, and disbelief,
and yet, it invades your every thought.
Inside, you want to lash out
at death;
to send the hurt back!
Grief clings to death,
and in so doing
devastates the living.
Your world shrinks
to memories,
reflected in pools of tears.
And life loses its spark,
a part of you is missing
leaving a hole in your heart.
Time is but a concept
of the mind,
as flimsy as a thought;
it has no power over grief.
And yet, there is something
stronger than time
that can numb the pain, 
and that is faith... fueled by love.

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by John Gondolf |
Categories: death, lost love, sad love, suicide,

One Step Away From Eternity

Alas, I stand atop this mountain crest,
and gaze upon the valley down below;
the graveyard where your body lays at rest,
sits in the center shadowed by plateau.

My sad heart aches with every breath I take;
I wonder why I’m made to bear this bane,
and live a life that’s cruel and opaque,
while trying hard my teardrops to restrain.

This awful illness claimed your life so soon,
while you and I were living in our prime;
the heavens haled you, leaving my life strewn
across this wasteland, sadly out of rhyme.

‘Tis but a step across this steep degree,
and I will join you in eternity.

July 20, 2018

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, image, lost love,

Paper Plane

Since you left, I've been unable to dream, thrashing about in tangled sheets all night. I fold paper planes, odd as that may seem, preparing the night's fledgling fears for flight. I believed we'd be together till death, and yet, you left me all alone and scared. Without you, I've no reason to draw breath; what kept me going was thinking you cared. I scribble down my anguish and my pain, describing how your leaving has hurt me. And fold the page into a paper plane, hoping the hand of fate sets my heart free. I await a breeze to launch my letter; for once my plane takes flight, I'll sleep better.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, beautiful, character, feelings, how i feel, imagery, imagination,

The Color of My Heart

Sketch tomorrow leaving today behind, following the footsteps of yesterday. And feel the ripple of all life combined; empty your thoughts; take all but love away. Emblazon upon your mind a blue sky gilded by the golden hue of sunrise. And ponder a dragonfly zipping by, watching its beauty materialize. Blend the yellow of a buttercup's glow with flashes of flickering firefly lights. And walk the Earth, yet, let no footprint show, respecting life by honoring its rights. Mix well until presumptions fall apart; and thus reveal the color of my heart.

by James Peranteau |
Categories: love,

I Do


The maiden's spinneret
         cocooned i

  leaving the spiracle
       for the words

             I do

by Eve Roper |
Categories: poets,

Friendship of Sunshine From Norway

Like leaves on ivy vines and the taste of fine wine In our hearts fill with tales of fairies, love, and sunshine Leaving her beautiful inspiring presence behind A goldmine of fine array of poems, friendships of sunshine 3/2/2020 From the poem "Sunshine Smiles" posted 10/18/2016 A tribute to a very lovely lady Anne-Lise Andresen

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by Dan Kearley |
Categories: funny, inspirational, love,

A Gentle Kiss

A gentle kiss, that I really must send To another true, and very dear friend Pucker up babe, it's coming your way And riding a storm, so it should be there today I licked my lips before I blew, so I know it's going to stick But with all the lightning, it might have a little kick So when it hits your lips, it might give off a little spark Now what started off as a gentle kiss, might be leaving you in the dark
*For my sweety* *Elizabeth Wesley* Love,Dannyboy 8-24-12

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: autumn, beauty, death, french, funeral, leaving,


Lusting the passions of a secret desire
Unwinding the mystery of my needs
Funerals are for the future
Internment I ask be deferred
Timeless is my youth
Useless is my request
At seeking eternity or at least eternal rest
End of times may seem long away
Beauty we know fades, it will happen some day

So I dream of youthful moments
Isle graveyards were far away

Holy wars and loveless scores
That a soldier must endure
A desire for peace escapes this generation and more
External forces and internal woes
Death dances at my door

Dedicated to Sara Bernhardt, who slept in her coffin amongst all her love letters.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, spring, , sweet love,

I Dreamed a Butterfly

I dreamed a butterfly in golden days when buttercups lay in the fields ablaze. It fluttered to my cheek, sweet love to bring. My heart was wont to burst and wont to sing. In breath of morn was scent of bluebell sprays. On blossomed blankets of the fields we’d laze, and into one another’s eyes we’d gaze, my love and I, as April had her fling. I dreamed a butterfly. Our bliss was as the spring, a fleeting phase, and brief’s the beauty of young lovers’ craze. As cruelly as a wasp, he left a sting - and all the lovely plans we made took wing, leaving mere memories of golden days. I dreamed a butterfly. 2/21/13

by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: introspection, lost love, love,

In Forbearance

Where was I 
when repo men invaded,
boxed me up within his cool heart
fragrant in its distaste of warmer climates?
You know,
climates governed by love.
(Daydreaming of knights, that's where.)

