by Panagiota Romios |
appreciation, community, love, perspective, poetry,
~Poetesses and Poets, Divine~
All over this great planet we live,
Penning our thoughts, and love to give!
With our hearts, as lanterns so bright,
Writing with hearts into this summer night.
Pen thee, then, of nature’s fine beauty.
Quietly, we are world Muses on duty.
Creations we form of happiness and sorrow.
Moonlight and dreams, on which to borrow!
A hug from me, now..close your eyes.
Tomorrow is both a gift and a surprise!
Panagiota Romios
by Arthur Vaso |
art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,
The Park Bench
I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die
When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears
I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended
When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene
The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway
Drawing love on paper in may
by Connie Marcum Wong |
blessing, butterfly, poets, prayer,
Like a gazelle springing from left to right
Your prayers come winging through perilous night
Making swift haste to my ill beating heart.
I was amazed at how many took part,
So deeply moved, there are tears in my eyes.
Dark thunderous clouds have moved to clear skies.
My gratitude floods to poetry friends
I’m humbled by your love as my heart mends.
*Dedicated to my loving poetry friends
~10th Place Premiere Contest~
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 7 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney
by Charlie Smith |
giving, love,
Love neither gives or takes but from itself.
Be not wiled by fantasies of arrogance.
Take no more than is offered by yourself.
Leave nothing trapped in tortured irrelevance.
Seek not a barter for desires that sue your heart.
Worthiness is the only tender that comes due.
Suffer willingly the melody of pain it may impart.
Bleed joyfully from the wounds that will ensue.
As tree branches lift their hopes towards Heaven's door,
hands together reaching higher than alone will seek
heights that love's imagination most beautifully implores
that from a poets words unending ecstasy must speak.
Whatever you desire your life to be,
may loves reflection be all you see
by Silent One |
devotion, emotions, love,
A poets dream, she'll seduce with her eyes,
pens will desire to praise her charming guise,
but be cautious, she'll treat you like her book,
explore each chapter with her detailed look.
Drain your ink, smoking pages in to fire,
drink your spirit like blood thirsty vampire.
But now it seems she may have met her match,
a poet who's heart, she's struggling to snatch.
He holds scriptures, she's never read before,
each musing, leaves her yearning to feel more.
A heart breaker, who gives no man a chance,
dream maker, who leaves women in a trance.
A modern day Samson and Delilah -
spiritual soulmate who could tame her.
Silent One
20 October 2020
by Andrea Dietrich |
friend, poets,
On you the angels did bestow
a glow your friends would come to know
as star-shine!
For even stars cannot outshine
your countenance. It's as divine
as starlight.
Oh, how you hush those stars, my dear,
from brightly shining when you're near;
they're star-struck.
I too am stricken by your sight.
I'd love to be with you all night
to star-gaze.
Shine on, sweet man, but do not burn
too long or strongly; stars might turn
to stardust!
Dedication to a special person!
by John Watt |
death, grief, love hurts, november, winter,
November, as the poets say -
autumn's demise, winter's gateway.
Its shortened days and longer nights
descending, death is in her sights:
leaves fall, as is their yearly fate,
while beasts prepare to hibernate.
November, as my lady lies
so silent, moving not her eyes -
with ashen skin, lips cold as death,
I wait in vain to feel her breath.
Her soul immortal, this I know,
yet in this life I'll grieve her so.
Written 26 November 2020
by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,
I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here
I can’t get back in control of my emotions
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy
I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help
Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help
by White Wolf |
The absence of love plays on my mind,
I search within, but love, I cannot find.
Another wasted day, just frittered away.
Can't bring myself to see, it's all because of me!
Dark clouds are moving in, my soul's screaming out.
There's no place I wish to be, my mind consumed with doubt.
My body's numb, this pain has won,
As I lift my pen to write again,
these words flood out before my eyes.
It's not until then that I realise!
That all my struggles are not my demise,
and all my woes as far as a poet goes,
For now, a smile creeps on my face.
Finally, I have found that loving place.
by Arturo Michael |
love, poetry, poets,
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fiction and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
She’s writes the verses to undress me
Great lines that flower in her hair
Her lips of ink are red and rosy
Each stanza goes straight to my head
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
She writes of loneliness and sorrow
Of broken hearts that never mend
She is the dream I need each morning
Moon captured by her spells
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fictions and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
love, voice,
There is no more a thunderous voice than the whisper of love!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
25 October 2022
As always, I would like to share the honor of POTD with all my good friends,
who have helped me for over one decade now, by visiting and commenting on
my humble poetry. I also thank the officials of the site for their contribution.
God help all of you, my fellow poets.
by Line Gauthier |
beauty, dance, happiness, inspiration, music, uplifting, world,
the world craves
more artists
creative souls
sensitive antennas
conceptual skills
performing arts
artisans of beauty
the world craves
more expression
more love
more magic
your life is your gift
back to the universe
be the poem
that moves the world
Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~IN THE GARDEN OF MY FANTASY~ 2023
Read on air by invitation ~ July 14, 2021 'WORDS & MUSIC'
AP: 2nd place 2021, Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on July 13, 2021 for A BRIAN STRAND JULY 14 POETRY CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST
Originally posted on June 20, 2019
by Eve Roper |
Like leaves on ivy vines and the taste of fine wine
In our hearts fill with tales of fairies, love, and sunshine
Leaving her beautiful inspiring presence behind
A goldmine of fine array of poems, friendships of sunshine
From the poem "Sunshine Smiles"
posted 10/18/2016
A tribute to a very lovely lady Anne-Lise Andresen
by Robert Ronnow |
bird, humor, insect, love, men, poetry, wine,
In the debate between accessible and difficult poems
Poets' poems and poems for people
Only the single poem and private reader matter
Both kinds and anything between can matter or not
Solid or made of air, a vase or heavy clay ashtray
One word repeated or many like a lei
An acquired taste, like wine, and like wine
Not sustenance, yet men die with their miseries
Uncut without it, news and mere matter
I advise everyone to keep a personal anthology of poems that matter
Or not. Perhaps it should be novels. Stones, insect wings,
Feathers, Birds you've seen, People loved.
