by Valsa George |
introspection, pollution,
Mind – a pool, deep and arcane,
Needs to be cleared n' cleansed from time to time
In the sinuous course of life,
Pause awhile to peer into the depths.
Over the still waters, lies a layer of scum.
At the bottom is settled,
Toxic sediments of hate,
The residue of burnt dreams
Of unsavory passions
If unattended, in this slushy mass of filth
Maggots may breed,
Eating into the flesh
Poisoning the vital serum
Pumped through the veins
Purge the dross
Flush out the dirt
Rinse it clean
And feast on the sparkle,
Of clear waters
Springing from the well heads of love!
The Clearing Poetry Contest
Sponsor- craig cornish
by Andre Sanders |
art, depression, devotion, faith, family, father, friendship, growing up, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, peace, urban,
Bravery is the father of fears
Dreams are distant cousins of nightmares
Hope is the sister of prayers
Every night shame lays down and gets screwed by despair
Pollution abuses Mrs. atmosphere
It's a battle between personality and reality
But obviously nobody cares
Maybe it's because big tough is the uncle of little scared
Planning is deeply in love with prepared
Procrastination is the biggest enemy of determination
Ignorance is jealous of realization
Sometimes strength can get sneak attacked by temptation
Silence can never defeat a great proclamation
When the brain disagrees with the heart
The body dies of complications
Love your self...
by Julie Grenness |
husband, romance, romantic, society, wedding, wife,
The tradition of marriage,
Bourgeois blackmail and baggage,
Is it all a bargain for men,
Is this what white weddings meant?
All the love that is lost,
And what is the ultimate cost?
A divorce court pizza,
Magistrate smirks like Mona Lisa,
Four corners, one for each,
Dog gets the crust, if it can reach,
Cats get the anchovies,
Were white weddings all for phonies?
When is the revolution?
Blancmange brides for pollution,
Bridesmaids-Little Bo Peeps on crack,
Does society cut us some slack?
We joined the bourgeoisie,
All ends in tears and hypocrisy.
by Kenneth Cheney |
culture, drug, how i feel, pollution, society,
I came from a place of bean pots and tea pots
I love my trusty three-decade old crock pot
One holer, two holer, three holer, four
Another kind of pot, if your keeping score
Clay pots and tin pots not related to pot shots
Pot belly stoves found in old country stores
Soup pots, flower pots and pot holes galore
Cast iron, copper, stainless and Teflon
All make great pots and I could go on
Now there’s another pot staining our land
The stench of it all my nose can’t stand
It’s worse than a poop pot and I’m not a fan
by Mick Talbot |
heart, muse, nature,
oh! my very dearest muse
when heartbeats collide
inspired me I must advise
such inspiration you infuse
when heartbeats collide
what err the barrier, love
and the beating sun above
it is how we humans survive
‘have a fear’, I say to all humanity
as you fight amongst yourselves
if you forget nature, in your hell’s
she will indeed create a new reality
no doubt wars add to world pollution
including all its terrible aftermath
yet leaders still have their hot baths
pray one day we will find a solution
by Nandlal Pancholi |
art, inspirational, parody, love, time,
Parody of Andrew Marvell's "to his coy mistress"
We have no time to waste
Dear in Love let's make haste
I haven't time to praise your locks
For my boss at my back stalks
And for sheer platonic relation
Internet erotic sites I can't shun
And I have dates waiting in queue
If you dither
I will select any in lieu of you
My glabruous love should grow
like your painfully maintained eyebrow
And yonder before us lie
A chimney-tarnished sky
Before air pollution retards our respiration
Let our breath mingle each other in unison
by Sherwin Fernandes |
earth, earth day, happiness, heart, hope,
I am a dreamer
And I dream while I’m awake
I dream of a world
Filled with love and faith
And as I dream I see,
I see children from all over the race
All standing united with one face
And as they stand and sing
The song of faith
I dream of a world
With no heart breaks
No war, no dead place
No hunger, no dead race
No pollution, no sad face
No people with roses to fake
Just a world filled with love
A world filled with the human race
I am a dreamer
And I dream while I’m awake
I dream of a world
Filled with love and faith
A world filled with one human face
- Sherwin Fernandes
by Blake Holland |
addiction, adventure, allusion, anger, art, child, childhood, children, community, corruption, crazy, dark, death, deep, depression, desire, evil, fantasy, fear, freedom, future, gothic, grave, grief, imagination, lust, murder, pain, pollution, poverty, power, sad love, science, society, spiritual, spoken word, visionary,
The innocence is transfusing
and overturning
the goat skin drums
children of the mills,
children of the junkyard,
and savaging
and we keep filling them with
mercury, nitrate, espestice, baby bombs
blasted out of their shaved heads
and foraging
by Verlena Dillard |
creation, dream, inspiration, passion, spiritual, symbolism, uplifting,
I'm social,
filled with compassion,
sensitive to forms of pollution,
but creative who seeks out inspiration.
