Love Poems About Lighthouse or Lighthouse Love Poems
by Wren Rushing |
Categories: house, light, love,

Lighthouse On the Shore

There is a lady all dressed in light, who stands above the jagged shore at night. To guide the sailing ships to safer seas and beg the wicked storms for calmer breeze. She ever shines her light across the bay, in hopeful search for love that sailed away. He left the land with plans to bring back gold, to ask her hand to wed, the story's told. When his ship met with tempest gales, the waves ripped the hull, wind stripped the sails. The lady waits at night for him on shore, as he still lays with gold on ocean floor. Sometimes you see her lonely light afar, it shines in the sky like a distant star. 12/16/18

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love,

Love Returned

you’ll never be lost
just follow the glow you gave...
i am your lighthouse.

© Harry J Horsman 2013

by Sandra Hudson |
Categories: inspirational, love, mother,


Mother, you're the lighthouse
That illuminates my path
Mother, Your the advisor,
and consoler of my wrath

Mother, you're the toothpaste,
that keeps my language clean
Mother, your the glasses
that keep my vision keen

Mother, you're the walking cane
that guides me along the way
Mother, you're the crimson rose
I stop to smell each day

Mother, you're the safety pin
when things won't come together
Mother, you're my rainbow
right after stormy weather

I thank God for all you do
and what you mean to me
I love you Mom, I always will
For all eternity

by John Patrick Robbins Aka Gonzo |
Categories: introspection, life, passion, sad, timeold, old,

A Walk On the Sand

We knew love together hand in hand.
Memories are still living.
With are walks upon the sand.

Seashells in a old wooden box.
The oceans spray.
A vanishing form down by the old 

A bottle without a message
comes in with the tide.
Try as I must this pain
I cannot hide.

That old lighthouse stands as
strong as should I.
The tide changes yet never does die.

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: conflict, destiny, lost love,

Sailing For Love

My love can part the oceans, But it hasn’t reached your shores… Sailing in the breeze with emotions, As my heart rudders and explores. Within the mist of heartaches, The thunder passes through… Shattering sorrows of earthquakes, Exposing the love I have for you. The deep sea swallows my soul, I’m drowning in ambient aquatic… Resurfacing amidst the Devil's Hole, A delusional drift by evil’s erotic. Sails are down the anchor thrown, A lighthouse dims of love unknown. June.21.2019 YOUR CHOICE(12) LOVE VERSE, Any form or theme Poetry Sponsored by: Brian Strand Honorable mention for contest...Thank You

by Royal Ninja |
Categories: love hurts,


My spirit is strong, my heart is weak.
The only break I'd get is falling off a ladder.
I smile to ease your heart, 
deep down I am without cause.
You are at times my lighthouse,
but often leaving me to drift into the fog.

by Randall Smith |
Categories: love

A Lighthouse

I've gardened and read
I wrote poetry in my head
I picked up all the clippings
And everything red.

Time now to nap
And dream dreams far away
Of my true love
My one love
And a light house....

by Jan Allison |
Categories: sea,

The Lighthouse

I stand as a sentinel by day and night, winking my eye to provide sailors light. Huge waves hit my feet, yet I stay strong, and I will remain on duty all year long I love to feel the sea spray on my face, and try to make the ocean a safer place by warning the sailors of jagged rocks, and guide them safely to local docks. When fog blocks my view I sound my foghorn, it booms out so loudly and is there to warn the sailors of such tempestuous conditions guiding their ships to much safer positions The Lighthouse Contest Sponsored by Eve Roper 12/16/18

by Edward Jones |
Categories: love,

Lovers Moon

When the moons soft lips kiss the sunset
Veils of darkness close there arms around us
And light bleeds through a pin pricked sky
From distant worlds we can only imagine
And the suns once warm and yellow rays
Are now white and cold on lunar reflections
A dead world, that only shines in darkness
A Jewel on black velvet, a pearl on the sea
A lighthouse to eyes that sail in the night
And as they say with a moth to a flame
So to can you say the moon is to lovers

