Love Poems About Loneliness or Loneliness Love Poems
by Silent One |
Categories: death, loss, love,

Indigo Inkwell

My hands are tired, so I let my brush rest, unable to paint Autumn's loneliness. How much I miss you can never be stressed. August has left behind blank emptiness. Sitting by the window in the corner, watching the world in its colourful hues. I search for your face among the murmur, but all I'm left with is a muse with blues. In simple stillness your voice echoes loud. Each stitch I weave I see you before me. Memories remind me of what we vowed. Without you there would be no artistry. My palette is dry without your pastel, all that's left is an indigo inkwell.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: emotions, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love, sorrow,

In Woes and Throes of Sorrow

I rise and fall like melancholy tides
in ebb and flow of wistful disrepair,
our separate in consciousness divides,
the whiff of grief fills broken-hearted air.

Neglected now, heartstrings' rawhide, I mourn
with briny beads that water my dismay,
eyes teary drizzled mist, inside forlorn,
my psyche pierced by thorns in love's bouquet.

Whatever will I do, this emptiness..?
A gnawing hollow where my heart should be.
My lonely preys me like a lioness,
a simba stalks this lost love refugee.

Soft morning sun does gaze into my eyes
enlightening the depths of agonize.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: loneliness, sea,

Windswept Heart

I always answer
     Without hesitation
          To adventure’s calls
Through waves that toss
     Winds that batter
          I survive squalls

On a sea of emotion
     Alone I swirl
          Feeling blue
My rowboat has two oars
     Two benches
          Shouldn’t it carry two?

Sky and sea
     Speak of eternity
          But they have each other
I would give all
     Just to know love
          And sail with another

by Carol B. |
Categories: absence, anger, depression, loneliness,

Like a Tree In the Desert

Prick me with your vivid green awareness
Let the white pins that needle me
Diminish into their foggy sham

The bridal wreath that scented our commitment
Now doused in unkept hopes and promises
Moss sprouting venom from hurts battled

Like a fish floating in space with no oxygen 
I swam in currents without you 
The tank occupied with endless dark clouds

Fraught with fear and loneliness
Love now submerged deep in the recess of my mind
Unclear what is sacred what is trash

I prayed you would see the light
That my white knight would return
This battle is fierce and yours to fight

by Robert A. Dufresne |
Categories: lovelost, autumn, lost,


If e're we could move that mountain from between thee and me,
where would be lament or reason to grieve?
How remove the hollow from the tree, or shore from the sea?
What left would there be?
What if ere the beam lost it's moon.
Or lovely Autumn raiment lost it's tree? What then would it be?
Can one sow the seed without the land?
Would this be what Powers planned?

The grief, the longing, oh, the heartfelt gaze,
The strife the loneliness, but a soulful phase.
A mountain surmountable, a hollow fulfilled,
A sea able to be, a beam again spilled.

A stage again for raiment,... a fertile valley for seed.
Our love could not be boundless without the bonds of these.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: emotions, heart,

Hearts At Odds

Hearts made of wax, sent through the mail Should help relax, instead I wail, They will soon melt in time's hot hands, Loneliness is felt midst life's strands; Hearts made of glass shatter and fail When griefs harass, they don't prevail, What use are these hearts so feeble, Poor pleas of perishing people? Hearts made of stone are cold and fake, Even Love will own - "Hard to break", Will they be healed? How can I trust? Feelings concealed, what if they bust? Hearts made of flesh and blood, I seek, They won't crush my sentiments meek, Understanding hearts of love - Now, fear departs, before them I bow. ----------17.12.16----------

by Mike Bayles |
Categories: bird, good morning, loneliness, longing, missing you, nature,

Sweet Breeze

The sweet breeze through the window
asks nothing as unseen birds call.
It asks nothing of the sun
as it sweeps across yards,
yet it whispers to waking dreams.
My dreams ask,
Did I love too much?
behind my mind’s eye,
and what do they mean
when we give of ourselves
so fully we are spent.
Now I’m alone.
Canadian geese gather
crowding a path along the river
as the day passes,
so consumed with each other
they ignore the mothers
and children who pass.
A ski jet slaps waves,
and the river breathes.
The gaggle whispers among itself,
and nature speaks a language of her own.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, loneliness,

Living Hell

Damned by the devil's curse upon my heart
I pace the lonely bridge twixt love and hate
Stalked by death's shadow from the very start
Forsaken by the guiding hand of fate

