Love Poems About Rispetto or Rispetto Love Poems
by Tom Woody |
Categories: death,

Rainbows on the Moon

in hyacinth and heather my true love dwells
and in lush lavender her bones rest in peace
no mere human can project nor can foretell
when in this life one's vitality may cease
yet this I know and of this I can be sure
that her soul was white as snow and truly pure
thus in God's new world I know I'll see her soon
and together we'll chase rainbows on the moon

* Inspired by Chris Bowring's wonderful rispetto as well as others

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, relationship, thank you,

Forever Loved

You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see
You were there when I needed you
Just a young child so full of life
Causing many an adult strife
If I lied you could see right through 
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see 

Because of you I changed my ways
Have respect till my dying days
You were there when I needed you
If I lied you could see right through
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta Contest: Sonnetina Rispetto

by Tom Woody |
Categories: romantic love,


pulsating periwinkle stars dot the sky
under a lavender moon we make sweet love
on silk-soft sand two passionate lovers lie
as heavenly hosts serenade from above
all around us luminous fireflies fly
we take it in without either asking why
O the vastness and smallness of this warm night
we bask in the afterglow of love and light

* a tribute to the styles of Ink Empress and Brandy

by Christina Bowring |
Categories: lost love, rose,

Fading Rose

When love blossoms, in full bloom, the rose of bright scarlet dances with sculptured petalled passion as alluring fragrance enchants to ignite senses and heart aplenty with no ration. When love wilts dripping blood red petals that fall and piercing thorns linger with deaths silent call the rose fades, withers, decaying at its core and once of beauty before is now no more.

by Silent One |
Categories: heaven, love,

When I'm gone

Meet in Eden's garden, where life first gave birth. A beautiful paradise, pure and serene. Amidst verdant petals, not seen on this Earth, flowing in rainbow hues on lush lawns of green. Like Adam and Eve, we'll roam in jasmine air, adrift in nature's splendour without a care. Sing lullabies with angels, as we hold hands. Watch fluorescent sunsets in eternal lands.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: romantic love, senses, sensual, soulmate, summer, woman,

Wild Roses On The Hill

An escapade sweet as a marshmallow day
   when tangerine dreams fed our evergreen stream.
      Our magnet attraction neath radiant ray 
   did butter the air where the breezes did teem
in whirlwind through roses anointing the brae. 
   Their scent, my surrender, romantic the scheme, 
      exotic the fever and dance with a flame.
Ah, rapture of capture! The wooer’s end game.

by Silent One |
Categories: absence, love hurts,

I'll sleep before midnight

In the midst of celebration, I care not for confetti dreams. In fireworks there's no elation, so I ignore new year day memes. Only your lips can bring delight, so let me sleep before midnight. My soul is tired, my heart is worn. Without you what's the point of dawn?

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: love,

Where The Light Dances

In a garden, where light dances ‘pon the trees Privet hedge’s blossoms perfume the cool damp air A secret room inside holds lovers’ decree Whispers of promises, love beyond compare Emerald leaves kissed by the sun’s gold strikes me Revealing lovers embraced without a care In this hidden haven, a new tale unfolds Hearts entwined, bound by God’s love and grace that holds

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: celebration, family, forgiveness, love, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Celebrations

Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.
With family reminisce past,
All our love now remembering
Come together watch our hearts sing.
Nothing earthly will ever last,
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.

If stumbling stones stand in your way
Remove them this Thanksgiving Day.
With family reminisce past,
Nothing earthly will ever last.
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.

Sonnetina Rispetto

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: heart, innocence, love, passion,

Wild Passion

She’s wild, a passionate heart of love inspired Playing a violin, masterful and free So fast and fierce, her every lust is desired Violin sparks aflame burning intensely She screams with pleasure of the fire’s indulgence Peak of passion has reached beyond innocence Her mouth open with flames entering inside She loves her tremendous trek, her awesome ride Russell Sivey Happy Valentines Day

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: age, analogy, heartbreak, lost love, memory, soulmate, time,

A Walk In Solitude

The summer sand beneath my feet,

                    Now cooling with the twilight blush,

          Is time's reminder, rough and sweet,

                              Of when we found our tender crush ...

This lonesome beach where, long ago,

                    We loved 'neath towels, raw and slow,

          And pledged that one, we'd always be ...

                              Now swept, with years ... far out to sea.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "For Your Poetry Journal" Poetry Contest, Dear Heart aka Broken Wings, Judge & Sponsor.

by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: flower, metaphor,

Love Lies Bleeding

Amaranthus weeps in Summer's first burning.
Tears hang suspended from a fracturing heart.
Lost vermillion dreams leave memories churning,
scarlet seeping from the wound of Cupid's dart.

Mourning can heal and be a time of learning,
to once again partake of love's crimson art.
And yet he cannot for from Spring's first seeding
he is destined to live as Love Lies Bleeding.


by Constance La France |
Categories: dedication, grief, kiss, sensual,

In Dreams

Draw near in the dark of floating, misty dreams, appear to me, my love, as you used to be, from cold bitter death, leave your Paradise stream, open the gate and drift silently to me, and kiss me, kiss me, my love, within this dream. Inspiration from the poem, Echo, it seems. Christina Rossetti wrote of seclusion, of dreams and lost love with sensual passion. _________________________ January 8, 2013 Poetry/Rispetto/In Dreams Copyright Protected, ID 01-447-992-08 All Rights Reserved, 2013, Constance La France Written for the Standard contest, Poetry About Poetry sponsor, Russel Sivey, Judged 01/20/2013 Second Place

