by Glenn Sentes |
I took an oath from thy God’s face
That life dwelling on earth I raise
Cuddle what breathes in this thick case
But you that slurp my red
Deserve no love nor an embrace
Slap! You die yet I bled.
© Glenn L. Sentes
July 4, 2011
by Poet. Undertaker |
humor, humorous,
Form:Balassi Stanza.
On a trek to deep jungle,
tired I, fell by hay bundle.
a giant wild female mosquito,
humming my favorite song,
crossing all bounds to bang,
licked me whole; dirty wild mosquito!
kissed my eyes, nose, cheek.
not my blood. bloody ,my love it seeks!
pheromone pulls this mosquito!
my sweat has this filthy stuff extra!
my sweat has this filthy stuff extra!
Pheromone pulls this mosquito!
Written for the contest “The Balassi Stanza Contest” by Dr.Ram Mehta.
by Charron Resolution |
emo, girlfriend, heartbroken, humor, insect, irony, love hurts,
I've been single too long
That a mosquito is the only female
that wants to take a bite of me
by Mohammed Rakibul Hossain |
conflict, creation, culture, dedication, grief, international, war,
Where is the nation which speaks love ,
where are the spirits which kept us above ,
where can we find the solution for grime ,
like a tiny mosquito committing a crime ,
where the air around lives in a coal miners lung - ,
serving all mankind , till the singers sung ,
darkness our future – remains in our fate ,
hard striking sweats – prove together very late .
Love is far found under the graves ,
humanity is flown in the melodious waves ,
lacking all words – but we act very brave .
Sum up the words – saving bloody lives ,
bawl , cheer , and glamour – forging against the knives ,
clutch on the oldie – seeking truth till you dive .
by Kate Stern |
funny, lost love, romance,
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more annoying than a buzzing mosquito.
Rough winds do radiate from your way,
And your face is red as a ripe tomato.
Sometimes too bright your sweaty skin doth shine
And often is my fair vision dimmed
By the sight of your face, in decline,
And your thighs, needing to be slimmed.
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
When will you pay the money that thou ows’t?
Thy personality cuts me like a blade
When in eternal lines to time thou wrinkles grow’st,
So long as men can breathe and eyes can see,
So long lives this: thou shalt remain ugly.
by Gary Fields |
dedication, devotion, faith, religion,
The Spirit of God
Is the Spirit of Love
We depend on His allegiance
That is indeed a grand Gift
From Heaven above'
Let Thy Will be done...
- Fore -
He gave Us the Apples'
The Bird's
And the Trees'
He rendered Us to Heaven
With so much of Ease
He gave Us the Mosquito
And to the Dog'
He gave fleas'
And thou shall be thank-full
For what ever We do receive
- Fore -
He hath' given so much
He has given Us
The Wonders' of Life
by Emile Pinet |
anniversary, beautiful, feelings, love, vacation,
Let's take a tropical excursion,
just you, me, and the odd mosquito.
But if your heart isn't into it,
of course, I will honor your veto.
Romance flourishes on the islands
amidst the virtues of sand and sea.
And we will rekindle passion's flame
on our wedding anniversary.
Cupid, armed with his bow and arrow,
will aim for the center of our hearts.
And the sun will rejuvenate us
the instant our vacation time starts.
Twinkling lights piercing the dark of space,
will confetti the night with glitter.
And we will make love under the stars,
while the kids stay home with the sitter.
by Jeremy Street |
baby, baptism, love,
Waking, unto another day; trying to think of anything to say
Going through the motions as a beta amid their little fish bowl
Swimming in tiny circles empty walls past blurred glass; warped images
Distorted reality hoping that whomever will pour a vile of white wine into my mind
A cube of ice to chill it's pen alleviate the burn while waiting for some imitation frosted
Flakes belly up lying atop their blue as red deep sea pebbles; gazing beyound his daydreams
Bubbles bemused muddled voices charmed her mosquito, sipping my intoxication ? H2o, doing time.
by Emile Pinet |
12th grade, imagery, imagination, word play, words,
Wit of wife
sharp as knife.
Easy to see
you love hyperbole.
You’re so fat
you're a habitat.
I easily cry
when feelings intensify.
You naughty boy
don't be coy.
A constant backache
keeps me awake.
A pesky mosquito,
an itch incognito.
One last time, pantomime!
Sept. 13, 2018
Six-Word Couplet Series Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney
by Sabbath De Yecouba |
fun, funny, funny love,
I had an expression
In my language
I joked with people whenever I wanted
Yin nhiany thok
Your mouth smells badly
One day I met a man
He greeted me and said
Why are you slender like this?
You are a mosquito GIRL
Put on some weigh
Yin nhiany thok, I said
Your mouth smells badly
He left silently
The following day we were to meet
He brushed his teeth for two hours
He bathed and washed his mouth for thirty minutes
He dressed up and when he was leaving his room
He recalled what I told him
Yin nhiany thok
He took his perfume and perfumed his mouth
That was my boyfriend
by Emile Pinet |
beautiful, happy, how i feel, image, imagery, joy, summer,
Summer is a cricket's chirp;
the croak of a bullfrog's burp
and a sweet nightingale's twirp.
A season beyond compare;
when wildlife thrives everywhere
and flowers perfume the air.
The whoosh of a flyswatter;
swimming pools of cool water
and warm days getting hotter.
The neighborhood kids at play;
outside till night claims the day
and stars are put on display.
