Love Poems About Mother Daughter or Mother Daughter Love Poems
by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: image, love, mother daughter,

Mothers Day Love Monoku Potd

   A star in the sky, bright as the sun, strong as a Mother’s love.


    A collaboration by: Elena Eagle and Pangie Romios 

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: angel, april, bereavement, heaven, love, mother daughter, snow,

Your Sacred Soul Still Calms and Comforts Me

Ave-Maria hymns lift you in flight
to Heaven’s gate apt angel does ascend
and follows lantern's light predawn of night
on glide of song and blessings she does wend.

On April morn in skies of blue as you
besprinkle crystals from your seraph’s wings,
by mourning noontime snowfall does ensue;
a smoothing swaddle soothing harmed heart-strings.

In diamond-dusted frosted filigree
so sparkles soulful kisses you bestow
for scintillant reflective reverie
your glistened gift you send in silvern snow.

Beloved mother, sainted entity
you hush my cries with snow’s serenity.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: age, death, fire, mother, mother daughter,

Of Cremation

Tell me, mother

what did the fire
whisper to you

as it wrapped your frail body
in its flaming blanket

as it caressed your cheeks
and clenched your hands

as it kissed your eyelids
the way I tenderly used to

closing those deep oceans of love

AP: Honorable Mention 2022

Submitted on February 1, 2022 for contest A STRAND (1063) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

collaboration with Chandana Ramachandran

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: mother daughter, thanks,

Thankful For Four O'Clocks

The rain that seemed to wash my hopes away
Left an amazing gift for me to find
Beyond the puddles that remained behind
New signs of life revived one summer day

I had not planted anything at all
'Twas Mom who wanted me to find this prize
Her efforts surely took me by surprise
Three decades passed; her smile I can’t recall

But in the yard where she drew her last breath
A bed of Four O’Clocks awoke one day
It was as if my Mom were there to say
“My love for you survived beyond my death”

*Written November 7, 2018
“Thankful Poetry Contest” hosted by Tania Kitchin

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: best friend, change, friendship, growing up, journey, Lullaby, mother daughter,


He’s a sad Bunny
With floppy ears
Sadly button eyes
they can’t shed tears

Bottom of the pile
New toys on top
He needed Beth’s help
To hippity hop

With imagination 
she brought Bunny joy
He was her best friend
More than just a toy

Many years now passed
Beth searches for Bunny
A gift for her baby
who names Bunny Honey

Bunny’s happy again
That fuzzy lovely feel
Hippity hop heaven
Love makes Bunny real

Bunny’s round tail
has long been gone 
But Bunny still sings
lovely bunny songs

She cuddles him close
Pets worn floppy ears
Bright Bunny button eyes
with no need of tears.

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: love, mother daughter,

Late Mother

I knew
she loved me
when she confessed
her fear
she didn't


by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: brother, fun, happy, mother daughter, sister,

I Am

I am mother (father) sister daughter
Favourite aunt, SELDOM rant
Pan Flute player, dragon slayer 
Own nothing pink, at least I think
Teach Sunday school, kids find that cool
I am not to lean, I’m sure you’ve seen
Curly hair, I seldom swear
But if I do, God help you
Sing in a choir, now I’m on fire
Love my dog, I want a blog
I am very kind, at least in my mind
Love good movies, never been much of a sleaze
I just gave you a look inside my book
So for now I take a bow.

I am female
Sorry I just found a fluffy beautiful pink bath robe.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Frank Herrera’s Contest:
I am

by James Nichols |
Categories: daughter, family, grandmother, life, love, mom, mother, mother daughter, day, day,

Silently She Weeps

Every day she comes to visit her,
lifts the spoon to her thin lips.
Quietly she sleeps, silently she weeps.
Life arrested in its waning grip.

Every day she comes with hope
that something in her changes.
Silently she weeps, quietly she sleeps
The memories time rearranges.

Every day she comes and wonders,
will she wake today and speak?
Quietly she sleeps, silently she weeps
An imprisoned mind in body weak.