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: allusion, devotion, fantasy, love,

Spring Is Still Magic With You

Let's just sit and touch fingertips! Warm and ever so lightly, please. As we face each other on our knees. Come to me now! You know you set me all aglow, With your always lighthouse eyes And unfailingly, glimmering obsession.  Yes, a plethora of decades have flown! But, you, my treasure on your knees, Lifts us up entwined in an enchanted rhapsody! Higher than any great, ambrosial tree.. To Arcadia, your ancestral land. Where peace, the stars and God, Approves of our everlasting kiss! 5/19/2019 3pm PST

by Jen H. |
Categories: love

He For Me

His arm like a scarf
   Draped over my shoulders
      Radiating warmth and love

His eyes like a lighthouse
   Watching over me discreetly
      But still holding the peace of an ocean

His voice like a music box
   Murmuring loving words to me
      Sweeter than honey to my tired ears

His feet like a map
   Carving a path for me
      Steady and swift in the Earth

His heart like a drum
   Beating slow and steady
      Beating for the both of us...

by Gregory Golden |
Categories: imagery, imagination, inspirational, introspection, love,

When Love Is Tethered To Your Heart

When love is tethered to your heart, a kite in flight,
It soars on winds of passion, yet anchored true.
Like a lighthouse beam piercing the night,
It guides you home when the skies turn blue.
A vine that winds around your soul's strong tree,
Growing deeper roots with each passing year.
An unbreakable cord in life's stormy sea,
Holding fast when doubts appear.
This bond, a constellation in your inner sky,
Illuminates the path where dreams may fly.

by Mary Rotman |
Categories: heartbreak, sad love, word play,


prairie lighthouse desert ship arid ocean soothing whip ugly sunset healing pain somber puppy fiery rain gentle windstorm happy wail righteous sinner see-through veil eternal love random fate marriage vows fleeting hate

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, change, cheer up, confidence, cool, courage, cute love, deep, destiny, emotions, environment, fantasy, fear, feelings, first love, for her, funny love, happiness, happy, how i feel, humanity, hyperbole, i am, i love you, inspiration, journey, joy, life, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, ocean, paradise, philosophy, pride, romance, romantic, senses, smile, spring, sunshine, travel, uplifting, wind,


imagine the rainbow being
the dark tunnel 
you've been stuck in for years

the lighthouse on the horizon,
the beam 
that gets brighter as it nears

get soaked in the rain,
feel the sun in your heart,
let go of all your fears.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: dark, halloween, horror, travel,

Haunted Lighthouse - the Free Flow Style

~ Haunted Lighthouse~ (Free Flow Style) Perched above water Full of ghost stories Lighthouse is so old Lightkeeper still here Love doing his rounds This is still his home Never wants to leave it Lighthouse is so old Some folks see his ghost Sometimes he appears They listen at night Footstep sounds upstairs Lighthouse is so old He still cares for lighthouse It's always his home. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2012

by Sean Tracy |
Categories: devotion, encouraging, feelings, future, love, metaphor, together,


My light will guide you
Though obstacles crowd your way
Your future shines bright
You will make it through unscathed
Here I stand to keep you strong

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: family, love,

A Family Affair

Angry and confused, I climbed the stairs.
My family was dear to me
I could not help shedding tears.
Could the lighthouse provide me with a key?
Outside the tempest roared, stormy seas so deep.
Yet the lighthouse was a solace to me.

My daughter in her room asleep.
Why did my wife call her a black sheep?
A solution my wife had to find.
One can't keep her daughter confined.
They need to bond and be aligned.

Problems with family affairs.
One of course could only plea.
All she had to do was open the door and peep
Resolve to speak quietly and kind.                
The storm abated, so I returned to my family
With a hope that mother and child will find sanity.

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: desire, dream, husband, relationship, romance, sensual, soulmate,

Where Frozen Embers Still Burn-Part 2

I had a dream of you late last night
and I saw you standing underneath
the Lighthouse tower's light.

The sea was calm and the wind was
mild, but my heart for you was beating
so lovingly wild.

