by Robert Lindley |
anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,
Hope, A Little Remained
She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.
He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.
For Silent One's, eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.
by Mike Gentile |
nature, peace, sound, war,
Simple sounds
The birds of love
Nature’s call, so wild and free
Echoed in the skies above
Symphonies made just for me
Simple sounds
The cricket’s dance
Senses frolic to and fro
Entertaining nature’s trance
Contemplating all I know
Simple sounds
A heart that beats
Searching for a love to share
Life that flows when hope retreats
Listen for it everywhere
Simple sounds
The guns of war
But for hate meant to release
Rat-a-tat, he is no more
Silence is the sound of peace
by Mike Gentile |
death, hope, life, nature, peace,
Simple sounds
The birds of love
Nature’s call, so wild and free
Echoed in the skies above
Symphonies made just for me
Simple sounds
The cricket’s dance
Senses frolic to and fro
Entertaining nature’s trance
Contemplating all I know
Simple sounds
My heart that beats
But for silence to compare
Life that flows when hope retreats
Listen for it everywhere
Simple sounds
The guns of war
But for hate meant to release
Rat-a-tat, he is no more
Silence is the sound of peace
by Maddy Rogers |
Every day feels like a race
Always some job to do
Or person to please
I'm all over the place
I always thought it was just me
Looking to escape the madness
Even just for an hour
Somewhere to flee
I found a spot
For peace and quiet
And a cheeky little beverage
Which can't be too hot
I found a friend whilst there
Who sat with me amongst the bustle
They liked me for me
And my flaws? They didn't care
We spent many an hour eating toast
Escaping the rat race together
Understanding each other
That's what I miss the most
I still go to my quiet place
Sit in my favourite spot
Before I head out to battle
But oh how I'd love to see their face
... Again
by Gershon Wolf |
america, conflict, history, violence,
Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat
sounds of war, tattered fife, ragged drum
In feathered cap, Yankee Doodle went to town
where he met a clever man named Madison
Wrote up a constitution, though not for everyone
rights for whites -- but not for blacks or browns...
Now it's 2 1/2 strife-torn centuries later
some love the USA; others hate her
Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat
so many promises ~ fallen flat
Machine-gun fire nightly in 'most every city
'Twas it all for naught ~ 'twould be a pity
by Mo Adjei |
adventure, bird, blue, dream, for her, friendship love, woman,
If this was the final blink
And we exploded with laughter
Do we become a sun in another galaxy?
Cos everyone else wants to say enough
Sit here with me
Where rat racers are too busy to stare
I have cheeks for shy giggles
Like you have hair for flowers
Plant as many on mine as I do on yours
I'll sing the language of birds
Just to keep you glowing
We are what remains
After the wind stops to catch a breath
by Bryn Strudwick |
animal, peace,
The cat on his mat
Caught sight of a rat,
Sneakily stealing his food.
Which was a disgrace;
He ought to give chase.
But he wasn’t in the mood.
They started to chat,
The cat and the rat
And very soon became friends.
So that’s how they stay
To this very day.
And that’s how the story ends.
by Milton Manyass |
And here we are, on this field
Full of wealth and want...
Hawking love and loans like lollies,
Goodies of globalization entice the gullible ones,
Profits blossom [only] in well-made markets,
Global indoctrination indiscriminate and insurmountable,
Only the fit survive this global rat race
When we feed the vulgar mouth of capitalism
by Kim Merryman |
The mouse in our house is a rat,
I'm now quite certain of that.
It's not little and cute,
It's long and uncouth.
Can't wait til I hear it go splat!
(An apology to all animal lovers. I really do not
want to kill it. I love animals too. I just want the
germy rodent out of my house, and I want him to
stay gone!)
For Andrea's "Show Me the Funny Part II" contest
by Steven Siegel |
life, love, life, me,
My Love, My life
My life have been without any feelings or love
I felt like I might go fade away in some place
My life felt tangled as if stuck in a mangrove
With no way of getting the hell out the rat-race.
She would at last make me feel complete to my soul
Just maybe we were both prime and ready to be caught
We both met for me be strong enough and to able hold
I’m bit of heaven when I’m in her arms at night
Lose all track of time but who is counting anyways
When we are in each others arms on weekend-nights.
