by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Pink and perfect mystery
to which I ply my finger,
she ripens so exquisitely
the longer that I linger
and fluff the modest blossom
with my gentle loving hand,
teasing, ever pleasing
so that now I understand
how beautiful the flower
that yields without duress,
blooming now so fully
in the warmth of my caress.
by Charlie Smith |
blessing, nature,
It's how the stars are lit at night
and how the dew drops glisten
How evening shadows mock the light
and it's how the silence listens
From the gentle sway of trees
that bid such fond adieu
Songs in a summer breeze
a voice so clear, so true
The glory of such symmetry
so more than fills the eye
To the beauty of such poetry
this hopeful heart draws nigh
In natural peace all love is born
To live and thrive each blessed morn
Poem Of The Week of 3/19/2017
Best New Poem of the Month 4/01/2017
by Andrea Dietrich |
autumn, love, nature,
F eeling enraptured, Autumn dances in the wind, then undresses.
A s bright robes fall to the ground, her passion paints the twilight skies.
L ike a nymph, she beckons, tossing her fiery auburn tresses.
L ongingly she sighs - September’s bliss lingering in her eyes.
I ndian summer days come; then they go.
N ights though chill, embrace her in indigo.
L ater, in November, her sweetness wanes.
O ctober cannot stay forever loving her.
V acantly she gazes through freezing rains.
E ndearments whispered - cease - when Fall loses ardor.
by Silent One |
angel, appreciation, tribute,
They walk amongst us, but in silent ways,
spreading peace and love without any praise.
When thunder roars and lightning strikes in rain
they watch over us, healing bleeding pain.
Yet we do not see their celestial light,
nor do they shed feathers within our sight.
Happy to hide behind unknown faces,
empathy guides them to deprived places.
Heal and soothe, they prevent tears from flowing,
touch our hearts to leave our spirits glowing.
From Sydney to London, Rome to Bombay,
provide moments that take our breath away
Their acts of grace form a ripple effect,
kind gestures that help people to connect.
by Poet Destroyer A |
adventure, animal, beautiful, blessing, celebrity, funny, life,
~My Nutty Squirrel Poem~
Up in a tree, on a branch
Now you see me, now you don't!
Sneaky and fast, I'm adorable
Now, why would you hunt or shot me for fun?
Do you like, how fast I run?
I'm not just another chipmunk
Stuffing my face with nuts,
I'm classy and beautiful,
The best part of nature.....
Red pointed ears, I hear you drawing near.
Chuckle, chuckle, caffeine free
I saw you looking at my fine coat.
Fluffy and curious, touch me and I'm Calling PETA!
See YA--- Life Is Beautiful!!!
I'm stuffing these nuts back into my mouth
and Jumping onto another tree :) The End
Love The Squirrel from another World.
by Elaine George |
rose, winter,
I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath
How I long to touch those petals again
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss
Opened in passion whispering my name
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss
Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold
That now my love keeps you and me apart
But if I were to pluck this winter rose
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
love, me,
I want to touch your life
and leave a mark ...
... a deep impression ...
So you will think of me
and of my smile ...
... my sweet expression ...
I long to touch your life
and leave a sign ...
... a warm inscription ...
So you will care for me
and keep in mind ...
... a clear description ...
I need to touch your life
and leave a joy ..,.
... an inspiration ...
So you will love me soon
in reality ...
... not imagination ...
*For S.K.A.T.'s give it to me straight contest ...
by Daniel Turner |
love, mother,
Around my mom, I always felt my guilt
My conscience seem to always take her side
Some years ago, I gave her a new quilt
I still recall the tears of joy she cried
My gift of love to warm her nights with pride
It's hand sewn patches in a ring design
It showed up at my door after she died
Inside a plain brown box tied with used twine
And though there was no note, I read her mind
She knew the message sent would be received
A gift of love, to warm, when life's unkind
She once made quilts to give to those in need
Her gift of love with message plain to see
She knew the one in need, this time... was me.
by Daniel Turner
by Panagiota Romios |
appreciation, community, love, perspective, poetry,
~Poetesses and Poets, Divine~
All over this great planet we live,
Penning our thoughts, and love to give!
With our hearts, as lanterns so bright,
Writing with hearts into this summer night.
Pen thee, then, of nature’s fine beauty.
Quietly, we are world Muses on duty.
Creations we form of happiness and sorrow.
Moonlight and dreams, on which to borrow!
A hug from me, now..close your eyes.
Tomorrow is both a gift and a surprise!
Panagiota Romios
by Daniel Turner |
god, inspirational, nature,
Conducted by the Hands that gave them voice
Sweet songs of evening soothe my weary soul.
Oh, how I love to hear the birds rejoice
As frogs and insects hum adagio.
Each night I sit and watch the sun go down
Accompanied by song that has no score
Each night His orchestra holds me spellbound
That's why each night, I come right back for more.
Yet I am just a simple country boy
These nature songs were my first lullabies
E'en to this day they bring my heart such joy
And on occasion tear these simple eyes
When moon appears to watch the sun depart
My only thought, "My God, how great Thou art."
Daniel Turner
by Ink Empress |
My heart bleeds sultry stars from beams up high,
as planted promises sprout leaves of love,
blooming through the rose haze of moonlit sigh,
like balmy feathers of a diamond dove.
You are the muse, quenching this muted ink,
like the warm essence of a bonsai dream,
kissed by the rain, as sparks from the sun sink,
tracing verses of my poetic stream.
Yet the world knows not what you mean to me~
you are the sonnet I weave with soft swirls
and pastel petals aching to breathe free,
bathed in the shimmer of Juliet’s pearls.