Now I have only so much patience remaining
for this slapstick brain-
a nasty reminder, the heckler of my heart,
what spews sensibility
when I simply yearn to err. 

And I scarcely have time to mourn
his devil's smile
leaving southward in moving vans
transporting my pieces
(all the valid ones)
with him
as I sit numbed,
next to climbing ivy poisoned by my disbelief,
unpaid for.

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: abuse, addiction, forgiveness, relationship,

Laws of Attraction

Mind over matter

      It seems the mind
      is more forgiving
      than the matter

Love at first sight
Magnets inseparable 
Believing true love could
Conquer anything
but anything butt up against matter
Hard enough Long enough
turns out
is enough is enough
for matter to shift
Attraction becomes Repulsion
Mind over matter

      The mind forgiving
      matter not forgetting

Both hoping time will heal the wounds

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: loneliness, lost love,

Crazy Crazy Love

Inspired By Angel Marie and
Her Poem "Crazy Love"

She looked at me with tear filled eyes
And said that we were through
Then walked away, from my love
There, was nothing I could do

Now my fright, grows strong at night
I pray that she is near
To think she might, not return
Is now my greatest fear

I drive around, while on my cell
But she's nowhere in sight 
Worried sick to death
I hope that she's alright

Perhaps she's leaving on a jet
She may be going home
I fail to see what this has done
But leave us both alone

by Mary Hoose |
Categories: anger, betrayal, break up, divorce, leaving, love hurts,

For Two Timing Husbands

How many tears must fall from brown eyes before I lay me down to sleep.
Where hurtful dreams of betrayal and lies hide in shadows they creep.

How long did you think you could go around cheating and not be found out.
With all your two dollar whores and think I'd not scream and shout!

See if they'll put up with your bullsh**, until the next one catches your eye.
As for me I'm done with your no account two timing a** once and for all...

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: lost love, love,

Our Time

cashed out
way before
the meter expired
sending our dreams somersaulting
helter skelter to the whims of what never was planned
leaving fairy tales breathless, our favorite song, weeping still, in the landfill of love

by Charles Hamouth |
Categories: absence, leaving, lost love,

Supermarket Check-Out

Had she looked back at me
Even for just a second ...
Our encounter might have been the stuff of tabloid frenzy. 
But she left quickly a coffee in one hand, 
A shopping bag in the other,
And I waited for my turn next in line.

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: beautiful, metaphor,

Street Flower

When the orange edge of the sun rises above silver tint hues of an endless horizon I sway with silent elegance in the meadow of your heart You 'd pick up all scattered petals from dusty pages of the past. And there you find my concealed love... It is then when you recall untainted colours of the promise forgotten truths and everlasting us. It is there where you blow softly your Spring breezes in gardens of fragrant nights So that in a tomorrow,this unpretentious margarita would waft its aromatic scent once more in those amorous deep-set eyes. Slowly It falls untamed,innocent,and pure, like a child's dream in the tight-pull of your never-leaving arms.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: inspirational love, love, spiritual, uplifting,

The Artistry of Your Loom

Transform me...

weave me slowly
into the silky essence
of ecstasy ~

spellbinding are your stirring threads
of silver and gold -
rich is your tapestry of tender tendrils --

and sacred is the union
of our
tantra breaths

Susan Ashley
July 6, 2018

*Tantra; Sanskrit: literally “loom, weave, system” - Wikipedia.
Tantra represents weaving strands into a unified whole; leaving this piece open to different interpretations of awareness, romance or spirituality based on your perspective*

~ First Place ~
Premiere Contest: July 2018 
Sponsor: Brian Strand

by Joseph May |
Categories: love, pain,

Petals Of Pain

 Love's pretty flower blooms with beauty in the spring
 Nourished by caress of gentle rain
yet love can break a heart, leave it dangling on a string
 As tears fall upon petals of pain

 Love's pretty butterfly floats on summer breeze
 Seeking love's sweet nectar, does it flutter yet in vain?
 For love can lose its wings, and come crashing in the trees
 Leaving teardrops on petals of pain

 Love's pretty melody sung by birds in early morn
 Echoes through the trees and down the tree lined lane
 love songs can turn to breakup songs, piercing like a thorn
 As tears are shed over lyrics which cause pain



by Andreanna Escamilla |
Categories: feelings, hate, heartbreak, leaving, love hurts, poems, poetry,

Muted Love

Not this day No My mouth shall not say The words that linger Trailing broken syllables From memory bay Without meaning I cannot form them Even as I pray Turning in guttural acidic taste By bitter bile way Fumbling resentment Phrase to phase With no sway from sentiment Shall I dare? Shall I say? Nay! Struggle thought Drowning heart turned grey Oh how heavy they drag And scuff the floor from their weight I look at them there in utter dismay Clutching my heels as I walk away I left them there Begging! Just as they left me that day Those words... Once meant for you That I will NEVER again say