An abundance of daylight;
an itchy mosquito bite
and a fledgling bird's first flight.
A time for love and romance;
opening your heart to chance
and dancing a moonlit dance.
by Judith Palmer |
A summer night
A room, a bed
A life-time of emotions
Beneath the covers
And mosquito net
Eating grapes
Reddened by the sun
Love-sweet and round
Cool rain, washes clean
And muddied pools scattered
Mingled with bitter-sweet tears
Shed afterward.
by John Chizoba Vincent |
africa, animal, art,
Golibe,Have you ever see me wanted to
sing a song of love to you with my bongo?
I have tatooed our smiles, never allowed
Your names escape from my lips like Words.
I Have seen your heart danced upon the song
Of love.
Have you seen the beautiful sky lately?
I have caved your name Golibe boldly on it
Golibe, the Sweet ornament of the morning air
Whose body mosquito have not feasted On.
Golibe, I watch your Back with Smiles and joy
I know they made you a monster in the eyes
Of the strangers who never see beyond your beauty.
Do you want my heart between Your teeth?
I will bring it tomorrow at dawn for your love.
by Denis Brezik |
sweet love,
Follow a rivers path tailing wind
cooling the tall grass on its shore
To kill a mosquito with my grasp
I could linger no more
Speckled a fish jumps
sun dots my eyes
She walks a tightrope
over a green lawn
with a robe on her shoulders
she escapes at dawn.
by Yonah Jeong |
We are traveling the safari zoo
with loved ones
there are several the families
we ask them quietly
"don't know what love is?"
they yelled at us
"why are we here".
by Robert Pettit |
life, loss, lost love
The females of the species are the ones that bite.
There is one I have been trying to kill day and night.
That elusive thing takes its shots at me.
It draws some blood, and flies away freely.
That mosquito reminds me of my ex-wife.
She sucked my blood for a good portion of my life.
She suckered me, and before she went,
she took nearly everything in the divorce settlement.
There is one big difference in the two you should know.
I cannot go to jail for murdering a mosquito.
A fictional account. I've never been married.
by Maddie Squires |
animal, depression, drink,
a mosquito sips on me
cool and fresh
but where i come from
he is unaware
am I his drink of choice?
be careful, little friend
for what I have to give
may not be worth sharing
but then again
don't we all love drinking poison?
by Rachel Hart |
allegory, introspection, life
your love is
mosquito swarm
the sweet nectar of
shame pouring down
the throat clogs
stops up senses
i am a tree
down on my knees
my limbs snap&break
don't take your time
take mine
by Lyra Pendragon |
talking about the creative force
and the power of love
that one can have
like me and you
Pardon the interruption
I forgive you
I hope you understand
and hope for forgiveness too
(forgive my poetry if you need to, I'm sorry in advance)
by Mahtab Bangalee |
earth, life,
Easy math to drink the blood, need
To be mosquito; leech in the mind
Of tongue can live in the disguise
Disguise in wearing neat and clean
Clothes good for all but the time
Speaks to a voice of shameless eyes
Eyes are counting the equation tiles
Of life where a sharp knife is cutting
The long thread of ages by cheating
Cheating is not real norms of manners
But to solve the higher math of life
Human takes shelter here as a pious
Pious a display center of well-formed business
Earthly life where all love to enjoy all in cash
22.08.2020 Chattogram
by Satish Verma |
Were very hot, trembling thighs
like in frying pan, you sizzled
looking around for ladders.
Then you crashed on the charged
net like a mosquito, exploding
in white flame- tip,tip-top.
Pungent smoke rises,of
smoldering flesh. I was afraid
of drums, the fierce sounds.
Your song has been left behind.
Stolen piece. Love has become a
terror asking for ransom.
Living fossil. Taking it all, you did’t
deserve the garbage. The string
of wasted years.
Satish Verma
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 7th grade, 9th grade,
why do mosquitos love ears and arms?
this is the third one that has buzzed my right ear today
or maybe the same one, who knows?
mosquito buzzing is such an irritant
Bothering one ear, then the other
This one just flew in between my eyes!
A brazen fellow
he has landed on my arm
His teeth must be the size of a grizzly’s
by Yonah Jeong |
last night
Late heat,
temperature higher than body
In the unlit darkness
Let's move the cell phone
I saw the mosquito
on the screen
I turned off and fell asleep
In the morning
my wife was upset
the mosquitoes bite and redden
the back,
and thigh and
I was all right
always, yes
even mosquito only like wife.
by Unseeking Seeker |
hot and humid, energy drained
with mosquito menace to boot
why’d we worry, we feel not strained
nonchalant eye cares not a hoot
transfixed in the bliss dance within
jibes and taunts of fate matter not
the void’s our home, we dwell therein
choosing thereby, to be self-taught
one with oneness, we are at peace
following the fragrance of love
breath by breath, turning a new leaf
God’s blessings pour in from above
beholding pulse of life renew ~
heart leaves behind no residue
by Caren Krutsinger |
His voice is grating
Penetrating my daydream
I rapidly turn it into a mosquito
But it bites me, so I transmogrify it into a butterfly
It flits around turning different colors
orange as a flame,
red as a gypsy’s skirts,
blue as the dusk at night.
I can feel a smile on my face
that I do not often experience.
It is my giant love smile.
I am loving this daydream.
Miss Stone!
I sit up sharply, blinking.
Oh, heck. I am in my sophomore math class again.
Mr. Not-So-Nice is glaring at me.
The class laughs.