by Elaine George |
rose, winter,
I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath
How I long to touch those petals again
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss
Opened in passion whispering my name
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss
Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold
That now my love keeps you and me apart
But if I were to pluck this winter rose
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
god, love, world,
Idle my tongue remained, my Lord,
till the moment it learned how to pronounce Your name
But from
that moment onward, it never ceased singing your song
which has set my soul aflame!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
11 June 2022
* I am happy to share with my dearest friends the honor of POTD. I thank those who visit and comment plus the officials of PoetrySoup who bestowed that honor. Be blessed!
by White Wolf |
art, beauty,
Shadow not over the words of love
Love is a language known only to the heart
Hear it in the wind and the birds above
Paint it on a canvas skin and call it art
Eternal beauty walks among us all
Seekers of knowledge may know its name
But true wisdom lies in hearing its call
As the oceans cause the moon to wane
Its gentle touch, abundantly crystalline
Euphoric in nature, its secret is kept
With its healing powers all part divine
Though many an angel from love has wept
Compassion and caring, make love's trinity
And kindness a guide that leads to bliss
So make love your one and true reality
For you are worth much more than this
by Arturo Michael |
color, life, poems,
Paint the world of words so bright
Brush the canvas with pure delight
Be the rainbow coming out of a storm
The sunrise of a beautiful morn
Paint the world as you would wish
For what is written expresses it
Hearts maybe black or blue
A bright smile colors I love you
Paint it as a blind man sees
Hear it as the deaf conceives
Blank spaces upon your walls
Interpretations are meant for all
Paint the world and let it be
You are you and I am me
No left,right or middle lanes
Colors are one and the same…write your name
by Ink Empress |
dance, deep, love,
Last night I dreamt that I was dancing
in soft foggy mists designed in
pearly bows, frolicking from
thin fluffy silver waves-
blanketing moonlit
skies within hour
less hills and
through blue bliss
lakes, in lucid
motions, as seamless
ripples reflect a sweet
rhapsody of a golden
rose sprouting amidst glistening
rays, as I name mauve stars with your love
by Andrew Fairchild |
for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,
I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.
Submitted for: Standard Poetry Contest 175
Sponsored by: Brian Strand
by Andrea Dietrich |
love, rose,
If love could have a color, I suppose
it wouldn’t be just any common shade.
I’d name it for the colors of the rose.
In heaven’s hues this flower is arrayed!
From chaste love’s hush of pink to heady rush
that’s shown by cardinal or crimson red,
the rose reveals the grades of ardor’s blush
unto the time it’s thought that passion’s fled.
But in the tint of amaranth, the fire
endures; in purple deep it can transcend,
while yellow blooms in bliss that does not tire,
and white’s fidelity will have no end.
Though black the bud, a red will grow thereof.
By any other name, the rose is love.
by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
funny love, woman,
Out there
With her flair for chasing inspiration
She draws you in her reason
Connecting dots and constellations
She takes you by the hand
Her world as messy as her mind
You need a guide
And as you wade through her chaff
Her heaps of half thoughts
Her every whim expressed
The only thing you know for sure is
Out there exists
Date: 11.19.2019
Contest Name: Disarray
Sponsor: Nina Parmenter
by John Watt |
light, love,
Your incandescence drew me to your flame
Moth-like, I gravitated to your light
Then feigning nonchalance, I asked your name
The music of your voice set me to flight
And added several inches to my height
When you inquired of my name I saw stars
Stellar arrays beyond Venus or Mars
Puncturing through the thick shroud of the mask
I use to hide my stories and memoirs
My lady! All you had to do was ask!
written 18 Aug 2020
by Ink Empress |
If "we" are a sin,
Why is my heart bleeding for you?
Why is my soul screaming out your name?
Chained by the links of horrors that hold me against you,
Towered high up above the ground,
Little did they know I'd crumble every bone just for you.
I would not wish such adversity upon my adversaries, such as the animosity which chastises our hearts.
