Love Poems About Business or Business Love Poems
by Jennifer Proxenos |
Categories: wisdom,

Who Will I Be Tomorrow


If what I am,
And what I do,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If what I say,
And what I don’t,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,                                            
If what I think,
With heartfelt wisdom,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If what I see, 
And what I feel,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If what I speak,
Be it right or wrong
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If I am ugly,
To those I love,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If I could dare,
To hide a sin,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If I only take,
And never give,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
I’ll have to stop and think,
Who do I want to be tomorrow!

by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: daughter,

Who Can Argue Miracles Exist

Who Can Argue Miracles Exist?

No man, be he grandiloquent or coarse;
             be he a learned novel or tattered page;
             be he devout in faith or drenched in doubt;
             be he a man replete with shame of sin:
No man (unless an empty man who flaps like cynic’s skin)
             who has watched the early sun come out
	     or heard the song of sparrows spared the cage:
No man in love with his daughters:  No man in love with his universe.


Submitted for:  Let's Have an Argument
Sponsored by Kevin Shaw

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: devotion, faith, religion,

You Took My Place

Amazing love,
Amazing grace,
You gave Your life,
You took my place.
I should have died,
On Calvary's tree,
But You stepped in,
And died for me.

What can I say?
What can I do?
To show my love, 
My gratitude?
To You my Lord,
My Savior King,
For becoming my
Sin offering?

Here is my heart,
Here is my soul,
Come Lord Jesus,
Take control.
The old is gone,
You've made me new.
You died for me,
I'll live for you.


by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: destiny,

Forbidden Freedom, first ever Collaboration with the Silent One

If "we" are a sin,
Why is my heart bleeding for you?
Why is my soul screaming out your name?

Chained by the links of horrors that hold me against you,
Towered high up above the ground,
Little did they know I'd crumble every bone just for you.
I would not wish such adversity upon my adversaries, such as the animosity which chastises our hearts.

Every precious petal in my garden has turned black, waiting for your lips to rejuvenate their vibrant hues.

Why must love be cursed by society's blindness,
or has Cupid's ignorance plagued our forbidden fate. Maybe death is the only freedom for our devotion 

by Silent One |
Categories: angst, love, solitude,

Solitude Is My Silent Saviour

No one understands the reason for living, many prefer to receive without giving. In a world full of selfish behaviour, solitude has become my silent saviour. Instruments are repressed without musicians, as some kill the music before auditions. My harp cares not for words about tradition, ignores fake applause for romantic fiction. Love is a way of life, yet some bring it shame, mercy cannot sin, feelings are not a game. People point fingers to those without a name, what will they do when there's no one left to blame? I'm no Romeo, I need no Juliet, I've loved and lost, broken hearts I still regret.
Silent Sonnet Silent One 24 August 2019

by Mary Hoose |
Categories: kiss, love, sweet,

Butterfly Wings

Like butterfly wings so fragile and soft 'neath my fingertips.
So featherlike are his kisses upon my waiting ruby lips.

The playful flutter of his fingers that dance upon my skin.
Such sweet pleasures it brings like a sensuous forbidden sin.

His loving embrace so tender like the wings of a beautiful butterfly.
His words soft and heartfelt their beauty brings a tear to my eye.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance,


The whisper of your skin dissolving into mine - the weight of it is kin to that of wings of butterflies - divine deliciousness I can’t define! My precious love - We meld into a sky of night that’s never been so breathlessly partaken of nor ever will again. Exquisitely you paint my sweetest sin. For PD's Any Poem # 28 Free Poetry Contest

by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: love, mystery, passion,

Sunglass Envy

Siphoned light gropes passengers
Hopeful for luminescent hearts,
Arching underneath bombazine drapes
Dusted with passionate legacies
Of original sin and the primogeniture son,
Wicked for nighttime plots savouring
Spicy love, exponential in a vivid darkness.

