by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
"Crayon Caresses"
blue velvet sky caresses
pink cotton candy clouds
beneath a gold umbrella
red heartbeats breathing loud.
a yellow Sun kisses skin
of silky bronze glowation
footprints carve love in brown sand
while white waves crest formation.
green trees hide secret embrace
while purple passion prowls
viewing an orange sunset
rose petals play on towels.
silvery stars illuminate beach
as amber heavens sleep
magenta magic smiles so sweet
chase black and grey to ocean's deep.
...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S.
*For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...
by Liam Mcdaid |
angel, baptism, beautiful, blessing, heaven, light, love,
Under your heavenly gaze magic appears perfect
a thousand whispers sail through the oceans current
each wave warmly echoes of a sun filled promise
Our time is held when precious jewels they glimmer
every breath gasps breathless holding dearest soul
where the silken ribbons circle around a gift tied
wrapped within angel rays floating inside heartbeats
by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
beauty, butterfly, sad love,
Her magic is drawn
from an ocean's
million hues
boundless skies
slain by her trembling perfection
you grab hold of her
to save yourself
and you do not mean her any harm
you just want to feel what azure feels like
to experience the depths of cerulean
but her cobalt dust
rubs off all over you
your being
indelibly indigo stained
as the beauty you wished to possess
lays crushed
at your feet
July 13th, 2018
by Robert Lindley |
appreciation, creation, emotions, happiness, joy, love, magic,
Prayer For Her, This Wounded Heart Healed
Please keep this dream in my lost life
remove painful sting and life filled with strife
Let her dance and sing another sweet tune
as I hold her under this, merciful God's moon.
An excerpt from: "As I Hold Her Under This, Merciful God's Moon"
(written 7/26/2015)
For- Your Best Poem #2 contest, sponsor Shadow Hamilton
Now Submitted for contest: July 19, 2019
Contest: Arbitrium Divisa 3
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden
by Jessica Bateman |
lovesweet, love, sweet,
Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!
by Andrea Dietrich |
After the party and all our great fun,
new friends were trickling out my front door.
With their goodbye hugs, they left one by one,
and I was left feeling surely “the more
the merrier” was a phrase that was true
with my apartment now emptied of sound!
But through the night, I’d been noticing YOU.
Unlike the others, you’d just stuck around.
You told me you’d waited all night for the chance
to be with me only. My heart skipped a beat.
Putting on music, you asked for a dance!
The moment was magic, and you were so sweet.
Today we still dance to that same song.
After the party, my prince came along!
June 29, 2019
by Robert Valentine |
What manner of an angel be
my love, who standeth here?
Such beauty did I never see
in any Earthly year.
What mighty magic has she cast
to make me love her so,
that if I should for aeons last,
still with her I shall go?
What wonders lay beneath her breast
and weigh my heart like stones?
These eyes of mine did never rest
on any sweeter bones.
What better end have I to meet
than ‘fore my Lady break me
to lift me in her embrace sweet
and to her darkness take me?
by Tim Smith |
Words flowing like magic, explode off my page
Taking me on journeys, I didn't seek
My mind is just floating, feelings do race
Her spirit is leading, to heaven I think
Reading but living, each chosen word
Caught up in beauty, emotions I trace
My heart is a flutter, tears sometimes fall
In awe of her verses, as much as her grace
Passion and love, I can feel her heartbeat
Sorrow and pain, mistakes made again
Dancing with nature, you take me by hand
Simply you're beautiful, I'm in love with your pen
Spilling of emotions, out onto the page
Poems come alive, for sure they are real
Confide in me please, all that's concealed
My dearest poetess, you make me feel
by Arturo Michael |
love, lust, magic,
Something about you
Makes me want to do
Things I’ve never dreamt before
It’s not the beauty of your eyes
Nor the magic of your smile
That lures me to your shore
It’s knowing in my heart
You made the fire start
And in your flames I'm going to burn
Savory kisses may turn to blood
Bitten helplessly by love
A chance I’d have to learn
Immersed in a sea of love
Out of darkness flies the doves
And our hearts are set free
I can’t resist your touch
Your body paints me with a brush
Of red passionate strokes
Pray this moment last forever...
