by Silent One |
desire, romance, romantic love,
She is soothing music,
but an unwritten script.
A silent movie,
but visually, cinematic elegance.
Infatuated lyrics thirst to
compose onto tones of her curves.
Her tongue is a sensual dance,
a serenade of sensitive sensations.
Her lips a path to pristine passion,
her eyes a gateway to heaven.
But she is grandeur of purity,
a distinction of innocence.
Fate must learn patience,
in the pursuit of desire.
Simple Musing
Silent One
8 March 2020
by Andrea Dietrich |
Real women
Understand a very simple yet important concept.
Love begins at home.
Everything else just follows.
To eliminate
Hatred from the world
Entails raising children with love and guidance.
Women deserve the utmost respect and support from their partners in their
Obligations as mothers to instill morals in their offspring.
Rare is the child who goes bad when love rules his home.
Ladies, demand respect, and value your precious roles as mothers.
Don’t you realize that through your children, YOU rule the world!
Written March 8, 2017 on the International Women's Day!
by Susan Ashley |
beauty, love, moon, night, romance, romantic love,
of the moon pales -
luster lost
to the
c a n d l e l i g h t
in your eyes
Susan Ashley
March 20, 2021
*not for a contest but inspired by the “Let’s Get Creative With Haiku” poetry contest sponsored by Constance La France. Thank you, Constance, for the wonderful inspiration.*
by CayCay Jennings |
longing, passion, romantic, senses, sensual, sexy, sweet love,
I have loved and been loved - I have shared ivory love bliss colors.
I have ridden sapphire airs of crimson ecstasy and touched silver stars.
I have felt gold, silky, lilac joy move and embrace my harlequin heart.
I have melted to tangerine delight caresses tingling my willing, fuchsia skin.
I have been lifted and turned and tossed - on sensual, erotic
waves that travel bold - through and between me
... CayCay Jennings
March 11, 2016
by Vijay Pandit |
In realm of love, you are the awe of mystique~
Musings of smitten soul, passions bespeak,
When glances romantic lure enamored night
To dance of fantasies moonlit revelries ignite
Waltzing with stars scintillating opaline skies,
As smiles endearing emanate from your eyes
Beaming missives esoteric, vying to explore,
Secrets of heartbeats extolling echoes of yore,
Adulating present as tomorrow’s dream soar
To domains heavenly, croons of love implore,
Infatuated by aroma your redolent vibes impart,
Abloom in elixir of the rose inside my heart.
March 26, 2023
Poem of the day on March 27, 2023
Placed 1st: The Rose Inside My Heart Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mystic Rose Rose
by Kp Nunez |
child, dedication, love, mother daughter,
Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides
All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides
Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace
More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace
Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay
Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.
26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place
by Tom Cunningham |
funny, humor,
There was a lumberjack from Borehamwood
A chainsaw mishap took off his manhood
His Love life now a mess
And it caused him great stress
So he made himself one out of some wood .
He went to bed one night full of desire
Sue his wife put on her sexy attire
Things got steamy and hot
He gave it all he got
But with passion and friction it caught fire .
Written 5th March 2019.
For make me actually LOL 2 poetry contest
Sponsored by Nina Parmenter.
by Line Gauthier |
health, love, Lullaby, sleep, solitude, summer,
In my arms you can forget your troubles
Close your eyes and leave them all behind
I’ll sway you tenderly to loving rhythms
I’ll comfort you to sweet musical perfumes
And protect you with all the serenity
Of a thousand starry midnights
Under feathery wispy lakeshore willows
That waver in cool late summer breezes
Close your eyes and leave all worries behind
posted on March 8, 2020
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
by Daniel Henry Rodgers |
love, march, math,
Infinite Loves Pi
Circling souls, forever one,
Decimal twirls, a spiral kiss
Endless loop, hearts entwined
Burning bright, love's endless climb.
by Kp Nunez |
beauty, god, sea, thanksgiving,
Watching sunrise, shoreline's ablaze
Love letter sent from Thee
I sing a psalm, an Easter palm
And start my day with glee.
Watching sunset, shoreline's agleam
A note Thou sent with smile
I heave a sigh, a love's reply
And thank God for this isle.
No. 2 Shoreline
Let Me Feel Your Lines - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud
31 March 2015
by Andrea Dietrich |
marriage, relationship,
See it there
in virgin perfection.
Open its pages.
They are so white
that they radiate light.
See the magic pen
sitting by the book
meant just for two.
Each of you - together -
Reflect the pages’ light!
Then with the pen,
you may write
your beautiful life,
for this is
the Book of Love.
March 31, 2017 for the Book of Love Contest of Rick Parise
by Lu Loo |
love, music,
United Colours: Black and White
Sponsor: Silent One
Your tune
sweeps me
so high
and free
but then
I hear
B sharp
with tears
and in
sweet trance
I swoon
in dance
with your
souls notes
while your
voice floats
on the
soft strings
as a
bird sings
you still
move me
with black
and white
grand keys
***I used picture number one for this poem***
~Date Written: March 6, 2016~
by CayCay Jennings |
best friend, family, feelings, heartbroken, loss, love, strength,
I wish that I could bear all pains for you,
but then some doors in your heart
would never be opened.
