by Silent One |
desire, romance, romantic love,
She is soothing music,
but an unwritten script.
A silent movie,
but visually, cinematic elegance.
Infatuated lyrics thirst to
compose onto tones of her curves.
Her tongue is a sensual dance,
a serenade of sensitive sensations.
Her lips a path to pristine passion,
her eyes a gateway to heaven.
But she is grandeur of purity,
a distinction of innocence.
Fate must learn patience,
in the pursuit of desire.
Simple Musing
Silent One
8 March 2020
by Lin Lane |
What beauty reflected in love's fair eyes,
a passion treasured beyond all measure.
As ardor stirred flames, I failed to disguise
the need in my loins ere want of pleasure.
As sweet the music I discern profound,
tis more honeyed your lips when touching mine.
Oh! My pained heart shall beckon love resound,
my moonstruck maiden, unearthly divine.
Mute, I cannot be, so near your soft breasts.
This besotted man has but scant more breath.
Grant me your pure love, not in mere request,
but with an angelic kiss 'fore my death.
I beg thee allow the stars remain bright.
Give yourself to me ere the end of night.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
January 9th 2016
by Michelle Faulkner |
lost, muse, writing,
These are the roads I didn't take
A pause too soon, a turn too late
Lost in the love I never spoke
The poems I never wrote
Gone are the moons I didn't chase
The sun-bloomed wind I didn't taste
The skylines I left incomplete
The stars I didn't seek
Muted are songs which may have brought
A silent music to my thoughts
Fading traces in dim sunsets
Autumns I never kept
Verses yet rise through foggy climes
Reveries of forgotten rhymes
If fractured light once more takes flight
I still have poems to write
by Victor Buhagiar |
bird, spring,
Spring is back.
For hark!
The Eastern Bluebirds have returned,
Flying in droves from tree to tree,
Singing to their hearts’ delight.
No wonder they symbolise
The joy and happiness
Of gardens with fragrance love.
Yet I also admire The Swainson Thrush,
Aspiring grandeur with its fluting song.
A sure sign that Spring is back,
A choir of music mixed with skylarks,
Achieving a harmonious symphony,
A feeling that adds to the joy of bells.
by Andrea Dietrich |
After the party and all our great fun,
new friends were trickling out my front door.
With their goodbye hugs, they left one by one,
and I was left feeling surely “the more
the merrier” was a phrase that was true
with my apartment now emptied of sound!
But through the night, I’d been noticing YOU.
Unlike the others, you’d just stuck around.
You told me you’d waited all night for the chance
to be with me only. My heart skipped a beat.
Putting on music, you asked for a dance!
The moment was magic, and you were so sweet.
Today we still dance to that same song.
After the party, my prince came along!
June 29, 2019
by Emile Pinet |
beauty, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts, music, passion,
Callused fingers press vibrating strings;
drawing passion from a violin.
With the burnished wood snug to his cheek,
the violinist plays from his heart.
Subtle vibes saturate my being
as crying strings elicit feelings.
And expounding on love's betrayal;
music stirs the imagination.
His bow hangs like a lingering kiss;
savoring the taste of ecstasy.
And then, with tears trickling down his cheek,
he unleashes unbridled fervor.
Experiencing pangs of rapture;
sound slips the bounds of reality.
And every note penetrates my heart;
igniting fiery flames of passion.
by Tim Smith |
Lights dimmed in a cool marbled hall
a solitary candle flickers
soft chamber music echoes
and my thoughts turn to You
down on my knees
memories come as love has gone
how many times have I begged
to have a heart to hold
a bond to build
an angel to adore
Again I beg for the courage
the strength to carry on
to lead
to live
to love
A bright ray of sunshine
filters through the stained glass window
illuminating your image
heartaches soothe as I take in your essence
and I know
my heart is meant for You
by Charmaine Chircop |
absence, love,
Stay a little longer
come closer to my heart
Breathe dew breeze on my neck's nape
do not yet depart
Play for me bagpipe music
Blindfold all my starving fears
Let the dulcet tones of your voice
give us back those harvest years
Make of the citrus moon a ballroom
Hold me firmly from both hands
Lift me high to touch the star-sky
Show me how young peasants dance
Let my soothing fingers trail
across your caloused sun -soaked skin
In purple fields Come chase me
in that place our souls have been
Take me away with you
where this world is out of sight
Where unspoken thoughts and heartbeats
are enough to blaze the night.
by Pailey Gordon |
9th grade, love, nature,
Helicopter seeds
from my maple tree
drift down,
from the strong branches above.
