by Robert Lindley |
anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,
Hope, A Little Remained
She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.
He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.
For Silent One's, eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.
by Sandip Goswami |
life, love, philosophy,
I asked to my father
Baba, What is life?
He politely said to me, "Life is Duty ."
I asked to my mother
Maa, What is life?
She said to me with smile, "Life is Responsibility ."
I asked to my teacher
Sir, What is life?
He said to me with love, "Life is Education ."
I asked to my spiritual master
Gurujee, What is life?
He said to me with confidence, "Life is Devotion ."
Today my son who reads in class nine
Asked me
Babai, What is life?
I have said to him, "Dear, You are my life ."
(Father means BABA, BABAI and Mother means MAA in Bengali language. Gurujjee means spiritual master in Indian society)
by Joe Dimino |
faith, happiness, inspirational, love, meaningful, perspective, wisdom,
Spiritual law of attraction: one can only receive by giving. One has to become love, if to know love for reception. What we hold in our consciousness is who we are and what we attract. Walls are all we think we know...better to live from a clean slate. Letting go opens our hands (hearts) for spiritual grasping. We are born dying obviously. It is not for death but our only way to life. It is illusion, the doorway not empty, not a space to pass through, but, in fact, a dimension of less encumbered being~ one dies to live dies to live...there is never lives to die. No darkness in creation...if anything, there is only self keeping out the light.
by Lin Lane |
lost love,
I wrote verse on the wings of a lark
romantic phrases in perfect rhyme
but the lark flew away in the dark
I wrote no further for the longest time
A lone blue jay landed upon my lawn
I wrote sweet prose on his sapphire wings
He spent the night with me, but at dawn
the jay flew away and no longer sings
I answered the call of a beautiful raven
I wrote love sonnets on his ebony wings
He stayed for years in my safe haven
I was one of the raven's castoff things
I no longer trust those who take flight
I lost them all and my torn heart bled
On restless wings I'll never again write
of love that leaves me alone in my bed
by Doug Vinson |
Our fellow travelers,
What measure of trust for them?
The moment's imperfections are easily, even instinctively overlooked -
We risk for their benefit, sacrifice for their good.
Minutes stretched, the holy person spoke to all comers
As I heard love's woman,
Hanging on the pierced and tattooed man.
What did she see, he was fractional to me;
Her freely-given look demanded no return,
Love's area of the mind spreading over others.
Was it that he'd only hit her once?
The sightless mother's fingers over the face of her child
Tenderly traced that juncture of skin and hour,
Acquiring an instant in time.
by Mustapha Mohammed |
Love is like a fire
It often expires
A comfort that revives
Your tender soul alive.
A blind joy soaring
The loveless signs ignoring
It rises high with freedom's grace
To spring a blush upon your face.
Love is sweet like antique wine
It breaks the fetters of loveless mind.
Love is loving all the time
Love is a spirit unconfined.
Love is a constant kindness
A joyful untamed madness.
Love jealous not
Or is a selfish glut.
Love is a divine quality
Expressed in purity!
by Daniel Cheeseman |
Light blue tears on parchment, how softly my pen
weeps for you. Ribbons of verse bind, pull tightly
on oozing emotions. Devoted words lie embalmed
in true affection, line upon line of adoration. I am
besotted in ink, controlled by a heart that fills my
page. My pen lies aside my love, my dreams, my
day and night and what you are to me. Your kisses
are the words planted and my future granted.
