by Pace Ink-U-Script |
T~hirty-two steps through the yellow-green grass led me to you.
H~aving to choose which one; my heart with no doubt chose you.
E~very rose bloomed quite differently, though nothing meretricious like you.
R~ed is known to be the favorite color to man; color blinded; my soul desired you.
O~f all the roses, my senses were captivated and comely to you.
S~ome men may pick more than one rose; but, I only want you.
E~ven mother nature so pulchritudinous can't compare to you.
Pace, G
by CayCay Jennings |
longing, passion, romantic, senses, sensual, sexy, sweet love,
I have loved and been loved - I have shared ivory love bliss colors.
I have ridden sapphire airs of crimson ecstasy and touched silver stars.
I have felt gold, silky, lilac joy move and embrace my harlequin heart.
I have melted to tangerine delight caresses tingling my willing, fuchsia skin.
I have been lifted and turned and tossed - on sensual, erotic
waves that travel bold - through and between me
... CayCay Jennings
March 11, 2016
by Kim Rodrigues |
O the warmth and the depth of the sun, o’er us,
for the yellows and reds, as they throw their shine
on the maples and oaks and the pines, caress
of the pale and ebon - all the blossoms stress.
And the flit of the robins, and rest on boughs,
as they lift up our spirits in singsong light.
We’ve a glimpse of once-paradise-sourced delight.
The long rays of God’s arms - they lean down to rouse.
Each new day, flows our way, and it fits like glove,
and we stretch out our arms like a child, and smile,
as we’re wrapped in the Dayspring’s colors and style.
All our senses awake, as God pours out love.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
love, war,
Soldier stashed a silver locket
Safe inside his jacket pocket
When the war would numb his senses
He’d break down and drop pretenses
Open up the only token
That recalled those thoughts unspoken
Images of infant, young wife
For their freedom, he’d give his life
by Sandra Adams |
longing, love,
the morning air staggers above the lake
through trees, i almost feel it kissing me
my thoughts spiral down like leaves amidst fall
this emptiness is more than i can take
beneath closed eyes you are all that i see
yet emptiness haunts within morning's call
Sandy Adams
by Christina Bowring |
lost love, rose,
When love blossoms, in full bloom, the rose of bright
scarlet dances with sculptured petalled passion
as alluring fragrance enchants to ignite
senses and heart aplenty with no ration.
When love wilts dripping blood red petals that fall
and piercing thorns linger with deaths silent call
the rose fades, withers, decaying at its core
and once of beauty before is now no more.
by Lin Lane |
Love has taken a firm grasp of my soul,
ridding me of chill and bite of hoarfrost
Strong arms rescued me from the Winter's cold
Etched upon my heart is his name, embossed
He soothed my senses and woeful sorrows,
offered moonbeams to dispel darkest nights
Erased the reasons for my brow's furrows
Lifted me from harm and set my world aright
He drowned me in crashing tides of passion
then revived me with life's breath in a kiss
Pray, heart, keep beating in such sweet fashion
ne'er to be slain and cast in death's deep abyss.
Tender is this love through nature's seasons
with gentle reminders of heart's reasons
by Maria Williams |
celebration, love, mother, sensual, sexy,
Nature unfurls charms
Loving emotions flourish
Her cup runs over
Exquisite passion
Limbs entwined in sweet embrace
Move in symphony
Senses on fire
Symphonic crescendos peak
Cocooned in slumber
Nature’s Miracle
Blooming as she takes on form
Grand Expectation
A Happy Mother’s day to all Mums, Mums-to-be and Grand Mums for without you and the gift of love, this day was not possible.
