by Joanna Daniel |
Life is in pieces of black and white
Like a chessboard
The moonlight shines through darkness of night
Like a barcode
Noah chose a raven, then dove
Bad luck or peace?
A bride in white dressed in pure love
Black mourn decease
The penguin and the zebra
The snow leopard
White tiger and the panda
Monochrome weird
Milk boils when it is heated
Tar melts when hot
Cotton flies, wool is seated
Coal heats the pot
I print all of these lines
In jet black ink
On a white sheet designed
To make you think
by Diaa Adel |
beautiful, blessing, butterfly, fantasy, imagination, romantic love,
An energy field,
Once you get in it, you will be stuck in there forever,
She will captivate your mind and spirit.
Your body might be able to escape her spells,
but your thoughts, emotions, and senses will worship her...
Don't beg for your freedom,
I have seen her pulling the likes of you and me,
Like a Leopard pulling her victim with a sufficient amount of certainty.
Even if,
She sets you free, it's one of her charming tricks,
Without her blessings, you will be lost male energy in
an endless universe owned by her.
by Don Johnson |
some men are never ready,
love is there for you,
4 sex they're going steady,
missing out on love their due,
leopard spots won't change their mind,
johnson tells it true,
the fate of the unkind,
words about me too :(
by Mick Talbot |
journey, nature,
I walk not alone at night,
the stars my companions,
guide me to my destination.
The moon illuminates my path,
lights where I place my feet,
along my treacherous way.
Along the mountains cliff ledge,
a path, leading to my true love.
Perfumed air, a hint I'm nearing.
Her call, she watches me closing.
Be aware, hark, there are others,
they seek my attention too.
My snow leopard instincts kick in,
I roar my confidence, my presence.
My lady love purrs a welcome.
My genes passed on I roar,
my success no longer a contemplation.
I move on, a new path I follow.
by Charles Clive |
dream, travel,
I've yearned to cross the seven seas
and visit Paris, Athens, Rome;
or wander off to where I please
with rucksack, very far from home.
I'd love to see the Taj Mahal
or plunge into the ocean deep;
then watch a hungry leopard snarl
or glimpse a crocodile asleep.
One day I'll get beyond the hill
to satisfy this wander lust;
but then, perhaps, I never will.
My distant hopes are less than dust.
And now I'm old, I fantasize
of trips across the seven seas.
Each day I sit and close my eyes
and travel - anywhere I please.
For Russell's 'Dreams' Competition - Written August 2012.
by Don Johnson |
sweet young lady,
love does grip,
will she look at me,
fat chance charlie,
could be i've slipped:)
cos i'm a spotless Leopard,
brain grips,
by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
analogy, metaphor, political, power,
I moved myself through the jungles alone
Singing and whistling disorderly tunes
I did not know someone was listening
Marking me as a leopard does to a prey
I listened to foxes haul in the distance
As leaves hugged themselves in love
But as I listened, he too listened closely
He wondered the silent night as I did
When I sat up, took off, he sat up and took off
With a stick in my hand, he too with a stick
Scared and worried, I jumped away and he did it
With courage, I shot into the distance like a deer
Little did know the wisdom of the stranger
On my heels he was and fell on me as I did
Scared by my own shadow, haunted by it
As fool, I was scared by my own shadow
by Nwando Obianyor |
caregiving, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, love, peace, social,
Friendship is a gift,
The best gift;
It causes birds to fly so high;
It is priceless,
As the spots on a leopard;
But it can be bought,
Only by love,
In a market called peace;
It's not seen but felt;
It's a lubricant
In times of distress and war;
It can last as long as the eyes can see,
As short as the appearance of a lightning;
It's a wage,
That keeps running waters calm;
It renews and rebuilds strength
Of the hopeless;
It's as large as the pacific,
But many liken it to the streams,
Too beautiful to let go;
Glows like the morning sun,
Bonds victims together,
Under an umbrella called love,
And a band called humility;
So lovely,so calm.
by Daisy Ward |
betrayal, boyfriend, feelings, love,
The day I met you
Was like music to
My ears
You were kind, gentle
An considerate
You was so loving that
You melt my heart away
One day your true colors
Soon arrived, the mask
You were wearing fell down
Underneath it was a
Cruel, cold human being
Abusive and disrespectful
At first you hid it well
Under your fake mask
Was a ugly human being
It was said, that a leopard
Always shows his spots
JULY 23, 2020
by Chhavi Gandhi |
Sitting upon the rocky outcrop,
Where the black eagle flies.