They all fall around me,
I am encapsulated by the swirling seedlings.
Snug within their warmth,
the wind sends me on my feet.
Dancing with the music of the air
that is rushing through my hair,
I inhale the sweet, mellow essence of what life has granted me.
Then I exhale the words,
"I am thankful for this life and the road, no matter how rocky, has served its purpose".
As I leave this place,
I hum the tune of the masterpiece conducted by the wind
that rustled in this tree.
by John Gondolf |
love, poetry,
The notes of love in verse;
a melody of life
penned softly a la carte
will render thoughts of bliss
when whispered heart-to-heart.
The notes of love in verse;
a symphony of hope
shared ‘tween two hearts in love
just trying to connect
beneath the stars above.
The notes of love in verse;
a rhapsody of words
sighed with a tender flow
when whispered in the dark
sets lovers’ hearts aglow.
The notes of love in verse;
the poetry of thoughts
sung softly in the night,
with stardust raining down,
ignites love’s midnight flight.
January 5, 2024
Poem of the Day - January 6, 2024
by Line Gauthier |
love, peace, water, youth,
Sunshine glitters across the water
in a tireless playful motion, and
a dreamy hypnotic music of eternity
ripples on through my nights.
I close my eyes, transported to a dock
of my youth where soothing waves
greet me, enticing me, inviting me, rocking me.
And I abandon myself to the lullaby
that could just as easily be the arms of a lover.
AP: Honorable Mention 2023
Submitted on May 20, 2023 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1218 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
POTD May 22, 2023
by Ink Empress |
when air-brushed stars croon..
my soul sways, tied to the moon
lost in twinkling tune
seeking for rose light
from plum reveries tonight~
questioning twilight..
am I not fine art
metered refrain to restart
music of your heart..
but will rivers heed
thoughts that stream in neon fields~
of teal auroras ..
swirling and twirling…
vinyl rhythms of warm astral~
spirits cloaked in sage…
in silence, I dream
in a bed of lilac clouds~
of you, me, and love..
by John Watt |
light, love,
Your incandescence drew me to your flame
Moth-like, I gravitated to your light
Then feigning nonchalance, I asked your name
The music of your voice set me to flight
And added several inches to my height
When you inquired of my name I saw stars
Stellar arrays beyond Venus or Mars
Puncturing through the thick shroud of the mask
I use to hide my stories and memoirs
My lady! All you had to do was ask!
written 18 Aug 2020
by Agnes Krampe |
community, sister, women,
Taking the risk,
Baring the soul,
Seeking the wisdom
That shall make us whole.
Raising the arms,
Spreading the wings,
Hearing the music
That deep in us sings.
Stepping the dance,
Chanting the song,
Feeling the sisterhood
Tender and strong.
Sharing the love,
Speaking the name,
Calling the blessing
And lighting the flame.
Written 7/28/2016
Take the Dagger from my Heart, Please- Poetry Contest
sponsored by Broken Wing
N/A in Premiere Contest Number 5, Judged 8/27/2016
by Richard Lamoureux |
beauty, dance, happiness, love,
awkwardly I dance
because I have two left feet
hard to find partner
I watch you dancing
it seems you have two right feet
let us share some shoes
will you follow me
for if we move together
dance will have purpose
you move fluidly
my feet provide the structure
made for each other
no limitations
with artistry and purpose
we dance with the stars
life is not boring
we live within the rhythm
music from heaven
God is our maestro
leading us to forever
in death we won't part
by Arturo Michael |
i miss you, lost love,
So far away
Whenever I need you
You’re not around
I think of you
Dreaming we would find a way
To get back together again
And that you would stay
I love
Everything about you, if you didn’t know
I love the way you hold me close
I love the way you whisper to my ear
There’s nothing I won’t say or do
To have you, back into my arms
Loving me the way
The way only you can do
I love
Love to dance with you
I love to feel
Your heart beat next to mine
As we move across the floor
The music takes us away
And we’re hopelessly in love
The way I pray we'd stay
If you were only here
but you're so far away
I'm still hopelessly, in love with you
by Silent One |
analogy, lost love, love hurts,
she was a caterpillar,
i her cocoon
she was the music
i her dance
she was the rose
i her thorns
she was lost among the stars
i showed her the moon
i drifted like a tepid breeze
but she was lost in the storm
she was right
i was not wrong
she lit the fire
i burned like hell
by Silent One |
angst, love, solitude,
No one understands the reason for living,
many prefer to receive without giving.