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: love,

The Moment - Tanka 2 Contest

Green grass stroke the skin 
Touching feeling the moment 
Hearts flying skyward seeking 
Crescendo of song .... 
You without sin shall forgive. 

Penned 17 March 2015 

Tanka 2. 5-7-7-5-7

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: faithlove, , cute,

The Deposition

The Deposition

The love God gives remains unbound.
Jesus of Nazareth came down. 
Everlasting, His love abounds.
Deliverer and Redeemer: crucified, He died. 
Eternal sacrifice, His perfect life tried. 
Painfully executed, giving no retort to their lies.
Omnipotent creator, teacher, and revelator
Righteous, He lived, and died; over sin the victor. 
Incomprehensible pain He, for us bore. 
Two women, Mary, His mother, and Mary Magdalene
Inconceivable how perfect love and wisdom fomented.  
Overcome with grief, Nicodemus and more lamented.
Never ending love, on the third day Jesus the Christ, alive presented.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
December 5, 2009

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: friend, friendship, friendship love, growth, how i feel, life, meaningful, world,

A Fence, a Bridge and Me

The fence on which my feelings pause
Forever will be lost for cause
For should it stop my love to flow
Would pain me more than I could know 

For fences keep out or keep in
To build one would be such a sin
And should one born to me exist 
It’s time to let it be dismissed 

A bridge, far better to be built
With no embarrassment or guilt 
Where differences can meet to learn 
That bridges are not meant to burn

Perhaps then I can follow through 
On feelings that I have for you
Though you think differently than me
It’s not just difference that I see

by Emily Humphreys |
Categories: confusion, lost love, love, sad

Sin In Innocence

Moon hangs high and white coats the earth,
breathe in and out.
Frozen air in my lungs; his touch hurts.

Racing thoughts hurry in a blur.
Warm hands on my back,
then run up to my hair.

Hot lips press against my frozen face.
He kisses me; my first.
Now I know sin's taste.

"Do you trust me"?
No, but what will they think?
What do they see?

Pain in my pelvis;
hot breath in my face.
But this can't be it!

Regret in eyes;
pain in my heart.
On the bed, how I cried.

I wish for a second chance; 
and pray to god to forgive my
first sin in Innocence.

by Phyllis Babcock |
Categories: devotion, faith, inspirational, father, father,

All Things Come From Above

All things come from the Father above
Our hopes, our dreams, our love
Our purpose in this life
Our toils with daily strife
We are nothing without Him
Our lives would be insignificant and dim
We need something to believe in
So we can live without sin
All things come from the Father above
He shares our hopes, our dreams , our love
He shows us the glory of His ways
So we can follow all of our days
He leads us down the right path each day
So we will no longer stray
He will not let us stumble and fall
It's simple all we have to do is call

by Susan Jeavons |
Categories: extended metaphor, metaphor, muse, poets, time, writing,

Universal Muse

Universal Muse

She is light 
in dark, mysterious spaces,
integrity in immoral places .
She's hope
in spite of  uncertainty,
mercy for those with misery. 
She's an idealist 
in a realm of broken dreams,
conscious of her adversary's  schemes.
She's morality 
displayed for all to see,
enlightenment to all who wish to be.
She's time, 
yesterday, today, tomorrow,
ecstasy within a world of sorrow.
She's creation 
from beginning to the end,
solitude yet society's boisterous friend.
She's love in a world of sin and hate.
She's harmony;  
		this, the poet's fate.