Your love for this land,
Burnt clearly in your eyes.
We heard a troop of baboons,
Although they could not be seen.
The yellow, winter highveld grass,
Was turning a virgin green.
You spoke of the rare wild leopard,
That roams the hills with grace.
Pride at your african heritage,
Etched so clearly on your face.
Now back in the the city,
Telephones and faxes screaming.
I long for the other life,
Where the birds are forever singing.
You let me into your secret world,
A beautiful, tranquil space.
Untouched by man or civilisation,
A very special place.
by Caren Krutsinger |
Under the sea I discovered colors I did not know existed on this earth.
Hues found only under the sea and in heaven, maybe, but maybe not.
The fish left me alone; but when they hid in the reef, I sheltered.
Being quintessential humanitarians, they taught me how to survive.
In the rain forest I spied the leopard, she was licking her babies.
I sent her God’s love, hoping she was too engrossed to bother me.
Her giant tongue stopped licking; I knew better than to run.
I learn more from nature than I learned in nineteen years of school.
by Ernest Robles |
poems, poetry,
I love the human form
and charcoal images
upon a background white
the leopard leaps! Into
my mind by crossroads
called human eyes!
it's the Golden
s u n r i s e
where the lonely
congregate to feel loved.
:: 08-22-2016 ::
by Patricia Cresswell |
beautiful, happiness, joy, longing, love, relationship,
come to me my darling, my deary,
my sweet cheeked youth.
though snow may curl lovingly
about your brow
and life trace deep paths
around your ardent eyes
snuggle me cosy comforter.
your wisdom sings
through a masterful touch
that travels my landscape
laughing that i blush
as you discover me once again.
your hand relaxes
liquid honey trails flow lazily.
deep in your chest I hear your heart
my charm, my grail; there too echoes
your need-filled voice.
you fill my arms handsomely
we taste passion mellowed by time
it is rich varied tender-wild and artful
the edginess smoothed by knowing
come to me my snowy leopard
make time dance
by Joanna Daniel |
snow, winter,
White blanket covers everything,
A cardinal croons above,
Hibernation is in full swing,
As God sends His snow-kissed love,
Arctic foxes seen in our yards,
Snowy owls stare with their eyes,
Chipmunks over acorns stand guards,
As chickadee coos and cries,
Outside, a blizzard is blowing,
Hungry, a snow leopard roams,
Frosted winter life is slowing,
While we're snug inside our homes.
12th January 2023
For Tania Kitchin's "12 lines of rhyme - Winter nature themed" contest
by Emile Pinet |
10th grade, beautiful, emotions, feelings, i love you, image, imagery,
You're as fetching as a lissome leopard,
imbued with a wild imagination.
And you massage my heart with caresses,
while navigating love's destination.
You see the beauty hidden from most eyes;
and buff it till it shines for all to see.
And fantasy weaves a magic carpet;
as love grants us a taste of ecstasy.
We snuggle up to a cozy feeling
shared in the ambiance of our embrace.
And afloat in a sea of emotions;
my wishes and your wishes interlace.
I can feel your heart melding with my heart,
triggering feelings of exaltation.
And instantly, our souls morph into one,
immersed in love's intimate sensation.
by Caren Krutsinger |
I am in love with a tiger but he does not love me.
I stare at the leopard, not knowing what I see.
That’s difficult to believe, how can that be?
I have no idea, of this I agree.