I am a mystery,
born with the blood of royalty,
recognized of high nobility,
as wealth surrounds me with luxury,
A dreamer who dreams upon reality,
connecting with the world spiritually an physically.
I am a person who seeks the meaning of life,
the balance between its darkness an light,
I am a person who dreams of accomplishments,
I am someone who desires love an fulfillment,
I am someone you can reasoned with,
I am known as Ms. Violet.
by James Kelley |
deep, love, metaphor, passion, romance, romantic,
Thy scarlet rise, thy wistful blur
I delve, into thine purest passion
and taste the ember
of our crazed pollution.
Thy lash, thy whipping break
I, hither under thine blooming scuffle
soothe the yoke of this moment
with the edge of epiphany's
final gasp.
Sink thine breath into mine marrow,
and live within me,
within this embrace.
-James Kelley 2014, All rights reserved.
by Rosemarie Rowley |
absence, break up, farewell, i miss you, lost love,
A clew within this virgin card from the head
Which you denied and now which gives you hope
Has come to me. When you opened your mouth
The scent of honeysuckle drenched my shoulder
Your hair tossed, though neatly cut
Still betraying my wild, rapturous caress
Your eyes, that were soft, are now sharp -
Knowing pollution, spoilage, missiles;
Behaving with me with speech-robbing words,
Soul-hurting cynicism, lethal logic.
Now I’m staked to the ground, a paling
Around my house where golden children
Will never flower, who once flowered
In your heart of satin’s reddest hearts.
By Rosemarie Rowley
by M.P. Shaudd |
anxiety, conflict, dark, emotions, stress,
Hurt, fear, loss, and love
The toxic emotions of what once was
Truth, lies, deceit, and greed
Feed the angst and the need
Sorrow, anger, spite, and pride
Make the soul die more inside
With confusion abounding I seek solutions
To rid my mind of its pollution
by Anoucheka Gangabissoon |
life, life,
Cool, Moody, Dreamy, Sexy
Daughter of Nalini and Rajesh
Lover of God, Life and Love
Who feels sad at pollution, uneasy in parties and at home in libraries
Who gives friendship, warmth and gossips
Who fears the ocean, public speaking and her boss
Who would like to see the pyramids, the lions and the Taj Mahal
Who lives in a small island, too small a dot to be listed on the world map
Placed 1st In Carol's Contest, Life These Days :)
by Sukmawati Komala |
Grow a great dream
grow a great dream
on your good heart
sprinkle everyday
with passion and love
share to others
every inch of its growth
from its basic colour
till its final glamour
strengthen its roots
with the smile of compassion
avoid the pollution of desperation
once it turn to dwarf
hard to sustain its life
let the branches open their arms
to support the shoots of possibilities
let the leaves
speak out their expectations
till the winds around
clapping happily
echo the surounding
a great dream has grown well
~(c) Sukmawati Komala~
May 2014
by Jenny Brewer |
I live in a house
built of bricks,
not in the city,
out in the sticks.
It's not the best
but it will do.
Wild front garden
and back one too.
Needs a little love and care,
The living room carpet
is thread bare.
Lots of hard work
all around
but the foundations
are quite sound.
It's just right for me and mine.
Living here
we've done just fine.
Away from the pollution
of the city,
forfeiting the shops,
a bit of a pity.
I left the city
years ago,
so as my family
could peacefully grow.
I'm glad I moved
from the city
to here.
It's less dangerous,
little to fear.
