by Silent One |
If only this poetry could define,
how your presence takes me towards cloud nine.
Your touch brings sensations that feel divine,
yet, my tongue is quiet, fighting this muse of mine.
Waiting for the moment our lips can greet,
your sweet voice takes control of my heartbeat.
I sigh hallelujah, as our eyes meet,
the taste of your mouth makes my life complete.
Suddenly the pen flows like buoyant streams,
describing love that's only seen in daydreams.
I'm just a star within universal schemes,
basking within the passion of your moonbeams.
Our love can't be hidden in a metaphor,
you're the poem my pen will always adore.
Silent One
3 February 2019
by Connie Marcum Wong |
butterfly, flower, life, lost love, love, metaphor,
Your love touched me…
As a butterfly softly alights on a flower.
I didn't notice until you flew away.
Bite Size Poem no.45 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier
*Note: This poem is about not realizing you
love someone until it is too late.
by Mark Massey |
allusion, art, love,
To count the ways, I dare to comprehend
such finite love defined in written line,
for quantity shall never find an end
to love that lets infinity define.
A Summer’s day, to love shall not compare,
though shines to bathe your beauty in its light,
and as it wanes, waits breathlessly to share
the passion of a sultry Summer’s night.
To laureates and bards of metaphor,
each scribbled phrase, I bid them credit due,
but all their words and phrases heretofore
can ne'er describe this love I have for you.
When words fall short and poetry departs,
love's silence fills the cockles of our hearts.
by Mike Gentile |
care, garden, growth, heart, love, metaphor,
The garden of love bids tending
so often it pains us to render its due
when drought offers threat
and water is scarce
and lovers forget what it means to be true
Yet love, like a garden, rewards us
the flowers of the heart are worth all the pain
how else can we reap
that beautiful yield
with little to lose and with so much to gain
When I think of where we first started
with just the horizon to capture our view
my eyes now behold
what a garden can be
with effort and love to carry it through
by Kim Merryman |
inspirational, metaphor,
If you sow seeds of kindness,
Then kindness is what you'll reap.
If you sow seeds of forgiveness,
You'll reap untroubled sleep.
If you sow seeds of anger,
of hatred or discontent,
You'll reap a crop of violence,
Discord and evil intent.
If you sow seeds of brotherly love,
Then love you will receive,
But if wickedness is what you sow,
Then wicked you will be.
The lesson here is pretty clear:
You reap just what you sow.
Therefore, strive to sow only good seeds,
And spread them wherever you go.
by Poet Destroyer A |
beauty, care, creation, imagination, inspiration, lonely, love hurts, metaphor, nature, rain, sad love, september,
She writes about Fall's beauty in the rain
The falling raindrops' dance ascribing thence
Bespoken verse that lightens her refrain
before the time they met - her steps commence.
She listens to the soft and rhythmic thrum,
her love turned to escape and cloudy string
Where nimbus mistletoe fell, tears to become
Their kiss of Autumn was symbolic ring.
The first light cotton mists with summer rays
While skyward cheerful laughs adorn the land,
their ceremonial dance diffuses grays,
affectionate embrace, where dreams expand.
Upon September's sky the raindrops gleam
With half of hidden Sun to laugh and beam.
--------- 8-29-13
by Poet Destroyer A |
beauty, immigration, magic, metaphor, pride, summer, sun,
~Sun Dancing~
Bright yellow sparks glisten around the landscape
Sheer environment expose
Warmth slinks down every step
So-- Invigorating
Spur-like rays muster in long light
The wolves wait to howl
Soon--Bunch of flowers
Huddle in with sunlit love
Luminous rave
By; pd
by Quoth Theraven |
dream, extended metaphor, forgiveness, giving, hope, journey, metaphor, muse, philosophy, time,
The six steep slopes they gave me..
yes, all were mine.
I can give them to you..
if you wish them.
Though they tend to be.,
Don't wait for them to love,
or understand,
or forgive..
It's not their way.
They serve only to light a path,
show you the way.
Discover who you are, yes,
and where you come from.
It's what you always asked,
and all you ever prayed.
Don't look too far forward,
they'll make sure you're blind..
Understand that you are all that matters
not them, not us, not time.
by Connie Marcum Wong |
devotion, life, metaphor, spiritual, sun,
Naked souls...
Find in each other a kindred spirit
That speaks divinely, without words.