My restless soul sleeps in the tangled thorns
Nursed by the acrid milk of bitter weed
Tormented nightly by old lovers scorned
And haunted by a score of sinful deeds

Pray, take me now to storm the gates of hell
Confront the wicked one and question why
Twas reason for my birth under his spell
To live a loveless life until I die

I curse this lonely life given to me
The fire of hell is all t'will set me free

  an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, missing you,

Lonesome Love

For where is the love that I seek, My soul searches deeper still… Hearts hibernating in mystique, I surrender to its wavering will… Looking up to sapphire skies, May it rain pearls of passion… Tears that fall from elusive eyes, Are saved as reminiscent ration… May I find your love in galaxies gold, Your sculptural smile behind the veil… Marooned to your mesmerizing mold Lost at sea to your sequestered sail… Can lonesome love eternally exist, Where kept kisses are forever missed. Dec.31.2019 2019 best sonnet Sponsored by: John Hamilton Placed 3'rd & POTD...Thank You

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: grief, loneliness, longing, lost love, solitude,

Alone I Walk

I walk and walk
and in my mind
I walk toward
something someone you

I walk and walk
in a motion I wish was soothing
somehow it’s nowhere that I walk
never getting closer

I wonder how it is I’m walking
riding life’s evermoving sidewalk
going against the tide against the grain
never getting closer

static not getting anywhere
and not getting further
I’m left alone with my illusion
of somehow getting closer

AP: Honorable Mention 2022

Submitted on May 31, 2022 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  RANKED 5TH

Originally posted on May 30, 2022

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, hope, hurt, imagery, love hurts,

Everything's Okay

Love feels like an illusion; a mix of lies and the truth. For it's non-responsive to the expectations of youth. Facing doubt and frustration, bravado falters, then slips. And yet, in your fantasies, passion congers eager lips. Hope courts imagination, summoning a dreamy smile. And you find your private place, where you haven't been for a while. You're in search of a soulmate who will share your existence. So, you continue to look with undying persistence. You fall in and out of love with ghosts that haunt night and day. And despite your loneliness, think, everything's okay. (Quatrain) 6/21/2015

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beautiful, introspection, loneliness, romance,

The Lamp Post

You all see a romantic couple kissing
I see a lonely lamp post
You all see the blossom of love
I see a fading light
You all see the spring of love
As I see the terror of another lonely night

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: angel, art, beauty, death, depression, loneliness, romantic,

The Cemetery Was

The cemetery was
Before my very eyes, stillness
Autumn leaves a blanket on the dead

The cemetery was
There, as it always was there
From childhood till now

The cemetery was
For me, my escape, comfort and refuge
Among the strangers and the dead

The cemetery was
My pathway to the heavens
The gateway to my dreams

The cemetery was
Until that one fateful day
My sanctuary

The bullet wasn’t even meant for you my love
You are dead none the less, beneath me
I, who weeps at your grave, lifeless too

Now the cemetery is my hell
Tormented by what ifs
I breathe the autumn frost only

That one day
Our daughter will become

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: allusion, angst, destiny, humanity, introspection, life, loneliness,

I Do Not Exist

I have been erased
no face
no name
Silence invades

I speak yet have no voice
no soul
no heart
Darkness I embrace

Invisible to the mirror
Into society I peer
no one sees
what does not exist

Asleep or awake
there is no existence to partake
Possessions collecting dust
While what does not exist rusts

Who am I, that never existed
That bleeds but never lived
Murdered by love
no matter

I do not exist

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angel, death, grief,

Life Is For the Living

Today another angel got her wings
Promoted for a job well done on earth
Rejoice! In heaven, all the angels sing
His grace has filled her with angelic mirth

Though quickly earth reclaims the pyre's ash
How swift the ceaseless seasons of the sun
Grief fades and loneliness becomes the lash
A harsh reminder of that special one

But in our times of sad and dark despair
Our angel fans the dying flame of love
No longer suffering, her joy she shares
Reminding us she's waiting up above

This life is for the living, not the dead
Our day will come, when no more tears are shed

June 21 2019

by Marti Sutherland |
Categories: desire, love,

The Days Before You

I no longer recall my yesterdays
or the ho-hum, mundane things I once did
The years I spent suspended in life's haze
Shielding the wounded heart,  I  shyly hid

Until perchance the day I found someone
Whose tender heart reflected shades of blue
He wore a dark mask, but it came undone
When I searched his sad eyes, twas then I knew

Our days were filled with laughter and great joy
Long nights consumed with passionate desire
No reasons to hide in disguise as coy
In the throes of love we gladly conspire

No trace of deep loneliness we once knew
No memories of the days ~ before you

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, sad,

A Hollow Heart

A hollow heart devoid of love 
is like a night no stars above,
or like an old abandoned well
whose empty echoes speak of hell.
A lonely heart will gently weep
as raindrops through her veins will seep,
and cascade down a pallid cheek,
and leave a weary spirit weak.

