Love Poems About Passionate or Passionate Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beach, beautiful, imagery, imagination, innocence, love, romantic,

Agony And Ecstasy

Cascading waves wash ashore, tickling toes, they ebb and flow; as moonbeams set a thousand jewels sparkling upon the shoal. Smiles summon sweet emotions as we stroll upon the beach, hand in hand under a starry sky; pausing to build castles in the sand. And in this state of blissfulness, two lonely souls unite for all eternity. Our hopes and tears willingly shared; trust defines the essence of caring. And yet, love offers us much more; facilitating fantasies, while fulfilling dreams. Agony and ecstasy meld with each passionate kiss. And my heart's consumed by fire; having never felt a love as intense as this.

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

Nature of My Poetry

Let us embrace
like twilight kisses the sun goodnight.
Indulge in hues of scarlet, crimson and lilac,
until the salutation of stars .

In the nothingness of silence,
our souls will whisper sweet symphonies,
as we flow with sensual tones of night.

Tenderness of touch will compose a concerto,
along the nakedness of your innocence.

I will hold you like a violin,
feel smooth sensations of your strings.
Pulsate like a passionate pianist,
caressing silky ivory and satin ebony keys.

Upon the first scent of dawn,
I will watch your heart sigh,
as you lay breathless in my arms -
and become the nature of my poetry. 

Simple Musing
Silent One
23 October 2019

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: love, lust, magic,

When Love Bites

Something about you

Makes me want to do

Things I’ve never dreamt before

It’s not the beauty of your eyes

Nor the magic of your smile

That lures me to your shore

It’s knowing in my heart

You made the fire start

And in your flames I'm going to burn

Savory kisses may turn to blood

Bitten helplessly by love

A chance I’d have to learn

Immersed in a sea of love 

Out of darkness flies the doves

And our hearts are set free

I can’t resist your touch

Your body paints me with a brush

Of red passionate strokes 

Pray this moment last forever...

As forever goes...

'Cause when love bites you... the fever yearns and burns

by Tom Woody |
Categories: romantic love,


pulsating periwinkle stars dot the sky
under a lavender moon we make sweet love
on silk-soft sand two passionate lovers lie
as heavenly hosts serenade from above
all around us luminous fireflies fly
we take it in without either asking why
O the vastness and smallness of this warm night
we bask in the afterglow of love and light

* a tribute to the styles of Ink Empress and Brandy

by Marti Sutherland |
Categories: desire, love,

The Days Before You

I no longer recall my yesterdays
or the ho-hum, mundane things I once did
The years I spent suspended in life's haze
Shielding the wounded heart,  I  shyly hid

Until perchance the day I found someone
Whose tender heart reflected shades of blue
He wore a dark mask, but it came undone
When I searched his sad eyes, twas then I knew

Our days were filled with laughter and great joy
Long nights consumed with passionate desire
No reasons to hide in disguise as coy
In the throes of love we gladly conspire

No trace of deep loneliness we once knew
No memories of the days ~ before you

by Nykki Houtkooper |
Categories: depression, family, forgiveness, introspection

Dead Birds

Standing on the broken cement of the back porch
silently staring into the skies
and talking to myself 
Fingers struggling to keep appearances 
windshield wipers across my cheek
watercolors gone white
Flippant, fanatical, furious
patient, protective, passionate
trying to love the beast
Sending dreams to the clean ears of the open air  
returned quickly, clutched in your mouth, crushed
presented for reward
Dead birds delivered to my doorstep 
my nature wants to heal them, bury them
yours waits and wags its tail

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love, stars,

Anticipation of Love

Fireflies danced amongst the shrubs,
Nocturnal fragrance filled the garden,
Sweet melodies of violin
Wafted into the serenity 
Of our quiet neighbourhood.
How could I not dream of my love?

On the hammock beneath an old oak
I lay swinging gently to the tune,
A rhapsody weaving a magical spell. 
Thoughts drifting into night's allure.

Will she come to me to count our stars?
Would she regale me with many a kiss
As passionate as each nebula
That adorned so heavenly our sky?
There the trill of the nightingale
Suddenly hushed as she approached.
I felt elated with the anticipation of love.

by Karen Jones |
Categories: appreciation, cute love, emotions, love,

Lily pad of Love

My mind drifts back
To red times we've had
Healing happy lime laughs
Revealing shining over anything sad

Magical how one word from you
Colors me whatever you choose
From lamenting lemon to maroon
All based on love so true

You are my favorite song
I sing you all day night long
U write me pink passionate poems
Invite me to dream along

We don't have much in hand
But rich in heart with romance
By time design holding hand
Spirit so cheery we freelance

