Love Poems About Shape or Shape Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance,

The Snowflake

Young love is pure - like snow when fallen new -
and always I’ll recall one wondrous day!
Through dawn, soft powder fell; clouds lingered grey
until mid-morning. Splendid sun shone through
the gloom, and sky turned periwinkle blue!
Excited, we ran laughing, out to play
in snow, which all around us brightly lay.
But never did I guess what would ensue. . .

You chased me, until breathless, we both dropped
onto a blanket of sheer white, and then
a snowflake touched my mouth. Your fingertips
began to trace its shape, until you stopped. . .
Your gaze became intense, and that is when
you bent to kiss the snowflake from my lips.

by P.M. Richter |
Categories: image, self, spiritual,

Spiritual Birth

grace will find you when thoughts fade away crushed with unbearable grief "losing your mind" suffering during a dark night of the soul the ego crumbles; revealing the light your soul consciousness "finding yourself" directly experiencing the divine sense of oneness where everything is connected at a deeper level there is but one consciousness appearing as many "awakened" breathless views are available with inner focus crossing a chasm with one final leap of faith you become blissful; radiating like the sun "experiencing enlightenment" revived with a new perspective humans are never perfect but our pure being is "love"

by Roy Pett |
Categories: beauty, change, color,

Thought Changer

Catching sight of unwanted reflection 
through my eyes I observe my murky mind
lifeless, inactive, defying action
just a blank canvas, raw, pure, unrefined,

desire to inject substantial color 
inspired pastels to brighten the darkness
eyes opaque though restrict light, much duller
impulses, brain requesting less Starkness,

my poor mind is without shape or structure 
until my thoughts turn to the one I love
blissful images, colorful picture
changing this abyss, no more mourning dove,

she changes my thinking without restraints 
such beautiful colors my mind she paints.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: nature, winter,

painters brush

The color palette
has changed of the world .
painters wispy brush
clouds line clear calm sky.
Day is cold and dry,
Fine snow starts to fall.
Plants have ceased budding
bent, spilling over
yet passion, fragrant,
unadorned jasmine,
honeysuckle vine,
knit wooden arbor.
untiring starlings,
early mourning doves
move the day with their
inviting singing
and soft coo-OO-oo
throughout the chill day.
Ardent breath, note traced
of love, a heart shape
onto cold window.


by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing, dream, fate, love,

To An Angel Treasured Inside Love

Shining brightly flashes of white light 
into spectral colours sparkle inwardly 

Atoms arranged within a crystal structure domed 
a gemstone takes shape measured from the clarity of beauty
Within diamond ultraviolet wavelengths transmit visible
jewel jubilantly crowned regally royal gift

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: love,


I loved you before your eyes were blue
Before your face belonged to you;
Before I heard your voice, I knew
The love I never knew was you.
                                                                                                                           Long days and nights I yearned for you 
Without a name or shape for you;
And when at last I met you
I knew I had always loved you.

And when I lay in bed with you
Enchanted by the night and you;
Holding close the naked you
I knew I'd always be with you.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: beautiful, fantasy, moon, night, simple, sky, uplifting,

Jewel In the Sky

o how
                                    i love the
                            gentle shape 
                        of a crescent
                    moon overhead
                 hanging in the sky
                amongst the stars
                 how I adore the 
                    idyllic shape of 
                        a crescent moon 
                            way up high
                                    in amongst 
					       the stars

Submitted on February 24, 2022 for A BRIAN STRAND VISUAL CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  RANKED 1ST

AP: 3rd place 2020

Originally posted on May 9, 2019

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: family, history, pride, rose, tribute, women,

Genealogy Rose

Great grandmother Rosa Grandmother Maryrose And Mother Roseann Daughter April Rose Granddaughter Kayla Rose Granddaughter Ella Rose Love all my Roses // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦
AP: 3rd place 2021 Posted on October 13, 2019

by Miriam Bell |
Categories: family, love, sister, wedding, sister, sister,

My Sister

My sister Sharon is getting marry and I’m a brides maid I said can I say a speech but she said nay My sister is a lovely girl even if I say so my self and I like her faunas he’s got fine health So there’s my speech I love you sis and I hope you like this

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: hope, love,

Beating Heart

                                       Heart.                      Heart
                                    Is beating.                Is beating
                                  Sending hope and    promises.....
                                     pumping    ideals and   ideas
                                       reducing  life's  stresses.
                                          ready to look for love
                                             to accept to take..
                                                   for always..