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, thank youlove,

The Heart of a Poet Speaks Part 5

Good day , I have been dormant for many years
Maybe some of YOU can remember my words
I spoke in my Host’s stead, through oceans of tears
I come to YOU, singing ; Flutter with the birds
Humming Hymns : a crescendo of  “ Forever “
Barbara Jean Gorelick : my Hosts’  “FOREVER”
I’m beating for her : the Gift of God : to Man
I see the Light again : LOVE I Understand
                                                   To be Continued

Inspired By Dr. Ram Mehta For His POEM : "Life a flowing river - Rispetto "


by Mike Gentile |
Categories: love, strength, success,

Love Is Actually the Sweet Foundation

For anything that is built in life’s domain
     Love is actually the sweet foundation
Though finding it, often a tricky campaign
      It’s the basic blueprint for our salvation

While not brick and mortar or earthly terrain
     Such strength it provides without hesitation
 It’s all that I am and forever will be
     Love is actually everything to me


by Winged Warrior |
Categories: god, love,

Love Is Actually God

Creation in bloom His eternal essence
From the whom, Love a marvelous inception
In a sonic boom, His omniscient presence
As we consume His Love from births conception
His Love in loom, a brilliant luminescence
Angels groom in His Love, for our reception
Let’s assume, that Love is God and God is all
He will make room, with His Love in Heaven's ball.

 The form required is Rispetto,  which is an Italian form of poetry with 8 lines, consisting of two rhymed quatrains, or an octave (8-line stanza), with a strict meter. There should be 11 syllables per line with the rhyming pattern of abababcc.

Love is Actually...
Sponsored by: John Anderson

by Abdul Malik |
Categories: nature,

Naturally Respectful

Above all, let's respect Nature,
It's God's gift, a divine structure;
The heavens declare His glory,
In His wisdom founded the earth
And wrought the miracle of birth,
His creation tells his story;
Above all, let's respect nature,
It's God's gift, a divine structure.

With faith His love we understand,
In need if we but seek His hand,
The heavens declare His glory,
His creation tells His story;
Above all, let's respect nature,
It's God's gift, a divine structure.

Contest Theme: 'Respect' by Dr. Ram Mehta.
Form: Sonnetina Rispetto

by Jan Allison |
Categories: betrayal, divorce, lost love, relationship, sad love, , cute,

Love Is Actually Failing

At first they were in love, but soon he preferred those sexy curves of his cute blonde employer The divorce rate’s soaring I recently heard - see forlorn people stand in the court foyer. Love is actually a four-letter word, the real winner of it all is their lawyer! I think it’s so sad when a romance is dead… He shouldn’t have slept in another girl’s bed! Love is actually contest Sponsored by John Anderson 07-31-17

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: desire, feelings, love,

Love Is Actually-A Dreamer's Dream

Love is actually a dreamer's dream that's found
When hungry eyes find a warm emotional rush
And voices come to join and produce soft sound
So love's sweet breath can rest in a solemn hush
When tender hands hold tightly on sacred ground
As lips and tongues meld in their dance so lush
To feel love for someone it can overwhelm
Who yearns so unafraid in a fiery realm

8/8/17 contest Love is actually

by Jack Horne |
Categories: longing,

Dreamy Place

Close your eyes and see a loch, the spot I  go: 
icy waters swirl beneath my wooden boat,
tall surrounding hills are blanketed in snow,
lashed by hail, I button up my winter coat,
Nessie glides and fishes in her world below.
Will she choose today to surface, maybe float?
If she's friend or foe, I long to see her face!
Visits only in my head, I love this place...

for Carolyn's My Place contest

by Constance La France |
Categories: lost love,

I Still See You

"This love never dies because it is immortal and eternal, it exists in my heart until that day he takes my hand again." Quote by _Constance The snow covers your cold tomb my one true love, your life short- but our love is forever; I will not forget when you left for above, your face, kisses and voice will not leave ever. I see you in the morning and in the park, in each moon and the stars that glow on nights dark; I see my true love in all beautiful things, and in each lovely bird song that soars on wings !

by Constance La France |
Categories: nature, spring,

The Sweet Springtide

"And like a Spring flower be soft and beautiful, and never, ever lose the courage and strength to bloom." Quote by _ Constance I love walking alone in the sweet springtide, down forest paths overhanging with green trees; where here and there, everywhere pretty birds glide, oh, divine the lovely fragrant scented breeze ! I adore the fairy-like flowers swaying, oh, gone is winter's terrible decaying; and soon, I meet evenings purple twilight veil, and on my path runs a rabbit cotton tail !

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,


“We’re not the body, we’re not this ~
Who we are, is love, light and bliss”
            ~ quote by poet

If asked what’s the name of our soul,
which lives on after body dies,
what definition would console
ego, that thrives on blatant lies?

Made in God’s image, we are light,
which is seen by spherical sight
but since we have with ego slept,
truth of our soul, we don’t accept.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: god, joy, spiritual,

Touched by God

Soul ascends only after lower mind dies,
requiring us to relinquish each desire,
that thus upon heeding our soul’s fervent cries,
our ego’s consigned to the funeral pyre.
Drums of heaven resound in our glowing heart,
where breath by breath we feel bliss ignition start,
wherein whence touched by God, we become the flame,
radiating love and light that has no name.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,

Walking the path alone

If we be spirit and this form a vessel, affirming that we are boundless like vast space, thus resting thought flow, in our heart we nestle with pulsations of love, inpouring by grace. A rebel, a nerd, we follow not the herd, choosing to rest ego cravings untoward, knowing that if God is, He must be within the cave of our heart, so we go in therein.