Sally has brought joys into my life; into my ways
The day we were married she set free the doves,
I knew I’d be with you till I die my dear love…
Steve L. Siegel
January 23, 2013
by Nicholas Windle |
death, faith, inspirational, love, nature, philosophy, sea
Final thoughts.
Oh mighty sun you rise once more,
Bringing forth a brand new day.
A shimmering causeway of golden ray’s,
To another world now seems not far away.
My bones grow weary for on the beach I sit,
Before an out stretched sea.
Caporal thoughts of the conscious mind,
Start to fade now on the breeze.
Lift me like the seagull soars,
For now ecstasy consumes the soul.
Just the calling waves now answer,
For here will I make my home?
All earthly bonds and shackle,
The rat race now has been run.
Now in the bosom of sweet nature,
For with you Im now at one.
© N Windle 2009
by Keeley Green |
confusion, depression, health, inspirational, life, philosophy, recovery from..., sympathy, teen
Lets go spit smoke from between our worn lips
wouldnt it be fun to rott our lungs together?
feel the rat poison, the cancerious **** buring our throughts?
how about the smell of that delicious nicotine?
isnt it delightful how we can ruin our lives?
so nice we can kill our selves this way
you know...
slowley? painfully? sinfully?
oh! and i love how everyone hates us now
but its okay cuz we have these emphizema on a sticks
we dont need anyone else, everyone else is just too smart..
oh and the best part, we cant live without it now.
ahh, great life huh?
*=changed because you cant put profanity on here..sadly.
by Mick Talbot |
all live onomatopoeia of the night
howling, mewing, twit twooing, screeching, onomatopoeia
all live onomatopoeia of war
banging, booming, rat tat tat tating, screaming, onomatopoeia
all live onomatopoeia of woodland
tapping, flapping, singing, rustling, cawing, onomatopoeia
all live onomatopoeia of farmland
bleating, mooing, barking, honking, nighing, onomatopoeia
all live onomatopoeia of love making
sighing, sighing, sighing, sighing, Y E S, onomatopoeia!
by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Love grew between the girl and a fat rat
They married she bore a calico cat
World laughed at them
What a great shame
Calico chased her father rat a tat
by Kishan Negi |
Adore each other
perennial relationship
couple tie the knot
Will you marry me
tremendous flash of lightning
popping the question
Dating someone else
cheated on one's life partner
exists a love rat
(By Kishan Negi)
by John Rhinem |
hope, life, love,
Welcome to the fallout and collateral damage everywhere, you turn!?
But no ones going to admit it nor shall they take the blame; Actually
The rat race is on; chasing down this piece of abominations pink cheese
***********; legislation, science, sin and sacrifice; balancing budgets....
....“';'n Gods We Trust?!”
by Amy Rose |
courage, dark, depression, faith, god, grief, growing up, hope, inspirational, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, pain, people, places, recovery from..., sad, sorrow, sorry, stress, teen, woman, women, clothes,
Knows my real name
Is what I go by
I am freezing cold
I don’t have money
Just, the clothes on my back
I am a walking wardrobe
I am lonely
I smell like crap
I am starving hungry
I can’t find any shelter
My clothes are drenched
I look like a drowned rat!
Upon women
Is classed normal
Around here!
I wonder...
I will survive
Another day?
To wake up
Do this
All over, again!
“Protect me tonight
As,I lay my head to rest”
“I love you, dear God”
by Joselito Asperin |
betrayal, christian, hate, humanity, international, peace, racism, violence, visionary, war, world war ii,
No discrimination, no greed, no war!
In unity and peace, let us stand tall,
Nations, come together, heal the scar,
With love and compassion, we'll break the fall.
Scars of the past, not for vengeance to cling,
But as precious lessons, let's hold them tight,
War, a resolve that wrath will bring,
Evil's deceit, war's traitorous might.
