Love Poems About Respect or Respect Love Poems
by Izzy Gumbo |
Categories: sorry, thank you,


Dearest soup tech
Who I love and respect
I write to you
So that you may know
I've tried to be here
With iPad and cheer
But the login fails me
No action tells me
Of possible broken links
One maybe
Just maybe....
My iPad stinks
Meanwhile I sigh
As I try to not cry
As I type again
And hope with intent
That you might check in
... And tell me
How to begin...
Wish me luck
I'm about
To push

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: power,

Rule the World

Real women
Understand a very simple yet important concept.
Love begins at home.
Everything else just follows.

To eliminate
Hatred from the world
Entails raising children with love and guidance.

Women deserve the utmost respect and support from their partners in their
Obligations as mothers to instill morals in their offspring.
Rare is the child who goes bad when love rules his home.
Ladies, demand respect, and value your precious roles as mothers.
Don’t you realize that through your children, YOU rule the world!

Written March 8, 2017 on the International Women's Day!

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, relationship, thank you,

Forever Loved

You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see
You were there when I needed you
Just a young child so full of life
Causing many an adult strife
If I lied you could see right through 
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see 

Because of you I changed my ways
Have respect till my dying days
You were there when I needed you
If I lied you could see right through
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta Contest: Sonnetina Rispetto

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: sad,

A Life Not Lived

I am not remembered in any form or way
Undeserving of their love and respect.
I understand, and yet I grieve.
For myself.

For what I lost
Ignoring the ones who could have
Showered me with love
But did not 
Because they knew me not.

I reserve my place in the cosmos
Of ignorance 
Recognizing truth and love
once again upon the throne of death
as I enter a kingdom I do not deserve

The angels grabbed me and gave me
what I had sought on earth in the form
of lust,  not even my biggest mistake.
My soul cries now
At a life not lived.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: death, death of a friend, life, love hurts,

We Are Borrowed

Death usually brings her own rewards.
More hugging and clutching, 
More appreciation,
More reverence,
More laughter.
More respect.
In some ways,
It is the best
Time to love,
A reminder
That we
Are all
But we
Have to
Be returned.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: care,

- Who Are You -

Fascinating small and large things in life
A dancing feeling in your stomach
Independence and freedom
Positive resonated in the air

Friendship and community means to stand together
about the important things in life
That's about being present where we are


Material benefits provide momentary happiness
Goals, ambitions and dreams ... small or large
Love can be silent and beautiful
With wonder and in deep thought
A magical moment ... who are you ?

- 14.11.2016 
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Jeffrey Lee |
Categories: inspirational, philosophy, social, visionary, planet,

Imagine That

If there was no crime
No hurry for time
No genocide
No homicide
If there was no mothers burying their sons
If mankind didn't invent guns
If schools still had prayer
If everybody recognize Jesus Christ as our savior
If there was love and respect
No hate between white and black
No homeless
No loneliness
No wars
No rich or poor
No accidents or disasters
If man only served one master (God)
Imagining is good for all it's worth
Heaven is definitely not planet earth

by Tim Smith |
Categories: child, friendship,

First Friends

Magical memories etched into time
looking at life through innocent eyes
laughter and giggles are reminders to us
to cherish the moments, sit back there's no rush

Incredible journey's are about to take place
soon they'll be off bringing tears to this face
First friendships are molded from what young ones see
God's little soldiers are about to be set free

Teach them good values, kindness and trust
love and humility of course, respect is a must
show them with actions let feelings shine through
and never forget to say I love you

The roses are blooming, there are geese in the lake
Invite them to nature and special memories make

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: humanity, love, peace,

Fill Our Children's Heart With Love

If we infuse love into our children's heart 

And teach them respect for all nature and life

Soon many more things for peace we would achieve

That would end humanity's destructive strife!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
        10 July 2019

* I would like to thank my few good friends for their support for without them a POTD wouldn't  be possible as it wouldn't be possible without the right judgment of PS's officials.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: blessing, children, life,

