by Arthur Vaso |
abuse, art, bullying, religion, silence, symbolism,
Breaking Bad
dance with slum lords
they shed fake tears
victims they shout
from Ivory towers
Mock and attack
they of dark cloth and deceit
possesses no real God
they whoreship only their prey
living by night not day
Some even screech praise untowards
sick is the mind who follows
dead morals and upended graves
they really are the bully's slaves
Yet their churches pew is full
Criminals all
singing love songs
sewing fear and anger
no wonder God got fed up
evicting them one and all
by Andrea Dietrich |
Monsters live in houses, like you and I.
They eat and sleep and go to work each day.
They laugh and they feel pain. Perhaps they cry!
But they have different games they like to play
They need to have control. Therefore, most seek
a victim who is young or not so strong.
They think they are almighty, but their mind is weak.
Depraved, they pay no heed to right or wrong.
They may seem crude, but some of them are slick.
The ones with brains play too well at their game.
All monsters love what normal folks find sick.
They brutalize and rape, and feel no shame.
Beware! One could be living on your street
or be that charming guy you’ve chanced to meet!
by Jerry T Curtis |
loneliness, lost love,
Inspired By Angel Marie and
Her Poem "Crazy Love"
She looked at me with tear filled eyes
And said that we were through
Then walked away, from my love
There, was nothing I could do
Now my fright, grows strong at night
I pray that she is near
To think she might, not return
Is now my greatest fear
I drive around, while on my cell
But she's nowhere in sight
Worried sick to death
I hope that she's alright
Perhaps she's leaving on a jet
She may be going home
I fail to see what this has done
But leave us both alone
by Francis J Grasso |
fun, humorous, love,
Leave me alone you beautified 6itch ;
Oh ghastly and ghoulish playpen of a witch.
Vases of roses are covering your deeds;
Eloquent verses describe your sick needs.
Many come calling but none ever leave;
Even my dumb heart now wants a reprieve.
written 04.02.2016
by Line Gauthier |
death, goodbye, grief, lost love, love, peace, sick,
it happened all so fast
it was a swoosh it was a blur
it was all so very intense
and I remember every minute
every gruesome detail
every awesome moment
every breath
every look
every word
every silence
I remember days
turning to weeks
I remember wanting to hold on
to never let go
I remember you fading
vanishing before us
I remember you
giving us time
to say goodbye
I remember
the peace in your heart
but mostly
it’s the love I remember
AP: 3rd place 2022, Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on April 21, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (APR 23) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
POTD - February 13, 2021
Originally posted on February 11, 2021
by Line Gauthier |
death, grandfather, grandson, love, sick,
He loved his grandpa with all his heart
All the hugs in the world
Could not heal him
How we dreaded the time when
Memories would be all that’s left
Submitted on September 8, 2019 for contest SOMETIMES LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH sponsored by SILENT ONE - RANKED 3RD
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
happy, humorous, love, silly,
Brenda Gail
I am Compassionate, love and breathe poetry, humorous and a peace maker.
Sister of Patti Lynne, Paul, David and Beth.
I love children (more), I love to sing in a choir and have a song for just about everything. I love to make others happy.
I feel loved, appreciated and very blessed.
I fear not being healthy enough to make it to my son’s wedding, getting sick this winter and losing my mom.
I’d love to be able to travel again, walk around a mall, and would love to be in a poetry slam.
Living in the GTA Greater Toronto Area, Ontario.
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Regina Riddles Contest: Bio Poems
by Jonathan White |
passion, sorry, teen
"Sorry" doesn't cut it.
Well neither does a butter knife.
I guess I'll have to say "sorry"
For being in your life.
"Sorry" for being black.
And doing what i do best.
Instead of studying for a test.
"Sorry" for being imperfect
"Sorry" for getting sick
"Sorry" for being a man
"Sorry" for makin' you tick
There are some things you cannot change
Like color and heredity.
There's one thing I forgot to say.
"Sorry" for bein' me.
This is sort of a sarcastic poem. I love me. :)
by Andrea Dietrich |
America's (Idle) Pastime
From New York, Austin, and L.A.,
From Cleveland and Seattle,
Ingloriously they screech or bray
In an auditioning battle.
And by the time we all feel sick,
(the judges homicidal!),
we get to know from whom we’ll pick
our next great Singing Idol.
