Love Poems About Religious or Religious Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: birth, childhood, prayer, religious,

The Treasure of Birth

It's hard to describe
that true sense of pride

that comes with the worth
of your babies birth

A child takes your heart
right from the start

and wills you to sow
a love destined to grow

From dress ups to cupcakes
from boo-boos to heartbreaks

it's all worth the pain
from the treasure we gain

Time spent together
can only be measured

in memories we hold 
as part of our soul

God keep this life
from turmoil and strife

give it love and care
and blessings to share

For all that we ask
is that we're up to the task

and do all that we must
to honor your trust.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: religious,

- Holy Is the Lamb -

    You must teach me to be humble 
    For love is the reason you died 
    The lamb is so clean, white and holy 
    A newborn Lamb of God who makes new life begin 
    The Lamb gentleness is evident for all 
    Take away my sinful thoughts and lies 
    Worthy is the Lamb that carries your words 
    I'm no angel, but I know they exist 
    You paid with your blood for the salvation of men 
    Love abundance is where you are found 


    Contest Name:HOLY IS THE LAMB...
    Sponsor:Verlena S. Walker

    A-L Andresen :)
    Copyright © All Rights Reserved 

    - Thank you for my 2nd place in contest :) -

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: faith, paradise, prayer, religious,

- Heavenly Hugs -

Unique is the discipline of love 
Understanding God's law
Faith holds supreme commander

Sometimes we have to fight 
our way through a concrete jungle
stone cold dreams nightmare evaluates 

Rocking the cradle unworthy desires 
no peace or rest for the wicked deeds
in order to find the answers to hopes prayer
Truth pointing us directions 
within our code of moral conduct 
which supports us in our voyage
In the walk of life chaos grips hearts consumed with hate 
Without faith our souls identity will become dust 
Needing hugs from heaven to survive 

A Collaborated Poem 19.11.2015
Anne-Lise Andresen, and Liam Mc Daid
(tercets unrymed)

by Jeremy Martin |
Categories: mother, me, love, me,

For My Mom

Though many songs are written of angels
I must add to the empire 
This small hymn to a woman, a champion of life 
Nameless here, but named in all things good and pure
I'll stand beside her work, her artistry astounds the stars 
And all light that is given is humbled in her presence 
Every worry is smoothed away, all tears absolved 
God, let me take her sadness into me and carry it for her
Until I am old, and then I'll have my chance to see her once more 
I am not a religious man, but she brings the divine to me  
And cradles me forever in her selfless, adoring arms 
I love you mother, I love you
I will always love you

by Jessica Zorn |
Categories: people, poems, religious, rights,

Change the World

Stagnant hateful world we live 
Something has got to give
 Mass destruction of the human soul
Innocent lives have become the toll
False prophets who have manipulated the word
Has planted a seed in every boy and girl 
  It's time to take back ALL our lost
 And teach them love at any cost 
Stop judging people on how they look
Or who they love,or what book

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,


sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
    a skyward mist

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER  sponsored by MICK TALBOT

by Humble B |
Categories: angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,

Love, Angels, and Music

LOVE God is always love Forever seek the kingdom; Praise the creator Keep giving what you can give Please endure until the end ANGELS Beautiful Heavens Protecting the meek ones earth Watching over us Helping us to cope with life Comforted with hope and trust MUSIC When you find rhythm You find your hearts inner core Celebrate the times Make them better than before Reminisce and dance all night

by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: international, religious,

Nothing Can Separate Us From Gods Love

Nothing Can Separate Us From God’s Love By Betty Harp Butler There is no mountain high enough, And no valley deep enough To separate us from God‘s love. This Coronavirus is not strong enough To overcome all of us, If we trust in our great God above. God is big enough to bring us through Any trial that we face. When we trust in Him, He is Faithful. He’ll give us the strength, To run Life’s long race. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 KJV Ref: Romans 8:35-39

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: faith, inspiration, inspirational, religious, spiritual, trust,

A Powerful Force

Faith is a powerful force; requiring absolute trust. It allows you to believe; you are loved and not alone. Suffering persecution; sometimes, all you have is faith. And yet, it's unshakable; in times of adversity. Praying perpetuates hope; opening your heart to God. And when you first feel His love; everything you thought changes. Belief can imbue your life with a strong sense of purpose. Existence should never feel empty or unfulfilling. The love that you have for God is oft rooted in blind faith. And yet, that faith sustains you; nourishing both heart and soul.

by Don Ruch |
Categories: inspirational, religious, spiritual,



by Tom Valles |
Categories: bible, christian, faith, god, heartbroken, hope, inspiration, inspirational, prayer, religious,

When He Breathes

Soft, still, the silence heaves
I inhale, the Spirit breathes;
Flowing, growing Christ bestowing
Life and strength surpassing knowing.

