by Daniel Turner |
funny love,
If only I could make my way to Paris
To search the boulevards and rainy rues
I'd look to find my lonely heart an heiress
An Irish lass vacationing her muse
We'd find a quiet cafe' on the Seine
Where we could sit and share a laugh or two
By candlelight we'd toast with French champagne
Pretend that we were on our honeymoon
But how could I convince her I'm the one
To make all of her fantasies come true
She knows there's more to life than having fun
In Paris hearts get easily confused
I'd get down on one knee under the stars
Give her the paper ring off my cigar
an original poem by Daniel Turner
by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
eve, nature, nice, night, romantic love, sun, sunset,
Huge red-orange sun slowly recede,
Upon the sky seem to bleed;
Whispers of night, calling home,
Such sunset days rarely spent alone.
Look ahead to starry skies;
Not time for early goodbyes.
Without love cannot the heart grow-
A new day comes beyond the rainbow!
Warm Paris breeeze gently blow-
Roses atop the bureau;
Music with a certain ease;
Smooth jazz, if you please.
In darkness of shadows, waits he!
The night is young-for me!
Stars appear, quiet avenue.
Farewell dawn skies of baby blue.
When from misty dreams awakes,
When tomorrow sunrise overtakes,
Come listen music play,
On gold terrace of the sunny day!
by Crystol Woods |
marriage, romance,
Some may imagine Paris in the Spring;
Champagne kisses that heat love's burning flame.
Some say romance dies with a wedding ring.
Oh, but I believe that is such a shame.
Too often it's confused, true love and lust,
as well as what sweet romance truly means.
Two become one, in bone, in blood, in trust,
commitment, one thing romance supervenes.
Not only whirlwinds, thunder beating breast;
lusts that burn to ash in tongues of fire.
It's the gentle caress, your lovers breath,
in loving both the rose and the briar.
Romance, is in everyday little things,
from seeds sown through the years that bloom in Spring.
by Arthur Vaso |
culture, death, funeral, music, paris,
Death – Remember me Tomorrow
Votre amour est tout ce que j'implore
Angels took us from France's shores
To the promised land of lady liberty
Hollywood glitter enticing us lovers with mystery
Living the past in a cinematic telling
Ironic that love was sourly spurned
By Bogart’s charming quilted misgivings
Madeline, later would sadly sing
La Marseillaise, while lovers embrace
Paris after dark, they disappear with no trace
Trains to death and boats to freedom
As Casablanca tells of romantic tales
Je suis vieux, est je suis seul
The beautiful one misses the past and you
All the ships have sailed and gone
It’s the cemetery now where I rest under lawn
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,
GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that
by James Edward Lee Sr.
by Arthur Vaso |
My love, I cherish
Your words
Your thoughts
Your soft lips
My love
I cherish the walks
The soft winds of fall
le jardin, L'eau
The flowers in bloom
The cafes and cloudy skies
Madeleine, columns of the past
Your eyes, holding on, to the last
The streets so vibrant, your touch at my side
And as we stroll along life's garden paths
Your soul sings in silence
Paris at last
by Arthur Vaso |
art, autumn, imagination, introspection, paris, romance,
Eternity never seems to last
Viewing life through misty windows
October winds wrapping fears
Love dancing with lonely tears
Lost in dreams
Other illusions scream
Voyages all but gone
Eternal voices, lay me to rest
by Tim Smith |
Hammock swings the blue bird sings
another lazy afternoon
thoughts of a Paris romance
dinner for two
oh how you made me swoon
Many birthday wishes and moonlight kisses
that day I said I do
That Monalisa's smile, how I stared for a while
a soft lavender breeze
those flowers in your hair
how we made our feelings a home
Not a day goes by when I don't remember that time
Squeezing me tight, how could I ever depart
When you touched my hand,
and entered my life
you touched every inch of my heart
by Steve Voorhees |
From every side of a culture filled with "pop"
I could flip through five thousand channels non-stop
Surfing through waves of Pepsi and Spears
wading through starlets priming in mirrors
Oh, Oh!! Its Paris! Never more substantial things to see
I hope her new BFF is Britney, or Whitney...or Whatever
I saw Miss Hilton's soul walk out of her lithe body
It looked like a celaphane bag filled with pink cotton candy
Walking chin up with Tyra, picking our next Top Model
to marry the next American Idol on a special
edition of "Making the Bachelor of Love"
Oh the Humanity! Oh the Reality!
They found true love on TV....Isn't life botoxiful??
by Pat Adams |
anxiety, lonely, longing,
Somewhere in Paris, there's someone
Saying, "I just hate this place so much!"
I thought I'd surely love it here
But now again it's not enough
Somewhere in the Bahamas
Making sure the blinds are drawn
A maid is busy folding sheets
But what she wants is to be gone
It's a burden being restless
To find that great new place to go
Now you're here and stowed your gear
Is it enough, I don't think so
I'll tell you now, no place is right
If you need some piece of mind
It's not a place, but a person
Your poor heart, aches to find!
by Ms. Catherine |
happiness, love, marriage, meaningful, river, romantic love, vacation,
The vacation scenes were beautiful
sailing on the waters, looking at scenes
the two gathered together
looking at each other
as whispering winds, waives of waters
not to be bothered
Love is so genuine
the touching of arms
the smiles everlasting
eyes are so bright
as the night falls
entering into the daylight.
