Love Poems About Ode or Ode Love Poems
by Jan Allison |
Categories: moon, ocean,

Magical Moonlight

at midnight
as moonlight shadows
dance on the inky blue ocean
and watch as they sparkle and shimmer like tiny stars,
pirouetting gracefully like prima ballerinas with the ocean as their stage 

Writing Challenge 1, September 2019 - Eight Line Form
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode
Checked with PS Syllable counter 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21

by Robert Valentine |
Categories: deathme,

An Ode To the Angel of Death

What manner of an angel be
my love, who standeth here?
Such beauty did I never see
in any Earthly year.
What mighty magic has she cast
to make me love her so,
that if I should for aeons last,
still with her I shall go?
What wonders lay beneath her breast
and weigh my heart like stones?
These eyes of mine did never rest
on any sweeter bones.
What better end have I to meet
than ‘fore my Lady break me
to lift me in her embrace sweet
and to her darkness take me?

by Rob Schulteis |
Categories: anxiety, beauty, cancer, death, love,

With Angels Wings

"With Angels Wings"

The whispering winds, a song they sing

A song of sorrow and of a heart so big 

Your love reaches as far as the eye can see

I believe in dreams because in my heart, you beat

Just as a gentle breeze shimmers every leaf

Your love, in every heart, plants a seed

Elegance, love and hope is what grows beneath

And this is your gift to us....

For safe keeping.

So...if you ever wonder why heaven sings

It's because now you fly...

      With Angels Wings

by K K Iloduba Jnr |
Categories: lost love

So Far Away (11)

How can i behold your face again
when my eyes are ladden with tears?
How shall i hear the rushing wind of your voice
when my ears are deafened 
by the silence within?

How shall i ever fondle your face  again,
when my arms are withered by solitude?

At dawn i can not find you.
At noon i listen in vain for your laughter.
In the night season, my forlorn heart sighs
as it would its last.

The moon`s probing eye finds a way to my heart.
It is your reflection 
that stretches in the dust.

Where once i had summer
i now have winter.
Your love which i once have felt
i now can feel no more.

You re so far away. far away. far away.

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: butterfly, funny love,

Blushing Butterflies

Butterflies have the quietest wings
Defying the weight of their flutterings
Your red face has shown
What you did not want known
Your fight to keep them from escaping


Writing Challenge, October - Butterfly -
Sponsor, Dear heart - Wiishkobi Ode

by A. Ormulyce |
Categories: love,


"The fables always recount the same ode.
Every woman dreams of a prince charming
Who is the fruit of a kiss on a toad.
Their sudden love will never stop burning.

Who bets on such a metamorphosis?
Faith of batrachian! It's foolishness!
No pretty lady wants to put a kiss
On a petty frog to find happiness.

If she were existing; pure happenstance
Only at the right dusk, at the right dew.
Only at the right dawn, at the right dance.
Love is not for me. This is what is true."

So spoke an old toad until the last hour
Before a kiss fell, sweet like a flower.

by Justin Bordner |
Categories: i love you,

Love Trigger Woman

There is a bloom of October
born of autumn's mauve harvest sweat,
her roots reach into the reason of passion
her skin smells of love's honest heat
and her wings whip the crave alive in crimson wind,
she is a sphinx of intellectual seduction and the lioness of Libra law,
from the echo of her elan laughter
summer's lean leaves which long for honey fire
rustle with rebel hue,
the rue of her rouge tears will woo you
with memories of spring's sprite and winter's ruthless wrestle
and in the desserts of her melodies your soul will succumb -


by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: feelings, sweet,

- I Admit My Summer Flirt -

Once in a while 
   I say no 
   But you are so seductive 
   and dangerous 
   The taste of you ... 
   You are melting 
   on my tongue 
   A pleasure
   of  love 
   On the surface you are so sweet 
   Your inner self is frozen 
   Even if you 
   are cold 
   you warm 
   my heart 
   A little kiss 
   my hot lips 
   become numb
   I taste you 
   with greed 
   Bits bit of you 
   Just a little
   Sweet taste in my mouth
   Close my eyes 
   Enjoy ...
   Do you want to taste 
   my delicious 
   strawberry ice cream

A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Deepanshi Chaudhry |
Categories: love, nature, philosophy

Ode To Spring

Through a fluttering veil of luscious hues,
Fair Lady coquets with the majestic Sun,
As the wicked Wind caresses her tender cheek,
The harshness of Winter all undone.