Scented, soothing, respiration
Taking in His inspiration;
Filling, feeling Christ exalted
Love and Grace supremely vaulted.

Sure, secure the Spirit wind
Where flows the Sovereign;
God revealing Christ resplendent
Hope and purpose codependent.

When He breathes upon the morn
Hope has dawned and life is born;
He my all in all shall be
From now unto eternity.

Job 33:4

by Charles Abraham |
Categories: bible, blessing, christian, inspirational, religion, religious, spiritual,

Why I Love the Lord

I love u Jesus for what you've done for me 

You died on the cross of Calvary

You didn't think about your self

Coz you wanted me to be saved from hell

The crown of thorns upon your head

And the fact that for my sin you bled

When I think about the pain that u bore

I start to love u more and more

Words can't express my love for you

You've changed my life made it brand new

So now I have a place secured in Paradise

I'll reach there when I close my eyes

I want to live to please you Lord

Coz you are the maker, the One true God

by Alina Councilman |
Categories: christian, death, goodbye, love, metaphor, religious, symbolism,

Witness and Behold the End

White Lilies,
Scattered on the ground,
Out of their element.
Deprived of its origin.
Clarity no longer visible.
White Roses,
In the purest snow,
Frozen to the core.
Stripped away so rash.
Beauty destroyed.

White flowers,
All around,
Trampled into dust.
Stolen without knowledge.
Endless death fighting to prevail.

by Mark Turner |
Categories: abortion, baby, religious,

The Unborn Child

The Unborn Child

I wonder will they let me in? 
Will they furnish me with life support?
I want to be my Grandpa's friend,
his pride, his joy, and his hero in sports.

Really, it’s not his decision
for these nine months to go on through.
Mom and Dad, it’s up to your religion
to see that I’m worthwhile and needed, too.

Oh God, I’ll make them love me, 
please, God, tell them both to go on.
I won't act hardheaded, nor wicked nor will I be ,
apathetic and sad, nor gripe and moan.

I’ll lie restfully in my Mother's arms.
Please, God, tell them both to let me be 

by Scott Macdonald |
Categories: bible, conflict, creation, fantasy, god, jealousy, religious,

Jealous God

Wodon gave them song and verse
Promethius gave them fire
Dionysius gave them wine and games
Orpheus played the lyre
Atlas held the world aloft
Fenrir consumed it whole
Ceres gave them seeds and crops
Ran the waves that roll
Pandoras box kept evil locked
Rati set love free
Boreas brought the winters frost
Eostre, springs fertility
But for my name they are nothing,
Upon these you may not call,
For I am christ the jealous god,
And I destroyed them all
So do not sing mousai's songs
Rebrand all festivities
For each of you are heathen
And theres is only me

Scott (loki) MacDonald 2017

by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: god, love, religious, roses are red,

God's Plan For You

Roses are Red.
Violets are blue.
God made them that way.
And He made you, too.

He had a perfect plan
As he formed you from clay.
If you will only let Him,
He will help you in His way.

He’ll melt your hardened heart,
And fill it with His Love.
And if your eyes fill with tears,
They too, may be sent from above.

If you will open the door,
He will come into your life.
He’ll fill you with Love and Joy,
And erase all your fear and strife.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: humanity, religious,

The Sun Shines On the Righteous

The morality of justice 
     is the light of righteousness.
     Its virtue rises not 
     from concern or faith alone
     but is driven by the needs 
     and love for others
     and to act with compelling deeds.
     It is a God given attribute.  
     To do right is to be righteous.
     On that imperative,
     the sun will always rise 
     on that which is honorable
     to the heart of God.
     The righteous are bathed 
     in the brightness of its dawn
     and reside in the sanctity
     of that divine peace...

     The Sun Shines On The Righteous Contest
     By Serene Roberts  04/12/2016

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: celebration, god, jesus, religious,

Holy Week

waving palm branches
people shout hosanna -
Christ the King has come

the Passover feast
preparation of the lamb -
Jesus' last supper

a time of prayer
Father, not my will but yours -
betrayed by a kiss

angry fists are raised
crucify! crucify him! -
hatred replaces love

Christ nailed to a cross
the Holy One rejected -
perfect sacrifice

the empty grave mocks
God's only son conquered death -
Jesus is alive!

