Love Poems About Crown Of Sonnets or Crown Of Sonnets Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: blessing, nature,

Natures Gift

It's how the stars are lit at night
     and how the dew drops glisten
     How evening shadows mock the light
     and it's how the silence listens

     From the gentle sway of trees
     that bid such fond adieu
     Songs in a summer breeze
     a voice so clear, so true

     The glory of such symmetry
     so more than fills the eye
     To the beauty of such poetry
     this hopeful heart draws nigh

     In natural peace all love is born
     To live and thrive each blessed morn


     Poem Of The Week of 3/19/2017
     Best New Poem of the Month 4/01/2017

by Silent One |
Categories: angel, appreciation, tribute,

They Walk Amongst Us

They walk amongst us, but in silent ways, spreading peace and love without any praise. When thunder roars and lightning strikes in rain they watch over us, healing bleeding pain. Yet we do not see their celestial light, nor do they shed feathers within our sight. Happy to hide behind unknown faces, empathy guides them to deprived places. Heal and soothe, they prevent tears from flowing, touch our hearts to leave our spirits glowing. From Sydney to London, Rome to Bombay, provide moments that take our breath away Their acts of grace form a ripple effect, kind gestures that help people to connect.

by Elaine George |
Categories: rose, winter,

A Winter Rose - a Sonnet

I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death 
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose  
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath 

How I long to touch those petals again 
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss 
Opened in passion whispering my name 
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss 

Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow 
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold 
That now my love keeps you and me apart

But if I were to pluck this winter rose 
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: love, mother,

A Gift of Love

Around my mom, I always felt my guilt
My conscience seem to always take her side
Some years ago, I gave her a new quilt
I still recall the tears of joy she cried

My gift of love to warm her nights with pride
It's hand sewn patches in a ring design
It showed up at my door after she died
Inside a plain brown box tied with used twine

And though there was no note, I read her mind
She knew the message sent would be received
A gift of love, to warm, when life's unkind
She once made quilts to give to those in need

Her gift of love with message plain to see
She knew the one in need, this time... was me.

    by Daniel Turner

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: god, inspirational, nature,

Evening Song

Conducted by the Hands that gave them voice
Sweet songs of evening soothe my weary soul.
Oh, how I love to hear the birds rejoice
As frogs and insects hum adagio.

Each night I sit and watch the sun go down
Accompanied by song that has no score
Each night His orchestra holds me spellbound
That's why each night, I come right back for more.

Yet I am just a simple country boy
These nature songs were my first lullabies
E'en to this day they bring my heart such joy
And on occasion tear these simple eyes

When moon appears to watch the sun depart
My only thought, "My God, how great Thou art."   

                   Daniel Turner

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: imagery, lonely, love, perspective, poetry, winter,

The Dove In Your Eyes

How fast to wiles I fell my damask rose,
awake from slumber slept untold ages.
To gaze so deep in ocean eyes repose,
and print whispered prayer on mind's pages.

Your soul in gleaming shadow found complete,
a thirst no other want or wish contrived. 
Nor cherry grown upon the branch so sweet, 
without cold and dark of Winter survived.

What heart loved without a madness looming,
secure from injury sure to tarnish.
Unbroken, though lone in sadness' glooming,
and held away from love's fruited garnish.

How true the dove devoted in flight still,
that lasted in love, more than ever will.

by Silent One |
Categories: love, love hurts,

What Is Love

I still recall our first poetic glance, dormant pen roused my fingers to dance. Her love was like a cherry blossom tree, which at first blossomed so beautifully. When a tender breeze took each fragile bud, we stood naked, vulnerable to the flood. Broken branches fell, as love became silent, our poems burned in fires, ever so violent. Her absence formed a lawless state of mind, vacant heart bled for memories left behind. Some say sorrow washes away with rain, but in heartbreak, torpid wounds leave a stain. Love is a balance of peace and distress, yet it's something two souls cannot suppress.
Simple Sonnet Silent One Example for what is love contest.

by P.S. Awtry |
Categories: christian, heaven, song,

I Sure Miss the Old Hymns

I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.

Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.

