Love Poems About Marriage or Marriage Love Poems
by Skat A |
Categories: beauty, dream, flower, love, marriage,

Dandelion Dream

-Dandelion Dream-

I stand close with a fistful of flowers
My tiny bouquet made of dandelion dreams 
They fade with one gush from the wind
I stand close with a fistful of flowers
Holding on tight to jagged leaves 
Sprinkles of sand fall over my needs
I stand close with a fistful of flowers
My tiny bouquet made of dandelion dreams 


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: marriage, relationship,

The Book of Love - a Wedding Poem

See it there in virgin perfection. Open its pages. They are so white that they radiate light. See the magic pen sitting by the book meant just for two. Each of you - together - Reflect the pages’ light! Then with the pen, you may write your beautiful life, for this is the Book of Love. March 31, 2017 for the Book of Love Contest of Rick Parise

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: flower, husband, i love you, love, marriage, rose, wedding,

Two Roses

On our wedding he gave a crystal rose
Flowering forever, enrobed in glass
Ballerina's grace in delicate pose
Guardianship of tradition, of class

Witness of first years, of paper, cotton
Commitment held, her thorns learn to forgive
Pain polished away, stains dimmed, forgotten
Like love immortal, death she will outlive

Ten years on, he presented me her twin
Silvery spring caught; his honor, my gift
For old promises kept, new ones begin
He is still my rock amid rivers swift

Two roses, bloom in space the heart allows
Two roses, as eternal as our vows.


by Bill Baker |
Categories: beauty, change, love, marriage, nature, peace, war,

Peace Comes To the Valley

The sun a golden glow
The wind began to blow
Rain a blessing for all
Summer changed into fall

Seeing the moon was blue
The change would come we knew
Trees will gently mellow
Their leaves turning yellow

Enemies will unite
No longer will they fight
Tom will marry Sally
Peace comes to the valley

by Bill Baker |
Categories: happiness, introspection, life, love, marriage, relationship, soulmate,

Living Life as One

Like clouds drifting through a sun-brightened sky,
My thoughts start to ask, where, what, when and why.
Why am I here with you, what must I do?
How do I determine what’s really true?

Love offers something we can hold on to,
You pledge to me, as I pledge love to you.
We’ll give as freely as we will receive,
Accept the oneness in which we believe.

Peace is embellished by those who are quiet,
Living in the present, no end in sight.
Forget your past, all happiness and strife,
Easing tension like slicing with a knife.

This is the way to live a mindful life.
Two living as one as husband and wife.

by Agona Apell |
Categories: angel, girlfriend, happiness, love, marriage, romance,

The Proposal

We are all born angels but gradually grow
into men;
A few of us, though, do angels remain,
And you, golden you, are the like of them:
You whom Paradise led me to
And back to Paradise leads me daily;
Whom Fortune fished from my dreams to
lay by my side...
If you wish me love, wish me you,
And if I should make you happy, make me

Then for a day you’ll be my bride and forever 
my pride.
And side by side with hearts, sweat, & tears
We’ll each day labour at the blessed wheel
By whose fateful spins our home shall be 
Towards destinies atop golden hills
That Heaven wills as our dwelling place.

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by Donna Jones |
Categories: love, marriage,

Whispers of Light

Melodic laughter floats on the breeze
Fire light crackles and your eyes tease
Escaping embers glow, like whispers of light
They dance and hold us, this magical night

Nothing between us, our souls exposed
Twinkling stars - a new song composed
Whispers of light, grow hot and untamed
Tonight's promise, as of yet, un-named

For years now, it's been this way
Whispers of light, between us stay


©Donna Jones

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: devotion, love

My Simple Valentine Story

dancing clumsily - shy blue cowboy eyes smiling. . . . he swept me away marriage fast foreknown - no proposal from his lips. . . . just lots of kisses my man of few words tells me, “I’ll always love you”. . . . few words are true words
For the The Story of Valentine Poetry Contest of Olajide Adelana

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: allegory, art, lost love,

Amended-Van Gogh's 'starry Night'

A Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

gamboge moon and stars
dance haloed whirlwind marriage
in violet sky

while black cypress looms
past swirling clouds as fleeting
requiem for love

through bright starry eyes
secluded heart still searches

©deborah burch

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: marriage, romance, travel, vacation,

A Venetian Honeymoon

A gondola floats o’er romantic tides
as you and I caress Venetian skies
laced deftly in exalted stars applied 
by brushes dipped in hues of lover’s eyes.      

A kiss beneath Rialto Bridge in spring
feels like our first so many years ago.
On every breeze, O Sole Mio sings
a serenade in city lights aglow.

This hope of love rekindled miles from home,
could be our chance to dream and reminisce.
Enlightened by a full moon’s wink, we’d roam
down Grand Canal in gleaming nights of bliss.      

Our renaissance, a second honeymoon -
to Venice, we could not escape too soon.  