As forever goes...
'Cause when love bites you... the fever yearns and burns
by Ink Empress |
emotions, love, muse, ocean,
I watch
the waves crash
and unfold gems
in neon blue dust
across ivory shores
silky reflections scatter
upon moon glazed tides in cadence
and flaming twin stars whirl in circles
sprinkling magic upon Poseidon’s realm
There's a turquoise song for the healing hearts
ruffling as lyrical melodies
along idyllic crests of hope
where memories float in a
bottle of souvenirs
ferrying sapphire
swells of daydreams
that ebb in
tune to
by Poet Destroyer A |
beauty, immigration, magic, metaphor, pride, summer, sun,
~Sun Dancing~
Bright yellow sparks glisten around the landscape
Sheer environment expose
Warmth slinks down every step
So-- Invigorating
Spur-like rays muster in long light
The wolves wait to howl
Soon--Bunch of flowers
Huddle in with sunlit love
Luminous rave
By; pd
by Daniel Cheeseman |
Those stars that sailors follow
Guiding less the sea to swallow
And the night seas black as tar
Beyond the wave a land afar
Halyards taught, blocks in tallow
Breezes fresh and salt swallow
Timbers creak, white horses foam
Callused hands and oceans comb
And the stars pull them forth
South, east, west and north
Cabin boy or salty jack
Afore the mast, bare their back
Seas of glass or howling gales
Stands his watch what ever ails
For them the ocean a magic place
For every dawn a changing face
The face of his one true love
The wind, stars, skies above
by Lynn Marie |
dance, happiness, heart, joy, kiss, love, tree,
atop worn weathered concrete
pink petals gaily gather
entice lovers strolling
fingers touch mittens vanish.
blushing halo canopy
highlights cool rosy cheeks
tiny buds whisper passion
newly awakened long sleep.
sky gleams dreamy hues
turquoise shyly taunting
button noses cold rub
lips plump part wanting.
kiss two hearts waltz
more kisses sweetest tune
cherry blossoms dance
sprinkle magic love blooms.
by Lu Loo |
love, passion,
The sheets beneath the shadow lights a spark,
for whence we laid down he nestled his head.
Our enchantment lights magic in the dark,
but so much is spoken with words unsaid.
For love can be given without a sound,
and received within the silence of night.
Freely nurturing with touching, profound,
nevertheless understood without sight.
Let us keep the secrets of passion calm,
yet exalt beyond the whisper of breeze.
Free from apprehension and busy qualm,
longing for our souls to be hushed with ease.
For as long as we remain free from sound,
our mystical romance will be unbound.
~28 April 2016~
by Andrea Dietrich |
marriage, relationship,
See it there
in virgin perfection.
Open its pages.
They are so white
that they radiate light.
See the magic pen
sitting by the book
meant just for two.
Each of you - together -
Reflect the pages’ light!
Then with the pen,
you may write
your beautiful life,
for this is
the Book of Love.
March 31, 2017 for the Book of Love Contest of Rick Parise
by Tim Smith |
When i wake from my happy dream
I remember magic did appear
Angels sang and freedom rang
and you and I were there
We sat amongst the flowing fields
with fauna all around
I held you tight through the night
never making but a sound
Before we woke three words we spoke
which were meaningless until today
as we kissed under the acient oak
I asked you if you'd stay
For I have dreamt and I have wished
for a love that will ring true
so a Christmas Wish I ask of you
is for you to love me too.
by Elizabeth Wesley |
Come to the meadow just you only,
Where autumn weaves her spell;
On hills and purple moorlands lonely,
Where the magic of her presence dwells.
Beneath blue sky and fields of heather,
With soft humming of honey bees.
And I'll hold you, just us two together,
To share the scent of autumns leaves.
We’ve time to share asters in the meadow,
With all that we love best;
With the swallows wings and your shadow,
And summer's grass that built the nest.
