by Tim Smith |
Words flowing like magic, explode off my page
Taking me on journeys, I didn't seek
My mind is just floating, feelings do race
Her spirit is leading, to heaven I think
Reading but living, each chosen word
Caught up in beauty, emotions I trace
My heart is a flutter, tears sometimes fall
In awe of her verses, as much as her grace
Passion and love, I can feel her heartbeat
Sorrow and pain, mistakes made again
Dancing with nature, you take me by hand
Simply you're beautiful, I'm in love with your pen
Spilling of emotions, out onto the page
Poems come alive, for sure they are real
Confide in me please, all that's concealed
My dearest poetess, you make me feel
by Arturo Michael |
love, poetry, poets,
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fiction and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
She’s writes the verses to undress me
Great lines that flower in her hair
Her lips of ink are red and rosy
Each stanza goes straight to my head
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
She writes of loneliness and sorrow
Of broken hearts that never mend
She is the dream I need each morning
Moon captured by her spells
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fictions and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
by Tom Woody |
appreciation, friendship,
poetess of love
heart of a warrior princess
starry eyed dreamer
*tribute to Brandy Nicole, a soldier in the cause of truth and justice... and love
by Darlene De Beaulieu |
books, poems, poetry, words, writing,
Before this virus came around
On Saturday's I'd go to the mall
One of the places I like to go first
Would be the bookstore to enter
I would look for poet's poetry books
There are lots of books to choose from
As I walk through the aisles-
I noticed someone sitting at a table
She had piles of books stacked high
So i chose a chose a book and read
It was titled Love-I bought it
The author and I chatted
Then she signed her book
Her name is Beleza Angel
The title was Pieces of Me
Will be a book i will always keep
This will be a special book
I met a poetess she wrote poems
She published her poems
Beleza Angel a book keepsake
She is on instagram & Facebook
by Ashmi Sheth |
devotion, love, poetess, poetry, romantic, romantic love, soulmate,
bees do of nectar
seeds do of soil
birds do of berries
shells do of sea . . .
I always think of You.
by Patricia Cresswell |
i am the twisted sister of a twister
lava lady just learning to boil
my words erupt
yes they are mine
no matter the language
age or blasphemy
i will bid and they will obey
the garnet blood of passion
be it love or otherwise
will spread its intoxicating infusion
to heat the feeble mind to intensities
that will make the priest weep in his vows
and down in the dives where the hip grinding
sweat soaking miasma of lust cradles
blues will be reborn
I am the queen bee dripping with honeyed pearls
she who scratches with a stick in mud
plays keys full of white lightening
here to spread sweet hot spice
on a gray woolsock world.
by Anthony Biaanco |
courage, poetess,
Panagiota is a whirling Galaxie
with her blue thunder words
a spirit like black diamond lightning..
She bruises the clueless and ignorant
not out of hate but of love
not with a brass knuckled fist
but with pearled wisdom
layered around grains of
life's relentless grit.
Her words are not fanciful or minty...
their always stained with the talon of truth,
She crushes the weak-minded and the oblivious
with her Olympian soul and rose scented boots -
She fears nothing and never spares the rod
while weaving a spirited ink to her parchment heart.
Atop enchanted moonbeams
she lances pit vipers and tangos with God.
by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
allusion, love, spiritual, visionary,
Manna gestures of kindness,
mercy dew
every eye-opening dawn
Silver deeds of love ~ pure fruits of the Spirit
bring forth
Truths of gold ... Eternity reigns from above
This poem was inspired
by the talented poetess, Besma Riaba Dziri's
transcendent poem, "Blessings"
by Panagiota Romios |
imagery, loneliness, love, moon, stars,
Sun, so tired, into the Pacific, now doth take its rest.
While the cold, homeless, head for hooded, warm tents.
The melancholy, grateful poetess, joyful to see the moon,
Observing its silvered reflection, in an indigo-magic lagoon.
Pondering, how very far away, her true love doth dwell.
A crystal, starlit tear falls, whispers back, that all is well!
by Paula Goldsmith |
poems, poetess, poets, words, writing,
P=Poetry Soup friends are writing away.
