Love Poems About Sedoka or Sedoka Love Poems
by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, seasons,

November Dreams

We lie ‘neath the oak on a carpet of brown leaves that lost their amber glory. With eyes tightly shut, we envision spring’s return— hoping our love does the same.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: desire, introspection, love,

Musings on love

Objects of desire
quenches not thirst of my soul,
that seeks only your embrace.

That that comes and goes
is unreal, oh hermit ~
agape love alone’s real.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: hope, love, moon,


So slowly dancing in Time's chilling solitude bewildering the shadows in Love's diary- desolately She stares as Hope's unwavering beacon Moonlight Delight Contest 09/07/2017

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: autumn, beauty, love, moon, sea,

Autumn Moon

Autumn Moon

melon moon rising
akin to the rising sun— 
In contrast to lapis sky
enchanting lovers
strolling hand in hand on shore.
Moonlight coruscates on sea.


Moonlight Delight Contest~6th Place~
Sponsored by: Russell Sivey

Best Sedoka - 577-577 ~First Place~
Contest Judged:  6/10/2019 10:05:00 AM
Sponsored by: Lu Loo

by Silent One |
Categories: addiction,

Inflictions of addiction

Two Sedoka's on addiction.
I think we all know someone who suffers from addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, pills or gambling..  Sadly too many judge from the action and do not see the reason behind many fall into it.

fighting addiction chains of control solder hold held captive to corrupt brain unhealed trauma screams judgement offers no respite soul hopes to escape prison
warfare addiction mind battles intense craving brain hellbent to find next fix without compassion do not judge - support through love save a soul that's still alive

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: memory,

What Would I Take

Oh I would take time
if only to ponder on
and your love to keep me strong
then you I would take
safe within my memory
a shining light ails the gloom.

© Harry J Horsman  2013

by Kash Poet |
Categories: romance,

Raindrops Around Your Dimples

Even the raindrops love to linger on your face like my fingers' tip-toeing, drop by drop they reach around your naughty dimples luscious lips are not too far..... ====================

by Thomas Martin |
Categories: absence, appreciation, poetry,

Andrea Dietrich

what can one say about her
except wonderful
imagination with love
and fine appreciation
of detail inspires me

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: art,

Sedoka Contest There's a Rainbow of Love

Natural rainbow Sunlight's spectrum of color Diverted water droplets Circle rainbow aglow God's love exposed this wonder Mankind reaps beauty's assets There's a rainbow true When gray darkens the blue sky Light shines through the massive clouds Promises anew God's presence will amplify Doubt's hold lifted love unshroud
Inspired by Laura Loo's Contest Written: January 06, 2016

by Lin Lane |
Categories: dream, love,

Sedoka Contest

Close my eyes and dream
     lovely visions in the night
          of us in sensual play.
Kisses sweet as cream
     make my beating heart take flight,
          fly until the break of day.

Then my dream lives on.
     My lover awakes with me.
          Sometimes sweet dreams do come true.
At the break of dawn,
     in life's bare reality,
          my visions came into view.

January 4th, 2016
Modern Sedoka
Sponsor: Laura Loo

by Emily Humphreys |
Categories: love, sad

Alone and Loveless

Wanting to have love,
Yet love always eludes me.
I see the lovers smile.
Tears roll down my cheek.
Knowing that I am alone, 
Make the days seem much longer.

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, father, hope, life, love, mother, people,

Inseparable Love (Sedoka)

The father and son
Inseparable relations
Guiding the path of true faith
Love of a mother
Glorious pillar of strength
Wept at the foot of the cross

The Sedoka is an unrhymed poem made up of two three-line poems called a 
katauta with the following syllable counts: 5/7/7, 5/7/7.  A Sedoka, pair of katauta 
as a single poem, may address the same subject from differing perspectives.  
The katauta is an unrhymed three-line poem with the following syllable counts: 

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love, passion,

The Fascination of Aspiration

Sincere lingering
     brought forth by proclivity
       infatuation fondness

       Flowers in mid-spring
    brought forth by simplicity
you are my constant conquest


Abrupt appetite
    brought forth by fascination
       devoted eagerness dwells

       Sweet scent, penetrate
   brought forth by aspiration	
laying down while you compel

~Written By: Laura Loo~
~Date Written: March 12, 2016~

by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: love, moon,

Moonlight Delight

Steamy moonlit night
the vacant hot tub beckoned
honeymoon couple kiss bliss
amore was short lived
loud claps of thunder then rain
safe inside ate some moon pies


by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, family, forgiveness, introspection, people, places,

His Testament (Sedoka)

Joseph His servant
Enslaved by those in the dark
A female falsely accused
Delivered by God
Displayed a heart of pure gold
True testament of God’s love

Comments:   One does not have to look too far in today's society to find a modern 
day Joseph. The Sedoka is an unrhymed poem made up of two three-line 
poems called a katauta with the following syllable counts: 5/7/7, 5/7/7.  A Sedoka, 
pair of katauta as a single poem, may address the same subject from differing 
perspectives.  The katauta is an unrhymed three-line poem with the following 
syllable counts: 5/7/7.  This Sedoka highlights Joseph, God’s noble servant and 

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: love, missing you,

Missed You Long

In the forest green
The sun tunnels through the trees
Spreads you as shadow on me
You whistle in joy
Melody ripples through my heart
You’re music in me I love. 

In the forest dark
The cloud drips from the leaves
Brings you as drops on my eyes
Wind plays moist music
The tune creates you in a song
Reminds me I missed you long.

August 11,2017.

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: color, desire, heart, light,


Neon lights of love
glister from the strobic sphere.
Is my desire abhorrent?

My head, spinning with
each phantasmagoric twirl, 
yearns for your adoration.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: love, spiritual,


I seek an echo
of loving, tender embrace,
having eyes for no other.

Beyond outer form,
I see your heart’s light as mine;
tango dancing in the void.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: lost love, science fiction,

Zombie Eyes

Is she a zombie...
Her eyes are vacant; her heart's
   fire extinguished, brittle ash

   Hush! She approaches
expressionless, gliding through
   a different dimension

by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: confidence, deep, love,


I give you my heart 
Because you give yours to me;
'Tis a beautiful exchange.

With true confidence,
We both swim love's deep ocean,
Floating up to the surface.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: age, love, perspective, together,


Our years quickly passed And we have aged since we wed- Has your fervent love faded? My love flamed in Spring Blazed through Summer now Autumn- Fires strong with a burnished glow.

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: butterfly, husband,

Butterflies In Jar

i hear chirping beaks, my love, as you deeply sleep with your mouth ajar butterflies in jar - my abdomen aches with thoughts of sudden silence

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: love, spiritual,

Agape love

Moment to moment,
all moments entwined in time,
throb of our heartbeats is one.

Made in God’s image,
I love His light in your heart,
just as you love His in mine.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: destiny, joy, love, spiritual,

Agape love

The echo we seek,
presupposes rejection,
manifesting destiny.

Love in love with love,
for the sake of love alone,
disappears transformed as bliss.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: love,

Light of the sun

Power of zero,
is free from expectation,
thus always victorious.

Love’s effervescence 
imposes no condition,
for its warm, soulful embrace.