To hold and hear the soft wind singing,
To see your hair tossed and blown;
And meet the bluebird softly winging,
Through heaven and earth, we too fly alone.
by Liam Mcdaid |
beautiful, care, flower, heart, love, magic, moon,
Visions of a way forward
raising the curtains dream magic
stepping into the spotlight view
captivating under a harvest moon
Rocked in the cradle of thoughts
your the flower sweetly awakening
deeply flames warmly embrace sunshine beams
growing beautiful rose petals tenderly touch deeply
When I trace your heart's echo
kissing this soul softly within dewdrops
weeping starlight tears of a breathless sigh
where the sunbeams dance with brilliance
Golden inside your rays honey
deliciously lights up priceless perfect
holding the breath for a moment love
our time shining purely unique sharing
by Panagiota Romios |
friendship love, heaven,
At first, remember how we were
skeptical strangers?
Then, by mystical magic, we
melted into close friends!
I hope we meet in the golden streets
of heaven!
Where our friendship never ends!
Panagiota Romios
Trauma Center
by Unseeking Seeker |
joy, love,
Love begins with joy,
sidestepping thought ploy,
sharing and caring,
with all souls pairing.
Love is not a trade,
nor assigns a grade;
it's a warm embrace,
akin to God's grace.
Bliss bubbles passion
is love's compassion,
holding each soul near;
all to our heart dear.
When true love's seeded,
no echo's needed,
for the flame burns on,
each breath a new dawn.
Like the pristine dew,
each love hue is new,
magic on display,
making earth life play.
Fires of love let's stoke
in heart to invoke,
bliss fragrance sublime,
to heavenward climb.
HMS, Rhymezone
The Meaning of Love Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Anoucheka Gangabissoon
by Hiya Sharma |
fairy, fantasy, heaven, love, magic,
stelliferous arcs,
of chiffon-sewn cosmic chains
and rose-glazed silk yarns...
a tapestry of crystal ~
love-tendrils on eden's heart...
by Paige Hind |
deep, introspection, light, love, magic, moon, sun,
Before the sun's pieces,
Shine on brim's, coffee mug;
And with my prepping airs—
It's all jeopardy to
Roll frost in bed somewhere.
Before the sun's pieces,
Rain in a golden chain.
I pine at streaked window.
How bitter is the fog
From where night morn dreams go.
Before the sun's pieces,
Ice below the outside,
In a bristling gesture—
God, now I see in you
Past my bleak reflections.
Before the sun's pieces,
While dawn is watched by moon,
Sun has the grace to gleam—
He'll come in the long fade,
For his Moon maiden, seen.
by Quoth Theraven |
allusion, journey, love, magic, romantic love, teacher,
Oh for pity's sake put some clothes on,
the bracing air will steal your breath..
and I need you to stand and stay strong.
Cold comfort thrills from your chill touch
help me recall why I adore you so...
A chin of the ages rests on my shoulder in sweet affection,
two arms encircle my world in every direction.
Redtail hawk riding a thermal looks down..
what caught its gaze I wonder..
Will the day lend a hand through a pestering cloud,
or roll its eyes in thunder?
Such a fine firebrand you've stoked,
as I shave my face and call your bluff.,
Wishing the once would last forever..
though once was more than enough.
by Line Gauthier |
beauty, dance, happiness, inspiration, music, uplifting, world,
the world craves
more artists
creative souls
sensitive antennas
conceptual skills
performing arts
artisans of beauty
the world craves
more expression
more love
more magic
your life is your gift
back to the universe
be the poem
that moves the world
Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~IN THE GARDEN OF MY FANTASY~ 2023
Read on air by invitation ~ July 14, 2021 'WORDS & MUSIC'
AP: 2nd place 2021, Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on July 13, 2021 for A BRIAN STRAND JULY 14 POETRY CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST
Originally posted on June 20, 2019
by Hiya Sharma |
art, emotions, heart, imagery, moon, sun, sunset,
I'm an estuary of ivy-furs,
sleeping in monsoonal moonglades of love~
as the savannah sun of sunset blurs,
slowly unveiling stars with golden glove.
When russet- fairies twirl in a bronze lake,
singing with springs of watermelon wand,
an untouched summer unfurls behind ache,
lacing twilights with lush wishes, so fond.
Garden of grapefruit, doesn't forbid faith,
exotic eyes paint life with a rare art,
where hilly hues drape seashores ~ daisy-bathe,
my muse weaves magic on the 'bay of heart'.