O=One of the writers could be sitting by the bay.
E=Emotions and passion with words is our forte.
T=Telling tall stories and poems by night or by day.
R=Readers love our world wide writing buffet.
Y=Yearning to be better each day we pray.
S=Special friendships I have made.
O=Over time I have stayed.
U=Under your time and helpful aid.
P=Poems come from the heart on paper they are laid.
by Caren Krutsinger |
poems, poetess, poetry, poets, write,
Write what you know
Write what you love
Invent a new world
Invent words
Be silly
Write what you see
Write what bothers you
Write what amuses you
Invent a new persona
Let the words dance
Sing them home
Poetry does not have to be fancy
Poetry does not have to be frilly
Be truthful
Heartfelt honesty sells
People love it
Write what you know
by Thomas Martin |
appreciation, butterfly, cat, friendship, love, poetess, poetry,
a fine but sad poet
her poems run deep
into love paradisial
or fraught with thorns
by Richard Lamoureux |
change, dark, fruit,
Before the days when man first sinned
Angels traveled upon the wind
Everything magic shone in the night
Fairies fluttered, wings shining bright
Eve was perfect with long flowing hair
Sensuous body, delightfuly bare
Adam's body strong, he was a sight
They played by day and made love at night
Everything perfect, living in the trees
Yet trouble called upon a gentle breeze
The serpent said taste, this fruit so grand
Eve so entranced, she ate from his hand
She saved fruit for Adam, he took a bite
The garden went dark, no more magic light
A sonnet in The Wind Contest.
Written September 9th, 2013
Sponsored by: Poetess Darkly
by James Inman |
poetess, poetry, poets,
The poet dreams
of human sorrow
lost love
lonely nights
longing and desire
The poet dreams
beauty and light
luminescent thoughts
luscious looks
loving touches
The poet dreams
of sounds in the night
lyric songs
lingering chills
The poet dreams
memories of tomorrow
lovely smiles
lessons learned
last lines
life and death
The poet dreams...
by Eric Boddie |
art, dedication, for her, friendship, love, poetess,
"Ligella 2"
by: Eric L. Boddie
Lasting more than just a couple of days
In total awe, your pen leaves me amazed
God Is In your ink, it's not just a phase
Everything about you is what any heart craves
Love knows you well, your journey has been paved
Lust knows you better, any REAL man wants you, I must try to behave
All I know is this Spiritual Beauty that you gave...
by Phillip Rollings |
angel, dedication, inspiration, love, poetess,
To poetry she said good-bye
Now I live with a Broken Heart
Her words could make me laugh or cry
Or tear my inner soul apart
In a devastating Free Verse
To poetry she said good-bye
My inkless quill rides in a hearse
As an uninspired quill must die
Skat's words: an image to the eye
Emotions, feelings, come to life
To poetry she said goodbye
A requiem; bagpipes and fife
Read the words from her loving heart
Believing there's no reason why
An Angel of Poetic Art
To poetry she said good-bye
Dedicated to Skat A Respectfully submitted...Flipper
by Phillip Rollings |
angel, dedication, farewell, grief, how i feel, inspiration, poetess,
My heart grieves for the loss of a talented Quill
For the Inspiration she warmly gave to this newbie
From the sunlight of Skat's words of Wisdom
To the moonless midnight of a heart forlorn
Memories, smiles, and joy become shadows of the past
May the Spirit of poets past descend upon her heart
That she may see the Admiration and Love that Skat receives
(From me anyway) and many others I'm sure.
I Love You Skat and intend to read all of YOUR Quill after I finish
the comments on Your last post. As Chef says I bow to you and
hand You The GOLDEN Pen of Poetry. You are my guiding ANGEL
Respectfully submitted...Flipper
by Dorian Petersen Potter |
beach, beautiful, love, sunshine,
(Dorian 42)
Summer is fun, seasons hot
Umm, temperature just soar!
Moving 'round, is kind of hard
Makes one tired and rains some more
End of summer brings next fall
Rays from sun most folks adore.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~Author's Notes:
"Dorian 42" is a poetry style created by Patricia Ann Farnsworth-Simpson,
to honor poetess Dorian Petersen Potter, aka ladydp2000.
