by Poet Destroyer A |
body, dark, devotion, husband, marriage, wife,
Knights delight
Off with the head
Public appearance
Ruler of her domain
Kingdom all in love with her
Joker enjoyment of her day
Crown comes with hope, more than expected
King is nothing with out her by his side
Crown from birth
Battle with in
Gravel at his feet
Castle guarded armor
Feast prepared just for a king
Lovely mistress among peasant
Medieval time war brought down the peace
Queen rules kingdom, when horse returns alone
by Eve Roper |
imagery, nature,
Ancient and mysterious woodland bear,
medieval tranquility and flair.
Heaven sylvan scenery colour share,
massive sprays of bloom flowers scent the air.
Twisty esker gravel ridge, lie through their
beautiful valleys, woods, and bower square.
Echoes of aged venerable prayer ,
lull under trees and gardens, with vast air,
with such depth of love that may never err.
Complete empowering of life we share,
while softly scented zephyrs blew and stare.
Oodles buzzing bees through oleander,
hummingbirds thirst honeysuckle nectar.
Under venerable dome they appear
ancient and mysterious woodland bear.
by Yasemin Balandi |
art, love, planet, political, pollution, world,
Murderous methods of medieval minds
Continue to pollute the political landscape of our planet
Vitriol nests in the hearts' of greedy politicians
Keep the common-folk ignorant
And poor
We shall rule
Goes the anthem of the ruling class
Corruption ensues
A common practice
Both in the developing world
And other lands
Year 2016
The common assumption was
That enlightenment was extrapolated
How wrong were we the enlightened
The light does not emit in linear rays
But bends and gets distorted liked fluid in a vortex
Our time will come again
Therefore, we shall protest
Until we reclaim what is left good of this planet.
by Delice Arleen Skelly |
The shade of Shakespeare is ever-present
River Avon in springtime speaks to me
Peaceful place where I secretly lament
Whilst sitting beneath yon green willow tree.
River flows smoothly ere swans sail serene
The momentum of time has stalled this day
Grey ghostly shadow am I in a dream?
Bard himself composing poetic lai.
Medieval magic I do declare
Whispering voice beguiles with love sonnet
Swept completely away by atmosphere
Seminal moment 'twas so euphoric.
Ghostly bard sauntering banks of Avon
Thoughts consumed of romantic liaison.
by Lynn Dolly |
Like a dart board
I can handle a good game
I get pierced
Torn down
Many exert their frustrations
From the world
This place
I'm medieval
I love watching battle
Each dart thrown
A spectacle of madness tackled
I'm always on the wall
People constantly stare
In desperate need of dough
Place bets on me, do you dare?
I'm shaped like an onion,
I can be smelly
But very attractive
Although I appear shallow
My layers can bring out your best
Our relations are always 50/50
If it were any other way
You'd just look at me
I'm at the wall hanging solitaire
by Eve Roper |
animal, music, peace,
In the shade of the celestial covert,
quite inviting, resonating a flow through the earth comfort.
The vibrating strings deliver nature’s music
surge, a sink, and rise medieval lyric
fluidity of soft floating harp sound.
Softest of feathers, lightly wound,
outpouring motion of hovering rare coloured
birds' flawless, untamed wings.
To arouse the beast that lies
in supplicant at his feet does not stray, sung asleep with lullabies.
A spirit of fraternity,
forged by time, love and care of creation for eternity.
by Ingrid Marroquin |
life, music, passion, people,
Doing what they love, all are welcome to try
Rhythms of passion fly in the night sky
Up and down the maddening notes dance
Many drink and sing as drummers are in a trance
Seducing beats are the soul of the Medieval camp
by Angela Crabtree |
fantasy, love, trust,
You're my Knight and I'm you're Lady
a medieval flash in time not maybe
your nobility conquers any quest
with armor and sword dressed
Remove all apparel you need it not
for you've won the battle you have fought
leave your saber in the stone
magic comes from inside hence thrown
And the ruler will also disarm
to you I'd never harm
defenseless you are to exalt
cavalier without assault
Our virtue exposes all infrequent prosperity
excluding obnoxious barbarity
Your lord and vassal can retreat to isolation
drop coif and shield and leave all avocation
by Bruce Adams |
desire, emotions, kiss, love,
Enchanted lover I wait
Very thought of you, heart skips beat
Love so strong, only soulmate
No power of earth can defeat
Midnight princess, finally embrace
Holding you close, on edge of loves abyss
Kissing you softly, hearts race
Bodies tremble, our midnight kiss
Moonlite your soft dark hair caress
Medieval beauty, jealous kings would have fought war
Your eyes every man's heart melt, their face confess
Fragile, precious love midnight princess, forever more
by Cheryl Hoffman |
forgiveness, love hurts, symbolism,
Tonight theres a fortress around my heart,
walling off the hurt that's on the outside,
my heart is once again avoiding the darts,
and wants to gallop off for a solitary ride,
knowing desperately my heart wants to forgive you,
as I slowly swallow my hurtful pride,
hesitantly letting my drawbridge back down,
letting you once again come gallop back inside,
knowing deep down inside you are a danger,
hearing only my own sobbing echoes in my hearts chambers.