Hitler hiding, like a rat in the bunker,
Japan overwhelmed, her wings torn asunder,
Mussolini spared not, this ruthless encounter,
In the face of war, all countries must ponder.
by Joy Wellington |
lost love, recovery from..., slam,
How dare you proclaim sanctimonious innocence
Innocent you may be as the cheese house rat
Evidence in the stench of your unrighteous fat
Try to paint a picture with your vain empty words
Man looketh on your outward pretence appearance
God knoweth the hidden secrets of your vile heart
How can there be forgiveness for no repentance
I cannot look past your self-contained righteousness
Nor dare I hope you will see your selfimposed perfection
I held you up high on a I-so-esteem you pedelstal
Boy did you give me a sudden unexpected love drop
I feel the cold air of your indifference wisp past my heart
by Orphani ..........O |
little tomato
Last of the dying season
I love you most of all
In the absence of
Your fat brothers and
Blushing sisters
Though they were exalted
IN the suns decadent reasoning
They are gone
Lttle tomato
I love your hope
Clinging alone to the grey black
Final branches of a mothers love
I love your distorted imperfection
Never being and
Never tasting
You were never to be mine
You hold alone
In the too chill of nights frost
In the tall cold of New England
The young are fed the dying rat
and the great owl
disturbs the silence
by Peter Lewis Holmes |
anger, humanity, humor, drug,
You’re such a nasty bugger,
You slumming, scheming lout,
No conscience or misgiving,
No arguing about!
And when next time I see you,
Sucking on the poor, I’ll give to
You no quarter, you shameless
Writhing whore.
To you people are just profits,
You stinking rotten rat,
I’d love to squash your laurels
With my old ash cricket bat!
Drugs are for the sick, not
For pockets to be lined,
To be in this type of business,
You really must be kind
So take your profit margins
And income streams and like,
And point yourself at nearest cliff
While tied on to your bike
by Andrea Dietrich |
animal, wife,
Mr. Dog fell in love with a cat,
but their parents would have none of that!
Well, the two of them didn’t lose hope.
Some mice friends advised they elope!
With church mice as witnesses, they
got married the very next day
by the honorable preacher Rat
who wore on his head a big hat.
“Will you take this sweet cat as your wife?”
“Woof, woof! For the rest of my life.”
Then the rat asked the cat, “What say you?”
“Need you ask?” she cried out, "MEW, MEW!”
There was not a dry eye in the house.
Kitty bride served up cheese for each mouse.
Cats with dogs and mice can’t get along?
Mrs. Kitty Dog proves them all wrong.
Feb. 26, 2023
for Eve Roper's Nursery Rhyme Poetry Contest
by Vinnie Conforti |
cat, cute,
I love my cat;
She’s cute and fat.
I named her Kitty
Because she was pretty.
One day, Kitty brought me a rat
Because she wanted a nice pat.
She left to the city,
But then felt pity.
Kitty came back with a hat;
I looked at her and she laid there and sat.
She licked my hand, which felt gritty;
I still love my Kitty, even though she’s witty.
by Sabina Nicole |
life, political, sad, social,
Rat race, rat race,
All going to the same place,
Move faster and pay no mind,
Their games keep mankind blind,
Another number for the rich,
Someday when were in their ditch,
Rights, fights,
Gave them away for ravenous appetites,
Illusions and delusions
I pled guilty to sinister pollution,
Frustration comes
As humanity goes numb
Rat race, rat race,
Inevitable landslide
Full of pride
Everyone’s lied,
Morality has died,
With arms open wide
America the Great
Like prey, they just wait
Bow down to your money
Make love to your greed
While you feed your need
Vampires now lead.
By: Sabina Nicole
by Ba'Tunde O Ajayi |
lost lovehome, home, me, i love you, , sweet love,
Come on home babe
Come, come back baby
Come back my sweet love
Come, the home is for you
Come, to stay in my heart.
Come and dwell in forever
Come now, don't make me cry,
Come and wipe the tears, save me now,
Come and go shine your light
Come, in your smile I found my life.
Come back home,
Come, my only love, I'm sick of weeping
Come, my Cat and Rat reminisces your sexy hugs,
Come love, my mouse and mouse misses you,
Come back, without you I'd die tomorrow.
Come back for real,
Come 'cause I love you now and then forever
Come back home, without you
Come back into my life my sleepless nights
Come back mounts like mount Everest,
Come back my one and only love.