by Arturo Michael |
inspirational, motivation, uplifting,
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
If you’re giving up
Then tell me, who’s to blame
The road’s ahead
Time is now
Make that change
You’ve been dreaming of
Open up your heart doors
And set your soul free
Feel the inspiration
The sunshine and breeze
Whatever it takes
However, life goes
Give it all the love inside of you
Believe you’ll achieve your goals
And if you have to rise to meet your destiny
Then take to the Sky
Fly up high…
High, High, High
by Paloma P |
desire, dream, love, moon, romantic, sea, sun,
I knew you long before
pursuit's intention shone,
felt you in sun's fiery warmth
& shooting star surrender,
heard your voice on soft
burbled whispers of sweet zephyrs
and nectar'd songs of hummingbirds,
saw your depths of magnificence
in sapphire ocean tides
cresting 'neath effulgent moons
savoring breaths of crystalline
snowflakes on crisp sea air,
I knew strength in your convictions
for it braved every fantasy's illusion
acquiesced 'tween dulcet desires,
whilst the strong presence of your charms
envelop'd every night's dreaming
by White Wolf |
longing, love, poems,
The turtles roam where the butterflies go
How can I say what your love means to me
A poem I write to hopefully show
To convey with tender words sincerely
My love for you continually grows
For in my heart I hold your loving smile
Inspiring me to write you endless prose
Our time too brief though your love does beguile
All I can offer is my heart to you
In return for yours that will never stray
I promise you I shall always be true
Hear my words of love and let them convey
Of my undying love until the end
For now this love poem to you I send
For Trust Me Baby This Is Love contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose
by Gregory Richard Barden |
introspection, poetry, sad, writing,
A gentle heart
So full of love
Yet no one feels
It's worthy of
Their admiration
Care or time
So I am left
To barter rhyme
Matching words
To arbitrate
The things I feel
Be love or hate
So others fawn
At what I pen
When deep inside
An endless end
Crafting prose
To coaxing sighs
While deep within ...
A slow demise.
by Andrea Dietrich |
A gift received when I was young I have no more.
It sparked my interest though it was so deep.
Its verse was somewhat prose; its words would soar
straight to my soul and not put me to sleep!
Kahil Gibran, its author, was most wise.
Part poet and philosopher was he.
Another book I got, also a prize,
contained more feminine type poetry.
Its thoughts were clear; it was a sweet book of
romantic verse with metaphors sublime!
Sara Teasdale’s title, “For Those Who Love,”
enthralled me with pure poetry in rhyme.
I never could have known it then, but I,
would also one day see my own words fly!
Written Aug. 2016
For 'A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1213' Poetry Contest
by Mike Gentile |
anxiety, care, hope, love, sleep,
If I could put love on a pillow
I’d lay it on your bed
for you to find there every night
and rest your weary head
To set your dreams in motion
and make your world carefree
for you to know your value
for you to finally see
If I could put love on a pillow
there’d be no need for prose
for all your pain, you’d understand
that thorns protect the rose
You’d wake to smiles and sunshine
with kindness on your plate
to know the road is long
but never it’s too late
by Olusegun Ojo |
black-african amergrandmother,
All's not about Darfur
I've seen it, eerie winds
Moonlight through our thatch
We kissed round, one *palmie gourd
Kigali was but a miss
Waist-beads - beats to love
Have you heard the talk-drum,
*Fela's horns of brass,
Or the *Aladuras' joy of Alleluia?
My grandmother still walks miles
Just because her forbears did,
And shame on malaria
For the dearth of men
Oh, on Mandela's earth
Of Soyinka's nobel ideas
Africa - a big breast,
the good, the bad, the ugly. . .
all, as sucklings!
*palmie - palm wine
*Fela - Celebrated afrobeat musician
*Aladura - a popular african instituted christian sect noted for heavy prayers
by Julie Heckman |
Crimson lips, lovers awaken with a kiss
Creamy white skinned Goddesses resting
In a time where Socrates lusted after Sappho's
Poetry and art.
The Grecian people worshiped her with
her beauty and exquisite prose. On the wings
of her art she played enchanting music arranged
for immortality.
Golden chariots in fields of apples bold,
yet, solitary like one fallen from the tree,
Sappho wrote her memoirs and music
while exiled, her death unspoken.
by Liz Walsh |
I would love to swim to the 'Guilamine' in the skin
Or dance on a carpet of sheer pleasure
I might like an ice-cream cone on the way
Topped with pink and golden treasure.
I would enjoy a drink made of sparkles
That might light up with yellow-red magic
My dreary grey-blue life – and then
I would anticipate with joy an umbrella
Made of silk and maidenhair fern
To be silly with –
by Doug Vinson |
jealousy, sad love,
That tiny mouse's bullfighter cape,
I took it from you because I couldn't bear not to.