In a world full of selfish behaviour,
solitude has become my silent saviour.
Instruments are repressed without musicians,
as some kill the music before auditions.
My harp cares not for words about tradition,
ignores fake applause for romantic fiction.
Love is a way of life, yet some bring it shame,
mercy cannot sin, feelings are not a game.
People point fingers to those without a name,
what will they do when there's no one left to blame?
I'm no Romeo, I need no Juliet,
I've loved and lost, broken hearts I still regret.
Silent Sonnet
Silent One
24 August 2019
by Eve Roper |
love, memory,
In memory of you and all the beauty I behold.
I will listen to the laughter's and discern which one was yours
I would play the music that I know you would wish to hear
And dance on the same footsteps wearing your shoes
As I float dancing with you just one more time
And when we are done, I will hold your hand
Pull you towards me one more time
And see forever in your eyes
And when tomorrow comes
And it's my turn to dance again with you,
I will flow you to the Milky Way
Where all the stars will look upon us
With coruscation envy
Poetry Contest: In Loving Memory'
Sponsored By: Regina Riddle
by Lu Loo |
love, music,
United Colours: Black and White
Sponsor: Silent One
Your tune
sweeps me
so high
and free
but then
I hear
B sharp
with tears
and in
sweet trance
I swoon
in dance
with your
souls notes
while your
voice floats
on the
soft strings
as a
bird sings
you still
move me
with black
and white
grand keys
***I used picture number one for this poem***
~Date Written: March 6, 2016~
by Vijay Pandit |
Let eyes meet, let them spark a fire
Let rhythms sing to music of lyre
Let heartbeats of joy write our song
In moods of kisses yearned for long
Let blushing cheeks welcome romance
Enchanting heart's seductive dance
Let winds of love ignite our flame
As night, ecstatic, croons your name
December 29, 2019
Placed 3rd: Lay it on me—8x8 poetry contest
Eight syllables per line (
Sponsor: Charles Messina
Placed 2nd: Strand select 6 by Brian Strand
by Charlie Smith |
love, summer,
Soft lights with warm winds pirouetting in time
whispering its music so perfectly in rhyme
Hearts searching, ever searching for love's sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess
Moonlight in concert reflecting its bliss
Starlight's twinkle, a pretentious first kiss
Hearts searching, ever searching for love's sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess
The concert of summer called gently your name
Softly, by this music into my life you came
Hearts searching, ever searching for love's sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess.
Summer Breeze Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton
by Charlie Smith |
desire, dream, love,
If only love befell your heart
like fragrant scents of new spring hay
the joy my dreams would too impart
if such a verse I'd dare to say
Feel the chances of a raindrop
touch the tenderness of a rose
pray the music will never stop
before the wind of winter blows
Let's weave tales of this love's history
I am heartbound, please take my hand
walk with me through all life's mystery
for what only we might understand
I know the sweetness of your smiles
They take me back to childish wiles
Poem Of The Day 11/05/2017
by Connie Marcum Wong |
age, anger, poetry, spring,
I will absorb the warm sunshine today,
I'll wrap myself within a golden ray.
Nature's music enchants the tropic air
Where windswept waves will spur me to declare
The tender wishes I've been dreaming of,
That younger years when we first fell in love
Could cross the barriers of time's sweet past
And return pain free bodies that would last.
When the young speak about the golden years
They do not realize the many fears
That plague us as we reach that golden age.
They do not understand our pent-up rage
At doing simple things we used to do
Can be too much and soon pain will ensue.
Poetry can return us to our spring
Where youth of green is seen in everything.
by Susan Ashley |
grief, heartbreak, lost love, music, pain, romantic love, sorrow,
Piano music plays.
Soft notes emote mid air,
like tear-stung doves they fly
in atmosphere of fog.
The clouds, they shroud the sky.
Piano music plays,
the keys, they seize my blues—
the depth of blue, so vast.
Poetic ivories
harassed… recite the past.
Piano music plays.
Dull echoes haunt the halls,
sonatas without soul.
Since wick and flame lost light
my space inside like coal.
Piano music plays,
the white noise like a ghost.
My fluid fingers mourn
in melodies of you —
my rose with thorns reborn.