- Human Values -

The children are our future

Always relate to the truth

An inexperienced and true heart

Asks questions and requires an answer

They deserve your love and respect

We must create human values

First give them roots and later wings

~ Listen, believe and learn ~

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: faith, hope, inspirational, love,

Kindness - the Anaphora


Kindness is to show you care in any way
Kindness is giving something unselfishly
Kindness is to show respect to anyone we meet or know
Kindness is showing compassion when someone needs it to
Kindness is giving a sincere smile
Kindness is loving and caring for others
Kindness is saying a kind word or two
Kindness is being nice to each other
Kindness is not being rude to anyone
Kindness is spreading God's love to all.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


by Jack Ellison |
Categories: funny, mirror,

A Zulu Warrior

Do you sometimes see a Zulu Warrior Staring back from the mirror in the morning! A nasty fierce looking bad tempered dude Obscenities flying out without warning Crabbing bout having to make a living But enjoying all the many accoutrements If it wasn't that, it'd be something else People just love to complain and vent A shower and shave, you're almost human Not one person will ever suspect That a member of the Zulu Warriors tribe Was a coworker of great respect Do you sometimes see a Zulu Warrior Staring back from the mirror in the morning! © Jack Ellison 2012

by Yazmin Malik |
Categories: abuse, allah, anti bullying,

I Am Free

I am FREE, not a prisoner inside judgemental eyes, staring at me. This cloth I wear, protects my modesty. Let me be, do not swear. My faith is my power. I am God's diamond. I embrace his love, in his blessings I will shower. We are all FREE, to be what we want. Breathe love, live and let live.
We all should be free to wear and do as we please. I receive a lot of abuse when I wear the hijab, but I also used to receive abuse when I did not. Women are still subjected to judgement, regardless of their dress. You live your life and I will live mine. Respect is important if we are to live in harmony.

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: love,

What Will It Be

There's a storm that we can't weather
There's a war that we can't win
But as long as we're together
We're together thick and thin
I know that you said things
I didn't like or understand
Then my reply would surely sting
Hot and dry like desert sand
So, I'll lay aside my pride
As you'll reach to hold my hand
Using love to be our guide
And respect to make our stand
'Cause there's a war that we can win
And a storm that we can't weather
Unless through thick and thin
We can learn to stick together

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: art, conflict, inspiration, world,


Creative, artistic, musical, analytical
Brother of Michael and Susanna; son of Fred and Marlyn
Lover of Nelly (Bourieau) H., science fiction novels and films, private serenity 
Who feels respect for God and humanity, love for nature, worry for the Earth’s future 
Who fears mediocrity, retirement, economic collapse leading to a popular insurrection
Who would like to see successful sons, grandchildren, his songs produced/recorded 
Marina, California (for the moment) 

by Thvia Shetley |
Categories: lovewoman,

A Partnership

The heart of a man thrives wholly
with the respect of a woman whose nurturing
soul is not threatened by his strength
but finds comfort in his protective care.

The love of a woman is won completely
by a man willing to lay bare his vulnerability
at the mere sight of her approving smile
or the touch of her healing hands.

And neither is threatened by the role of the other,
but are wise in the ways of their creator,
in whose infinite wisdom
endowed each with opposite strengths

so they may be equal partners
walking forth solidly hand in hand
as co-conquerers of challenge
and liberators of love.

by Kash Poet |
Categories: tribute, woman,

The Perfect Woman

All women are perfect my heart knows better than you, be it mom,wife or daughter perfect they are,this is very true. Just look around you and see, there can't be imperfection in them perfectly they are doing their roles, to find imperfection is a shame. It is not that they are imperfect, it is the way we look at them give little more respect and love, see how they glitter like gems! By :kash poet Contest:The Perfect Woman ============000============

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, universe,

Eccentricity In Love

With respect there’s nothing to omit
saying I love you within these walls,
everything I write weaves in orbit
whilst time in haste reminds me and calls.
To you with eyes so bright hopes convey
confident from my heart words will pour,
oh gypsy in rags my poem will say
it’s not what I see that’s only the door.
Your pins and needles adorn your face
your hair the colour of liquid grass,
your universe of hard knocks your grace
places you for me top of the class.
If only to live this life again
staple us together lord, amen.