For the "A GROOK FOR ALL OCCASIONS" Poetry Contest of Suzzette Crous
(using topic one, annoying sound and also etc topic, on a TV show I actually love!)
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
cheer up, children, giving, joy, love,
Just children with their homemade card
Brought so much joy when I was down.
I was so sick my heart was scarred,
Just children with their homemade card.
To show their love, it was not hard,
Their love to me a peaceful gown.
Just children with their homemade card
Brought so much joy when I was down.
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Contest: Small Gifts
by Gareth Heslop |
philosophy, political
This misty sky
a reflection of our misty life
in its sucked up, clouded vision
without any sense of perception,
its hopes, its desperation, its life,
clinging, slipping, dropping away
from view, from all of us,
droids and prefects alike,
too numerous
to see through the mess,
too brain dead to think aloud,
to escape from this sick world
of profits in money not in hope
or dreams or love or life,
created by our bosses to protect
and huddle us from the harsh
realities of unknown centuries
and create our own 'civil'isation,
our life our hopes hanging on their walls
The misty sky is all in our sight
I want to be on the star shining bright
by Emile Pinet |
confusion, emotions, feelings, imagery, lost, sick,
Hidden in the shadows
dementia devastates;
as memories slowly
begins slipping away.
When you cannot function
life loses its meaning;
and you become depressed,
dullard and bewildered.
You often feel like a
desolate derelict,
a floundering vessel
not even love can save.
Hope is soon depleted,
time ceases to exist;
only love remains true
within this state of mind.
When reality feels
stranger than any dream;
Alzheimer's anchors your
soul to oblivion.
by Mike Dailey |
health, hope, inspirational, life, philosophy, recovery from..., upliftingme, love, me, cancer,
It’s true that I have cancer
Not true that it has me
For I choose to live my life
As full as it can be
It’s true they did some cutting
To get the cancer out
But I’m still fighting cancer
And it is quite a bout
It’s true that I’ll do chemo
And chemo makes you sick
While chemo kills the cancer
That’s not what makes me tick
For me, it’s love of family
My daughter and my wife
And I’ll have a brand new grandchild
And that – to me – is life
Each moment that I’m living
My love for them grows strong
And loving equals living
That’s what keeps me going on
So it’s true that I have cancer
Not true that it has me
And like a wise man said once
The truth shall set you free.
by Christopher Grieves |
anti bullying, dedication, for teens, friend, friendship, friendship love, high school, missing you, teenage,
Take us just as we are;
The rough and the smooth.
Accepted and loved.
With nothing to prove.
Need us too;
Or that's what we hope.
Ask yourself this:
Are you sick, phat or dope?
Gather together in twos, threes or fours.
Uplifting each other.
House and hearts;
Open doors.
Share the mountainous journey,
the struggles, the views.
Friends are honest and patient.
All colours.
All hues.
Whoever they are, whatever they're like;
Be they short, wide or lanky,
called Steph, Steve or Mike..
We should give as we take
and be present, for sure.. our friends are forever.
And maybe.. some more.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
brother, sick,
Hearing the words "touch and go,"
I sink into a quagmire of despair
Slipping and sliding on tears of fear
In a swamp of memories
I've but one brother, one sister
Artie's Covid battle unleashed ills
Pandora's Box opened to pneumonia
COPD and emphysema
Now the reaper knocks upon his door
I pray he does not answer
Separated by a thousand miles
I long to see his smile again
To hear his laugh just one more time
I'd follow hope's long road anywhere
Wrap him in the comfort of prayer
Use my shield of love to protect him
His chances tenuous at best
Anxiety chases dreams away
Lord, let me embrace him once more
Before You carry him home
by Wendy Rycroft |
Violets bring healing to the soul,
Colours care for the sick,
Like Florence Nightingale.
Her amethyst fragrance,
For the imagination,
Creativity, wisdom, dignity,
Pride and peace,
Spiritually calming emotions
Humbling in nature,
Brightening up rooms,
As the Lady with the lamp,
Nursed wounded soldiers,
Velvet scented petals!
Meditate her deep blue,
Serenity and tranquillity
Sanctuary for love,
White for innocence,
Pioneering blooms,
Velvet heart shaped leaves
Captivating and beautiful
Medication for life.
