Love Poems About Matthew or Matthew Love Poems
by Susan Palli |
Categories: forgiveness, god,

The Sun Shines On the Righteous

The sun shines on the righteous,
But on the unrighteous too.
So those who aren’t aware yet,
Can know that they are loved too.

The righteous are not perfect,
Hence, they do make mistakes.
However, they love their fiends
To spur their hearts to remake.

Their model is the loving God,
Who gives us all the rain,
The moon, the stars and yes the Son,
So happy all remain.

The righteous are not quick to judge,
They wish to shine their light,
On those who are the victims
Of the dark world and its might.

To all, the glorious trumpet sounds
Announcing God’s Goodwill,
Who accepts us sinners if we repent,
And begin to do His will.

(Matthew 5:44-48)

April 13, 2016

by Matthew Pawlak |
Categories: inspirational, philosophy

Forgive and Forget

Why do we do what we do
To love and to lose
Why must we believe what we believe
That "No one would ever hurt me!"
We as humans make mistakes
And we as humans never give but take
Yet all humans still wish 
That good will never vanish
Personally I say
That in a certain way
All man made equal and same
Deserve to believe and to change

For those who don't believe in forgive and forget.
       Matthew R. Pawlak

by Emily Kroeger |
Categories: brotherbrother, brother, love,


Matthew, Beautiful with his hazle, brown, green, eyes.

He has been a favorite of the ladies since my mom brought him home.

The darkness of the brown in his skin, but the light in to, is so raidient.

He can make one laugh, like no one else. 

He's ten, but man he can act like a little old man that has gone through life.

He try's to boss me, ha! that little reble.

Somtimes I feel like I'm a bad example For him.

I wonder if he loves me, I know he does, but I just wonder sometimes.

My baby brother  he will always be, and I will love, even when he hates me.

He will suceed, for sure.

Baby brother I love you.

Please love me.

by Leon Wilson |
Categories: jesus,

Above All Names

Jeremiah, Moses, Joseph
Matthew, Jude and John
There's so many names in the Bible
You can just go on and on.

There's Isaac and Joshua
Peter, Job and Paul
This poem would be just to long
If I list them all.

But the name I really love the best
Is Jesus the Messiah
His name is above every name
Because it's so much higher.

Every knee should bow
And every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is the Lord
The name above the rest.

by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: brother, death, family, love, people

Happy Birthday, Matthew

Today is a great man’s birthday
I wish he were here to know
That not a day goes ever by
That I don’t love him so
He means, not meant, the world to me
He’ll always be close by

So, brother, Matthew, in Heaven you are
Happy Birthday, I say, with teary eyes

born 3-5-61
deceased 5-30-93

by Mary Rotman |
Categories: celebrity, crush, funny,

Randomling 1 Contest Love Poem

(pronounced mik-fad'-yen)

I believe I'm in love with Matthew Macfadyen He inspires in me a terribly bad yen But as poetry goes His name 'spires woes Cause nothing rhymes with "Macfadyen"

by Stacey Brown |
Categories: christian,

Say Nothing At All

When it comes right down to it,
it’s between you and God.
What another thinks and says,
may be useless and flawed!
 Unless what is spoken,
is in line with God’s word:
(I say this truthfully,
 you can be assured)!
It is better for one, 
to say nothing at all.
Than to cause one to sin
Or cause them to fall!
For in the hour of judgment
The one who believes:
Will find grace in his eyes,
And love he receives!
But he said, woe to that one,
Who offends his young kid:
It is better to be hung,
In depths of the sea, to be hid!
So my friend be careful
Do not entrap and entice
For as sure as you breath
You may pay a great price!

Stacey Brown 5-5-14
Inspired by Matthew 18:6

by Gordon Mcconnell |
Categories: faith, god, religion, spiritual, jesus,

The Gospel Writers

Matthew penned the first gospel
from where we read of God’s son
from being a collector of taxes
this disciple to Jesus did run

The shortest gospel of them all
was written by the disciple Mark
who showed the way to God
was seeing the light from the dark

The good physician Dr Luke
did write the gospel story
about Jesus and His love
pointing the way to be holy

The one who Jesus loved
John, which was his name
who stood with Jesus mother
at the savours cross of shame


by John Leong |
Categories: bible, christian,

The Beatitudes B

"Blessed are the merciful,"
to God do remain true;
shower kindness upon others
thyself receive a bonus!