Tonight, meet me where the stars never die~
we’ll be more than mere rhymes lost in the sky.
by Christina Bowring |
faith, love, time,
Crystal winged hourglass flows muted gold sand
as time turns red dawn to pink dusk once more;
life’s tapestry fades as years so expand
but love in the heart gives youth to restore
when embraced with so much left to explore.
Crystal winged hourglass portrays such fleeting
finite life as time slips by depleting;
with love reborn, awoken from sleeping
so shall heavenly days be accreting -
when sand flows no more - just joy, no weeping.
by Arthur Vaso |
art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,
The Park Bench
I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die
When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears
I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended
When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene
The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway
Drawing love on paper in may
by Connie Marcum Wong |
blessing, butterfly, poets, prayer,
Like a gazelle springing from left to right
Your prayers come winging through perilous night
Making swift haste to my ill beating heart.
I was amazed at how many took part,
So deeply moved, there are tears in my eyes.
Dark thunderous clouds have moved to clear skies.
My gratitude floods to poetry friends
I’m humbled by your love as my heart mends.
*Dedicated to my loving poetry friends
~10th Place Premiere Contest~
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 7 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney
by Paul Callus |
freedom, love,
a puppet dances
to its own merry tune
no strings attached
[Inspired by Jan Allison’s
poem “Love is Bind”]
by Charlie Smith |
inspirational, love,
Take my heart and carry me
to where all dreams are born.
Into loves arms, oh such a place
that's always safe and warm.
Away from such deceitful lairs
where blackened virtues swarm.
into a light where peace must shine
and grants us pardon from a storm.
High above the mountain tops
or low as low can be.
Makes no difference where we are
a wondrous lyric calls to me.
Singing of your splendor
like a miracle performed.
I'll stay with you to find the port
that grants us pardon from a storm.
POTD 03/03/2018
by Silent One |
desire, romance, romantic love,
She is soothing music,
but an unwritten script.
A silent movie,
but visually, cinematic elegance.
Infatuated lyrics thirst to
compose onto tones of her curves.
Her tongue is a sensual dance,
a serenade of sensitive sensations.
Her lips a path to pristine passion,
her eyes a gateway to heaven.
But she is grandeur of purity,
a distinction of innocence.
Fate must learn patience,
in the pursuit of desire.
Simple Musing
Silent One
8 March 2020
by Quoth Theraven |
imagery, lonely, love, perspective, poetry, winter,
How fast to wiles I fell my damask rose,
awake from slumber slept untold ages.
To gaze so deep in ocean eyes repose,
and print whispered prayer on mind's pages.
Your soul in gleaming shadow found complete,
a thirst no other want or wish contrived.
Nor cherry grown upon the branch so sweet,
without cold and dark of Winter survived.
What heart loved without a madness looming,
secure from injury sure to tarnish.
Unbroken, though lone in sadness' glooming,
and held away from love's fruited garnish.
How true the dove devoted in flight still,
that lasted in love, more than ever will.
by Silent One |
love, love hurts,
I still recall our first poetic glance,
dormant pen roused my fingers to dance.
Her love was like a cherry blossom tree,
which at first blossomed so beautifully.
When a tender breeze took each fragile bud,
we stood naked, vulnerable to the flood.
Broken branches fell, as love became silent,
our poems burned in fires, ever so violent.
Her absence formed a lawless state of mind,
vacant heart bled for memories left behind.
Some say sorrow washes away with rain,
but in heartbreak, torpid wounds leave a stain.
Love is a balance of peace and distress,
yet it's something two souls cannot suppress.
Simple Sonnet
Silent One
Example for what is love contest.
by Tim Smith |
Distant prayers echo through a lilac sky
light flickers brilliantly in angelic eyes
a yellow crocheted blanket falls to the floor
and a growing heart winks inside.
Kindness breeds kindness in a precious heart
and a kindred spirit lifts and flies free.
helping our fellow man in need
forgiving selfishness and greed
Open up your heart and mind
another child feeds a hungry soul
for one who loves to love, the greatest
blessing of all, is seeing the one you love, love
Whisper soft into the night my dire want
let the rains wash down a growing grace
carry off grandeur into a sequel led estate
as a simple smile adorns a very humble face
by Michelle Faulkner |
lost love, recovery from, sorrow,
They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach
Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this
by P.S. Awtry |
christian, heaven, song,
I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.
Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.
August 22, 2022
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
god, love, world,
Idle my tongue remained, my Lord,
till the moment it learned how to pronounce Your name
But from
that moment onward, it never ceased singing your song
which has set my soul aflame!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
11 June 2022
* I am happy to share with my dearest friends the honor of POTD. I thank those who visit and comment plus the officials of PoetrySoup who bestowed that honor. Be blessed!
by Christina Bowring |
love, sorrow,
Porcelain chalk white mask
moves with silence of mime
that hides a lovelorn face
moonstruck by orbs of light
with shadows to embrace.
Porcelain chalk white mask
a cloak of much disguise
hides from the world a heart
that has lost its amour
and yet, performs for art.
Porcelain chalk white mask
a jester, clown, for all
veils verbal tongue held still;
liminal space for words
lest written by a quill.
Porcelain chalk white mask
masquerades as muted
gestures on staged display
hides tumbling diamond tears -
Pierrot to portray …
by Ink Empress |
I float in
psychedelic ink
to design a labyrinth with
rainbow roses drenched in turquoise tears and metaphors.
But, if stars were gold, and I am love, you'll be the poetic garden that feeds my soul.
Maybe, someday, I'll be more than just a faltering feather~will you then, remind me, how to sing again, steal the light behind the jade moon?