Where is this tiger? I ask. Shall I talk to him?
I adore this leopard, she’s a good friend, Missy Kim.
He’s right next to your arm, hiding in the jungle grass now.
I do not stay to talk, when I hear a low growl….
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, animal,
I love flowers he told his mama,
Shh! She said, you know the llama!
The llama was the biggest gossip around.
She would soon have this admission all over town.
Leopards are not supposed to like flowers Mama said.
Admitting this might land you upside down on your head.
Worse, it might land you down in a gully, practically dead.
Do not tell anyone your feelings about this, his Mama said.
But mama, it is how I feel, the leopard replied.
How can I hold my feelings all down deep inside?
Just keep this one silent, until you get a bride.
I do not want one of those either, he promptly replied.
by Caren Krutsinger |
3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, animal,
A spotted leopard in a banyan tree,
Kept his yellow carnivore-ic eyes on me.
I knew better than to move fast or try to flee.
Big cats love a chase like Simon Legree.
His eyes narrowed, but I refused to see.
How fast that cat was chasing after me.
If I can just get to that tall tall….
by Leonard Taormina |
Like the danger of a mine field;
As I pass there through her eyes
There beyond attraction
A lounging leopard lies.
Its cemetery is a beauty;
Unfathomable and one of a kind
And in desire is my mystery
How can I make this creature mine?
There within my composite;
A lethal weapon lies;
And life is as a wager;
Of which invitation buys.
Beside and all around me;
Ride my defenders from another time;
They serve me as protectors;
Making it worth what worries I might find
Moving forward with increasing speed;
My heart pounds with excitement;
And my life projects its sellf as intensified;
For today I either die or live sublime
by Jagdish Bajantri |
beautiful, bird,
Teasing move
Like the duck swim
In a lake Like the swan
Fly in a air like the water
Plain like the lazy Sea leopard
Eat like the cat fight like the
Fish jump like the bat live in a
Cave like the way you tease without a word
I die daily to see your face of
Teasing move with a cup of tea
With love all
Jagdish bajantri
by Mario Vitale |
abortion, adventure, africa, age, america, anniversary,
Call It What You Will
A cheap thrill
Onto the vast duration of time
Red, yellow & black
Working so hard can give you a heart attack
We make plans then break plans
Will it ever end it all depends
A challenge to be free is a question of time
A spade it still a spade
A leopard doesn't change its spots
Mark the one willing to explore
A chance to see so much more
A tug at the heart will light the spark
You got something that everybody loves
Don't look at yourself it comes from above
To treasure a red rose that was plucked a time ago
The soft decorum of a quaint romantic kiss
Run to love else it will be a sure fire miss
by Gershon Wolf |
desire, love, lust, sensual,
Stroll through the land mines of love
Steer clear of a vial of perfume
Swerve 'round a leopard-skin thong
Blush at the ruby two-lip blooms
Stroll through the land mines of lust
Remove all your clothes if you must
Your pulse races, palms sweat to death
Lie down in these pastures
~ Hold onto your breath
by Adeyemi Joshua |
allegory, love,
like leering leopard
feeble flesh flicker
sassy spots smirk
scorching saucy surge
punctured passion puke
per prey's view
taunted tongue elated
eerie emotions elevated
dangling deer highlighted
porous paranormal bleeds
crushing callous creed
severing saucy speed
Sprint hoisted heel:
my siveness' spree.
by Bulelani Dodwana |
art, conflict, crazy,
I never loved you
I was never in love with you
I did like you
Maybe it's because I thought you would never leave
Now that you are leaving it hurts inside
I think of all the times you where right by my side
The struggles we went through
It was only me and you
You always had my back
Please understand
I don't want you to go
Please come back
I can't handle this stress
Look I'm all alone I'm a mess
Let's try again
I not a leopard so you know I'm gonna change
I promise this time it won't be the same
I can't handle the pain
You love me I like you this makes sense
Don't leave me in the dark
When started you promised you would always be my light.