by Russell Sivey |
Medieval man gone wild
Crazy love, never modern
Just an old fashioned wonder
A man sharing love
Russell Sivey
by Canny Amah |
(for ngozi)
natural all de way
lucky, gracy, raw artifice -
o, natural all de way;
just like a fairy
in the medieval world
natural all de way
ngozika, purely ngozikay
aren't you
natural all de way?
aren't you from an arty universe?
aren't you another mona lisa
natural all de way?
you're just ngozikay
& natural all de way!
by Lord R. E. Taylor |
cute love, love, relationship,
Your Fairy Land
Walk with me
Stroll down a medieval street
Flowers covering a stone home
Their scents filling the air
Even if you wear your jeans and tee
As long as you hold my hand
And I can see your beautiful smile
You will always be milady
Wearing the finest dress ever made
As you walk through a real fairy land
by Ilene Bauer |
In the middle of a street
In a nice suburban town
Sits a house unlike the others
And deserving of renown.
With some unexpected turrets
In the way it was designed,
Just one glance brings times medieval
To the forefront of the mind.
For it looks just like a castle,
So all passersby will stare
Wond’ring maybe if some royalty
Somehow’s residing there.
I would love to see if inside
It retains that cool allure,
But from visiting some real ones,
There’s one thing of which I’m sure.
If you don’t have many servants
And you’re living in a castle,
Cleaning towers topped with turrets
Must be quite a major hassle!
by Moonbee Canady |
allegory, death, dedication, faith, family, hope, inspirational, life, loss, love, peace, people, sad, sister, sympathyart, art,
Thou Art Fair and Not Forsaken
The Knight Guards Thee
as Thou Slumber midst
Embers of Purity
with Palms of Vespers
Thou Art Fair and Not Forsaken
A Chaste Kiss doth Pledge
The Knight Guards Thee
Treads the Cold-Castle Halls
...Hours of Torch-lit Vigil
Eyes, Terrible as Flames Upon...
Thy Fairness... never Forsaken
Nay, no Invasion of Spirit Cometh
The Knight Guards Thee
against Travail, Hordes and Dread
Sword and Teeth wouldst Bathe in Blood
'Ere harm Trespass to Thee
Thou Art Fair and Not Forsaken
In Peace, Rest... Fair Maiden
(Written For My Sweet Sister, Jennie)
by Delice Arleen Skelly |
love, love hurts, nostalgia,
Tale of valour is about to unfold
Gallant knight's effigy in marble so cold
Once he was stalwart full of manly vigour
The name was feared his enemies shivered.
Yet, there was young maiden who loved him well
Like moth to flame, he did compel
Her wings were singed as she flew to his side
Throughout her short life, she did abide.
How she was missed but he never let on
Astride great charger his armour shone
Safe in his heart was her very own place
Never to forget beloved face.
Spirits are free in either they rise
Listen to breeze you will hear soft sigh
One thousand years they are still in love
Medieval moment on wings of Dove
by Ellen Mecca |
extended metaphor,
Shining light of limitless love
You are a glowing beacon on a cold, dark night
Bright one
Torch of kindness, empathy and creativity
You have the strength of medieval times
Full of courage, fortitude and power
St. Elmo's fire burns within
Luminous electricity
Emitting from every pore
Sometimes blinding light
Thus are you
A lamp to guide my way
Never eclipsed by storms or weather
Radiating, dazzling, glimmering, twinkling
Sparkling from head to toe