by Arthur Vaso |
art, heart, lost love, love, muse, philosophy,
All lovely words
when understood
All so misconstrued
silence envelopes our delusions
Desire, we lust the attention
at the forfeit of philosophy
Love, we crave at Kings expense
at times
Sacrificing those whom love us true
spilling blood at humanities alter
Romance, we desire for loves embrace
knowing serpents sell snake oil remedies
Beware the soft spoken
cringe when you hear words only a token
Seeking the truth, not platitude
discover love, in those that.........
Breathe actions, not poetic verse
by Justin Bordner |
I want to place my final prayer
upon your plush velvet neck
murmuring my needs warmly
on that expressway where the crossroads of love and lust unite
focusing the steam of my soul there
confessing wholeheartedly
that my heart cannot move without you,
with my thick, steady hand rotating around your priceless grail
feeling the communion of our desire come to life
as your mouth becomes the chalice that holds my heartbeat
in this moment that confirms our sanctity -
by Karen Jones |
dream, feelings, green, how i feel, lost love,
I write so many poems that you don’t see
They end up in purple poem cemetery
Mangled in the **** of my maroon mind
Tangerine tangles of wasted time
Violet vines of not good enough
Tall teal trees of unreturned love
Winged words white like albino leaves
Falling to their death from teal tree
Falling for you’re deaf to my poet tree
Bass treble cleft left in green cerebral dream
Unsung songs unmade love
Sing a longs gone wrong
Made in maroon lust
But somehow I manage to hold on to it
Maybe it will be reborn as a chocolate kiss
of rainbow reflection of historical views
Of future endeavors red spice unused.
by Arturo Michael |
love, lust, magic,
Something about you
Makes me want to do
Things I’ve never dreamt before
It’s not the beauty of your eyes
Nor the magic of your smile
That lures me to your shore
It’s knowing in my heart
You made the fire start
And in your flames I'm going to burn
Savory kisses may turn to blood
Bitten helplessly by love
A chance I’d have to learn
Immersed in a sea of love
Out of darkness flies the doves
And our hearts are set free
I can’t resist your touch
Your body paints me with a brush
Of red passionate strokes
Pray this moment last forever...
As forever goes...
'Cause when love bites you... the fever yearns and burns
by Caren Krutsinger |
I am not remembered in any form or way
Undeserving of their love and respect.
I understand, and yet I grieve.
For myself.
For what I lost
Ignoring the ones who could have
Showered me with love
But did not
Because they knew me not.
I reserve my place in the cosmos
Of ignorance
Recognizing truth and love
once again upon the throne of death
as I enter a kingdom I do not deserve
The angels grabbed me and gave me
what I had sought on earth in the form
of lust, not even my biggest mistake.
My soul cries now
At a life not lived.
by Peter Rees |
age, dark, death, feelings, old, sad,
Speak of it not,
think of it not,
lest regrets may
cloud the failing light,
and weariness
a shroud becomes.
This little thing,
once proud in love and lust,
now hides its face
and soon it will be dust.
Gone is the lustre
and delight
of fond imaginings,
as shadows deepening
enfold what once
seemed ever bright,
impervious to
encroaching night.
by Akkina Downing |
happiness, lust, passion, romance, sexy,
It wasn't love they needed
It was a night of passion they yearned for
One feverish touch
One delicious kiss
and it was a blaze of flame
they could not resist
She was in a high fever to touch and feel all of him
He was on fire ready to explode needing her ever most
They need not the light on
They just need each other
In the dark
In the bed
There they explore undisturbed
There they found pure satisfactions
She lay shamelessly smiling
He, holding on to her happily
Akkina R Downing
by Brian Anderson |
love, passionme, me,
she's absolut
i'm hennessy
i'm rush hour traffic in L.A.