by Richard Lamoureux |
I listened as you spoke
a beautiful truth
in my soul I said amen
lovers love, when all seems lost
poets capture it with their pen
When I'm filled with sadness
and my heart feels deaf
words are magic that you bring
these soundless words on a page
are what cause my heart to sing
I breathe your unseen breaths
my lungs filled with air
you cradle me in your dreams
silver filling the night sky
love flowing to me in streams
You think you dance alone
on a pure white stage
until you're offered a hand
then the magic comes alive
the stage is yours to command
6 syllables line one
5 syllables line two
Line 3 to five 7 syllables
Line 3 and 5 are rhyming
by Anil Deo |
analogy, art, history, love, voice, wisdom, words,
Many march into a new month
Themes as old as winters warmth -
Love that is, no matter the weather
Poets write to heal, feel, reveal other
Ways to taste words, kiss reality
"Witnessing" not judging, that's poetry
by White Wolf |
inspiration, poetry, poets, writing,
If only for a moment our love bloomed,
If only for a spell we would consume.
My heart torn open I bear a deep wound,
To be thy Sun and you to be my Moon.
Alas, my dear, we were not meant to be,
For there is no future for us at all.
But, don't read into my words completely,
Because I still answer to nature's call.
Does a flower turn its petals away?
In the day when the Sun is out to shine?
For what is the reason that children play?
The reason that the poet writes his line?
We know deep inside, we all must take part,
And whatever that may be, do with heart!
by Andreanna Escamilla |
emotions, feelings, heartbreak, heartbroken, poems, poetry, poets,
I ate myself the other day
Unhinged my jaw and chomped away
No crumb was left after I dined
No limbs, or head, or crooked spine
Each bite I took was bittersweet
Laced with love and shamed defeat
I didn't even say goodbye
To all I loved and held so high
My tummy rumbled, so then I ate
What was left of me,
That you didn't take
by John E Wordslinger |
I would like to thank you for your visit.
I have removed these poems for a distant future book publication.
I believe we poets, can make a difference
in this world. We live in the 21st century,
we have tools( technology), we have our past, and imagination.
We just don't have the courage, because
I guess most are afraid to fail, to loose money.
All I have to say is we can't take money with us,
when we die. I also say hasn't mankind failed enough,
and isn't mankind worth the effort, our children is worth the effort..
Thank you, and my your God Bless you
John E WordSlinger
by Arthur Vaso |
death, friendship love, grief, sad love, september,
So many poems
so few poets
so many
so few
one less now
my heart bleeds
the empty spaces
sadness sleeps
by Njeri Hunjeri |
poetry, poets, write, writing,
She calls and calls to me she cries
I hear her I hear her and for that am daring
For a friend and an enemy she has become
That soft kiss on my forehead
The phantom curse of our passion
How is it I and her have these conversations
The late night chats of our sorrows
The innocent depths of our dawn
By midday we play tug of war
I trying to chase her away
And she holding tight to me
We love and we cry
Sobbing on each other's shoulders
The ink undying
Fresh with each stroke
The poetry in me
The poem and the poet
by Gershon Wolf |
friendship, poetry, poets,
His line and verse flow like honey
Lovely, smooth, bright and sunny
A pied piper for me
He speaks of love in phrases pure
His words take wing, on airborne tour
Soaring high and free
Yet he himself is down to earth
Epitome of cheer and mirth
A humble soul is he
Always has an encouraging word
'Good friend' the honor on him conferred
The one-and-only Chris Green
September 26, 2019
Pick a Friend on Soup Contest
Sponsor: Bobby May
by Paula Goldsmith |
fun, poems, poets, uplifting, voice, world, write,
Writers love their letters,
letters turn into words.
Words turn into sentences,
waiting to be read.
Poems come from writing,
writing about the past.
Maybe from the present,
maybe true or false.
As a faithful reader,
we laugh we cry.
Many love to read,
yet again and again.
The reader and writer,
then become as one.
Both in love with,
by Janis Medders Tobechi |
encouraging, hope, poets,
Somewhere Poets
Somewhere written purely
new words from the mind,
poems having beauty
speak of love so fine.
Somewhere hopeless believe
good things are for some.
Daring poets conceive
of great things to come.
Somewhere people listen
for the sounds of hope.
Lyrics sparkle glisten
to give bright new scope.
Somewhere poets daydream
of a world born new
writing verses unseen
till an eye takes view.
by Susan Jeavons |
extended metaphor, metaphor, muse, poets, time, writing,
Universal Muse
She is light
in dark, mysterious spaces,
integrity in immoral places .
She's hope
in spite of uncertainty,
mercy for those with misery.
She's an idealist
in a realm of broken dreams,
conscious of her adversary's schemes.
She's morality
displayed for all to see,
enlightenment to all who wish to be.
She's time,
yesterday, today, tomorrow,
ecstasy within a world of sorrow.
She's creation
from beginning to the end,
solitude yet society's boisterous friend.
She's love in a world of sin and hate.
She's harmony;
this, the poet's fate.