Auras coalesce in euphoric passions
Warming hearts and bodies
That rise to ethereal heights.
Sentient beings aware of the gift
Love employs to infinite degrees,
Valuing the depths of harmonic harmony.
Let sunrise penetrate its heavenly hues
In veneration of nature connecting
With the psyche, intuitive of karmic
Laws in recompense of past regrets.
Unveil the opaque shrouds that keep
Truth occult by delivering the naked soul.
by Silent One |
Love is a metaphor,
which glows in vibrant hues.
An abstract masterpiece
from Da Vinci's palette,
easing souls to feel peace.
Love is a metaphor.
A guiding moon compass
with spotlights at midnight.
Showing how lovers meet,
then shine in diamond light.
Love is a metaphor.
Portrayed through Rumi's verse.
With words that make you think,
how will your sweetheart's lips,
kiss you like quill and ink
Love is a metaphor.
Simple to comprehend.
When conduct connects speech,
words bloom from heart to tongue.
Romance is what you preach.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
metaphor, poetry,
You can try
yes you can
putting wings on an elephant
yes I know you can
Poesi without love
is impossible
13.03.2015 A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
- Everyone who writes poetry leaves a bit of their soul and heart -
by Liam Mcdaid |
angel, beauty, flying, love, metaphor, mirror,
The moonbeams bore you in a cradle of light smiling
warmly a cold blue winter moon rocking over and back thoughts
Midnight mystery howling to a silver reflection deeply echoes whispering winds
over Snow Mountain faraway dreaming stars twinkle in your treasure jewels
Lost trying to catch your trail freedom inside love the spark igniting
magic believing in a fairy tale ending dust in a thousand dreams enchanting
by Daniel Turner |
fantasy, fun, imagination, metaphor,
Inside an inkwell, lives a fairy tale
A classic, filled with love and misery
Where," Once upon a time" has long set sail
And "happy ever after's" yet to be
It's plot, a knight, once schooled in chivalry
His quest for love, the dragons he has slain
From Crusades 'round the world to frippery
The jousts with Father Time who drew disdain
Yet deep inside is where brave knight remains
A lifetime of adventures, good and bad
The love he searches for, still unobtained
Still finding peace, his "grail" this Gallahad
Perhaps, I'll buy a quill one of these days
Release Sir Knight and legends of his ways
by Daniel Turner
Spenserian sonnet abab bcbc cdcd ee
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
confusion, deep, metaphor,
Is there still a rainbow after the rain?
An unanswered message, life is full of lies
Darkness falls - like a thief steals the daylight
I get confused - hear demons whisper
It happened so suddenly, struggling to breathe
Tired of all the things that hurts
If life was an adventure I would love to dance
Everything around me is in a white blur - the truth?
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
(unrhymed couplets)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Dale Gregory Cozart |
fruit, imagery, lost love, metaphor,
I kissed July's hot tangerine lips
swam in cool aquamarine eyes
basked in blond and honey rays
dreamed in mango pomegranate sunsets
of lime hillsides and marmalade roses
Years of sweet citrus passed in golden hours
One day I woke
to find translucent eyes
in burnt sienna
as trees wept leaves
in burgundy and olive
Soon the eyes
were frozen in powder
Ashen shadows blew
across barren groves
of spindled spruce
and howled
with December's lonely moon
But from my fire lit window
I hold fast to memories
of daffodils and oranges
mingled with the burn
of lemon tears
by Sandra Haight |
god, inspirational, jesus, love, metaphor, wisdom, words,
As precious stones are hidden and entwined
in minerals of ordinary worth,
they must be found, professionally mined
from common, rocky layers of the earth.
Extracted, polished, cut- they'll stand apart
as valued gems. Neglected, they will share
in earth's destructive force- erosion's art-
dissolve away with nature's wear and tear.
Oh God, you are both Mine and Miner; strip
this soul embedded in your work of clay,
and let your tools of grace and fellowship
preserve the gem of Love from life's decay.
Cut many facets that reflect and show-
the worth of gem and Miner in its glow.
November 13, 2014
by Charlie Smith |
depression, loneliness, metaphor,
From an insufferable, unceasing rain of disappointment,
I try to hide my scars under the cloak of a smile.
Alas, this master of disguise, fools but one.
My dreams are like a reverent prayer
that's lost its relevance to love.
