Love Poems About Crown Of Sonnets or Crown Of Sonnets Love Poems
by I Am Anaya |
Categories: spiritual,

The Supreme Source -POTD

The center of energy resides in my heart Wherein the seed of divinity shant ever depart Their joy's root anchors firmly, yet lightly In my I AM presence it shines ever brightly The Trinity is embodied in three glorious plumes Blue, yellow, and pink; It's grand sacred rooms Of Power and Wisdom and Eternal Love Father, Son, Holy Spirit; on earth and above The Threefold Flame I humbly seek To arrive at last to the spiritual peak With elation I fulfill my reason to be The Liberty Flame! My soul's eyes can now see At long last I've completed my life's fated course As my soul splendidly weds the One Supreme Source

by Sandip Goswami |
Categories: life, love, philosophy,


I asked to my father
Baba, What is life?
He politely said to me, "Life is Duty ."

I asked to my mother
Maa, What is life?
She said to me with smile, "Life is Responsibility ."

I asked to my teacher
Sir, What is life?
He said to me with love, "Life is Education ."

I asked to my spiritual master
Gurujee, What is life?
He said to me with confidence, "Life is Devotion ."

Today my son who reads in class nine
Asked me
Babai, What is life?
I have said to him, "Dear, You are my life ."

(Father means BABA, BABAI and Mother means MAA in Bengali language.  Gurujjee means spiritual master in Indian society)

by Tom Valles |
Categories: christian, easter, god, good friday, hope, jesus, love,

Three Days Prior

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was scourged and bleeding.
Sunday, when He rose again-
A spotless Lamb proceeded.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son had cried: “forsaken?”
Sunday, when He rose again-
The keys of hell were taken.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son of God was dead.
Sunday, when He rose again-
Trembling demons fled.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was laid to rest.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He bore a Royal Crest.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was in a tomb.
Sunday, when He rose again-
The Rose of Sharon bloomed.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was set in stone.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He claimed His rightful throne.

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: best friend, easter, jesus,

Who Am I - Resurrected

I am the someone in no one I am the beginning and the end I am the alpha and omega I am your true best friend I am not here nor there I am that I am I am the son of my father I am the lion I am the lamb I am the you in the me I am the all in all things I am the one that shows you love I am the king of all kings I am forever forgiving I am the one that gives you sight I am at the right hand of my father I am the way I am the light. April.01.2019 Rising of the Son Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke Placed 3'rd...Thank You

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: god, light,

Shine Forth His Light

Shine forth His light, dispel the night!
Spread love that's true, let hope glow bright,
May your words be seasoned with grace!
Looking up to Christ, run your race,
Unfurl His undying love's might!

Light your candle’s love infinite,
Reflect the Son, good deeds highlight,
May others through you God embrace,
                         Shine forth His light!

Let your blaze all around ignite,
If not a lamp, be a flashlight,
May your radiance help them trace
God’s peace that nothing can replace,
                        Shine forth His light!

16th March 2022

For Anoucheka Gangabissoon's "Being a Light to others" contest

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: childhood, how i feel, love, mother, mother son,

Shh, I'Ll Make It Go Away

I remember so clearly a day
                   when Mommy made it go away
When every hurt and every pain
       with just her tender touch, would wane

When sting of bitter snow filled chill
      wrapped in her arms, would melt at will
And when her enigmatic smile
             could make me sit still all the while

I remember so fondly a day
           when Mommy knew just what to say
And every lesson yet unlearned
          forewarned, to not let me get burned 

Some days when I feel cold inside
               the days when I just want to hide 
I wish that Mommy still could say
                          Shhh, I'll make it go away

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: international, introspection, love, , atheist,

We Are Not So Different

I'm a Catholic,You're a Muslim I'm an Orthodox ,You're a Protestant I'm a Hindhuist,You're a Buddhist You're an Atheist,and I am a Mormon too. You're an African,I'm American You're an Asian,I'm a European You're a Mexican, I'm an Indian You're an Arab,I'm a Jew But prior to all our distinct differences I'm a Mother ,I'm a Father I'm a Sister,I'm a Brother I'm a Son,I am a Daughter and I'm Human just like you.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i love you,

I Love You

I always think of you though you are far away

Long to be able to give you a big hug
Only you can make me feel this way
Visions of you in my mind
Each and every day

You are so so precious 
One special person in my life
U are my lovely son

19th February 2015

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, summer, sun,

Children of the Sun

Tomorrow's dawn will start the longest day
When summer takes the torch and starts to run
He'll summon all the children of the sun
His followers that love his warming way

