by Skat A |
absence, cry, desire, feelings, moving on, sorry,
"When returning love, becomes to Late"
From her eyes
His name the name
She mumbles silently
3 rivers, 3 years, 2 many tears
She loves him endlessly
Sending her soul
A free feeling,
Finally, he fell
Engaging, equal to the spell
Morning, mountains and more
Move across a new age moon
His heart happily
Traveling towards hers
Dashing dandy, onto her dinner plate
Too long she waited,
She's not hungry, her heart self healed
3 rivers 3 years 2 late
Her tears faded his rusty name
by Francis J Grasso |
death, grief, life, lost love, motivation, moving on,
The calm that comes with morning light.
Lying here... from an untroubled night.
Alone, awake after restful sleep.
No tears left, no tears to weep.
Dreaming where dreams were never seen.
Free from all that might have been.
By myself with a pristine heart,
to begin again; a brand new start.
No more fear as I arise.
No sadness here to burn my eyes.
Only peace to guide my way.
No more guilt to mar the day.
My spirit rises in the sun,
as life again has just begun.
written 01.20.2017
by Jean Murray |
adventure, future, moving on,
P erhaps it's time to let it go.
A ll that pain you suffered so.
S train on your heart and soul.
T ime to release and let go.
P eer around at your life now.
R elish the love your children give.
E njoy your work as you always have.
S it and relax at end of day.
E nergised by renewed hope.
N ever again to ever succumb
T o being abused by anyone.
F acing the future with a smile.
U pteen reasons to celebrate.
T he joys of living and giving.
U ncertainity will always remain.
R emember to count your blessings.
E mbrace often those you love.
by Juliet Ligon |
irony, lost love, memory, moving on,
I forgot about you,
but I don't remember when.
With all the thoughts inscribed to you,
I once had to chase the pen.
My mind's now like an empty gas tank.
Oh, the roads we traveled... I can't get there.
The dedication page is blank,
because I can't remember what or where.
With all the adventures lived without you
and every brand new start,
with life otherwise filled, now I doubt you
ever existed in my heart.
Senility is what gets me through
each memory from beginning to end.
I forgot about you,
but I don't remember when.
by Poet Destroyer A |
beautiful, blessing, change, moving on, thank you,
Stopping by with a sweet hello to all
Mentally, I'm not over my issues
However, I am Physically well
I do miss everyone, even the new poets.
Hopefully, my friends know, I miss them
I am sorry to say, these 6 months have been the worst experience ever
Even I endure heartbreak and pain.
One step at a time,
I'm experiencing a big change (a good one)
Hello, and Hi, sending a small smile to all......
by Rola Safi-Henson |
death, emotions, farewell, father daughter, moving on, sympathy,
As I lye awake and think of you
my heart always feels so blue.
I try my best to move on, but it's hard to do
since you've been gone.
Thou my heart feels like it's bleeding, I can't
stop how I'm feeling.
People say time will heal the pain but, at times
I feel I'm going insane.
I pray to god everyday, he makes my
pain go away.
I will always love you with all my heart, and know
that one day the healing will start.
But, until that day comes around I will never forget
when we laid you in the ground.
So, please God help me understand why daddy let go of my hand.
by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
best friend, loss, love, missing you,
Play for me, Long May You Run,
to shed a tear and reminisce
of open roads when life begun,
to think of those now gone and missed.
Play for me a tender song
to share with some good friends like you.
Let's laugh and cry and sing along.
I know you feel the way I do.
Faced with the choice of moving on
or falling in the past's abyss,
I'd rather meet each day's new dawn
with those dear souls I love and miss.
Long may they run, sun-kissed somehow,
though I have changed so much since then.
I wonder if they'd know me now
and warm me with their love again.