Written 3/3/17 for Where I Want to Go Contest

by Monica Evette |
Categories: depression, husband, life,


I look at you and I don't want you 
Stopped needing your kiss and touch
Needed you to love me for me
Tried to get you to do your part
Make memories and cherish those made
Buried in depression
Covered in guilt and pain
Still I stayed
Looking for a way out
Wanting to be anywhere but here
Going across the bridge I want to drive off
Fly into the sky
Fall into the river below
'Til death do us part

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, marriage,

Comfortable Love

Some painters challenge us with art abstract
We study them and speculate intent
My love, he takes the short route; it’s a fact
He speaks three words, no question what he meant

The intellectuals look for new ways
To speak of love in words no one has heard
Or verse for songs that no one ever plays
For love is truly greater than a word

His aqua eyes convey a heart that’s true
On chilly nights, his warm arms hold me close
No words he speaks, but do not misconstrue
When love is true, who needs the grandiose

We’ve learned to find peace in the quiet time
Together any steep path we can climb

February 5, 2020

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: age, blessing, longing, love, marriage, night,

Breathless In the Moonlight

We were vibrant once
but it seems the sun has taken it's toll
Slowly wrinkles and cracks have appeared
Our once glowing skin has perceptibly faded

I am now a fan of the moon
It allows us to maintain the illusion of youth
I prefer it's more subtle glow
as it washes over our bodies

Passion is our elixir
For our spirits have not faded
Our desire is the fountain of youth
You my forever bride 
make this man thankful
for each and every time
you leave me breathless

by Kelly Zakerski |
Categories: confusion, husband, life, loss, lost love, love, wife

Wedding Vows

Witnessing before God, and taking your vow
Enter into marriage, forever starts now 
Devoted to each other, for all your life
Desiring no one, except for your wife
In sickness and in health, till death do you part
No one should come between you, right from the start
Giving of yourself, to make your family whole.

Value the sanctity, of both being “one”
Obstacles are there, for you to over come
Wedding vows are sacred, to show all your love
Straying away, is not meant from God above.

by Tamra Amato |
Categories: lost love,

My View of You

Your arm wraps 
around her shoulder.
She slips in—wears you
easily and steps in the place
that was our embrace 
for eighteen years.
This looks so effortless for you.

Out of breath—
my life crosses the finish line
of a marathon-marriage to this 
slow-motion, surreal, stream of  pain.
Unsteady on my feet like a nervous bride,
my forevers and until death vows
unceremoniously fade..

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: death, devotion, life, marriage, time, true love,


It broke her heart
when Franco died
he’d been her soul mate
wed over fifty years
he’d been her life

For her Franco
she had a ritual
lit a candle every night
so he would know
how much she missed him

Today would be a special day
she felt it when she closed her eyes
wouldn’t be lighting any candle
she took her one last breath
set down the path to join her Franco

AP: Honorable Mention 2021, 2nd place 2021

Posted on October 20, 2019

by Crystol Woods |
Categories: marriage, romance,

The Rose and The Briar

Some may imagine Paris in the Spring; Champagne kisses that heat love's burning flame. Some say romance dies with a wedding ring. Oh, but I believe that is such a shame. Too often it's confused, true love and lust, as well as what sweet romance truly means. Two become one, in bone, in blood, in trust, commitment, one thing romance supervenes. Not only whirlwinds, thunder beating breast; lusts that burn to ash in tongues of fire. It's the gentle caress, your lovers breath, in loving both the rose and the briar. Romance, is in everyday little things, from seeds sown through the years that bloom in Spring.

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: imagery, love, marriage, sensual, sunset,

Sailor’s Sunset

The sky broke like an egg into full sunset
and the water caught fire.
—Pamela Hansford Johnson

Sailor’s Sunset

Plummeting orb, hoary red sun,
envelopes us - we’ve just begun.
The ache of passion’s absorb.
Hoary red sun, plummeting orb.

The yolk baked ‘round the mammoth breast.
In loping eyes, our love’s expressed.
Infusion of colors, unbound.
The mammoth breast, the yolk baked ‘round.

Sailor’s sunset without warning.
Safe and sound, moaning in morning.
Life’s looking good from the onset.
Without warning - sailor’s sunset.

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: fire, flower, love, marriage, simile, wife,

My Only Flame

My Only Flame

Love, like fire, is all-consuming,
And forever should be blooming.
Endless courtship is not a game.
As we watch each year’s seasons turn,
My torch for you will ever burn.
No regrets giving you my name.
You always will my soul inspire,
Forever be my one desire--
My first and last and only flame.

Originally posted in June 2014

by Albert Ahearn |
Categories: divorce,


Love once was the focus of our lives till marriage became contentious; two sharp knives piercing the heart of it, killing it. Teamed hardhearted misfits dualistic by nature, antipathetic where love’s the casualty and we, just another statistic.

by Roy Pett |
Categories: bereavement, betrayal, courage, lonely, princess, truth,

Princess of Courage

In days not long ago lived our princess 
gracious, elegant and so beautiful 
everyone she met rich, poor she'd impress 
a daughter, wife, and mother dutiful,

her oath and vows she took seriously 
sadly her true love was never returned 
abandoned treated mysteriously 
our princesses wellbeing unconcerned,

this loveless marriage and deceit must end
living in London’s pretence with prince John
unwilling to repair her heart nor mend
he was happy to divorce, see her gone,

her life ended in unexplained disaster 
sadly there was no happy ever-after.

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: husband, love, passion, wife,

Cops and Robbers

Turn facing the wall
Lift your skirt slowly
Take off your panties
Throw them behind you

Don't turn around.
Now, close your eyes.
Relax for me.
I'm touching you.

Babe, I'm
trying to
spice our



Pace, G


by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love

Words Unspoken

He held my hand, not one word was spoken

Then a ring he offered as a token

     He could not ask for marriage

     For fear I might disparage

His eyes conveyed sentiments unspoken

* Entry for Adeleke's "Unspeakable Love" contest

by Kelly Zakerski |
Categories: family, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, lost love, sad

Cheater Acrostic

C heating can ruin a
H appy marriage
E specially when there is
A lienation of affection
T hat deals with someone’s
E motions and can
R uin your love forever.