Wendy Jae
by Alfred W. |
friendship, inspirational, teen, day, day,
Each day marks an earthly rotation full;
The ascending sun warms, and setting cools.
This day is pinnacle, hence above all;
Our star’s broadening smile turns to you.
Life beacons thy pleasure for things as such:
The love-sick bird and sweet whispering gale.
To exist is chance—yearns cherishing much;
For it is rare a human knows its luck.
Seize this day with vigour—it is quite yours,
(‘Though the seizing of days ought be common).
Search for the willing, you’ll find them in scores—
The persons willing: rejoice by side you.
Happy Birthday is all I wish to add,
Along with the regards of a young lad!
by Diana Mohammed |
hope, inspirational, love,
Battered and bruised they come
Scattered and torn they come
Homeless and lost they come
Lord, they come..
Mocked at and pained they come
Laughed at and scorned they come
Hopeless and maimed they come
Lord, they come..
Unclean and sick they come
Diseased and lame they come
Tormented and hurt they come
Lord, they come..
Trampled and faint they come
Rejected and stained they come
Wearied and shamed they come
Lord, they come
Open the gates they come
Clear all the ways they come
Let angels praise they come
Lord, they come...
Lord, they come...
Lord, they come...
by Joanna Daniel |
best friend, dog,
She was the best pal we ever had,
Thinking about her still makes me sad,
Quietly wagging her tail for her food,
Silently waiting like a friend so good,
She survived death scare two times that year,
We prayed for her healing, God did hear,
She knew whom to bark at, scared them bad,
She was the best pal we ever had,
Following us all around to be petted,
Love she did not lack, nor once we regretted,
When she fell sick, she had us cuddling her,
Trips to the doctor, we went juggling her,
Ten long years, she stayed with us happy,
Never once did she become snappy,
In times of sorrow, she made us glad,
She was the best pal we ever had.
by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
addiction, dance, lonely, love,
Two dancers in sync
We were made for each other
But you're sick with the drink
Twisting and turning
Our steps I do trace
I am locked here alone
In this stoic embrace.
Composed for Charlotte Jade Puddifoot's Open Poetry Contest 2
by Ella Weiss |
7th grade, art, death, earth, faith, funny love, sick,
"Its corona time" they said
I really hope I don't wind up dead
Many people have such as Tom Hanks
He's been tested. It wasn't a prank
Stores are running out of Purell and toilet paper
COVID-19 is like a game and we are all desperate players
Wash your hands and say a prayer
Becasue coronavirus is everywhere
by Rachel Bernotaitis |
devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, love, , cute,
Silly, small, smiling sweet
How did I get so fortunate to meet
This man, this boy, cute and fun
I couldn’t have found a better one
Happy, smart, following through
How could this feeling ever be true
He talks, he walks, says everything right
Could it be, I’ve lost the fight
Weird, needy, spoiled and sick
How could he like this ugly chick
Never moody, always good
Retreat? Yes, I think I should
Neurotic, selfish, evil and strange
How could he change my awful ways
Valiant, strong, simple and wise
I believe he could when I look into his eyes
by George Zamalea |
confusion, devotion, father, history, life, sad,
O, I love my dear boy
So dearly and so blindly
I will give him my blood
And life if God permits so
He's so weak and sick
So pallid and so tender
But I know he's an umbrella of snow
In the wide-brimmed form
A rhyme, a loft
Almost in the spelling of my own world.
by Mark Koplin |
My dear friend Jan this one’s for you
I know you’re sick and feeling blue
You know we love you and wish you well
I’m sorry you’re quarantined and feel like hell
I’ve written a limerick to make you smile
It’s a little stinky and somewhat vile…
I ate some beans that left me chinned
I gasped for air but I was pinned
Swelled up with some gas
I now smell like swass
Another day of breaking wind
But seriously, I hope you are getting better Jan.
We all love you my friend!
by Michael Plantamura |
love, passion, wife, heart, heart,
Thinking of why I want you,Why I need to feel your touch
It's a feeling sweet and tender'that I enjoy so much
Just to see you smile makes my heart skip a beat
And when you touch me with your lips.chills run from my lips down to my feet
When we walk the street and I hold your hand It's a feeling so secure
As if my heart was sick and lonely and in you I found the cure
So now when I hold and pull you close to me
It feels so very special because it's the place I long to be