Inspired by Neil Young's Long May You Run, 11/12/2014
by Charmaine Chircop |
absence, for him, love, moving on,
.erased for personal use.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
cheer up, moving on,
Love my name ~ but never take it
Feel my heart ~ but never crush it
Read my words ~ but never destroy them
Warm yourself in the sun ~ but share it with me
Listen for my sad song ~ comfort me
See my smile ~ laugh along with me
A poem from my soul ~ I will be happy to share
A thought taking birth
Eyes that see even in deep darkness
A human being
I travel in my little boat in the open sea ~ there's room for you too
The whole world in front of our feet
Sunrise and sunset
An adventure ~ if you want
Together ~ always
Not in a war zone
peaceful journey
an intoxication of love
that never
will end
A-L Andresen :)
by Wilma Neels |
break up, lost love, moving on,
When he walked away
He yearned for you to call him back
Even though it would not be what it use to be
He hoped; he had that believe that you could try again
That "call back" never came
Just like that morning
As with every morning thereafter
He wondered should he have turned back
Just get a last glimpse of your smile
A smile that said you believed in us
Instead all he got was a bewildered face
A stare that had so many "what ifs"
by Linda Witt-King |
hope, introspection, love,
When I confront my loneliness
And look it in the eye
My independence seems like
Such a waste of time
My joys and my sorrows
Are shared by only me
And I question the purpose
Of my struggle to be free
I'm not sure I've defined
The web that's been protecting me
There's just something about
All those fears that are affecting me
Now here I stand
The cold wind around me
Stripped to my soul
No walls to surround me
Thrown caution to the wind?
No, not really, not quite
Still gathering courage
As well I might
To risk and be vulnerable
To whatever's waiting to start
To allow hope once again
To rest gently in my heart
by Faye Gibson |
angst, goodbye, leaving,
You played your pipe for me to dance,
as puppet master, worked the strings,
but today my heart will pirouette;
I am giving back the gold nose ring.
Last night I saw just how it is
Between yourself and naive me;
you are the wolf, I am the lamb
always destroyed in repartee.
You think I cannot live alone
without your condescending reign;
you won't hear Arrivederci play,
I won't come back to Rome again.
This love train has left the station;
It is speeding down "don't look back track."
Goodbye to disappointing love;
I'm moving on to be exact.
Copyright, September 6, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson
by C T |
birth, lost love, love, sorrow,
Should it hurt?
The word "LOVE"
A gift of happiness,
A breath to breath combination
stomach rotation, when love is gone
Should it hurt?
Moving on!
Pulling oneself together
After falling far from heartache
A feeling hard to bare
until another comes along
The End
by Robert Johnson |
moving on,
A forest dark within the soul.
Can hide the truth and take it's toll.
And keep the light from getting in.
Then make you feel you'll never win.
But then one day a fire's lit.
That makes more room for things to fit.
And as the light begins to shine.
An inner voice say's it is fine.
There's only one thing left to do.
To find that one path that is true.
That lead's you to your destiny.
Of faith and love you now can see.
Believing in your silent muse.
Who helps you when you need to choose.
Can soothe your soul and keep you warm.
Then joyousness becomes the norm.
by Kelly Deschler |
heartbroken, lost love, moving on, sad love,
Just forget me,
and walk away,
It wasn't meant to be,
So why try to stay.
Don't look at me,
When you walk by,
You don't want to see,
If I start to cry.
If you like her,
Then leave me alone,
Yet, here you were,
Talking on my phone.
What is it you miss,
Do you remember when,
I can't take this,
Never see me again.
When you do go,
Just take my heart,
Do I need it, no,
You tore it apart.
You go your way,
And I'll go mine,
Don't worry today,
Because I'll be fine.
Written by: Kelly Deschler
For Giorgio V.'s contest - Relate Your Poem To One Of These Quotes
The quote I chose was -
6) "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."
- Oscar Wilde
by Jeannie Cronin |
beauty, love, miss you, moving on, poetry, poets, remember,
The day your pen becomes your past
laid to rest and held its last
shall mark the day my heart is sure
of Silent ache to then endure
The memory of every stroke
echoed in the lines you wrote
engraved remains our history
our life, our love, our legacy
What, you ask, becomes of me?
Of all the love that came to be?