Every day she comes and touches
the woman like no other.
Silently she weeps, quietly she sleeps.
Maternal daughter, loving mother.


by Brandy Wassam |
Categories: age, beauty, birthday, celebration, christian, mom, mother daughter,

A Mothers Love

on this special day
I doest say
that thy mother is of graceful sort
it hath been said she is devine
and I do holdeth this to be true
now dearest mother may I be so bold
to tell you the sun still shinest on one so old
as true as this be
you still grasp your faith 
like the roots of a tree
tis said you are wise
and this I have found true
the eye doeth grow deceived when it is drawn upon you 
as your thoughts become known 
only then your age is shown

by Emma Major |
Categories: blessing, emotions, family, inspiration, life, love, mother daughter,

Treasured Moments

Treasure every moment
Every little thing
Every sight you see
Every word you sing
One day
Far away
It will be
Just a memory
To recall
And re-see

Treasure every beautiful thing
Every bird in the tree
Every flower in bloom
Every joy you see
You might
One day
Loose sight
And then that
So important
It will be

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: age, beautiful, beauty, childhood, growing up, home, mother daughter,

Blossoms and Bubbles

Dancing butterflies and laughter
without a care. A day full of sweet
smelling blossoms fill the air.

Sister's golden hair glistened in the
Summer sun's glow, as Mother blew
colorful bubbles that bounced off
her little nose.

Mother's  heart was always full of
love to share and the day of blossoms,
and bubbles will forever in my memories
be kept with  loving care.

Precious and few are moments shared
together. This wonderful day of blossoms
and bubbles, in my heart will last forever.

April 6, 2015

by Elizabeth Kinch |
Categories: angel, baby, bereavement, heaven, loss, love, mother daughter,


O-n this Easter day God took you up to heaven.
L-ong days and nights followed, especially for your mummy who misses you with an
I-tensity that only a mother can. A
V-acant hole in her heart, forever longing for you.
I-nvisible threads of love will always bind you together, you are mummy's
A-ngel, who is always with her.

Remembering my niece Olivia who left this world twenty two years ago, aged three months.

by Esther Muchai |
Categories: inspirational, joy, mother daughter,

Mama Cry No More


The most tender I have ever known
The world of never you created
Best example of love a lesson learnt
Mama cry no more

Stranger no more am I to this world
Mama I have learnt its tricks
The hills are lower now, the tunnels are brighter
Mama cry no more

Mama let me dry your tears
I will pop the toaster, crunch the flakes
Spread the marmalade, bubble your bath tub
Mama cry no more

The jet is ready, your ticket at hand
The line will dress you up with the queen’s taste
The fruits of your labour, its time you had the taste
Mama cry no more.

by Cona Adams |
Categories: character, hope, identity, inspiration, life, mother, mother daughter,

I Want Not To Fade Away

My one burning wish -
I want not to fade away
like rotten lace, dumped
onto a trash heap and forgotten.

I want to leave myself behind, 
for those who come after
to inhale during breakfast.

Not money, like my mother,
who judged it to be the only thing
of worth she had to leave behind,
as though her love meant nothing,
as though her virtue didn't count.

A nonpareil pattern of motherhood,
of personhood for that matter,
written in permanent script,
propagated in layers of goodness,
flung onto her progeny
with the glue of infinity. 

As long as I live, so will she.
I want that, 
when it's my turn to go.

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: angst, change, conflict, emotions, love, mother daughter, sad,


Somewhere along the way we lost it
and I cry wondering if I could have stopped it.

Just my hindsight saw it all unfold.
For years now it has been more than my heart can hold.

Mentally, your voiced views batter me.
Emotionally, your behaviors shatter me.

We have completely turned from love’s way
so, I dwell sad in past days laid tainted and frayed.

Though no final death scythe ended us,
separation bereavement exists between us.

I search for moves holding love’s right stuff
‘cause I need to show you, Mama, I hurt enough.

