Love Poems About Relationship or Relationship Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, hurt, relationship,

The Dance of Jealousy

Her piercing eyes burn through paper-thin lies igniting fear as flames erupt inside. And accusingly, she breaks down and cries, trying to salvage what's left of her pride. She believed you both had found your soulmate; and thus, never thought either heart would stray. And expresses feelings of love and hate; as she watches her dreams slipping away. There's no such thing as an innocent flirt; it's the first crack in a relationship. And the lies that accompany it hurt; causing the scales of happiness to tip. Jealousy is an emotional dance, stomping out flickering flames of romance.

by Beryl Edmonds |
Categories: hope, love, relationship,

Glimmers of Love

How long will I love you, often you ask Forever and a day, my love will last Till there’s no blossom or leaves upon trees Or pretty daffodils dancing o’er breeze. Till clouds cease to form patterns in the sky All seas and rivers begin running dry Till all poets have no poetic prose Or night has no beginning, day no close. Till no man or creature walks upon earth Gold or silver has no value or worth Till there are no birds flying on the wing Or voices aren’t heard and no one can sing. Till the day we take our Heavenly place Living for eternity in God’s grace With time to dance among stars up above Darling I send this in glimmers of love.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, relationship, thank you,

Forever Loved

You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see
You were there when I needed you
Just a young child so full of life
Causing many an adult strife
If I lied you could see right through 
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see 

Because of you I changed my ways
Have respect till my dying days
You were there when I needed you
If I lied you could see right through
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta Contest: Sonnetina Rispetto

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: depression, lost love, relationship,


'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?'
Were I to be more truthful, and less kind
Once fair, your hair now more consumed by gray
Your dewy luster I struggle to find

As weighted toll of years fills in your frame
And roses on your cheeks falter and fade
I can not say if it is age I blame
Or from the fall of youth, a cynic's made

Is it my eyes too blighted to recall
The fragile beauty your face once possessed
No large gash dealt, only dying in small
Moments I turned away from your caress

Unwatered, our garden lies bleak and spent
Winter coating the stems where summers went.


by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: boyfriend, girlfriend, relationship,

A S-I-M-P-L-E Yes Or No

Ink spills purposely on paper forming letters of certain alphabets to vowels and consonants. Though speechless, one puts forth effort to enunciate and pronounce aloud the syllables carefully to articulate loves interest. Do you want to be my one and only Love Interest?
Pace INK-U-SCRIPT 03-07-13

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: confusion, dance, relationship,

What Is This Dance

What is this dance that we do?
First you spin me; I twirl with delight
Captivated by your attentive gaze
Then you back away as I move toward you

So many times we’ve been on this floor
One step forward, two steps back
Movements that confuse a foolish heart
Often I feel I’m dancing alone

Still I keep dancing to reach you
Each time I draw near, you retreat
And still it seems you want me to stay
For an eternity drawn to a love unrequited

My dancing shoes I place on a shelf
Along with my dreams, pieces of myself
Perplexed by your desire to continue
Pirouetting toward the unknown

*Revised Feb. 11, 2021
For Craig's "Foolish Heart" Contest

by Joseph May |
Categories: lost love, relationship,

Words Left Unsaid

Words left unsaid as teardrops fell
 The price of love, their hearts would tell
 And so they parted, love took flight
 And left their hearts to lonely nights
 Each unable to break loves spell

  Distant sound of the old church bell
 Rang through seasons they knew so well
 Winter to spring, summer shone bright
 Words left unsaid

 Each had a broken heart to sell
 As fire within they tried to quell
 Memories fade in Luna's light
 Stars wished upon twinkle in sight
 Love's distant star, flickers farewell
 Words left unsaid
 Contest Name: Form U- U pick 'em
 Sponsor; Broken Wings

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: marriage, relationship,

The Book of Love - a Wedding Poem

See it there in virgin perfection. Open its pages. They are so white that they radiate light. See the magic pen sitting by the book meant just for two. Each of you - together - Reflect the pages’ light! Then with the pen, you may write your beautiful life, for this is the Book of Love. March 31, 2017 for the Book of Love Contest of Rick Parise

by Bill Baker |
Categories: happiness, introspection, life, love, marriage, relationship, soulmate,

Living Life as One

Like clouds drifting through a sun-brightened sky,
My thoughts start to ask, where, what, when and why.
Why am I here with you, what must I do?
How do I determine what’s really true?

Love offers something we can hold on to,
You pledge to me, as I pledge love to you.
We’ll give as freely as we will receive,
Accept the oneness in which we believe.