I reached for your hand and you smiled
but the distance between us could have
been miles. 

I placed my soul upon the wind and hoped
it would reach you before this dream
would come to an end.

In this dream, I found you and our hearts
touched and our lips met. 
Locked in my memory forever, this dream, I will  
never forget.

In my soul, my love, for you I still yearn
and in my heart is where these frozen embers still

by Christy Hardy |
Categories: friendshiplove, me,

A Perfect Rose

In every life,
someone will stand out, 
someone who makes a difference,
someone who gives comfort, and love.

Sharon is that someone to me,
when I am down, she picks me up,
when I am blue, she reaches out to me,

Although her world is upside down,
she is anchored firmly,
she is comfort,
she is a lighthouse.

Her strong values keep her grounded,
her kindness keeps her human, 
and just knowing her makes me smile.

Sharon, you are an angel,
you have given so much of yourself,
your time, your comments, and your blessings.

I love you friend...... 
a rose needs rain, and sunshine to grow,
friends need friends to love them,
and they will grow into beautiful perfect roses.

by Mike Jones |
Categories: beach, sea,

A Seaside Town

Bright coloured chalets, (very dear !)
Stand close in military line,
Along the prom, beyond the pier
“NO CYCLING”, please, observe the sign.
The waves roll in with thunderous roar
To dash the pebbles on the shore.

Incongruous lighthouse in the town
Looks out above Edwardian tiles,
Across Sole Bay and looking down
Shines out for more than twenty miles.
The pride of Suffolk, on the coast,
For many not an idle boast.

Victorian sleepy seaside town,
That’s Southwold, home of Adnam’s beer. 
I stroll the prom, first up, then down,
Sip coffee on the antique pier.
I love its charms and golden sands,

by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: dark, journey, love, night, spring,

Arrival of Night

Huddled seagulls fearlessly, serenely
nap early ignoring calamity;
dark offers safety generously...
night arrives silently, mysteriously.  
This lighthouse's brilliance constantly
lures captains avoiding distraction,
but hastily captivated: ambition
and desire palpitate intensely. 

Entered in nette onclaud's contest,
 " The Lighthouse "
Written by Andrew Crisci
on 9/24/2014

by Deb M |
Categories: home, love,

Lighthouse Love

Custodian of love

Holder of heart

Guardian  of secrets

Catcher of dreams

Guarantor of trust

Protector of spirit

Defender of honour

Caregiver of soul

Guiding hand

Husband to me 

Lighthouse Keeper

by Adam Kennific |
Categories: friendship, love, mental health, mental illness, sorrow, wife,


Spent too much time mourning dead dreams of mine, 
Look you in the eye with my wistful stare. 
Withdrawn for so long, you won't find me there, 
A melancholy hell of my design.

Please hold my hand tight and tell me I'm fine. 
Squeezing grim feelings eases my despair. 
If God did this, who uttered the prayer?
What did I do wrong? Please, give me a sign!

Through my shroud of depression, you should know,
What being my lighthouse means when I'm lost. 
Gloomy aggression seems all I can show.
Loneliness comes at a terrible cost.
I always feel like you want me to go, 
Quietly hold me until I exhaust.

May 26th, 2023
Eight Word Poetry Challenge sponsored by Emily Pinet

by Birgitta Le Roux |
Categories: break up, goodbye, i love you, missing, romantic, sad love,


It seems to me,
Since you lay right here.
I thought we’d be,
Till you disappeared.

A lighthouse sunk to the sea,
In the dark of the night.
With no light to guide me to you,
Ill drift here,
Till I can set sail again,
or forever fall at the edge of your reef.

by Joseph Sergi |
Categories: love,

Drift Into the Deep

As I lay my head down to sleep,
 before I drift into the deep.
I thank the Lord for the day,
 and pray for another chance to say.
I love you my dear with all my heart,
 I'm sad and lonely when were apart.
But together we'll grow old and gray,
 in a lighthouse by the bay.
And as I drift into the deep,
 I whisper "I love you" and fall asleep.