POTD 16th May 2017
by Evrod Samuel |
love, lust, senses,
Enchant me
Serenade me
Touch me
Raise my temperature
Heighten my senses
Make me tingle all over
Apply your hands to my trembling body
Caress the heaving contours
Of my pliant body
Feel the rhythm of my passions
Boiling within
Explore all of what I have to give
Arouse me
Titillate me
Enhance my desire
Make me tingle with your soft kisses
Own me
Mould me
Control me
Free me of inhibitions
School me in desire
Pleasure me
It’s not all about me
But of you and I becoming we
by Lynn Marie |
food, imagination, life, love, nature, nostalgia, passion,
on a quiet
amidst the
trees of
with a
sweet juicy
ripe with
all senses
simply are..
the Fruit
of the
one of
for the God
& Goddess
in all.
by Tony Bush |
art, inspirational, on writing and words, beauty, beauty,
All I see is beauty in the burning of her words,
The flickering of flames,
Constructs of fires licking at the night
From snow white sheets of dreaming.
The senses of her bleeding, ink and roses,
Sensual vibrancy,
Gliding rails streaming to the stars,
The links between the earth and heaven’s tide.
All I see is beauty in the visions of her art,
The tenderness of angels,
Architects of chapels wrought of lace,
An arbitrary grace of love.
The impressions of her breathing, saffron breath,
Exhaling of her soul,
Bestow of sleeping kisses to the lips,
Priestess of the mind and loin.
by Daver Austin |
Glorious month
Good will
Hearth-side colors aromas
Sound of Jingle Bells carols
All the senses taking one back -
back when imagination was fertile rooted in
In magic and love
We – even the godless – cherish the entire month
But what when December fades?
I say there should be another month
Oh not rooted in time –
A contemplative month – outside the let-down that is
January 2nd
When one goes out the window taps the eternal
love and joy listening to that inner voice
proclaiming –
“Nothing is over
Here is eternal Christmas in the true sense
by Susan Ashley |
romantic love, senses, sensual, soulmate, summer, woman,
An escapade sweet as a marshmallow day
when tangerine dreams fed our evergreen stream.
Our magnet attraction neath radiant ray
did butter the air where the breezes did teem
in whirlwind through roses anointing the brae.
Their scent, my surrender, romantic the scheme,
exotic the fever and dance with a flame.
Ah, rapture of capture! The wooer’s end game.
by Charlie Smith |
love, seasons,
A glistening snowflake
blown by Winter's kiss
melts gently on a heart
Asleep in the arms
of a sweet melody,
as fragrant as the
soft Spring coolness
of morning's dew
A first awkward
touch that felt
of Summer's glow
A voice that echoes
from your senses,
like rain through
Autumn's cascade.
As time gives
a moment chance,
Love lends its loyalty
with such a deepening
by Bill Baker |
feelings, imagery, love, poetry, romantic love, senses, sensual,
See my love in the waves of the seas.
Hear my love in rustling leaves in the breeze.
Feel my love in my soft caressing touch.
Share with me a gentle light kiss, not too much.
Like the love shown by the cooing dove,
Through these fleeting moments, sense my love.
by Wilma Neels |
love, passion,
as he enters he switches
off the lights
particles of light peep
through the blinds
the air filled with tension
we haven't been here in this
space in what seem like ages
the smell of flowers so
I shield myself from his gaze
his hands move over my face
he gently kiss my nose,
slowly moving to my forehead
the ease in which he does it
calms me
serene in preparation
as he expertly yet gently
awake all those senses
which lay dormant
the moment is now
it is just the two of us
while we explore -
flirt with the senses
the shadow moves over our
naked bodies
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
allah, beauty, deep, desire, inspiration, longing, magic,
How I long to see me
on a walk of possibilities
a journey of rarity
a world of no worries
wide opening the gates of boundaries
the mind lines crossing
the heart chambers stretching..
Set on the branch of my heart
rest with your Love
feel home and feed soul
My senses I would close
My mind I would set loose
A sweet surrender
the Self wings carefree..
How I long to dream of me
detached as I could be
One and only me!
sweet and true be!