© Harry J Horsman 2014

by Raw Thinker |
Categories: anger,

Respect - a Two Way Street

Hey there fella,
Listen up real fine
I'm gonna blast ya
With this slammin rhyme

You said I be trippin 
Cuz i can't show my love
Well you still be creepin
With that itsy package you shove 

Go back and give me
Something more than your haiku
For this big ol momma
I needs somethin to chew

Don't get all uppity
Or sig yer hoes on me
You mess with the wrong one
Can't your Silence see

You can make the others
Lick up all yo shoes
But head on off to boys town
For another that you choose

Shake bam rattle
I ain't showin you my stuff
Bye ya made up tyrant
This B has had enough


by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: inspirational, love, peace, philosophy, uplifting,

Open Hearts

love fest
welcome here
our community
open hearts and open palms
expressing and receiving other’s feelings

Universality will be possible only when we focus
on human qualities that unite us. Respect, politeness,
cooperation, friendship, inclusion, teamwork. This stems
from the ability to listen to, and most importantly hear
other’s ideas, that are not necessarily our own, and allow
them to flourish also.

by James Fraser |
Categories: beautiful, kiss, love, passion, romance, romantic, soulmate,

No Barriers

The meeting of two that enter a union Trust and respect must be paramount No barriers in love until such is said Happiness abounds in loving amount They pull the stars to smile their night walk Breeze awaken it sway to join their stroll No barriers, they talk 'til sunshine kiss the skies. Uncaring who's around, their grins undisguised Moments that spur from black and white When east greets west, who'd have thought Eye to eye, chest to chest they Hearts in touch, no barriers no cost This meeting of two whom's union entered Their trust and respect now paramount No barriers in love until such is said Their happiness abounds in loving amount .

by Annalinda W. |
Categories: engagement, love,

Painting Our World With Love

When held in your arms
I'm crowned by your love
I know I am now safe
Your warmth empowers my inner soul
as I'm wrapped in your sweet embrace
You've inspired me to reach ever higher
as we launch into our new beginning
No storm or perils will break our meld
It's a partnership, not a confinement
respect, love and trust are intertwined
It's in your devoted love that I'm freed
Free to live, love and share life with you
Together we'll paint the world more glorious!

Written for my son and his fiance'
to be married Sept. 2016 - They are both artists
Photo:  Foganddawnphotography

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: change, innocence, power, sad, society, sorrow, strength,


"If I fell in love a thousand times, would it all make sense?" Sense - Tom Odell

Learn to say no, they said
Before you dwindle to dust
Till they drain all of your magic
In their selfish claws that constantly grab
The mouths that never pause
To listen to the cries of your heart

There is a small world I turn to
Where a small hope glistens
And in it, small me awaits

Break from your dungeons of dread
Give yourself some self-respect
Do not disappear in their needs
For they will grab you,
Devour you
Till the last crumb of you bleeds

January 21, 2016

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: childhood, education

Back Then (Prime)

       Wood stove
                     One big room
                           Teacher, six grades, love
                                         Chaos, respect, learning, fun
                      Dodge Ball, lunch box, blue crayons, Huckleberry Finn

For Nigel's contest, sigh...way back when...

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: change, world,

If I Could Change the World

Keep technology
but bring back the old values
of those former years-
when love of God and country,
respect, pride, and honor ruled.

Bring back old values
of family, friends, church, school,
solid like they were-
with new tech and old values,
we'd have the best of both worlds.

April 12, 2016

~2nd Place~
Contest: The Good Samaritan
Sponsor: Craig Hawkins
Judged: 12/21/2017