It is an acrostic style of poem done with a 6 letter word to create 6 lines x 7 syllables thus
42 in all.The 2nd 4th and 6th lines must rhyme.As many verses as you wish with a 6 letter word.
by Susan Ashley |
appreciation, introspection, life, love, passion, poetess, self,
inquisitive, imaginative, intuitive and playful
daughter of Alice and Albert
lover of my twin flame, family and Nature
who feels appreciation, delight and empathy
who fears oppression, the unknown and hateful emotions
who would like to dream new dreams, believe in tomorrow and never give up
resident of Acushnet, Massachusetts
My husband Bill my center flame
and I the moth drawn in so close
he bathes my life with candlelight —
I shed my wings and fall for him again and again
by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
family, friendship, loveinspirational,
Could YOUR Heart, hold all the TEARS; that Life has shed in LOVE
Would YOU Gallantly suffer, Sorrow, for the Memory of Eternal LOVE
Should YOU empty an Ocean of Tears to revive YOUR Everlasting LOVE
Does YOUR mind Reminisce, about the First Kiss, igniting the Flame of LOVE
To Be Cont.
Dedicated to all the Inspirational POETESS’ and POETS
Special Thanks to Shannon Deane for Her Gracious Comments
by Satin Doll Diva |
Satin Doll Diva
Born to achieve - AH!
A Leo, a fierce Lioness,
A tiny, tempting treat
Spellbinding ... Unique,
A magical spirit, a sweet Poetess,
Love writing poetry
Give me my symmatry,
Verses and phrases design,
THAT Satin Doll Diva
Intending to weave - AH!
Poems and friendships all mine.
by Richard Lamoureux |
love, passion, kiss,
I watched the sunshine kissed her toes
Slowly moving to her thighs
How I envied the sun
Kissing that gorgeous brown skin
I sat in the shade yet my temperature rose
Imagination carrying me away
To that week we first met
When our love began to bloom
We kissed beneath the moon
Our surrogate for the sun
Reflecting in her eyes
Oh how I ached for her touch
My soul and body electrified
Now I watch her skin glistening in the sun
I can no longer wait
I walk over
Lean down
Give those sun kissed lips a kiss
She opens her eyes
She smiles
My world is made complete
Poetess Darkly
A Kiss is just a Kiss Contest
by Elizabeth Mccann |
hurt, mother, poetess, sad love, spring, writing,
Fancy that...
Being able to spend the whole morning
Writing a poem!
My mother's hands
Were etched in a network of tiny cracks.
Salt of the earth, the doctor said.
She thought it meant he loved her.
It doesn't matter whether
I write or not, I said...
Well, on one level it does,
Words whirling away into empty space.
A false Spring hangs in the air;
It's hard to keep from donning summer clothes.
He killed himself when he'd killed his wife.
(The tumor was malignant)
And the child sent away to some sister.
But his kind hands...My mother
Whispers again to believe it.
The typewriter clatters in a small room,
Closed door,
Soft light through the figured glass.
by Gershon Wolf |
appreciation, love, poetess, tribute,
L ooked to help this brand-new poet**
I nterested in his every write
N ever too busy to comment
E ncouraged him by day and by night...
G rew a veritable garden of friends
A s she expanded her own horizons
U plifting are the poems she's penned...
T oday, this wonderful woman and wife's
H usband is battling for his very life
I t's incumbent upon us now to
E ncourage, to support this classy lady:
R each out with your love; it's the least we can do
** and so many others
by Norman Purvis |
devotion, love,
There is a lady out there.
Who has stolen my heart.
Her poems have such insight.
They fill me with delight
Full of poignant thought.
Deep and true.
They catch my heart.
I am enthralled, by you.
I get a picture of you, every time.
Sitting there, making rhyme
Your every word.
Imprints my soul.
I read you. through and through.
What you write, is what you are.
Your thoughts, like a star,
I read you, like a book.
What you say, how you look.
Between the lines.
All the signs.