by David Aaron |
humor, i love you, metaphor, nostalgia, pain, paris, wife,
Paris gave us much
from romance to this plaster
white Eiffel Tower
by Arthur Vaso |
beautiful, love, paris, romance,
Petite Paris
A little love
A little kiss
A little death
In the arms of a lover
Un petit café
Along the Sienne
How I dream
How I wish for just a little
Of your love
by Arthur Vaso |
love, music, paris, solitude,
Fragrances and bouquets
Morning dewdrops
The rising sun
Throwing promises
As Gaiety sings
Young lovers kissing
As the rose buds bloom
Rain drops caressing
Memories floating
Past and present meld
In the coming of spring
A butterfly
Plays with my strings
Éclairs to savor
As eyes kiss eyes
I take hold of you
Dear spring
We twirl you and I
Young and old
Musical chairs
Lovers wed and bed
I smile at the sweet scent
Cane in hand
Off I go
A blind man
Who waltzes in the spring
by Vee Bdosa |
beauty, french, paris, snow, winter,
There's never been another dark on earth
quite like the dark of Paris under snow
where love, it comes and goes, for what it's worth
and no demands are made, when time to go;
where lovers slip into the hiding night
oblivious to cold or freezing rain,
anticipating love, that surely might
warm up their lives so they forget their pain.
Their love's a little warmer, from the cold
it makes two hearts to join and keep a beat
and warms the lives of both the young and old
who find their love with-in their body heat.
Though easy comes the love--they hold it dear,
without it cold is something they would fear.
© Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet
by T Wignesan |
loneliness, lost love,
The Last Hope, Translation of Paul Verlaine’s sonnet : Dernier espoir
There stands a tree in the cemetery
Thrusting itself up in total freedom,
By no means the fruit of bereavement –
Spreading itself out on stone unobtrusively.
In this tree, be it summer or winter,
A bird alights to trill clearly
It’s sad song of such fidelity.
This tree and this bird do us bind together :
You the object of my thoughts, I the absence
That time takes stock of in evanescence…
Ah ! To live again propped up against your knees !
Ah ! To be alive again ! But stay yet awhile, my lover,
Let not the void be my chilling victor…
At the least, say : I live but in your intimate core ?
© T. Wignesan – Paris, 2013
by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
love, , western,
L'Origine du monde
smegma musk odors of clit
pervade my night sky
L'Origine du monde, the first realistic painting of a vulva in Western art (Oil painting by Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet 1866, Paris: Musée d'Orsay )
"I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom; let me end my life free; when I am dead let this be said of me: 'He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any régime except the régime of liberty."(Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet)
©rajat kanti chakrabarty
16 December 2014
by Arthur Vaso |
gothic, imagery, introspection, paris, philosophy, sad love,
Into the night I marched
Into deaths grip I fell
Musical notes running after me
Violins weeping afterwards
Stars fading into matter
Nothing matters without love
Lights shine over there
Can I reach or do I dare?
I can’t get out of this repressive chair
I can’t stand the people whom stare
My mind is all wrapped in shrouds
Hiding within the skies dark clouds
My smiles stolen by royalty golden
Now my tears flow as I weep
Is there any hope to keep?
Or am I doomed to deaths grip so deep
Gargoyles yelping for their fare
Me, dangling from the air
Aurore are you there?............
by Milan Georges Burovac |
desire, fairy, first love, innocence, miracle, paris, truth,
I am from another galaxy
all a romance in the heart of Paris
all a mystery without desire
all a lost phantasm
all a film of being
where art is in the spiritual thread
so that every love to be eternal
by Arthur Vaso |
art, flower, french, heart, lost love, paris, seasons,
velvet desires
I linger
thoughts cultivated
in a wine glass
can I drink her?
by Milan Georges Burovac |
addiction, adventure, america, desire, funny love, i love you, paris,
choose this sun
you will have the body
I will be your skin
your city elsewhere
Paris I tell to him
here with me
Paris forever
us - bread and wine
us - street and air
Paris our love
by Arthur Vaso |
art, dream, heart, longing, love, paris, romantic,
I do not know her
I daydream of her
who writes me love letters
by Jerry Golden |
adventure, art, life, lost love, music, people, song-autumn, life, love, paris,
this morning is falling
burning into a sunset
an autumn decision
you and I
will never forget
joy by day
paris by night
i'm there
love by the hour
Paris is ours
evening breeds new life
a moment of twilight
a horizon of heavenly means
I love you
like life loves itself
joy by day
paris by night
yes dear i'm there
love me by the hour
and paris is ours
i'm down too often
like a child
awaiting his scars to soften
a pedestrian walking
a way from traffic
it could happen, indefinitely
i'll take paris by day
and love by night
i was there long enough
to love you by day
and surrender by nightfall
"there is joy by day if you can take paris by nightfall"
by João Camilo |
She sews a little too slow,
Sews my hand around her waistline
And the words together.
She says: You are mine,
I lean my chin on her shoulder,
Sometimes I feel new,
Sometimes I am older,
But she still ties my fingers and our eyes
She gave me a flirt,
We work together for the same,
Holding the strands
And repeating: Je T’aime
I like to pretend we are in Paris,
Sometimes under the rain,
Until she gave me a kiss
With my hands around her waist.
Evenings are lost this way:
Counting raindrops like a clock.
We do it everyday,
She sewed my hands around her waist…
by Brian Sluga |
character, community, courage, perspective, symbolism, violence, voice,
Monday aftermath Paris reflecting
terror waging a war
challenging our generation dancing on graves
Paris attacks mindless
blaming ourselves
watching a band
dinner at our favorite café
attending a football match
a death sentence for a simple act
fighting back viciously
multi-cultural societies are in danger
integration taken for granted
liberal beliefs now shine
big hearted acceptance
learning to tolerate the intolerant
faced by fascists
values in contempt
confront this evil
love what's behind you
take a beating for liberty
pursue justice and respect
believe all we love is worth fighting for