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: fantasy, love, tribute,

Vows To My True Love

Like the smallest intake of air; I deserve not. Like a fantasy and dream of a woman to have, honor, cherish and love till death; I deserve not. But God has been so good to me, even through the sins amongst my internal image that I've committed several times over. Confessions after confessions after confessions, and yet, I'm breathing in an abundance of air and I've been blessed with a woman that's greater than any fantasy and dream of many dreams. Thank you Father for blessing me...(sigh) Thank you.
Pace, G INK-U-SCRIPT 03-27-2013

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: birthday, dedication, funny, happy,

Happy Belated Birthday Anne-Lise


     ?                      ?
                       A L
                       N I


7.27.2012©deborah burch

by Gary Radice |
Categories: england, feelings, film, nostalgia,


There's a spot on the horizon
In the ripple of the sun
Where railway lines and stanchions fuse
And merge, becoming one.

I was staring from the platform
When a distant dot appeared.
It grew in size and shape and form
And sounded as it neared.

I caught blurred faces turning
As they thundered by so fast
To briefly glimpse where strangers met
Each Thursday in the past.

Back then the steam and music
Lit up life's black and white.
By tugging strings when love went wrong
Rachmaninoff was right.

by Yoni Dvorkis |
Categories: faith

Don'T Cry For Me

.      blank page   
   this           I write
      and prayers.
     Tabula Rasa,   
    I wish to be    
    me ancient




I've kept my promise,
don't keep Your distance

by Tim Smith |
Categories: longing, love, storm,

Powerful Storm

Drenching rains, no shape nor form
Howling winds, skies midnight black
Lightning striking, a powerful storm
Our little haven, now under attack

Plans for our moonlit stroll are dashed
No lights, no music, just you and me
Squeezing me tighter with every flash
Letting our two longing hearts be free

Waiting out the storm, we cuddle by the fire
Enjoying the crackling embers until it's done 
Soft touches, slow kisses, both showing desire
Two kindred spirits, coming together as one

by Brian Strand |
Categories: friendship, on writing and wordsheart, heart,

Crosswise-My Friends

Your rhyme             your lyrics            your verse
So clever                 so telling              so witty
Diverts                    delights                tickles
My eye                    my heart              my ear

My eye                    my heart              my ear
To follow                 with love               to applaud
Your postings           your fellowship      your talent
Each day                  to value               here

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: devotion, love, soulmate, valentines day,

These Eyes Adore You

Time after time ~ Our hearts intertwine ~ You're the shape of my Valentine

by Shubham Kamble |
Categories: for her, for him, hurt, lost love, love hurts, pain, sad love,

Unrequited Love

Why did everything had to happen this way?
Why do I still think of it? It's over anyway.
Of your heart, I always wanted to be a part.
Unrequited, fallen to the ground, is my heart shattered apart.

One might be strong to collect those pieces fallen.
But to join them again who would self embolden?
For they know, its shape it would ultimately retain,
But exposing its scars, its marks would always remain.

Worst pain you would suffer, still more you would have to pay.
For death is worst some may say .
But it's not, when embraced everyday.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: longing, love,

She Sits Alone

His interest awakens, 
as he laid eyes on a young maiden 
sitting there alone.

How lovely she is, graceful
and beautiful.

Her auburn hair done up in a thick braid,
crowning her head with small stray 
tendrils, curling about her fair heart shape ethereal face,
above a long neck, and delicate shoulders it graced.