They'll laugh and celebrate in outdoor play
It is the greatest time for water fun
Each claiming to be summer's fav'rite son
Absorbing every ultraviolet ray

And when the sun lies down to take his rest
Their celebrations go in to the night
Cavorting with the moon, who's unimpressed
He knows they only like him 'cause he's bright
They'll fall asleep their backs toward the west
As children of the sun await first light

   by Daniel Turner
  Miltonic sonnet #2

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, time, visionarylove,

Amazing Grace

The soul whom the Son sets free
is free indeed,
Unlocking the rusting shackles
of oppression,
Allowing life’s amazing grace
to shine with His embrace,
Transformation of soul’s darkness
to light’s brightness,
The uplifting revelation of God’s
truth of freedom,
His extraordinary and infinite power
shining love every hour,
Preservation and hope for life
His love abound, no strife
How sweet the sound—
Wrapped in His embrace
Singing Amazing Grace! 

17th Place Honorable Mention/Certificate
Poetry Soup's International Poetry Contest
July 1, 2007

by Jan Allison |
Categories: love, romantic,

Romantic Acrostic


Right from the second we met I knew
One day you would become my wife.
Married to the girl of my dreams, you are
All I ever wanted in my life
Now you cradle our newborn son so
Tenderly in your loving arms.
I love you more with every day that passes and
Cherish the day you came into my life

Romantic acrostic Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton


by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: love, mystery, passion,

Sunglass Envy

Siphoned light gropes passengers
Hopeful for luminescent hearts,
Arching underneath bombazine drapes
Dusted with passionate legacies
Of original sin and the primogeniture son,
Wicked for nighttime plots savouring
Spicy love, exponential in a vivid darkness.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: mother son,

Letter To Mom

Dear Mother,
Conceived in love, your passion gave me life
The very blood this heart pumps through these veins
A dream fulfilled as mother and as wife
I wonder now, if I was worth your pain

I did not walk the path you set me on
The gifts you gave to me are still like new
My body, I abused, A wasted pawn
I sang my song, performed my own soft shoe

But each thing I have done, I gave my all
Regardless of the deed, I did my best
I never asked you once to break my fall
Nor steal the grass or twigs that line your nest

At times in life, I know I've made you cry
Your passion, is my only alibi

                       Daniel Turner

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: jesus,

Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony

God sent His only Son to Earth to bring
Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony.
Free will forbade that he should force
The Truth on world that would not see.

For thirty years Christ labored here,
With His clear message from above.
Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony
Will come when Man has learned to love.

Betrayed by one professed as friend,
Christ died upon the cruel tree.
The only charges they could press
Were Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony.

Christ died, but then He did not die
And His bright light still lights the way
To Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony
If we live and love in His pure way.

April 20/13
For Enlightenment, Hope and Harmony contest

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: christmas,

Christmas Waltz

songs in
know of
Christ child's love
in praise
pure dear
notes were sung,
as Kings bend low
with gifts of
gold and
to bless
God's sweet son.
share His

Dec. 21, 2015

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: dedication, love, night,

Lavern Baker

Oh with a soul of fire
baby you’ll be crying,
like a heavenly choir
Tra la la, Jim Dandy,
oh how long will it be?
I can’t love you enough.
You, me and Tweedle Dee
together in New York,
just a lucky old son
happiness forever,
the big apple for fun
here where you’re no one’s fool.
We’ll dance to Ting-a-ling
do the bop all night long,
we’ll be doing you’re thing
‘Play it fair, Harbour lights’
hit after hit then more
shaking till morning bites.
Boy love that dancing floor
every night this dream
of you Lavern and me,
crazy man crazy theme
my very own club glee
every night this dream.

© Harry J Horsman  2012

by Jared Pickett |
Categories: motherlove, me,

The Christmas Card

Christmas day so full of joy,
putting a smile on my face.
Inspiring your eldest boy
with love. I say grace

I am fortunate to have
a mother like you.
No matter the distance between us,
Your love will shine through.

You've made me what I am today.
Molded me into Asavvy man.
Being there, supporting my dreams.
Doing everything you can.

I say thank you Mom,
for all that you have done.
My muse, my backbone, my mother, I love you.
Your eldest son......

Jared Pickett

by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: faith, inspirationalson, me, love, me, son,

Walk With Me

Walk With Me

       I said, "Look at the mess I've made."
He said, "Take my hand and don't be afraid."
       I said, "But I feel so ashamed."
He said,  "I love you son and you're the reason I came."

       I said, "What about those dark days ahead?"
He said, "My love will be nourishment and keep you well fed."
       I said, "I'm not brave tell me what to do."
He said, "Believe in me and I'll carry you through."