I had to have it.
You challenged the world with it,
and it shown in the sun as brightly as you burned.
It grew cold when I touched it,
Like a star without light or heat,
a ghost sail with no wind,
hanging limp in memory.
by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Radiant beams of Aubade,
Basking brilliant aura,
Sun is in the mood......
Ramifying fragrance of florets
And aroma of plants,
Wind is in the mood.....
Nurturing spirit into seedlings,
Blooming plants and all mortals
Water is in the mood........
Blessing us with soulmates, pals
And little ones,
Toning the ambiance and climate,
The creator is in the mood......
Bestow upon us thy commendation
Oh lord !
Glorify us with divine crotchet !!
Written on 17/5/13
Contrast - on nature #3
Sponsor- PD A
Featured poem of the week- Dec 13th, 2015
by William Darnell Sr |
love, marriage,
Dear Love, I Would
Your lips would make,
For a gentle kiss
Your arms would make
For the perfect hug.
Your hand would make,
A perfect fit for mine
You're the one I would love
To have beside me now.
You're the one I want,
To share my heart and life with
I wish I knew what I did
To deserve you showing up?
Because I would do it again!
by Ralph Sergi |
lost love,
The Mask it cannot hide
those feelings deep inside
that squeeze the senses tight
to try and recall a
time of love,lust and sin
then you realize now
thoughts are all you have left
Ralph Sergi Masquerade
Contest April 25, 2014
by Connie Marcum Wong |
death, how i feel, love,
After the reaper appears for us,
And our vital bodies rendered to ash...
What great proof will remain of our love?
Will the after years shed less light
On our breathless consuming passion?
Will our photographs that subtlety
Captured nuances of the love in our eyes
Stand clear enough for our descendants
To realize our profoundness shared?
I would go with you without trepidation
Knowing our ashes would not belie what
Once was felt for each other to be eternal.
I cling to thoughts that my words expressed
Through once valued prose not be forgotten
By our future generations who know of
Us only by our faded photographs.
© Connie Marcum Wong
by Mockingbird Stevenson |
bereavement, betrayal, confusion, devotion, divorce, emotions, heartbreak, hurt, love, love hurts,
How does my body
This flesh that withholds my soul,,
manage to bear the weight from the chains that have been embedded upon my bequeathing heart?
Where does one hide the pain that is encrusted upon these eyes that are dreary and now fail to sleep?
Why cant my mind acquit, my heart adrift, my skin ache for the touch of another?
Does it have to be me that has to live with this night, because happiness is the other side of this mirror?
by Gwendolen Song |
beautiful, bird, earth, imagination, inspirational, nature,
Black birds gather....early in the morning....scooping up sunshine and singing to announce a new day....
Wings flapping in rapid waves of splendor....enthusiasm galore!
Black birds heart flutters a new beat...a tempo like none the shininess of soft piano keys...your passion to sing enlightens me
Oh how I wish I could sing at the first shards of I wish I could fly around from tree top to tree top ushering in the new opportunity
I will do my best to do the same thing right down here with my mug of hot coffee!
How I love the NEW DAY!
by Curtis Forsythe |
introspection, parents, sorry,
Did our parents not have better things to do-
better things than to suffer our indifference-
our rebellion-
better things to do than return to us love
for hatefulness-
patients for intolerance-
self sacrifice for our selfishness?
Seems that they could never get it right-
In every thing we thought ourselves wise-
our parents foolish-
then the worst thing they ever did
was to go and die-
they died and took with them
all we now ache to know-
but now never will-
we were just too wrapped up-
too wrapped up in ourselves to ask them-
we always thought there would be time-
by Randall Smith |
Never a father
But an Uncle
many times...
Plumbers Helper
Best friends
with you....
Always on an adventure....
Support Engineering
The big house
on an acre
of lawn.
All of it gone
Or given away
A lost five years
Then I re-found you
and became a
and Best friend.......Again.