My broken spirit aches with pain
when sun sinks low at end of day,
and darkness douses hopes thereof
as midnight chimes amidst the rain.
These sad forsaken dreams portray
my hollow heart devoid of love.

June 17, 2020

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: love, poetry, poets,

Moon Captured By Her Spells

Blue skies and rainbows

Science fiction and fables

Poetess and poet are making love 

She’s writes the verses to undress me

Great lines that flower in her hair

Her lips of ink are red and rosy 

Each stanza goes straight to my head

I want to read and read her

Over and over

Every day, any time 

From cover to cover

She writes of loneliness and sorrow

Of broken hearts that never mend

She is the dream I need each morning

Moon captured by her spells

I want to read and read her

Over and over

Every day, any time 

From cover to cover

Blue skies and rainbows

Science fictions and fables

Poetess and poet are making love

by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: absence, break up, loneliness, longing, lost love, miss you, sad love,

For Only a Moment

Did it have to last for only a moment,
our love withered before the flowers you sent,
white carnations, a pure love they meant,
a relationship so newfound and innocent.

Our love withered before the flowers you sent,
your early departure I could not prevent,
a relationship so newfound and innocent,
a memory lingers on like a sweet scent.

Your early departure I could not prevent,
white carnations, a pure love they meant,
a memory lingers on like a sweet scent,
did it have to last for only a moment.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: pain, poverty,

A Wind That Blows Loneliness

The wind blows softly over the lonely,
The suffering think of themselves only.
A world of chaos, racism, and turmoil,
Utmost egomanias spoil our toil.

An old man groans, no decent place to live,
Are there relatives? No comfort to give?
Blow softly oh lonely wind, they care not,
They are comfortable, and all forgot.

Somewhere a child is crying his heart out,
Can anyone guess what it's all about? 
Is the child hungry, lost, or cast aside?
Much abused, ill-treated, or love denied?

There are millions of cries heard on the wind,
Alas no one bothers: is man unkind?

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Moment In Time

A moment in time, frozen in my mind Vision of beauty, an angel in my eye Sunshine sparkling down Brightening up my cloudy days Life was on the downturn spiraling lost... out of control Nights of loneliness. days of false smiles A few choice words, consoling my cries Those killer smiles you gave Those deep caramelized eyes, giving solace to my broken heart Taking my hand, you lead me from the deep, into the light. Upon the next shooting star To you, I devote my heart.

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: depression, loneliness,

Fading Porch Light

Fading porch light lures with pale glow
a circling moth, dull-beige and bare.
As starlight ties vast sky in bows, 
I shy away from ruthless glare. 

Night holds secrets I’ll never know  
of bold ventures and starry-eyes 
of love; cast alone in shadows,
I cry. The fading porch light dies.   

Unwelcomed guest, the moth again
boasts of heights, flitting and spurring 
my desperate cries - through open
window, lifting higher, whirring.

Moth seeks light on wings now broken
forever gone, my dreams unspoken…   

Entered in Silent One's Sadness Contest, 2/9/17
Originally for Chopped II Contest, written 11/4/14

by Jeffrey Lee |
Categories: inspirational, philosophy, social, visionary, planet,

Imagine That

If there was no crime
No hurry for time
No genocide
No homicide
If there was no mothers burying their sons
If mankind didn't invent guns
If schools still had prayer
If everybody recognize Jesus Christ as our savior
If there was love and respect
No hate between white and black
No homeless
No loneliness
No wars
No rich or poor
No accidents or disasters
If man only served one master (God)
Imagining is good for all it's worth
Heaven is definitely not planet earth

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: absence, allegory, beautiful, blue, creation, dark, inspirational, loneliness, lonely, longing, loss, lost, love, miss you, rose, sad love,

You Know I Love You

Winds may howl,
Wild animals growl,
The forest grows cold, 
For I am lonesome and old
As the sun peaks through the clouds, 
I hear your soft, young voice so loud!
And though you speak dead man's lines,
You speak them with majesty divine
As I am wrapped in  my woe,
I only want you to know...
...that roses die black and violets lose blue,
But I will never die
And you know I love you!