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: blessing, christian, faith, forgiveness, god, jesus, spiritual,


“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”  2 Corinthians 9:8 of the King James Bible; "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" Romans 6:1 KJV 

God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide As pardon reigns above sin’s pain There --- mercy, hope and love reside. God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide Since divine forgiveness smites pride Toward triumph of blissful gain. God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide As pardon reigns above sin’s pain.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: god, jesus, joy,

Lord Jesus Christ, My Joy

Christ, the Lord of all tomorrows Lived a holy life of true worth Died for me, the Man of sorrows Angels proclaimed His virgin birth The wise men came in faith to see Messiah, king of all the earth His love was shown on Calvary When He paid the penance for sin He cried and died for you and me This woebegone world we live in We need His all-sufficient grace The wiles of the devil to win The hope of His return we face Giving us joy none can replace. 06.08.2021
For Regina McIntosh's "Jesus" contest

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: dark, death, deep, emotions, i miss you, loss, love hurts,

Minarets of Memories

Beneath the sea-mist moon, surfing in sage ~ as minarets of chartreuse stars rise, singing citrus cityscape chords I feel my footprints waltzing away from willow waves... whistling a chorus of heartbeats which once whirled in your scent. Hear me as I fade in sighs, twinkling within silver strands of sand ~ soothing each song of sin, for, this Ophelia has lived, knitting kyanite a capellas ~ wilting in a thousand lovelorn suns and I'm a mere memory, breathing you...

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: day, heart, hope, life, light, religion, sin,

Flick of Light

A flick of light within my soul becomes a beacon for my life wherein I join with You in Christ free from normal life of strife. Today breaks boldly clear and bright A bastion holds me safe from sin and fills my heart with calming Voice to sooth and hold me close within. How grateful I become for You who teaches that Your love may cope with those who challenge You exist, persuaded by Your voice of hope.

by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: feelings, hip hop, how i feel, romance, sin,

I Was Wrong

Was I
To push love
So un-returned
At first though the love from you came later
I lost mine, rapt in imagination
So time forgot
Our passion

by T.Nicole Williams |
Categories: emotions, heart, love, passion, poetry, romance, romantic,

A Love Poem

Beloved, turn off the lights; speak to me;
Is your heart to be evermore my own,
does my name slip from your lips silently...
content, that I should need ne'er more to moan.
Beloved, watch close loves acquainted eyes;
reflections holds no secrets from within.
For the souls bidding eyes will ne'er tell lies,
remember, doubt not… your want is my sin.
Beloved, wilt thou walk with me through dreams,
come lay with me as if I were dying?
Kiss my mouth, give me water from your stream;
listen love...the voice of the rain’s crying.

Loves lives through winters cold, summers fire,
though daybreak begins, as the night retires.

by John Posey |
Categories: religion,

Finding God

Finding God The one who finds the Father Can also find the Son Then the Holy Spirit Can mark the chosen one. Then all time can be counted As time spent faithfully In service to the Holy One Who watches over you and me. Then words like grace and mercy Mixed with perfect love Are ours to keep forever When sent from up above. Thus, sonnets can be written And all our sin is smitten. Written by John Posey 8/10/14

by Cameron Hartley |
Categories: love,


He is both clarity and confusion
My conscience... and my temptation
My greatest virtue is my dearest sin
My stength and weakness: my love of him

by Cona Adams |
Categories: faith, god, universe,

He Who Delivers

God of the universe, God of love,
 yearns in sorrow.

Man, created in his own image, 
spurns his love,
pushes aside his words.

Even the knell, 
conveyed in aquatic tongue, 
rests on closed ears.

His ultimate roar becomes a whisper
in the hearts of men: Sin and death
have now been crushed.

He who believes,
may yet be redeemed.

© cfa 11/27/2013

by Charles Abraham |
Categories: bible, blessing, christian, inspirational, religion, religious, spiritual,

Why I Love the Lord

I love u Jesus for what you've done for me 

You died on the cross of Calvary

You didn't think about your self

Coz you wanted me to be saved from hell

The crown of thorns upon your head

And the fact that for my sin you bled

When I think about the pain that u bore

I start to love u more and more

Words can't express my love for you

You've changed my life made it brand new

So now I have a place secured in Paradise

I'll reach there when I close my eyes

I want to live to please you Lord

Coz you are the maker, the One true God