Peace is embellished by those who are quiet,
Living in the present, no end in sight.
Forget your past, all happiness and strife,
Easing tension like slicing with a knife.

This is the way to live a mindful life.
Two living as one as husband and wife.

by Jesse Zerlaut |
Categories: imagery, poetry, writing,

Courtship of Poetry

I wrestle with my words in aimlessness when I write.
Poetry is a relationship to me, it's a troubled courtship.
I can't come to reasonable reform in words on the spot..
but rather seek intimacy with my thoughts in attempt. 

The two of us, man and his romantic notions,
carelessly Laid into tousled affections on a page.
I love her, and the page, she spurns me willfully.
I love her, and grasp in hopelessness to understand her.

I give my undivided attention, my eyes wander her form.
I've sought shamelessly to appease her whispered desires.
But she is a selfish lover, asking for more than can be given.
She, the playful counterpart in a field of rationality, often eludes me.

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: love, relationship, romance,

Love Train Haiku


                    Eyes glued to body,
                    Roaming from head to toe,
                    Drooling mouth water...

                    A sudden attack,
                    Swept off your feet,
                    Above cloud nine...

IN LOVE,,,,,,,,,,,

                    Communication amazing,
                    Thoughts wave connect,
                     Heart beating as one...

               My first HAIKU

by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: absence, break up, loneliness, longing, lost love, miss you, sad love,

For Only a Moment

Did it have to last for only a moment,
our love withered before the flowers you sent,
white carnations, a pure love they meant,
a relationship so newfound and innocent.

Our love withered before the flowers you sent,
your early departure I could not prevent,
a relationship so newfound and innocent,
a memory lingers on like a sweet scent.

Your early departure I could not prevent,
white carnations, a pure love they meant,
a memory lingers on like a sweet scent,
did it have to last for only a moment.

by Maureen Mcgreavy |
Categories: abuse, addiction, forgiveness, relationship,

Laws of Attraction

Mind over matter

      It seems the mind
      is more forgiving
      than the matter

Love at first sight
Magnets inseparable 
Believing true love could
Conquer anything
but anything butt up against matter
Hard enough Long enough
turns out
is enough is enough
for matter to shift
Attraction becomes Repulsion
Mind over matter

      The mind forgiving
      matter not forgetting

Both hoping time will heal the wounds

by John Hamilton |
Categories: absence, change, love hurts, missing you, relationship,

Autumn's Desires

Autumn's desires

Your amber-umber eyes, penetrate me
as saffron sun sets on faces, ashen
Your suspicious mind raves with jealousy
as pumpkin winds chill our summers passion
your love transitions to winter's fashion.

Fire and ice keep flowing through your bold veins
Wild imaginations portend cold rains.

I dream of your ruby-red crimson lips
my mind won't rest until you have returned
the  touches from your ginger fingertips
we can rebuild the bridges that have burned,
then, we will laugh at all the lessons learned

I think of your flowing cinnamon hair
mem'ries of our home, and you being there.

John Derek Hamilton
September 16,2017

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: loss, love, me,

Tell Me a Sweet Lie

Tell me I'm the one, the love of your life.
It's not my fault you won't become my wife
I'll look in your eyes as I dream my dreams.
We can both pretend, it's not what it seems.

I know there's another who holds your heart.
I can't stand that it's ripping mine apart.
So I will take this, just one more night.
Hold me and rock me, till the morning light.

My pain is to great, please whisper sweet lies.
My brain knows what my Heart can't realize.
I'll give you freedom, please let me pretend.
I am not ready, for this love to end.

Tomorrow walk away, that is your chance
I will survive, if you give me one glance

Sonnet on an intimate relationship.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: passion, love,

The Scoundrel's Game

A yearning for affection and romance can cause one’s getting scorched by passions’ flame. Love blooms if it is given a fair chance, but some attempt to play the scoundrel’s game! A tender soul can be bamboozled by the man who has an inner soul of ice. The love that he professes is his lie, and cherishing himself alone - his vice. The one he lured will struggle to maintain her doomed relationship with him; she’s torn! The taste of love once sweet turns into pain, for what she offers is returned with scorn. Abominations always will exist. Take care one's not a scoundrel you have kissed! For Dictionary fun....#1...Delilah's Words! Poetry Contest

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: feelings, heartbreak, love hurts, relationship, sad,