"for they shall obtain mercy,"
this shows us so clearly;
that God rewards good deeds
as the shoreline doth recedes.

Isn't it nice that God demands this?
Isn't it wonderful to achieve this bliss?
indeed He saith again and again
love thy neighbour let thy love remain.

Till the day Jesus comes from the sky
practice this words by and by;
when we see His face in all glory
that'll be the end of this short story.


One of The Beatitudes in Matthew 5 states:
"Blessed are the merciful
for they shall obtain mercy."


by Steve Meadows |

Nothing But Rhymes

Legs are shaking
Thoughts are baking
Process in the making
Care taking
Love making

Witches brew
Making stew 
For matthew
Who has the flu
Going to peru
Have a nice view
And a barbeque

by Tom Wright |
Categories: inspirational, me,

The Great Commandment

No greater from me does God require,
Nor less, does He, of me expect.
That for Him, great love, I aspire,
And love for neighbor, I not neglect.

Matthew 22: 37-40

by Tom Valles |
Categories: bible, christian, devotion, heaven, jesus, love, spiritual,


He came to live the Father’s will,
To show us all The Way.
He came to give great promises
If only we obey.

So live for Him and grow in Him,
Know His word: The Truth.
Now dwell with Him, abide in Him
And let Him reign in You.

Loves greatest gift: He bore our sins
That we might have The Life.
He took our yoke upon Himself
And made our burdens light.


John 14:6, John 3:15, 2 Peter 1:4, Matthew 11:30

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: angel, art, autumn, love,

Book of Matthew Chapter Seventeen Verse Thirteen

Everyday time awakens unto the same old scenes....
With our honey as locusts meals and camel hair dreams 
Saying yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat at crumbs which fall
Aneath their Master's table: 'O woman, your faith is strong; thus
Be it as you will ? Gathering mustard seeds from atop her mountains
Cast, into this churning sea: chasing his chaff, unto their edge of another
Horizon rising about love's crest piercing sickles to carry away an age gone by.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: faith, hope, inspirational, love,

God Is Lord - the Jay's Way Style

~God Is Lord~ (Jay's Way) God is Lord With Him I can do it all Sees me thru everything and each time I fall With God by side there's none I should fear He always lends ear God loves me Safe soul be Wants best for you too He's always there to help you that's true Call on His Holy name He listens for sure Walk with Him his love endure God is Lord! Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2011
August.05.2016 - "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 (KJV) ~Author's Notes: The "Jay's Way" is a poetry style created by Chazz Combs.

by Susan Palli |
Categories: happiness,

Finding Contentment

Put God before all. 

Put family before friends.

Put others before self.

Put people before things.

Give to those who can’t give back.

Make peace before sleep.

Cover hurt with love.

Enjoy God's gifts.

(revised poem)

( Matthew chapters 5-7 and Ephesians 4:22-27)

by Caroline Cécile Delacroix |
Categories: family, love, son, pain, universe,

Twelve Returns of the Day

It was coming Whether I like it or not The pain seering Through my entire being My hands gripping The side rails of the bed Then more, ravaging Could I stand it any longer? No! Too tearing No longer coherent I am blowing Up into a thousand pieces Across the universe, no returning Dying...And there it was Hands pulling The new life out, placed in my arms A perfect being My son, Matthew! Joy sublime, pain forgotten. Happy 12th Birthday, Matthew! By CarolineCecile - 02.15.12

by Tim Smith |
Categories: anger, children, death, love, storm,

Any One of Us

Within the eye of the needle
through the eye of the storm
in the eye of this beholder
everything's gone wrong

Matthew wrecks havoc
many innocent die
we're too wrapped in nonsense
and turn a blind eye

Children are weeping
with no shoes on their feet
and our headlines read
Ms. Beauty had too much to eat

Where is our compass,
our compassion, our love
What happened to values
and teachings of above