Sparrows perched upon the towering trees,
Whistle sweetly at the colorful array.
Fair Lady hums and sways in warm ecstasy,
As the wicked Wind drifts away.

The sinful Sun glows after a wearying day,
And spans its gaze upon the fields of fruit.
Fair Lady drowsy, lies upon the prickly grass;
The darkness envelops as all goes mute.

by Jacque Lee |
Categories: friendship, funny, people, time,

Ode To Trevor

We'd really like to thank you
i'm sure you left it here with love,
it really was so kind of you
but we didn't want your bug.

We thought you'd like to know
we really felt the pits
we thought of you quite often
when we had the squits.

Next time you come to visit
please leave your bugs at home,
'cause, when you bring them with you
they sure do like to roam.

So next time that we see you
I hope you come alone,
you can bring Rosie and Katie
but leave your bugs at home.

by Jan Camille Tongco |
Categories: love,

Ode To the Seafarer's Wife

My heart shall travel far
End to end where rainbows meet
Skywards the North Star
Beckoning the waves to glide
Quickly to come home
To thy warm, sweet embrace
And your bright summer kisses

by Mike Martin |
Categories: brother, death, emotions, grief,

I Can Only Wish

I buried my boys today
Thirteen wasn't bad enough
What a pain in my heart
It's mine now, gone from them
They suffer no more

More than a hundred years
Barely seen half of that
I can only wish
Brothers to the very end
I can only wish

Love to take my boys out
Take them out all day
Take them to the running field
Run the while away
I can only wish

Love to buy my boat back
Buy it back all day
Wish I had my old boat
Wish I’d fish today
If I could only fish

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: appreciation, dedication, i love you, inspirational, love, passion, sky,

The Sun

An ethereal warmth, I once attain
A grasp of peace to grace the rain
With every drop, a fervent bliss, 
A smile, a godsend from your lips

I shall meet you there,
In the poet's dream
In an evergreen forest
By a laughing stream 
Remembering every life we lived,
Admitting every grief we grieved 
Each vision beaming, melting true,
To the weeping sky, bursting blue
I will not hold you to just a thought 
To a frivolous muse illusion begot

I will hold you in my love, real as can be
I will wake to you, the sun, rested and free

-To Jack Ellison, my much needed sunshine
Thank you for inspiring me!

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, poetry,

With Gift In Hand

With Gift in Hand (Cornish Sonnet) 

He went in search of love’s abode;
far off she lived in solitude.
Along the narrow winding road,
in awe partook of nature’s charms
and forged ahead in eager mood
instilled by thought of waiting arms.

With gift in hand, a heartfelt ode,
he hummed the lyrics to a tune,
inhaled the fragrance, as he strode,
of the wild flowers wrapped in hues.
He knew his journey would end soon
beside his loving ardent muse.

He went in search of love’s abode
with gift in hand, a heartfelt ode.

31st December, 2015
Contest: Any Poem (Not for a Contest)
Sponsor: Broken Wings
Placed 4th

by Ronald A. Williams |
Categories: bible, christian, dedication, devotion, jesus, joy, true love,

Ode To Jesus

  Yes, all to Him, I owe!
  He paid the price,
  the debt that I had greatly owed.

  No greater gift He gave, His "life!"
  How precious is the blood!
  of the lamb that was slain.

  For He rose "Jesus," after that faithful Third day alive!
  with all power over hell, death and the grave!

  How lovely and excellent is the great name.
  For it is the name, that is above all other names.
  "Jesus," "God is Salvation" "Christ" "The Anointed One."

 Resurrected, glorified is He, and He is alive forevermore.
 He is the Commencement and End to all things;
 and is coming back again!

by Aiby Talbot |
Categories: anniversary, boyfriend, emotions, fantasy, feelings, kiss, poetry,

That Adonis of Mine

Two eyes that shines so bright
Two lips that kiss goodnight
Two arms that holds me tight
That adonis of mine

No one could ever know how much
your coming has meant
Because i love you so
you are something heaven sent 

You are the world to me
You climb upon my knees
To me, you will always be
That adonis of mine

by Mike Martin |
Categories: desire, longing, love, passion, peace, philosophy, rain,


Falling ever helplessly
Into a burning sea
Of passion and desire
Where Rraine surpasses me

Comforted of saving grace
Unending empathy
Rising to a cloud of peace
Where Rraine inspires me