Every precious petal in my garden has turned black, waiting for your lips to rejuvenate their vibrant hues.
Why must love be cursed by society's blindness,
or has Cupid's ignorance plagued our forbidden fate. Maybe death is the only freedom for our devotion
by Elaine George |
death, love,
Alone in a meadow in the pouring rain
I find the stone that causes all my pain,
As I stumble through the fog in disbelief
I fall down upon my knees and sob in grief
The fog horn cries her mournful sound
As my heart falls down, beneath the ground
Crying out to God for mercy all in vain
To take away the stone that bears your name
Author: Elaine George
by Agnes Krampe |
community, sister, women,
Taking the risk,
Baring the soul,
Seeking the wisdom
That shall make us whole.
Raising the arms,
Spreading the wings,
Hearing the music
That deep in us sings.
Stepping the dance,
Chanting the song,
Feeling the sisterhood
Tender and strong.
Sharing the love,
Speaking the name,
Calling the blessing
And lighting the flame.
Written 7/28/2016
Take the Dagger from my Heart, Please- Poetry Contest
sponsored by Broken Wing
N/A in Premiere Contest Number 5, Judged 8/27/2016
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
You must teach me to be humble
For love is the reason you died
The lamb is so clean, white and holy
A newborn Lamb of God who makes new life begin
The Lamb gentleness is evident for all
Take away my sinful thoughts and lies
Worthy is the Lamb that carries your words
I'm no angel, but I know they exist
You paid with your blood for the salvation of men
Love abundance is where you are found
Contest Name:HOLY IS THE LAMB...
Sponsor:Verlena S. Walker
A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
- Thank you for my 2nd place in contest :) -
by Kash Poet |
love, nature,
Over the still pond
a leaning branch of Iris
Messenger of Love
sudden gentle breeze
flower kisses the water
whispering love talk
ripples in water
sending another message
signature of life
Iris:Name of a flower meaning"Messenger of Love"
by Liam Mcdaid |
beautiful, flower, heart, love, peace, sea, smile,
Smiling hotly you're the flame captured underneath
burning with a sunrise golden gleam frosted
Sparkling within dewdrops crystals crash
over oceans waves rise and fall to grace
At your feet adoring they kiss salt saluting promise
kneeling upon the sand footprints hold ground held
Those inside one thousand memories wrapped forever
perfect jewel you are the pearl of a deep sea always crowned
Lustre of one rainbow washed clean cut perfect flower
white lily from the heart of love you brought peace
by Arthur Vaso |
allusion, angst, destiny, humanity, introspection, life, loneliness,
I have been erased
no face
no name
Silence invades
I speak yet have no voice
no soul
no heart
Darkness I embrace
Invisible to the mirror
Into society I peer
no one sees
what does not exist
Asleep or awake
there is no existence to partake
Possessions collecting dust
While what does not exist rusts
Who am I, that never existed
That bleeds but never lived
Murdered by love
no matter
I do not exist
by Lin Lane |
Love has taken a firm grasp of my soul,
ridding me of chill and bite of hoarfrost
Strong arms rescued me from the Winter's cold
Etched upon my heart is his name, embossed
He soothed my senses and woeful sorrows,
offered moonbeams to dispel darkest nights
Erased the reasons for my brow's furrows
Lifted me from harm and set my world aright
He drowned me in crashing tides of passion
then revived me with life's breath in a kiss
Pray, heart, keep beating in such sweet fashion
ne'er to be slain and cast in death's deep abyss.
Tender is this love through nature's seasons
with gentle reminders of heart's reasons
by Michael Tor |
depression, god, grief, hope, jesus,
When your friends have drifted off,
and you find yourself alone.
When the parents that you love,
the Lord has taken home.
When your burdens are so great,
and there is no hope left inside.
When you feel you can't live on,
and continue with your life.
There is One who cares and loves
you, and knows your every pain.
Seek his love and mercy,
Jesus is his name...
by Joseph May |
lost love, relationship,
Words left unsaid as teardrops fell
The price of love, their hearts would tell
And so they parted, love took flight
And left their hearts to lonely nights
Each unable to break loves spell
Distant sound of the old church bell
Rang through seasons they knew so well
Winter to spring, summer shone bright
Words left unsaid
Each had a broken heart to sell
As fire within they tried to quell
Memories fade in Luna's light
Stars wished upon twinkle in sight
Love's distant star, flickers farewell
Words left unsaid
Contest Name: Form U- U pick 'em
Sponsor; Broken Wings
by Silent One |
angst, love, solitude,
No one understands the reason for living,
many prefer to receive without giving.
In a world full of selfish behaviour,
solitude has become my silent saviour.
Instruments are repressed without musicians,
as some kill the music before auditions.
My harp cares not for words about tradition,
ignores fake applause for romantic fiction.
Love is a way of life, yet some bring it shame,
mercy cannot sin, feelings are not a game.
People point fingers to those without a name,
what will they do when there's no one left to blame?
I'm no Romeo, I need no Juliet,
I've loved and lost, broken hearts I still regret.
Silent Sonnet
Silent One
24 August 2019
by Vijay Pandit |
Let eyes meet, let them spark a fire
Let rhythms sing to music of lyre
Let heartbeats of joy write our song
In moods of kisses yearned for long
Let blushing cheeks welcome romance
Enchanting heart's seductive dance
Let winds of love ignite our flame
As night, ecstatic, croons your name
December 29, 2019
Placed 3rd: Lay it on me—8x8 poetry contest
Eight syllables per line (
Sponsor: Charles Messina
Placed 2nd: Strand select 6 by Brian Strand
by Connie Marcum Wong |
love, poetry,
What causes me to love a poem
Is one that lingers in my mind,
A poem of a kindred spirit kind,
The kind that makes me feel at home.
A solemn poem that makes me cry,
Or one with clever wit and flair,
Or one with sentiment to share,
A poem that causes an awestruck sigh.
The best would sparkle with romance
The kind that Chris Green writes to prove
Superlative his words of love,
Melodic rhyme that woos one to dance
Under a starlet diamond sky
As poetry whispers in the wind
A sonnet forms in mind to send
Along with dreams to wayward fly.
~Third Place~
Contest Name FAVE |
Sponsor Line Gauthier
by Charmaine Chircop |
For the rose without season is you
Light between stars shines through your soul
Ocean of kindness whispers your name
Joy resides in those beautiful eyes
Treasure trove,a friend to keep
Humbleness and Honesty,your virtues.
Open-hearted to all,expecting nothing in return.
Mother and wife who lives life for your beloveds
Admirable for verse,and much more for deed.
Special is the best word that sincierely describes you.
Dedicated to my dear friend Flo with love and gratitude-Thankyou.
(Please spare one minute to read my blog: FJ.Thomas if you can.
by Charlie Smith |
love, summer,
Soft lights with warm winds pirouetting in time
whispering its music so perfectly in rhyme
Hearts searching, ever searching for love's sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess
Moonlight in concert reflecting its bliss
Starlight's twinkle, a pretentious first kiss
Hearts searching, ever searching for love's sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess
The concert of summer called gently your name
Softly, by this music into my life you came
Hearts searching, ever searching for love's sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess.
Summer Breeze Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton
by Debjani Mitra |
cute love, love, passion,
sweet and citron voice, fondled a whisper
did you say, "O my Love, pulling me close
refreshing spring water, cooler and crisper
restless eyes now crave, to forever repose
a vista of orchids, into my soul you dive
where a frantic heart, beats in your fervour
No more secrets, so effortlessly you arrive
in every corner, dreams in vain endeavour
in swarm of thousand kisses, I slowly melt
impetuous arms hug, a wild maddened sea
faintly glowing cinder, every cell now felt
an embrace, in your lockup, you set me free
Dated 7th June 2020
Featured third in best new poem list
Sponsor craig cornish
Contest Name Hugs |