I bow down my head
not in prayer but disgust
what if that little child
was any one of us

I beg and I plead
don't turn a blind eye
give all of your heart
and hear a fellow man's cry

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: dedication, love

Happy Birthday Mr. Magic

Today, close your eyes and make a wish
In an instant your wish is granted
Before you stands quite a dish!
Smooth soft brown skin and
Bright sexy brown eyes that twinkle
A body that takes no prisoners!
All dressed in blue just for you
One hand holds a chocolate cupcake iced
Atop one candle has been lit
To wish you Happy Birthday!
May all your dreams come true, my love 
Wishing you inner joy and peace
In my heart and soul your essence reside
For safe-keeping to retain
Just wishing you home!

Happy Birthday!! Jimmy Matthew Anderson!!!
All my love, Sunshine*

by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: death, hope, jesus, love, religious,

In the Valley of the Shadow of Death

In the Valley of the Shadow of Death,
Walks our Saviour, and our Friend.
We do not go through the valley alone,
He has promised to be with us to the end.

If we whisper to Him in the shadows,
He’ll be listening for our call.
He will help us, and deliver us,
For He loves us, one and all.

Never fear to walk in this valley,
For Jesus met and conquered Death.
When we go through this lonesome vale,
We’ll not go there by ourselves.

Jesus said He’d never leave us,
But go with us all the way.
He’ll be there, for His Word will not fail,
Though "Heaven and Earth shall pass away."

Matthew 24:35

by Hanna Potter |
Categories: analogy, bible, blessing, christian, food, god, spiritual,


Life is like a cake,
depending on how you bake.
Whatever is you center in life,
will either lead to love or strife.
The center, or cake,
that leads to life is Jesus.
The icing being blessings he bestows upon you.
So, have Jesus as the center,
and life can only become better.
Relationships, success, comfort,
is all icing on the cake.

Bible Verse:
Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled."

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: caregiving, god, inspirational,

Infinite Love

     Lord, you left the flock

     to seek the last, least and lost-

     that stray, lonely sheep.

     How profound your love for all

     rooted in such worth of one.

February 21, 2020

Reference: Gospels of Matthew (18:12–14)
and Luke (Luke 15:3–7)

by Evelyn Rose |
Categories: lost love, memory, moving on, nostalgia, relationship, soulmate, together,

Matthew Wants a New Blanket

the beginning was so bright.
sun rays casting through an open window
and shedding new light.
we swam under the cotton sea
and you said it felt like a movie.
we were so deeply in love.
with the fabric of us sprawled over your knees,
with a gentle hand smoothing its seams,
everything starts to unravel.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: faith, hope, inspirational, love,

With Faith - the Minuet Style

~ WITH FAITH ~ ( The Minuet) With faith love strength we can advance Advance in life Life and challenges Challenges we meet Meet, encounter in daily walk Walk and each day Day, night, pray God God can help you You can always do best you can Can have faith, love, Love, hope, peace then Then within you. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2012
July.27.2016 -And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 (ESV) ~Author's Notes: The "Minuet" is a poetry style created by Dorian Petersen Potter, aka ladydp2000, on March,03.2012.

by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Straighten Out Our Mess

Tomorrow 10/29/2017 is Psalm 90:1-6 and 13-17
with a gospel of Matthew 22:34-46.

Straighten Out Our Mess

What we will need to straighten out our mess,
Is always God's love along with graciousness;
We had heeded,
Rules we needed;
Glad all of us with His Holy Son He did bless.

Jim Horn

St. James Episcopal Church
Shallotte, NC

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: bible, spiritual,

Matthew 7:1

“Judge not, that ye be not judged”


We condone not their crime,
for to do so is vain,
egoic and judgmental,
posturing and putting
us on a pedestal.

We condone not their crime,
but simply recognise
that they’ve stepped out of line
owing to ignorance 
that their soul is divine.

We condone not their crime,
for that’s indifference,
so we lend them a hand,
with words of compassion,
hoping they understand.

We condone not their crime,
respecting their journey
through paths savage and vile,
for when they’re exhausted,
embracing love, they’ll smile.