... CayCay
March 22, 2019
by Susan Ashley |
desire, hope, romantic love,
In evening eyes an ember’s gleam I see
emotions ripple from your depths and spread
across your surface known to be glassy
are ripened waves of passion crashing red
Now crocus of your crave in bloom and flare
on bed of saffron petals - spice we seize
in festival of lust on my skin bare
a thousand tingles mingle pleasures tease
Your lips brush mine with strawberry caress
then kiss me deep your tongue unties my lace
I open up to you and your finesse
we toast with our champagne in love’s embrace
As ravishment reflects epiphany
amour I see through rosy tiffany
Susan Ashley
March 17, 2018
by Joanna Daniel |
god, light,
Shine forth His light, dispel the night!
Spread love that's true, let hope glow bright,
May your words be seasoned with grace!
Looking up to Christ, run your race,
Unfurl His undying love's might!
Light your candle’s love infinite,
Reflect the Son, good deeds highlight,
May others through you God embrace,
Shine forth His light!
Let your blaze all around ignite,
If not a lamp, be a flashlight,
May your radiance help them trace
God’s peace that nothing can replace,
Shine forth His light!
16th March 2022
For Anoucheka Gangabissoon's "Being a Light to others" contest
by Jan Allison |
humorous, love,
Just one look at you
Tempting me, teasing me, tormenting me
I hate the feelings you evoke
Just want to hold you, devour you
I don’t want to see you go
But I can never resist the last chocolate in the box!
9th March 2015
Contest – Love or Hate – Pick a subject - Shadow Hamilton
I chose Love as my theme
~awarded 1st place~
by Andrea Dietrich |
When children are taught never to forget
conflicts’ lessons, to love all humans,
to honor those through history
who, selfless, wrought liberty. . .
Then will spangled dreams for
our peace be fulfilled
as God imparts
grace on
For Brahm Bailey's (Your) Country 'Tis Of Thee Poetry Contest
Note: The Etheree form was created by Etheree Taylor Armstrong (Feb. 12, 1918-March 14, 1994). She was born in Arkansas, USA and is known for using this form a lot.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
Was there ever a time she doubted my love?
As a child, did I let her know how much her acts of kindness meant?
No one will ever love me as she did.
Decades have passed, but my heart still yearns for her touch.
Ageless is the affection for the mother who lives in my heart.
*Written March 15, 2015, in honor of my mother who passed far too young in 1984.
by Andrea Dietrich |
Showers fall and robins call.
Buds grow on the trees.
Meadows green; long grasses lean
warmed by April’s breeze.
Flowers beam and streamlets gleam
on each mountain slope.
Colors sing and everything
blossoms love and hope.
Posted March 20, 2017 FIRST day of Spring!
This in 7/5 Trochee form, my own invented form, a type of Quatrain.
by Ngoc Nguyen |
life, loneliness, longing, loss, love, time, youth,
When I look on my life that's now half-spent,
I sigh the loss of youth that's forever past,
wishing myself better Fortune's consent,
love, friends, and wealth with naught to lose or waste,
but for the mean expense of young love lost;
despising this, I oft' bemoan the loss
of vestal company's first time the most;
for matrons offend like mouldering moss,
which, like Time's sure, inexorable march,
destroys the juvenescence of life's spring
year by year till extinguishing Youth's torch,
a dead flame for which I am most desiring.
If I could live and love anew once more,
I'd not err this time: and lay a rude whore.
by Line Gauthier |
devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,
sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
a skyward mist
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER sponsored by MICK TALBOT
by Seren Roberts |
Green grass stroke the skin
Touching feeling the moment
Hearts flying skyward seeking
Crescendo of song ....
You without sin shall forgive.
Penned 17 March 2015
Tanka 2. 5-7-7-5-7
by Anil Deo |
analogy, art, history, love, voice, wisdom, words,
Many march into a new month
Themes as old as winters warmth -
Love that is, no matter the weather
Poets write to heal, feel, reveal other
Ways to taste words, kiss reality
"Witnessing" not judging, that's poetry
by Panagiota Romios |
engagement, lost love, relationship, remember,
Roll back the joy of golden, painted years.
Hold me in that rapture, of joyful cascading tears.
Place the engagement ring on my soft hand.
Allow me to hear the notes of passion’s band.
Oh, how deeply in love in the City by the Bay we were!
Then~abruptly dismissed by Cupid’s, stinging, sharp spur!
That glorious moment though, outlives the painful march of time.
When I was wholly yours, on love’s, long, enchanting, cascading vine!
by Vijay Pandit |
heartbreak, love hurts,
If a goodbye echoes when you say hello
And tears concealed admonish your smile
As life abandons you without hinting why,
Did you miss the sound of her silent cries?
If you need to ask how long does love last
You haven't heard the moan of her heart
Where quietly she hides grief of her wants
And quelling her passion, embraces doubts.
Her sadden vibes don't well-up your eyes
And the sound of her hurt just passes you by
As contemptuous voice ridicules her plight,
What it wouldn't say, you certainly have.
March 22, 2019
HM: Strand select 5 contest by Brian Strand