Every word you ever wrote
kept still within my heart of hope
Hope for all the world to know
the depth of love your pen would show
Poetic words you left behind
to guide the hearts of all mankind
-Jeannie Minor
Written in response to the beautifully poetic
words of "Ink Bleeds Only For You" by Silent One
by Jan Allison |
how i feel, i love you, mother son, moving on,
You’re my world
You’re everything to me
It’s been a joy you see
Ever since you were born
I’ve been so proud
I can’t help
telling the world out loud
When you left
it was hard to let go
It’s not easy being mum
you know
When you call
I hear your voice
I know you’re fine, so I rejoice
You’re my world
You’re everything to me
Precious son
You mean the world to me
Dedicated to my amazing son who is the light of my life
‘You’re my world’ is a Line used from the song
Lyrics sung to the tune of 'You're my world'
Gren’s Evergreens #4 Cilla Black
Sponsored by Teppo Gren
by Chad Weeks |
girlfriend, goodbye, inspirational, lost love, love, moving on,
You are like the wind
Gently guiding me by while barefoot on a beach
No matter how far, I’m always within its reach
Pushing me through rough seas like a sail
With you mountains are nothing to scale
Like the wind comes great change
And all begins to rearrange
You force the snow to sting my face
Foot prints in the sand you erase
You slow me down
Mountains still all around
I wait for your storm to pass
With each half full glass
But behind every storm
Lies a sunrise to keep me warm
In that light I shall lay
Because long I have waited for this day
by Golden Closet |
beautiful, break up, romantic, soulmate, thank you, uplifting, youth,
You were right; I can not live without you.
We would fight for the stupidest reasons
and every day felt like drinking poison.
You're gone, and I perceive how much we grew.
Sometimes, I often wonder how you knew
Did you know as time went on by seasons?
Everything you taught me was a lesson.
A lesson for my heart to take a clue
And now I'm thanking you from far away
For letting me realize every day
It felt like scary shadows chasing me
but then BOOM! My new love has set me free.
I thought nobody could ever replace
you, but she took my heart with her beauty.
by Ruben Ramos |
hope, metaphor,
When I find that life's not fair,
When Isee that fortune, love, and friendship look away from me,
I stare at the cards that life places in my hands, and,
I move them around a bit and try to find
their highest value for moving on this rough-rough road.
That's all.
Just keeping on,
moving on, moving those cards until
I see my best hand taking shape from within itself
, perhaps my own potential - possibilites.
It may be a metaphor for "hope" ,
that inner voice that tells me
"just one more step man -
just one more breath-
just once more over that next hill -
just one more day -
just one more mile -
just -Keep On!
by Julie Smith |
dream, lost love, love, missing you, moving on, nostalgia, sad,
People tell me
To just let it go
Move on without
Looking back to
A time so long ago
But I can't just do that
How am I to get
Over a time
That only happened
In my mind
There's so many things
We had planned to do
Dreams unfinished
I wanted to
Fly down to Rio with you
Now it all vanished
Into the dark
Life has torn us apart
You are going places
I am stuck in my heart
I wonder if we
Ever get to be
Together again
To finish what we
Once began
by Paul Callus |
as time passes
her visits wane -
fresh love sprouts...weeds
grow by his grave
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A "Charlie-Quadku" Contest
Hosted by Charles Messina
Placed 3rd
© 31st August 2019
by Jannie Breedt |
happiness, love, moving on,
I - applicant for loves generosity
Dared to knock on this door
Dispelling each known calamity
Beseech thee thus to trust and dream again
Yet far away, hopes beckoning gleam
At journeys end the restoration complete
Trembling here - challenging a fate
Submitted my trade
To an outcome unknown
My knock, a whisper
My presence betrayed by a thundering heart
Hearing the footfall of happiness within
by Ann Cantu |
angst, imagery, longing, moving on, nostalgia, perspective,
Accept equality, admit to science
That you always believed -
Why wouldn’t love be free?
San Franciscans and summer lovers
Flocked here seeking illusion.
They saw pretty colors, but no truth.
I extended my hand, warmly
You grasped it, looking onward
To clover crowns and daisy chains.
There is no understanding of
The light in shaded eyes, or
Coy words slipped from tight lips.
Summers always end, she said.
We sighed, nodding off to dream,
Once more before the apocalypse.
-ARCantu, 05/25/2023
by C.J. Langdon |
betrayal, change, how i feel, love hurts, moving on, poetry, sad love,
1.30.17. // 8:54 A.M.
And that day, I told you I was glad
that you made up your mind.
You just kinda laughed
but you didn't say anything.
After 30 seconds of silence,
peacefully holding hands,
with my head resting on your shoulder,
I asked you if you were glad
that you made up your mind.
You said yes.
I asked if you were happy
with where we were.
You said yes.
But obviously you weren't,
because that night,
you said you didn't know
if you liked me anymore.
And not only did you break UP with me,
but you broke ME.
You broke my heart.
And you broke us.
- J.T.A. (“I only dated you because I felt bad for you”)