she's a small town in Tennessee
she's left handed
i think i'm always right
i love the way she will compromise
i never give in without a fight
she's satin sheets
i'm the body wrapped within
together were complete
without her i feel without a friend
i'm lust
she's desire
she's my redemption
my salvation from the fire
and while were not exactly opposites
she compliments me beautifully
picking me up when i fall
and standing by me dutifully
by Susan Ashley |
desire, hope, romantic love,
In evening eyes an ember’s gleam I see
emotions ripple from your depths and spread
across your surface known to be glassy
are ripened waves of passion crashing red
Now crocus of your crave in bloom and flare
on bed of saffron petals - spice we seize
in festival of lust on my skin bare
a thousand tingles mingle pleasures tease
Your lips brush mine with strawberry caress
then kiss me deep your tongue unties my lace
I open up to you and your finesse
we toast with our champagne in love’s embrace
As ravishment reflects epiphany
amour I see through rosy tiffany
Susan Ashley
March 17, 2018
by Sandra Adams |
analogy, flower, love, rose,
is love to be a wilted rose
to fade beneath the winter snows
to pierce itself with its own thorn
its beauty hide in death to mourn
i watch it bloom from tiny seeds
a spark of lust from passion bleeds
unfold itself within a kiss
then fade within the dying bliss
December 30, 2019
by Silent One |
May one love you like Shakespeare?
Write verses to bring you near.
In delicate sighless sips,
taste wine from your drunken lips,
as drops induce and seduce,
become drunk from your sweet juice.
by Ken Carroll |
beauty, love, lust, sexy,
I am the sultry silence
the wishbone
of your dreams
feel my warm breath
slither down your throat
across your chest
feel my transparent tongue...
We rage the erotic battle
I feel your pulse race
my fingers of flame
caress all that is yours
I am your imagination
arching above your feminine form
I sink slowly into you...
Just so you know my love
you will never be able
to shake me from your dreams
I will seduce you to a place
beyond mere thoughts and words
tonight, dream of us...
by Jerry T Curtis |
food, funny, humorous, nonsense, romance, sexy, silly,
Is it Love
a simple bowl of ice cream
sweating from the heat
cherries on the top
huddled 'round and looking sweet
two little wooden paddles
pretend that they are spoons
as we sit beneath the stars
in the savor of the moon
your lips are all I see
as they caress them with a passion
the cherries on your tongue
in a delightful playful fashion
with our eyes intent and focused
in a stare of solemn trust
Is this ice cream truly love
or is it merely cherry lust
by Jan Allison |
humorous, love,
Just one look at you
Tempting me, teasing me, tormenting me
I hate the feelings you evoke
Just want to hold you, devour you
I don’t want to see you go
But I can never resist the last chocolate in the box!
9th March 2015
Contest – Love or Hate – Pick a subject - Shadow Hamilton
I chose Love as my theme
~awarded 1st place~
by Andrea Dietrich |
love, nature, summer,
Oh, summer sun, all winter I have missed
your stale hot breath upon my upturned face;
your tongue that seers my flesh as I unlace
the strings on my bikini. I am kissed
by sultry lips that burn. I can’t resist!
I bask in light of day, and I embrace
Your penetrating rays that find each space
of skin exposed. I wait and plan my tryst.
And when you come, I’ll reverence you once more,
supine, as you would have me, to receive
your torrid touch as token of your lust.
In June we’ll meet as always by the lake shore.
I should not go. So well you can deceive.
Some lovers you have killed! Yet still I trust. . .
for Brian Strand's Your Choice,Any Form,Any Theme Poetry Contest
by Liam Mcdaid |
betrayal, desire, earth, emotions, hate, love, lust,
Revenge sweet turning with hate
a brother rises striking blows
landing hits brother in wicked deeds
evilness within mans own soul
Cruelty crawling inside desires
suffering greed of nations they plea
Rise up against nations man at war
tearing asunder God's creation
People slowly murdering loveless
Pride a sinful act of violence
laced with pain destroying pure love
everything that once stood out housed peace
so fine cut beautiful, good sharing
caring free, in this one, big show rolls
Keeps turning, the wheel of hope
whom will speak, as we all become part
of his heavenly dust in the end
or burning remains of hell's fire
by Evrod Samuel |
love, lust, senses,
Enchant me
Serenade me
Touch me
Raise my temperature
Heighten my senses
Make me tingle all over
Apply your hands to my trembling body
Caress the heaving contours
Of my pliant body
Feel the rhythm of my passions
Boiling within
Explore all of what I have to give
Arouse me
Titillate me
Enhance my desire
Make me tingle with your soft kisses
Own me
Mould me
Control me
Free me of inhibitions
School me in desire
Pleasure me
It’s not all about me
But of you and I becoming we
by Ngoc Nguyen |
age, innocence, longing, loss, love, lust, youth,
I mourn for the death of my erstwhile youth,
a time of innocence and naive bliss
which hid from me life's dark, unpleasant truth,
but now holds all the pleasures that I miss;
a time of handsome beauty, brawn, and thews,
as of a Greek god in his peerless prime,
like Heracles of fabled strength, sinews,
and might that's of renown from mythic time.