For a brief moment, his gaze
locked with her hazel gold eyes, amazed
and in thoughts of sweet illusion of having her near.
Wanting to kiss her long and sweetly, whisper
you are mine forever in her ear.


by Just James |
Categories: love,

Love Vortex

love bleeds into me and now becomes life 
 Light fractures into rainbow’s  not  hate 
   Warm rises  from  my  lonely black  
     Rain summers life from past cold  
       Old  tear  filled  eyes  now  dry 
        Soft dreams make me young 
              Single    was    hard       
                 Two now pair 
                     We’re one 

” spiraling effect” of vortex by antonyms in following line 

by Pauline Nyumu |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, loveheart, heart, love,

Wings of Your Love

When I see your face
Bright as a star in dark skies
Your eyes radiant and clear as crystal
Tears of love drench my cheeks-
On your shoulders forever I’ll lull
Under the comfort of your warm wings of love

When I see greens of the fields
Celebrating every kiss of the winds;
The cold breeze at the shores of falling rivers
I see the shape of your heart-
A heart print that forever will stay
Whispering at every height of the melting mount

When you whisper my name
At the cold of a warm dawn
My heart bleeds for the unending bliss;
I weep when your shadow sublimes-
Leaving only an idol to cling on!
Let me nurture your heart, my love to defend.

by Minerva Ochoa |
Categories: allegory, devotion, love, passion, song-

A Lament

Your cold lips,
Your frozen Figure...a sad emotion you expelled.
I touch your shape, trembling at the source.
Modeling away to my cheeks.
At sunrise we slept,
At midnight we loved.
The stars and the clouds draw us layouts of dreams,
an enchantment,
our elixir of love.
Hands slept in our grave, a singing hymn.
We drank each other's memories.
We danced until the moon was put to sleep.
Covered ourselves with petals of Rose, 
Bare to the despair, the sun presented.
Decaying, and never growing old.
We fulfill these lavender caresses everyday.
Immortals, will will always love.
We will always be together...
Lovers in time.
Vampires in a dream,
A reality to me coming true.

by Charles Henderson |
Categories: faith

Afterglow Ii

Day fades quickly into night.
I try, but cannot fight.
Life wanes with no respite,
I pass into the light.

Far below, I hear the roar
of waves that brace the shore.
I pass the lofty eagle’s soar.
God calls, I am no more.

Instead, I pass with awe and grace,
through time and finite space.
I am a form, no shape, no face.
Yet, not alone in this strange place.

Within myself, I feel god hover.
I am my wife, my child, my brother.
I am the love of father and mother.
I am myself alone, yet altogether, one another

© Feb 20 2010	Charles Henderson.

We all wonder about God, death and an after life.  These are some of the answers I have 
reconciled in my musing.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: freedom, humanity, love,

Set Your Spirits Free

THE    "YOU"

Can RUN but NEVER Hide

If LIVING in the Eye of the STORM

Then DANGER'S at ALL Sides


NO One Else the Fault to BLAME

If YOU Dress the MIRROR to SUIT your Needs

CLOWNS would Laugh themselves to SHAME

It's "YOU"


If YOU Seek "ANSWERS" Blowing in the Wind

Then, Lay down AUTUMN LEAVES of Wine 


Where there're No WINGS Will One Day FLY

Sculpture A FUTURE beyond the EARTH and SKY



Be ALL the "YOU" that YOU can BE



by Tim Smith |
Categories: kiss, love, paradise,

Ardent Kisses

Into an endless night utmost faith rings ever true
where ardent kisses live low under a paper moon
hearts stop and linger in unforeseen beauty of being
with anxious arms holding on to every loving beat

This is where I'll rest til our tomorrow's finally cease
this is where I'll be  forever feeling young 
alive in the crimson creases of your petals
enamored by a mere splendor of your sight 

Floating away in a celestial ambrosia breeze
a pearlescent cloud taking the shape of love
a fragrant flower arising under the maple tree
no rush needed  letting undue burdens fall free