No bars no cars only white stars
Can showcase our love bizarre
We cruise like cotton clouds so vast
Upon our lovely lime lily pad

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, rain, water,


I am not a rain dog
With my tail between my legs
Dying to run home in haste
Away from showers that gradually increase 
And then come pounding heavily down 
Like sheets of splintered pearly glass 

I am not a loner
Who leads a wasted life
On doorsteps sharing aching pain
With others who live rough
Deprived of warmth and comfort

I am a lover
I inhale the smell
Enjoy the caressing feel
Of seductive teasing raindrops 

They fall around
With sweetest sound
Passionate the call

It echoes
I hear


16th October, 2014
Contest: "I do not know"
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Placed: 4th

by Eve Roper |
Categories: love, universe,

Twin Flames

Twin Flames  

one  flame  flickers   blue 		
as love  awakes a journey  		
connecting a friend			
as red flame sparks holding hands   	
tame  harmony	 remains   “Love”		

te amo

holding each other  			
our own little universe 			
in a  language all our own		
burning  one unified flame	
jet ’aime

flickering flame sings				
orange  green  red   blue	one soul
passionate love grows 
candle ignites luminous 
holding my heart existence

I love you

I love you in  Spanish, te amo and France, Jet ’aime 

Poetry Contest :Twin Flames  

 Sponsored by: Nayda Ivette Negron

by Marty Owens |
Categories: passionred, love, red,

Crayon of Bright Red

Red is the crayon that I love to use.
So vivid and bright without any abuse.
I color so lively and make each stroke count.
Even making the water red in the fount.

In my pictures the hair on everyone's head.
Yes you guessed it, they're all a bright colored red!

The seasons of summer and winter and fall.
I color them all red without any appall.

So if you're an artist you plainly can see.
Everything will be red if you depend on me.

If you've heard like me, as it's often been said,
That "Passionate people always love red!"

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: teen love,

First Love

The arboretum looks as it did then
With silver maples dancing in the breeze
Wildflowers bloom within the narrow glen
Remember how we kissed beneath the trees?

One special oak displays the heart you carved
With our initials set within its wall
We were so young and yet our souls seemed starved
So passionate are teens when first they fall

Today I came to view the art we left
Surrounded by the blooms, the trees, the birds
And though my heart seeks you, I am bereft
Of promises defined by long lost words

I miss that passion coursing through our veins
Now you have left and loneliness remains

June 10, 2020

by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: love, mystery, passion,

Sunglass Envy

Siphoned light gropes passengers
Hopeful for luminescent hearts,
Arching underneath bombazine drapes
Dusted with passionate legacies
Of original sin and the primogeniture son,
Wicked for nighttime plots savouring
Spicy love, exponential in a vivid darkness.

by Carole Duet |
Categories: love,

Love Is

Love is that enticing roller coaster ride we just can’t resist, and no matter the danger we stubbornly persist. It scares and excites us all at the same time. It’s a feeling totally sublime. We relish its many new thrills but we cry when it suddenly chills. Yet we’ll happily buy another ticket and run to it lickety-splicket. We never ever tire of its heavenly bliss, craving its passionate kiss as it makes our hearts beat faster and faster, 'til it has become our Master. Yes, love is the ride of a lifetime and worth every single dime. By: Carole O'Terry Duet Copyright: 3/2/2019 “All Rights Reserved”

by Teresita Cailo |
Categories: love, nature, passionlonging,


kiss me
your sweet rays
let your warm breath
touched upon my face 
bathe me with your radiance
and witness as a smile blooms
from my eyes that glow in surprise
to my full lips longing to be sealed
by an endearing and passionate kiss!

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: love,

If, My Darling

If, my darling we dance again with memories
of smokey eyes from the scent of love that lingers
in thoughts of yesterday when dreams were found
in passionate moments unrestrained from the world
lost in wrapped limbs of illusion that watered
our flower's bloom in the meadow of our soul
where wings were found to carry us to shaded realms
of wondrous passions that coloured the rainbow
crossing the landscape of our hearts in glorious beauty

to meet a lover
yesterday was a stranger
we will meet again

contest For your poetry journal
sponsor...Dear Heart A.K.A. Broken Wings

by Darlene De Beaulieu |
Categories: love, love hurts,

My Favourite Songs

I saw you across the room
You were with my best friend
Dancing to a slow song -Harvest Moon
You held her tightly in your arms
Then planted a passionate kiss
Oh Its My Party and i will cry if I want to
Cry if I want to and I did

I was deeply hurt and shocked
If You Could Read My Mind 
You would know my hurtful thoughts
Oh my heart aches so badly 
So your friend came up to me
He spoke calmly softly
He called me Blue Angel
Said he would never leave me 
Feelings he had for me was strongBlue Bayyou