We've had it good
and we've
had it bad
but we're mostly happy
and rarely sad.
by Yasemin Balandi |
art, love, planet, political, pollution, world,
Murderous methods of medieval minds
Continue to pollute the political landscape of our planet
Vitriol nests in the hearts' of greedy politicians
Keep the common-folk ignorant
And poor
We shall rule
Goes the anthem of the ruling class
Corruption ensues
A common practice
Both in the developing world
And other lands
Year 2016
The common assumption was
That enlightenment was extrapolated
How wrong were we the enlightened
The light does not emit in linear rays
But bends and gets distorted liked fluid in a vortex
Our time will come again
Therefore, we shall protest
Until we reclaim what is left good of this planet.
by Neldy Jolo |
absence, adventure, age, angel, angst, art, baby,
A killer garden of love
expects pollution of sin
was walking in town
embraced my chest home
serving the environment
Butterfly flies
affect the branches done
disappeared and gone
health in a car exhaustion
guard our natural wealth
let's save the wildlife
do not be smug!
by Uros Smudja |
depression, lost love, moon,
Right now I feel like
Light pollution is just a bad excuse
For not being able to see stars
In somebody else's eyes
And I don't get the point
Of kissing in moonlight
If I wanted to see nothing and feel you close
I'd close my eyes
And I hope I choke
On my breath and spit
Because that's better than choking
On memories of you and me
by Xaysouvanh Phengphong |
courage, men, religion, religious,
Who help us to inhale the air
Since our birth;
We didn’t ask nor buy the breathing air;
Air is man’s first freedom!
Even in the area covered by smoke, fog
In a stinky, yucky, bloody smell
Or in the air pollution environment
We must breath to survive.
To love! To hate!
To respect or to dismay
An item, an animal or a man
Depend on our preference;
We don’t need to buy nor been bought.
To worship
Any religion or any sect
Depend on our desire,
Like to inhale the air:
The primary freedom of man’s life!
by Reason A. Poteet |
11th grade, environment, garden, wisdom,
Exquisite, Alpine daisy-like flowers
Desired for my concrete, city garden.
Emblem of pure love and deep devotion
Labeled as "noble white" by old Germans.
When my star-shaped petals began to droop,
Environmental pollution at fault;
I was told they are hardy, however
Success would be greater if I moved to
Switzerland - and a garden in the Alps.
March 8, 2023
an acrostic
by Arlene Smith |
animal, love, moon, nature, pollution,
She begins to swoon when Timberwolves croon
a lost lovers tune to their goddess moon.
When a handsome loon begs his mate to spoon
in late afternoon, she blushes maroon.
One day very soon, she'll burst our balloon
for poisons we've strewn, which nothing's immune.
For contest: Rhymers delight-internal momorhyme
Sponsor: John Hamilton
by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
analogy, heart, love, pollution, water,
Thirsty soil parches in scorching summer
Sucks liquid crystal drops of sparkling rain
Stores in deep aquifer pure groundwater
Brought to surface, pure it doesn’t remain
From humans contaminants it obtains.
Lone heart freezes in the dark of winter
Blooms in joy when colors of spring enter
Weaves tapestry of pristine love within
Abused by black mist of lust it welters
In polluted heart love stops to flow clean.
April 1, 2018
Syllable count: 10 each line
Rhyme : ababb ccdcd
by Harry Horsman |
This day the morning has not spoken
Cradled in earthly arms life remains still,
The great peace the east promised broken
After the raging fire an ice age chill,
The sky a blanket of radiation
Beyond logic a universal kill.
God looks down upon his creation,
History briefs many warnings of war
While a search in vain for mediation,
No one left to pray pass on cultural lore
This the perfect place for evolution
Yet there were idiots that knew the score.
God moves on this world without solution
Rampant intelligence a gift no more
Only species with no agenda no pollution
Will inherit the new era and spore.
© Harry J Horsman 2022
by Sabina Nicole |
life, political, sad, social,
Rat race, rat race,
All going to the same place,
Move faster and pay no mind,
Their games keep mankind blind,
Another number for the rich,
Someday when were in their ditch,
Rights, fights,
Gave them away for ravenous appetites,
Illusions and delusions
I pled guilty to sinister pollution,
Frustration comes
As humanity goes numb
Rat race, rat race,
Inevitable landslide
Full of pride
Everyone’s lied,
Morality has died,
With arms open wide
America the Great
Like prey, they just wait
Bow down to your money
Make love to your greed
While you feed your need
Vampires now lead.
By: Sabina Nicole
by Aniruddha Pathak |
city, irony,
Look at this irony. Stroke of fate
So cruel that I can’t breathe so straight!
Curfew’s cleansed city’s air,
Pollution fairly fair,
Yet, my mask blockades both fresh-air gates!
Locked in house, halfway hung,
I can’t hail city’s lungs,
COVID’s hijacked all life, love or hate.
Happenings |23.05.2021|
Poet’s note: On account of restricted movements, part curfew, curtailed traffic has improved the quality of city’s air— a blessing in disguise. Yet alas the citizens can’t enjoy this stroke of luck. What an irony!