       I said, "Okay Father, teach me to be a man."
He said, "I love you my son now take my hand."
       I said, "My soul is Yours for eternity."
He said, "I'm proud of you my son, now walk with me."

by Gordon Mcconnell |
Categories: change, life, remember,

Being Accepted As I Am

Having lived my own life
lessons you learn through time
ones that count for life
to forget would be a crime

Stammered every day since birth
enduring it all incredibly tough
but better things around my corner
believing it could be enough

One day God broke through
revealing His love in His blessed son
who had died for all my sins
to indwell me shows salvation's done

This God assured me of one thing
He accepted me just as I am
nothing I bring just to Jesus cling
this truth eternally brings me calm

(I have written this to pass on the main life lesson I've learned throughout my life that this  has kept me calm and how to live in the forward direction.)

by Susan Palli |
Categories: forgiveness, god,

The Sun Shines On the Righteous

The sun shines on the righteous,
But on the unrighteous too.
So those who aren’t aware yet,
Can know that they are loved too.

The righteous are not perfect,
Hence, they do make mistakes.
However, they love their fiends
To spur their hearts to remake.

Their model is the loving God,
Who gives us all the rain,
The moon, the stars and yes the Son,
So happy all remain.

The righteous are not quick to judge,
They wish to shine their light,
On those who are the victims
Of the dark world and its might.

To all, the glorious trumpet sounds
Announcing God’s Goodwill,
Who accepts us sinners if we repent,
And begin to do His will.

(Matthew 5:44-48)

April 13, 2016

by Sue Mason |
Categories: losslife,

The Doorkeeper

Out of opening doors
pours the past into a hallway
and You come to sweep away
times' trial.  You who gave me
another life to love before you took your own.
Now here You stand, a Being
in the hallway of my mind,
the ether of My Man.

Do you see us too?
Can you see how old I have become
and the fine man that is our son?

Out of other doors flung open
step those I used to try and forget.
They're best left in their closets, forgotten.

But You, oh You are springtimes' salty tears.
If I could bring the Light of Life back into you,
the door of my heart would open again.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: baby, birth, child, love, mother, son,


You came to me on angels wings
Your smile was so divine,
I looked into your big blue eyes
Not believing you were mine.

With skin so soft and hair of down
You came to me that day,
And as I held you on my breast
You stole my heart away.

Sweet child if you could ever know
The love I felt for you,
As the years flew quickly by
That love just grew and grew.

So I’ll just quietly watch you grow
Into a man my son.
I want you to know what a privilege it is 
For me to be your mom.

Written by Brenda  Meier-Hans
Gautami Phookans Contest:
The Sweetest Touches of Verse

by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: childhood, father, hope, life, love, social, sympathy, god, god, joy, me,

The Godfather

I’m a man, just simply a man;
once a child with no other distinction.
I am neither your first son, nor last.

I cannot alter what God has planned, 
nor stop sun to shine, 
nor stop the rain he’s cast.

So, I seek a solution to the paradigm
of angst and joy of life,
of the person I should be now.

Though life’s full of mystery and of misery,
you were there to give me hope and dignity,
no wonder I always love to be with you.

But, when God decided...
we couldn’t say, “No!” 
You left me with his everlasting glory.

As time passes, I realize the greatness of 
love and joy on the day of my friend’s son,
I became like you, a loving godfather.

by Lyric Man |
Categories: destiny, love, magic, passion, romance, romantic, romantic love,

One Heartbeat

I remember that it was an ordinary day
When Life came and whispered low
Said, I know that you've been searching
And I'm gonna tell you where to go.

Life's words fell on me like sweet honey
Awed by her soothing touch of poetry
Son, there's a voice calling you to echo
Can you feel her tug to pair in melody

There's a kind of music that last forever
Seek that heartbeat.. perfect for you
Only one girl made to match your echo
In love.. one heartbeat comes from two

Sweet girl, please be my one heartbeat!

~Lyric Man

Note: My write is an echo to a poem "The Heatbeat Of Me" by an incredible writer here on the Soup, Brandy Nicole. Go check out her work.. you'll love it!

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: art, conflict, inspiration, world,


Creative, artistic, musical, analytical
Brother of Michael and Susanna; son of Fred and Marlyn
Lover of Nelly (Bourieau) H., science fiction novels and films, private serenity 
Who feels respect for God and humanity, love for nature, worry for the Earth’s future 
Who fears mediocrity, retirement, economic collapse leading to a popular insurrection
Who would like to see successful sons, grandchildren, his songs produced/recorded 
Marina, California (for the moment) 