But, O Desire! do I most long for
your renewal of my now lovelorn life
for me with the young virgins of folklore,
whose maidenhead only can quench this strife!
Now in the fall of my increasing years,
I have lost youth, and love, as old age nears.
by Jay Loveless |
best friend, love, lust, youth,
You my love
Are perfect
You my love
Know how to make me wiggle
Moan, scream into silence
Arch my back and contort
Like I never knew I could
You my love leave me breathless
Speechless, thoughtless
Without capability to comprehend
Anything other than your touch
You my love are a master magician
An understanding lover with navigating hands
by Wendy White |
abuse, anger, anxiety, break up, depression, feelings, hate,
She has faced the ghosts from her past.
Traveled beyond the razor's edge.
She is haunted by shame's overcast.
Once engulfed in misery's darkness.
Blame it on insecurity.
Storms of emotion, she tries to repress.
She hides her tears in the rain.
Angry cries are muffled by thunder.
The wind blows away her pain.
A man's lust was disguised as love.
She was misled by impatience.
Her soul is cleansed by water from above.
She wandered into the light & found protection.
A discharge of hope revived her spirit.
Now, she can withstand bites of deception.
She hides her tears in the rain.
Angry cries are muffled by thunder.
The wind blows away her pain.
by Anthony Biaanco |
Do we have "enough" .
Will silver flakes of winter's blade
cut us down
or build us up.
Will our pasts behave like choir boys, stay in time
or re-emerge and scream and sting our eye.
Make us blind to hope and happiness.
Do we have "enough" to pluck the guts
from the chasms of experience.
To fashion buds of love
from the fiery depths of ego's lust.
Have we evolved "enough" to trust again...
when our old gray world blitzes in.
Swinging concrete fists of what's the use and what ifs.
Fill our starving souls with blackbird piss.
Do we have enough-enoughs to become an "us".
by Jimmy Anderson |
“Pretty lady”, let me love you, take you places you’ve never been
All the pain you’ve gone through, I’ll make sure it don’t happen again
I promise to always comfort you, your burdens I will bear
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to prove to you I truly care!
As long as there’s a sky, and those stars continue to shine above
You will always see it in my eye what I feel for you is 100% love!
"Sexy Man," you are what I want plus more.
Your comfort mopped my tears right off the floor.
I love the way you caress and touch me.
Arousing the inner beauty for all to see.
My world you conquered when push came to shove.
I give you my thoughts, my emotions, my lust, and my "100% love."
by Bradley Veals |
girlfriend-boyfriend, love, passion
Forgotten in a sea of agony
Remembered in waves of regret
And the terror of letting go
Given freely in the warmth of a kiss
Taken quickly in anticipation
Of pain promised to pass
Her warmth surrounds me
Her strength becomes my own
Her skin holds the memory
Of the familiar touch of my hand
Her lips
Wet and wanting
Her eyes
Open and waiting
Her arms
Accepting and mournful
Her body
Needful and forgiving
A wishful gift of life
Unable to be ignored or pushed away
As we lay together
Forgotten in the blanket of night
Remembered in the light of day
Increasing the terror of letting go
by Rico Leffanta |
betrayal, culture, love, lust, romance, sensual, sexy,
Queen Guinevere was quite a sight
When Arthur returned from a fight
He looked up and down
Then said with a frown,
"You look like you've had a rough knight!"
Arthur opened the bedroom door
Where clothes lay all over the floor
"This looks rather bad,"
Said Sir Gal He Had,
"I've mistaken your wife for an whore."
There's more to the story than that
The Kingdom of Arthur fell flat
But Queen Guinevere
Did not shed one tear
For she loved to give tit for tat!
by Susan Ashley |
beauty, longing, lost love, lust, passion, sensual,
Amidst wistful notions
to revive his parched heart,
he craves to be ladled with her ardent spirits,
to be cradled... in the tulip of her essence.
Susan Ashley
July 19, 2019
~ Tenth Place ~
An excerpt from: The Irony Of Fate (written July 18, 2018)
Submitted for contest: July 19, 2019
Premiere Contest: Arbitrium Divisa 3
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden