by Le'Rita Clark |
black african american, death, life, loss, love, sad, teen, girl, girl,
One night a guy & a girl were
driving home from the movies. The
boy sensed there was
something wrong because of the painful
silence they shared between them
that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over
because she wanted to talk. She told him that her
feelings had changed & that it was time to move on.
A silent tear slid down his cheek as he
slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note.
At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down
that very same street. He swerved
right into the drivers seat, killing the boy.
Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she
pulled it out & read it.
"Without your love, I would die."
by Christy Hardy |
dedication, sexy,
Oh sexy man,
in line ahead of me,
you look like a dream,
are you golden band free?
Oh sexy man,
you're looking at me,
my hair is a mess,
my jeans have holes in the knees.
Oh sexy man,
here you come,
asking for my number,
my hands just went numb.
Oh sexy man,
a movie will be fine,
then we will gaze at the stars,
and sip red, red wine.
Oh sexy man,
we are a perfect match,
together as one,
my fantastic catch.
Oh sexy man,
so kind, and strong,
I'll love you forever,
you complete my song.
by Nina Hernandez |
angst, daughter, death, depression, devotion, family, fantasy, imagination, love, mother, sad, dark, dark, rose,
Once bloomed a rose so young and fair
With dark brown eyes and long black hair
Beside her be a tall dark tree
Whose branches stretch to smother thee
Too close beside the shadowy bark
That soon begins to leave its mark
She cries for help, but none shall hear
Her thorns too sharp, who’d dare go near?
To save this rose, who’d risk their life?
With naught to gain but pain and strife
Alone, afraid, she lays to rest
Her heart beats low inside her chest
And with the hour growing near
She sheds her final grieving tear
And so the rose soon falls asunder
Her final day, eternal slumber
She lies beside the old dark tree
The only one who mourns for thee
by Anson Decker |
Blank white paper
Infinite hope, endless promise
An inspirational instrument
The artists canvas and lawmakers device
How an absent lover expresses love so precise
So much to say, I’m intimidated by its potential
Fearful to express my true self to you
Or to people exponential
Fear is a disease
A disease impeding me from being me
Blank white paper
A horrifying shrill to action
Blank white paper
My call to create
Channel your optimism
Divorce your pessimism
Summon the courage, others will follow
Allow your new future to begin today
Reveal your dreams hidden by white ink on
Blank white paper
by Michael Degenhardt |
death, hope, inspirational, loss, love,
I wept upon the news deployed
For now within, exists a void
My heart has stopped, it’s turned about
For life with love is now without
Now cast away, the physical form
I await the fate, to be reborn
To one day greet you there, again
The Gates of Heaven then let us in
Hand in hand, we move ahead
As souls permit, though bodies’ dead
A smile to you I then will give
For past our deaths, I know we’ll live
by William Kershaw |
introspectionautumn, time,
September tries to convince herself,
Making pretend that she is really, truly,
A Summer month, albeit one of dying fire,
Holding at bay the chill of Autumn winds.
October plays temptress with her Duality;
Sun to warm the back of your flannel shirt,
With punkin' frosting nights, crisp and cold.
Air so clear it sears the throat like a glass of cider.
November comes dark, wet and gloomy.
An ancient harridan forced to bridal bed.
Chanting "fools, there's time before winter comes,
Still time enough for love."
December mutters in her sleep........
by James Marshall Goff |
*for AG
Last leg home, the sun setting in the polluted haze of the city,
looks Like I feel, my thoughts a golden glow, every brushstroke
I've painted filling the sky with my love for you...a painting
that will begin anew....with the sunrise
........with the sunrise
Though your footprints belong to you,
my heart..... travels your path
Endless, as it should be,
your destiny rewards my memory
by Christy Hardy |
hope, imagination, life,
Majestic illusions, dwell in my mind,
my special place that is only mine.
Filled with miracles, given through love,
my little heaven , when life gets tough.
A voyage I take, no one else is here,
I feel no sadness, I feel no fear.
The quietness, and serenity of an ocean voice,
waves coming softly, the air so moist.
Peace all around, no hassle of life,
my safe Haven of refugee, whenever I cry.
by James Peranteau |
love, son,
In each other's arms
tightly embraced
with the warmth I receive from
no other
these words from the depths of
his little heart
past his precious lips
“I’ve been waiting for this Pops”
“what’s that son”
whilst wrapped in his warm grip
was mine query
“Your golden hug Pops
your golden hug”
az off to school he did trot
by Devonta Reese |
black african american, happiness, imagination, life, love, passion, me, me,
LOVE being felt caressively,so sexually,
intimately,intentively makes me feel so
radical,speaking hypothetical-ly of how it
makes me feel,
So real,the thrill I always feel,the ideal of me wanting to kiss,
I can't resist what this is, which is you only you.
No one else has made me feel what I felt,
get me so hot until the point I melt,
I sweat began to pelt upon each other,
There is no other that makes me feel what I
feel when we together for now until forever.
The LOVE we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.
But just to think I'm only speaking hypthetically.
by Mohammad Abedin |
garden, spring,
It is spring in my garden
roses are blooming
cuckoos are crying
The winter has been passed
summer is coming
It is so easy to write a poem in the spring
when the river flows gently to the sea
when the sakura shines
in the moonlit night.
Honey-bee dances in my garden
because it is spring
Flowers spreading sweet smell
in the cloudless blue sky
Could you imagine a garden
in the moonlit night of a spring
It can make a poem of love
It can open all the windows of your mind
by James Peranteau |
father, love, son,
"Am I a man
"You are
Spider man
Iron man
And when
I am old and frail son
I pray
by Jack Ellison |
friendship, love,
Found a new friend, her name is Jan
Though we live an ocean apart
The bond between us is as strong as any I've known
Our names are similar, our love of life is similar
We both love to laugh
Feel so blessed that our paths have crossed
These kind of friendships are unique
They don't come along everyday
When they do, we must hold on to them for dear life
Never ever let go
Life is a very short melodrama
Must remember to make the most of every moment
That's why a friendship like ours
Is so very very important
Blessed is the Allison/Ellison bond
© Jack Ellison 2014
by Timothy Brumley |
animals, faith, inspirational, naturelove, i love you,
This morning I hiked a wooded trail
And while quietly strolling along,
I was pleased to hear a lonely quail
A singing his mournful song.
And then again this afternoon
While drawing water from the well
A loon began it's soothing croon
That echoed 'cross the dell.
And in the evening as I dined
While resting in the swing
A mockingbird was very kind
To perch close by and sing.
Then later, as I knelt to pray
In telling God, "I love You"
That, I wished to hear Him say
Just once, He loved me too.
Then Father spoke! "Don't you know?
My son of course I love you too!
I sent couriers today to tell you so
Did my three messengers not find you?"
Timothy I. Brumley
by Rob Carmack |
first love, lost love, mythology, raven,
As she walked across the sand,
receding waves made graffiti
out of the footsteps of a Valkyrie.
An ocean’s city let go of her hand
as we passed under a tree –
her hair like the gold of Valhalla’s marquee.
It was there, in another god’s hall,
the raven flew under a ceiling of shields,
and her grace lived in every swan.
It was then, when I first met need,
thirsting for wine but settling for mead.
Baldr’s death carved into a stone wall
moved me west to the mistletoe.
Her face held by another, his fingers
the lightening that tore open the skies
and bled the blue into her eyes.
My first loss and left out of place,
to learn what can’t be taught.
by Esther Muchai |
inspirational, joy, mother daughter,
The most tender I have ever known
The world of never you created
Best example of love a lesson learnt
Mama cry no more
Stranger no more am I to this world
Mama I have learnt its tricks
The hills are lower now, the tunnels are brighter
Mama cry no more
Mama let me dry your tears
I will pop the toaster, crunch the flakes
Spread the marmalade, bubble your bath tub
Mama cry no more
The jet is ready, your ticket at hand
The line will dress you up with the queen’s taste
The fruits of your labour, its time you had the taste
Mama cry no more.
by Lewis Nyaga |
appreciation, friend, mentor, word play,
I listen calmly to him
Slowly nudging him on
As he expounds on philosophy
Hidden gems are revealed
Polished and inspected
This one owns a gold mine
This one has hidden gems
I love to see them exposed
That's why am silently probing
by Jack Ellison |
love, tribute,
Charmaine means love
Charmaine means happiness
Charmaine means tenderness
Charmaine means sweetness
Charmaine means softness
Charmaine means joyfulnes
Charmaine means gentleness
Charmaine means angel like
Charmaine means purity
Charmaine means truthfulness
Charmaine means angelic
Charmaine means kindness
Charmaine means sensitive
Charmaine means warmth
Charmaine means passionate
Charmaine means delicate
Charmaine means elegant
Charmaine means graceful
Charmaine means fragile
Charmaine means rare
Charmaine means exquisite
Charmaine means all these things
And more...
© Jack Ellison 2015
by Christy Hardy |
The man I dream of,
is tender but strong,
and I will be the music,
to the words of his song.
His eyes will give comfort,
as I talk of my day,
and I will listen completely,
to all he will say.
A hand to hold,
a heart of gold,
as we grow old.
by Tiani Rodriguez |
abuse, dark, father daughter, how i feel, hurt, leaving, strength,
You wanted someone strong; you wanted someone who wouldn’t crack. You thought you were making me tough by breaking me down. You told yourself it was the only way, because I wasn’t the boy you wanted.
I was a girl, your first born. I was delicate, young, and very impressionable. I grew numb to the pain I became accustom to.
You succeeded. You made me into someone the world couldn’t shatter, because you can’t break something that’s already in pieces.
by Teddy Kimathi |
funny, funny love, green, humor, humorous, imagery, relationship,
"What do we have for breakfast?"
"Lettuce and cabbage juice!" she
replies excitedly.
She had forced him to change
his blue pajamas to green
pajamas, then he returns
to bed -
the bed had to have green sheets,
green bed cover, and a green
"Why do you do this to me?!" he asks.
"I was born in St. Patrick's Day!!!"
she replies.
He can't wait for a green light
to escape a world where
everything he hates is green.
He's afraid he's lost her love in the greenness....
by Teddy Kimathi |
fear, imagery, life, lost love, metaphor, mystery, relationship,
For years she thought his heart would warm up,
and open the door for her world. It felt like walking
in summer clothes in the north pole,
whenever she touched his chest;
she couldn't sigh, breathe or move.
It's as though he was afraid her hands would
melt his frozen heart,
and unravel his secrets.
Sometimes she joked, and asked him whether
he was an Iceman in his past life,
which he shrugged off,
as hailstorms gathered in his eyes.
Every day the space between them was becoming colder
and wider; she couldn't tell between winter
and summer anymore.....
by Cathy Stephens |
friendship, life, love,
A love so forbidden, a feeling so tangible yet tainted. Tainted because if the complexity of this charismatic feeling, the flesh of my flesh, yet I crave this man as if it were predestined. I’ve seen him in my dreams; he was sent to me, and I him. How can this be? Is it lust, curiosity, or is it the forbidden fruit? Every day, I look into your eyes and see the man that I long for, the man I crave, the man I want the others to be.
by Rob Carmack |
christian, dark, death, grave, judgement, lost, sorrow,
Memories of once the sun shined,
oiled and tanned we denied
the only living book and subtle nudges.
Nothing but truth in the grave
when too in love with everything
reached the top and found nothing
but the pain of a flame’s dedication
and an absolute conviction,
replays the familiar
screams and whispers them.
Strain a touch through the glare,
but they ain’t there.
No one left to save us
as we find common grace
included tears.
Inspired by the song ‘The Rapture’ by Puscifer
by Christy Hardy |
lovelove, me,
If you love me,
then you should know,
my favorite color,and
tv show.
If you love me,
and have shared my life,
what makes me special,
in being your wife.
What is my shoe size,
are my jeans tapered or loose,
do I wear the low riders,
or those high on the caboose.
Is my perfume,
flowers or spice,
how many times have you told me,
baby you smell nice.
These simple things,
that make me who I am,
are not very difficult,
but will prove to me,
you are my man.