No sound
dares a quiet mind
or mutes a heart’s glee..
by Charles Fuller |
inspirational, life, love, passion,
Azure mirroring
Overpowering the senses
Pithy eyes moving
Upon twin horizons
Trembling breathed echoes
Holding silence closely
Sensations of a cacophony
Rhythmic intensity flashing
Transparent intentions firing
As eyes close
Lips faintly caressing
Sweet passion
The goodnight kiss…
by Mike Gentile |
nature, peace, sound, war,
Simple sounds
The birds of love
Nature’s call, so wild and free
Echoed in the skies above
Symphonies made just for me
Simple sounds
The cricket’s dance
Senses frolic to and fro
Entertaining nature’s trance
Contemplating all I know
Simple sounds
A heart that beats
Searching for a love to share
Life that flows when hope retreats
Listen for it everywhere
Simple sounds
The guns of war
But for hate meant to release
Rat-a-tat, he is no more
Silence is the sound of peace
by A.O. Taner |
adventure, car, change, confusion, culture, cute love, destiny, lost, love, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, missing, missing you, motivation, passion, people, philosophy, places, proposal, remember, romantic, science, senses, simple, smart, social, spoken word, symbolism, time, travel, true love, visionary, wisdom,
the shortest road
is the one that you know
the longest road
is the one that you love
by Heather Hill |
adventure, art, black african american, fantasy, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, imagination, love, native american, nature, passion, romance, song-teen, visionaryme, me,
Your sweet nectar
wraps around my senses
like jungle vines
steady drums beating
Your heart near mine
Your strong hands
hold me suspended
by my waist
Just enough pain and strength
against my supple skin
For my taste
The musk of your
sculpted body and the forest
has me going wild
But yet, the tender way you
protect me, reminds me of
Being a child
A safe familiarity
with a strain of animalistic
Your invisible hold over me
leaves me arrow poisoned
Unable to function
My long dark hair wraps you
with smells of coconut and ocean Sun
your locks full of mud and enemies
together, my warrior
We make One
by James Burns |
anniversary, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, inspirational, love, passion, romance
I remember the look
In those big brown eyes
As you’d smile and laugh
And leave me hypnotized
I remember the touch
Of your hands so soft
How you’d hug and comfort me
And shake the cold off
I remember the taste
Of your sweet lips on mine
Enthralled in a kiss
For hours at a time
I remember the sound
Of your voice so warm
You’d just whisper gently
And quiet the raging storm
I remember the smell
That enchanted my nose
The scent of your body
Bathed in absolute rose
Yes, I remember you dear
And all the love we grew
And I have spent a lifetime
Making “sense” of you
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
"Intense Interlude"
in sweet magical moment
deep mesmerizing gaze
kidnapped his heart, in Time,
extending fragrant flowers
she smiled, through haunting hazel eyes
in translucent vapor mist
visual aromatic ambiance
ensconced emotions
beyond whispered words
as beauty bewitched
a charming interlude
love captivated by essence of inhaled eye-candy.
*Blending of sight and smell senses.
*For Nette Onclaud's Synesthesia: Inner Body Movement Contest.
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S.
*Nov. 18, 2012.
by Tim Smith |
Just thoughts of your sunset eyes
slowly drifting off to dreamland
excite my senses sending
soft tickles throughout my body
those ruby red lips whisper
sweet lullabies putting an
ease to my muddled mind.
tonight my heart smiles
kissing your soul as it
enters places never touched
never allowed to be touched
and I am not afraid
I am not afraid to say those words
the words I think all the time.
the world won't stop for us
and yes
I love you
by A.O. Taner |
beach, beautiful, blessing, boyfriend, break up, culture, cute love, dedication, deep, desire, destiny, devotion, earth, environment, freedom, happiness, happy, heart, humanity, innocence, kiss, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, motivation, ocean, passion, peace, planet, poetry, relationship, romance, romantic, senses, sensual, silence, soulmate, spiritual, symbolism, uplifting,
is it the wave kissing the sand
or is it the ocean
- deep from her heart
sometimes gently,
often hard,
but always with passion?
is it the sand kissing back
or is it the land
- happily losing ground
with every kiss
to his eternal mistress,
the occupant of his soul?
is it this poem touching your heart
or is it our souls
- hugging each other
on a sandy beach,
wide and infinite,
day in and day out?