Strong feelings for me
He said "Together we would go
to the BlueBayou where the 
sailboats go a float int Blue Bayou

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love, moon,

I'M Pulled To You

Through whispers in my nighttime sky
your attraction caresses 
in such stunning passionate glow 
longing a soul to impress

With every gaze I embrace
I'm pulled to you
ever closer a heavenly scent
wafting ever true

In glorious pools of you I wade
if only momentarily
never wishing to miss a thing
even temporarily 

Upon a solitary lunar breeze 
affections are cast above
heartbeats play along in tune
to our special kind of love

Oh moon my gorgeous moon
I so graciously swoon

by Varise Duxbury |
Categories: happiness, love, passion, uplifting,


Evening smiles at lovers 
Whispering sentiments
Above the sparking
Waters of Venice.

	I long for you..

Cathedrals recall
Clandestine kisses,
Moments spent lingering
Underneath its entwined castles.

	If you wait...

Amber leaves swirl
Leaving vivid afternoons
Alive with romance and 
Warm laughter. 

	..Someday, I will come 

Passionate sunsets 
Illuminate a thousand 
As the rarest jewels. 

	To tell you that...

Slow dancing in the
A promise 

	--I love you.


by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: appreciation, children, father, life, love, metaphor, mother,


we ...
are strands ...
they, a strumming, resonant -
notes of an ambrosial
strain that tickles the tympans of
life and enlightenment ...
they are thistle on the breath of spring,
pappus of a bloom, passionate,
set for naught but fruitful
purchase -
ideality, their roots ...
tender tendrils wrapped 'round
dreams that know
no waking ...
seeds and songs let loose
from our hearts' deepest chambers,
with a boundless hope,
and an ache ...

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love hurts,


I speculate where you are....sometimes.
Or how life's treating you....sometimes.
I question if you miss me....sometimes,
But definitely not all the time.
Those stormy days of love are over,
Oh I still feel the heat…..sometimes,
Full ruby lips like heated sweet red wine
Bubbling over mine.
For we did have our moments....sometimes
Sultry, provocative, passionate, real.
Times when we laughed, times when we cried.

No I do not miss you, not even sometimes,
For if you could really see me
You'll know that I'm someone else now...sometimes,
But often I am nothing, for curse you
I need you....most of the time.

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: kiss, love,

Anna and the French Kiss

Time is fleeting when love's guise becomes sweet
When eyes bow before beauty's silent pose
To feel the soul emerge and not retreat
With such fragrant scent from a lover's rose
When hands clasp so tender a blushing face
To search quiet realms of expectation
And kiss in dim-light from a candle's trace
And reveal ecstasy's exaltation
With a breathless pause as lips are unbound
Where eyes again will lift their eyelids slow
And share breath's softest sighs of welcomed sound
When passionate tongues give gifts they bestow
To feel palms grow warmer as they perspire
When lips are kissed from surrender's desire

8/31/21 contest Anna and the French Kiss
sponsor Mystic Rose Rose

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love, lost, goodbye, betrayal, goodbye, lost, love,

Last Sigh of Goodbye

"Last Sigh of Goodbye" charming candlelight lost radiant glaze emotions vanished into twilight dust broken pieces of heart swallowed in maze as passionate masquerade died in lust. fleeting embers of deceit bid adieu' one last sigh of goodbye stole life's faint breath a love letter spoke words of love untrue in painful fond farewell eyes closed in death. beyond dark grave lies loneliness and tears 'tis better to have loved and lost in life yet ultimate betrayal spirit sears impaling soul with wounds deep thrust of knife. painted finale' carved in canvas cries caressing love in bouquets of goodbyes. *For Harry Horsman's Goodbye Contest. *Nov. 15, 2012.

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,

Velvet Lips

"VELVET LIPS" velvet lips caress passionate hunger invites engage ecstasy. velvet lips emote expressions of love laced touch warm creamy delight. velvet lips tempt heart haunting as a sequined star pressing moist amour. velvet lips entwine taste sweet honey nectar kiss hypnotizing trance velvet lips steal breath smoldering hot coals of flesh loving paramours.

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: heart, innocence, love, passion,

Wild Passion

She’s wild, a passionate heart of love inspired Playing a violin, masterful and free So fast and fierce, her every lust is desired Violin sparks aflame burning intensely She screams with pleasure of the fire’s indulgence Peak of passion has reached beyond innocence Her mouth open with flames entering inside She loves her tremendous trek, her awesome ride Russell Sivey Happy Valentines Day