Let's Pretend

Why not say you’re mistaken, it was the wind that you heard? And when I dropped to my knee, I hadn't uttered a word. Why don't you just shrug it off, and admonish me out loud? Let’s pretend, 'twas but a game to amuse the passing crowd. If we say it didn’t happened, can we not forget this eve? And should you feel offended, just ask me to, and I'll leave. But, what if I did propose, and those words came from my heart? And now, I'm crying inside cause you tore my hopes apart. (Quatrain) 2/3/2015

by Katrina Keller-Cole |
Categories: love hurts, relationship, sorrow, time,



Yesterday I forgot the shade of your eyes
I struggled to remember your touch
Today I forgot the sound of your voice 
Each day I don't miss you so much
In the end you only brought me sorrow
I wonder what I won't remember tomorrow

by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: betrayal, friendship, love, relationship, sad,

Gut Punch

Bearing the brunt of betrayal, 
his long-time lady lover leaves him 
for another flame. Surprisingly saying 
"I'm so sorry, Sam, we should start
seeing other people"

Broken by a brutal blindside 
out of nowhere. He couldn't comprehend 
the reason; the shock shook him 
like a loud trembling thunder
shakes someone out in the rain

Suddenly lovelorn, 
he's left wondering why. 
"What did I do to deserve this?"
To add insult to injury, he learns
she left him for his best friend, Bruce.

STRAND CHOICE P,any form,any theme Poetry Contest( Winner: Honorable Mention)
Sponsored by Brian Strand
Date written: 03/24/2020

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: hate, humor, love, relationship, today, together, uplifting,


I love you.
I hate you.
This week,
I love you,
This week,
I hate you.
Can this go on,
it has for years.
This love hate relationship,
is now over.
I am kicking you to the curb,
to the trash can you must go.
Did you figure me out,
I am your bathroom scale.
Hooray~you are gone.

by Bill Baker |
Categories: kiss, love, passion, romantic love, soulmate, true love,

Tenderness, a Pathway To Unfathomable Love

Kiss me as you’d kiss a baby,
softly to show your love.
Touch me gently,
as you would someone hurt and afraid.

Hug me and hold me tightly,
that I might feel secure and protected.
Smile at me and laugh with me,
so I can see your joy and inner peace.

These are the things that sooth my soul,
inviting me to join you in a loving relationship.
These are the traits that will open my heart,
allowing love to flow freely.

Agree with me that we each have the right to be authentic,
and we’ll be free to be the best we can be.
Now two shall be one as passion is unshackled,
we shall frolic in unfathomable love.

by Bill Baker |
Categories: education, journey, love, relationship, romantic love,


We fell in love and married young,
others said we couldn’t know.
Who else could truly know my heart,
or which way I should go?

We all must choose the path to walk,
and how we’ll live each day.
It makes no difference the choice we make,
if we take God along our way.

All our challenges will be lessons learned,
he can make it a perfect day.
Others may snicker and laugh at us,
it doesn’t matter what they may say.  

God teaches us through every test,
and after struggles he gives us rest.

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: engagement, lost love, relationship, remember,

Do It Again, Please

Roll back the joy of golden, painted years.
Hold me in that rapture, of joyful cascading tears.

Place the engagement ring on my soft hand.
Allow me to hear the notes of passion’s band.

Oh, how deeply in love in the City by the Bay we were!
Then~abruptly dismissed by Cupid’s, stinging, sharp spur!

That glorious moment though, outlives the painful march of time.
When I was wholly yours, on love’s, long, enchanting, cascading vine!


by Bernard Chan |
Categories: boyfriend, break up, girlfriend, lost love, relationship, silence, solitude,


In the end, we were there-not there,
two present absentees 
sharing an apartment vacated by a relationship 
and the worst kind of loneliness -- feeling solitary next to someone --
partners in the crime of abetting mutual misery,
though neither of us can really be linked 
to the crime scene, can we? 

We’ve got each other’s alibi.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: abuse, forgiveness, heartbroken, relationship,

It's Already Too Late

If you have to apologize, it's already too late  
What you've done is unfixable; don't think you're so great

  If you feel mere words can mend a broken heart
Then you've learned nothing, you fool, from its tearing apart

  if you've fired a person and want to make amends
Find him a new job; that's the right message to send

  If you've screamed at your kid, reduced him to tears
It'll take years to overcome what you've taught him to fear

  Whatever you've ruined, be it a life or a love
Can only be mended by Mercy from Above

        April 30, 2019
Entry: "APOLOGY" Poetry Contest
     Sponsor: Line Gauthier