... CayCay
March 18, 2020

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i love you, mother daughter, tribute,

My Amazing Mother

My wonderful mother who I love and adore From the day I was born you have been my mentor You give me a huge smile when I walk through the door I cherish time spent with you like never before M Monorhyme Contest Sponsored by Broken Wings 12 syllables per line Checked with how many syllables 04~12~17

by Sakshi Sitoot |
Categories: mother, mother daughter,


Mother's love is something that no one can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, A Mother is one who understands the things you say and do Who always overlooks your faults and sees the best in you Thank you... For standing by me through thick and thin For not giving up on me when I didn't win For your patience when I kept pushing you away For caring even when I didn't need it anyway! For everything you have done, and all that you do, I'm fortunate and lucky, to have you! I love you mummy. Happy mother's day

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: mother daughter,

A Doily a Day

delicate lace linked by crochet labyrinthine stitches a doily a day counted by repetitious candlelight motherly hands of preponderant foresight twisting and surrender of silent threads tucking each one into intricate spreads lovingly lace reflects persistence of face a warm cosseted Victorian embrace from hands that stumbled with wrinkles forlorn and gnarled knots, catastrophic crinkles yet the warm, soft hand that comforts her ill a kin that kindles the fire and spins with skill she’s mastered the lessons rendered at the knee of longsuffering love and mother’s humble marquee

by Mark Koplin |
Categories: mother daughter,

Dear Ava Rose and Cora

Dear Ava Rose and Cora

I’m so sorry my babies for making you cry.
Mommy didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.
Sometimes important tasks are left undone.
But I will be up here watching you with God’s loving son.

I will be in your hearts as you continue to grow.
Mommy loves you so much, and this you will always know.
Your family and friends will always be there.
They will fill in for Mommy when you need extra care.

Work hard at school and take care of each other.
You are your sister’s keeper, so love one another.
Both of you are special, there is nothing you can’t do.
Hold onto each other, I will always love you.

Love, Mommy

by Aishwarya Vr |
Categories: death, fear, grief, mother daughter,


I say farewell to you
because I never knew
my time would come soon
like the waning of the moon
your eyes filled with tears,
your hands holding mine,
I feel the love and pain
for years it had only been in vain
because I will be gone for once and all.
but you always wanted me by your side
as the girl whom you loved the most.
'O mother' do not weep!
and 'O mother' do not curse!
My day has come, it's time to part
bless me for the afterlife.
Though I die now, 
I live forever in your heart!

by Michelle Morningstar |
Categories: mother, mother daughter,

Motherhood Defined

Awe inspiring moments
Beautiful, blissful mess
Chaotic confusion; Calamitous
Devotion, broken hearts healed
Mother's love revealed

by BE Bailey |
Categories: love, mother daughter,

This Love Mom Has For You

Today you are 7 months
How quick the time has passed
The day you were born
Showed mom a different kind of love

You will never understand this love
‘Til one day you become a mother too
My Darling…you will then experience
This love mom has for you

Your smile lights up mommy’s world
In ways I cannot explain
My little bundle of perfect
Worth all the labour pain

I vow to always love you
On my knees for you I’ll pray
May all the happiness in the world
You’ll experience on your way

You will never understand this love
‘Til one day you become a mother too
My Darling...You will then experience
This love mom has for you

by Anna Hopper |
Categories: growth, i love you, mother daughter, my child,

Grow For Molly

Grow tall
Grow your horizons, wide
Grow up
Grow on the inside
Grow yourself, all around
Tower above me
And smile down
You can grow, rapid
Or you can grow slow
Grow at your own pace
As long as you grow
Grow a little
But baby please
Don’t grow away

by Krish Radhakrishna |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, analogy, metaphor, mother, mother daughter,

Hand Washed

white clean shirts drying in sunlight on line washed in detergent soap by mother’s hand! our minds nurtured by mother’s love and care, should last lifetime, unspoilt by time and wear!
‘Double Tetractys 6’ Poetry contest Eve Roper Syllable count 1,2,3,4,10,10,4,3,2,1 (PS) Written 22/11/2020 composed on Photo 1