Shrouded in ominous clouds of deception,
I am a refugee of doubt with no joy in reality.
I wade through poems that never rhyme,
from memories that never mend.
I cower from this rumbling squall of loneliness
and shrink from the shards of misdirected words.
The mantle of hope escapes my ambitions, forever silencing my courage.
I am drowning in discontent.
Brainstorm Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton
1st. Place
by Susan Ashley |
emotions, grief, heartbroken, lost love, memory, metaphor, solitude,
Cinnamon memories catch my soul in snares
as I trace in anguish the curve of your lips
in a photo stained sepia with my tears;
a thousand words... spoken through my fingertips.
Susan Ashley
October 14, 2020
~ Second Place ~
Excerpt from: Lost In My Lost Cinnamon Dreams; May 9, 2019
Premiere Contest: Rithimus Divisa 10
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden
by Charmaine Chircop |
beautiful, metaphor,
When the orange edge of the sun rises
above silver tint hues of an endless horizon
I sway with silent elegance in the meadow of your heart
You 'd pick up all scattered petals from dusty pages of the past.
And there you find my concealed love...
It is then when you recall untainted colours of the promise
forgotten truths and everlasting us.
It is there where you blow softly your Spring breezes
in gardens of fragrant nights
So that in a tomorrow,this unpretentious margarita
would waft its aromatic scent
once more in those amorous deep-set eyes.
Slowly It falls untamed,innocent,and pure, like a child's dream
in the tight-pull of your never-leaving arms.
by Vijay Pandit |
life, metaphor,
Life is a smile of a newborn in mother's arms
Arts and crafts of stained glass from grains of sand
Freedom of a chick on its very first flight
Love of a mother scurrying beside a young fawn
Float on a lotus pond in style of white swans
Lyrics of nature scripted in nightingale's song
Painting in vermilion tints rising on meadows of fall
Rivers rushing down from spring mountaintops
Romance in lover's eyes watching a new dawn
Wonder in breath of a single-celled amoeba
September 14, 2019
HM: Strand special 5 by Brian Strand
Life poetry contest; Sponsor: Ironic Zink
by Susan Ashley |
desire, emotions, imagery, love, metaphor, music, romance,
Your bow - my violin we do unite
on rhythmic notes of ecstasy we fly
entwined our heartstrings vibrate through the night -
emblazoned love songs burn across the sky.
Susan Ashley
September 22, 2020
~ Third Place ~
An excerpt from: Making Beautiful Music Together (written April 15, 2018)
Submitted for contest: Sept. 22, 2020
Premiere Contest: Rithimus Divisa 6
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden
by Gregory Richard Barden |
appreciation, children, father, life, love, metaphor, mother,
we ...
are strands ...
they, a strumming, resonant -
notes of an ambrosial
strain that tickles the tympans of
life and enlightenment ...
they are thistle on the breath of spring,
pappus of a bloom, passionate,
set for naught but fruitful
purchase -
ideality, their roots ...
tender tendrils wrapped 'round
dreams that know
no waking ...
seeds and songs let loose
from our hearts' deepest chambers,
with a boundless hope,
and an ache ...
by Gregory Richard Barden |
grief, imagery, loss, love, metaphor, water,
I wrap the darkness 'round me like a quilt
As questions bay like hounds at my belief
And tho' the tears are poison, dearly spilt
Those e'er still waters ripple with my grief
While love is lost to time, the coldest thief.
~ 1st Place ~ in the "Writing Prompt- English Quintain Imagery" Poetry Contest, Dear Heart, Judge & Sponsor.
by Hiya Sharma |
angst, deep, emotions, longing, love, memory, metaphor,
is the
neon mauve
moon without trails
of twinkling twilight stars that swing in skies?
Perhaps, memories are just fluorescent
leaves that sing in
of the
with pearl-
pastels of
present seconds,
pulsating heartbeats without 'You and I'.
by John Gilman |
depression, dream, loneliness, poetry, sorrow,
the dream painted itself sad ashen grey
a parched desert where rain never falls
this dark metaphor in her barren heart
loneliness whispering of love yet to call
bones of long lost hope on the ground
amid sands of uncountable empty years
she picked up the skull bleached white
all that remained of an old mossy steer
wondering if that would be her destiny
to wander until life's hourglass ran dry
becoming a forgotten, lost skeleton
eroded by day