For Brian Strand's All Yours (March 31) contest

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: character, christian, conflict, confusion, depression, emotions, faith, family, feelings, god, grief, heartbroken, hope, how i feel, jesus, life, lonely, recovery from, relationship, religion, religious, spiritual,

Lord, I'Ve Been Hurting

Lord., I've Been Hurting!

This one thing I am
 most certain…
Lately I’ve been really hurtin’.

I trying to do right, but it 
turns out “wrong.”
Where, in life,
do I really belong?

So many people
 pass me by.
Sometimes, someone
may say;  “hi!”

I don’t know if this message is
 getting across?
I feel so confused and 
completely lost.

A message of “help” has my
 prayer and plea…
For God to reach out to me!

He reached down and
made me whole!
HIS love and compassion
 filled my soul!

Spending time with Jesus
 is time well spent!
It was for you and me that 
Jesus was sent!

By Jim Pemberton

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: christmas, love, religious,

The Gift of Christmas

Let one bell toll for each and every soul in this most joyous season
     To remind our hearts of a greater gift that lifts our lives with reason
     Renewed with hope, with love and peace, reborn each Christmas day
     From Grace we're shown the greater plan by a child that led the way

     To live this life in virtuous light, it's worth dispelling wrongs
     Would surely leave its epitaph sung in loves most enduring songs
     With extended hands and spirits full, that never bend or sway
     Could truly be the greatest gift for the child that led the way.


by Winged Warrior |
Categories: i am, religious, spiritual,

Who Am I

I am the someone in no one
I am the beginning and the end
I am the alpha and omega
I am your true best friend

I am not here nor there
I am that I am
I am the son of my father
I am the lion I am the lamb

I am the you in the me
I am the all in all things
I am the one that shows you love
I am the king of all kings

I am forever forgiving
I am the one that gives you sight
I am at the right hand of my father
I am the way I am the light.


by Charlie Smith |
Categories: prayer, religious,

Happily Ever After-New Year Prayer

To you who brought the light to day giving life to every season if on this eve I may humbly pray for Grace to know my reason Hold fast my hand and bear my soul as I rise and meet my future lot loose fears that face the morrows roll from will my faith has taught Stay near my God, guide every step as I seek the fortune that awaits bless the road I traverse next hold me close with your embrace If in this year you call me home leave love in all the hearts I've known 12/27/2017 For New Years Contest Sponsored by Kim Rodriques

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: beauty, love, religious, stars,

Perchance To See

Within my view, behold such rare a sight
     From beauty's glint felled heart doth race to flight
     Love's warmth takes stage bathed in its shining light
     That raised fates hope to such a wondrous height
     Impossible to still the "ifs" that might
     Must too bare shown such stars from heavens night
     Nor from this poet's pen with such pleasure write
     Only Grace from God's hand could gleam so bright.

     Monorhyme Mania-Contest
     Sponsored By John Hamilton

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: character, christian, dedication, devotion, emotions, faith, forgiveness, friendship, god, happiness, hope, how i feel, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, jesus, life, love, people, religion, religious, sin, spiritual, uplifting,

How I Need Jesus

Dear Jesus…  I realize
how much I really need you!
  I want to honor, 
love and trust you!

I  know that others will
disappoint me…
I know that you’re here….  
And will take care of me!

  Your principles of holy
living is what you taught!
Love, Joy and peace…
is what you brought!

 May I bring honor 
 to your name!
Your message of salvation,
I need to proclaim!

Dear Jesus…  You’re all I need!
 And so much more!
It’s you that my life 
was meant for!

 I offer to you, my lord, 
praise and thanksgiving!
For all you’ve done,
 And the life you’re giving!

You all I’ll ever need!  
The anointed one!
There’s victory in YOU!
Life’s battles are won!

By Jim Pemberton

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: faith, god, heaven, hope, jesus, poems, religious,

Light of Love

Fault or fear dare not destroy,
          Uncompromised faith that takes to flight;
          For dreams held bright with endless joy,
          In the unfading glow that is your light.

          To soar and softly touch the sky,
          That bares itself to souls embrace;
          And from those heights, I'll know that I,
          Will surely gaze upon your face.

                             Light Of Love 2016