Now my life’s a billow
A churning fantasy
A blanket and a pillow 
Where Rraine amazes me

Longing for a day of Rraine
Under a pecan tree
My thoughts a scorching desert
Where Rraine refreshes me

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love, tribute,

This Masqurade - a Leon Russell Tribute

Ivory pieces transcending space and time
where the words just got in the way
lost inside the smoke of just another day

A song for you deep from a sensitive mind
reaching for a reaction for actions done wrong
forgiveness sung for a special friend of mine

When the dew drops no longer shine for me
and a hard rain begins to fall
they'll be no visitors after midnight
but I'll still be calling your name 

We were all alone and I was 
singing this song only for you!!

by Tim Smith |

Visually Challenged

arms my in 
you with alone 

found be finally can
life of meaning the where
around back me spin
love my hand my take

tide the with out riding or
up giving be I should
anymore me to sense making not
motivation and will of lost

town about all to burden a 
useless feeling 
down upside me tossing life
round and round spinning

by Gideon Idudje |
Categories: absence, care, death, mother,

Ode To Momma

She sells items of meager income,
such as;
Soap-flakes, peanuts, 
soft drinks, bakeries.

Not to make profit 
but at least rich enough
To feed the family of gold.

my mummy’s little outlet,
 is the bachelor’s pride.
The young men,
stride in and out 
at will to the little corner,
to make themselves
 fit for the kitchen,
 borrow for the belly,
save for the day, 
and pay for the morrow.

Its chokes to notice 
You re gone
Red is still the 
Colours of the blood
In our heart eyes
Though skin varies
Love you Momma.
The blackness 
Of your skin 
Is it strength

I Can't Breathe
Richard Lamoureux


by Meggan Rogalski |
Categories: confusion, imagination, introspection, life, loss, love, nature, river,

If You Had a Name (An Ode To Loss and Water)

If the lovely breeze had a name
we could drift together as two dandelion wishes
floating wanton on foamy winds.
If the river were rolling, gently
we could slide in and swim
for hours, without rushing
and love is like that.
Love is like still water
standing so deep in a vessel
 yet so easily broken upon the smallest of stones;
scattered, and yet-
from this another river begins
(as you begin)
How lovely if you had a name
I would call out to you
and I would hear your reply as
the wind blowing, the water rushing
and not your echoes
 as you trickled across so many small, jagged stones

by Ettie Christian-Bowling |
Categories: sleep,

Ode To a Lover's Sleep

A place where the subconscious freely flows,

Meanwhile a heart of innocence,Love grows.

There all escape the world and its cruelty,

It is a sanctuary of purity.

Similar places are never found,

Nor, are any souls with chains bound.

Alas,Like Life it is a vapor,

Lasting only a moment before taper.

Oh! To taste the sweet kiss of its lips,so divine.

Gladly residing at this space of time,

Extremely satisfied with peace of mind.

Never will I forget the blissful kiss,so sweet,

.           Ode to a Lover's sleep

by Dakarai Cobb |
Categories: dedication

Welcome Ezzelle

Welcome, little one, to the world!
Everyone had been slating,
Looking at their dates, while waiting,
Constantly, for you, little girl.
Once more, a precious little pearl
Makes her mark with perfect dating,
Exciting us all, by baiting
Every heart to take a twirl.
Zealously, I welcome you here!
Zestfully, I write you this ode!
Ezzelle, your birth will be held dear!
Life will lead you down happy roads!
Love will go with you far or near!
Enjoy your new humble abode!

by Raul Moreno |
Categories: love, music

A Musical Affair

Curvaceous body, His bow caresses her strings: Ode to Joy...begins. · Musical romance, Passionate sighs grace the air: Fervent notes ascend. · Music fills the room, She’s addicted to his bow: The violin plays. · Heated melodies, Of a musical affair: Between bow and strings.

by John Allen |
Categories: art, life, love, thank you,

An Ode To Beauty

Hyacinth and juniper
adorned in midmorning dew
alight the fields and meadow fair
as the dawn shimmers from you

Nature weeps with boundless joy
as the sun greets you with its morn
for you are as beautiful as the morning sky
from God's good grace you had to be born

No twinkling star up in heaven cries
as much for you as do I
to be near you would be such bliss
that angels would shudder and sigh

O' of all the gifts that are thrust upon this world
none so pure and delicate can be 
as such pure and delicate as she
for you are my light and my world