August 22, 2022

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: analogy, life,

When We Were Young

When we were young we loved our fairy tales
A frog could  be a prince with just one kiss
Each cloud, a boat where dreamers could set sail
Imagination was the great abyss

Too soon we grew and lost our innocence
Found out that swords are never pulled from stones
That dreams come true but only with expense 
And happy ever after's come and gone

Yet some of us still wish upon a star
Believe that rainbows come with pots of gold
Reality is life for most comes hard
And love like water runs both hot and cold

Like you I wish that fairy tales came true
But grown ups know they very seldom do

   by Daniel Turner

by Lin Lane |
Categories: longing,

Moonstruck Maiden

What beauty reflected in love's fair eyes,
a passion treasured beyond all measure.
As ardor stirred flames, I failed to disguise
the need in my loins ere want of pleasure.

As sweet the music I discern profound,
tis more honeyed your lips when touching mine.
Oh! My pained heart shall beckon love resound,
my moonstruck maiden, unearthly divine.

Mute, I cannot be, so near your soft breasts.
This besotted man has but scant more breath.
Grant me your pure love, not in mere request,
but with an angelic kiss 'fore my death.

I beg thee allow the stars remain bright.
Give yourself to me ere the end of night.

~    ~    ~    ~    ~
January 9th 2016

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

You'Re the Poem

If only this poetry could define, how your presence takes me towards cloud nine. Your touch brings sensations that feel divine, yet, my tongue is quiet, fighting this muse of mine. Waiting for the moment our lips can greet, your sweet voice takes control of my heartbeat. I sigh hallelujah, as our eyes meet, the taste of your mouth makes my life complete. Suddenly the pen flows like buoyant streams, describing love that's only seen in daydreams. I'm just a star within universal schemes, basking within the passion of your moonbeams. Our love can't be hidden in a metaphor, you're the poem my pen will always adore.
Silent One 3 February 2019

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: lost love, recovery from, sorrow,

They Told Me You Cried

They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach

Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this

by Silent One |
Categories: death, loss, love,

Indigo Inkwell

My hands are tired, so I let my brush rest, unable to paint Autumn's loneliness. How much I miss you can never be stressed. August has left behind blank emptiness. Sitting by the window in the corner, watching the world in its colourful hues. I search for your face among the murmur, but all I'm left with is a muse with blues. In simple stillness your voice echoes loud. Each stitch I weave I see you before me. Memories remind me of what we vowed. Without you there would be no artistry. My palette is dry without your pastel, all that's left is an indigo inkwell.

by Andrea Dietrich |

This Night

I’m driftwood, and I’m floating out to sea as sun descends upon my home - the grove of trees whose fragrance still remains with me. And likewise, heaven’s work of art, a mauve surrounding me, now permeates my soul. Warm water, in the twilight growing cold, is rocking me. Beneath dark blue, a shoal moves swiftly; overhead there will unfold the myriad of stars in semblance of a giant carousel in dimming sky. Those stars that glitter for the grove I love will glitter too for me, where here I lie alone, enraptured. . . and I think I might drift evermore, enveloped by this night.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, love, poetry,

Caress My Soul Sweet Poet

Love's tend'rest touch, your gentle words reveal
Caress my soul. sweet poet, with your verse
Write dulcet lullabies which make me feel
Secure, like infants held at breast to nurse

Turn tears of sadness into peaceful streams
Make whispered breezes whisk my strife away
Put passion in my fantasized daydreams
Paint troubles in to flowery bouquets

And even though I know they're not for me
I steal your soothing love just like a thief
This load I carry lightens suddenly
Because my broken heart has found relief

Your words are like a song, please sing to me
Sweet poet, how I love your poetry

   an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: emotions, lost love,

Love's Eternal Death

The hollow eyes of love are never gone
They keep within the waves of trembled tears
From days so poor when love was looked upon
And one where the deepest pain adheres
They give my eyes of love such sad refrain
To think that love would ever be so cruel
And find it was illusion self-contain
When love so grand became so minuscule
To hold love once in dreamer's mind I've flown
And found the point of rest its final breath
To know I will forever be alone
Cry now as then for its eternal death
I found a love to hold and saw it die
Inside depth of darkest pain, I ask why


by Charlie Smith |
Categories: giving, love,

Love's Reflection

Love neither gives or takes but from itself. Be not wiled by fantasies of arrogance. Take no more than is offered by yourself. Leave nothing trapped in tortured irrelevance. Seek not a barter for desires that sue your heart. Worthiness is the only tender that comes due. Suffer willingly the melody of pain it may impart. Bleed joyfully from the wounds that will ensue. As tree branches lift their hopes towards Heaven's door, hands together reaching higher than alone will seek heights that love's imagination most beautifully implores that from a poets words unending ecstasy must speak. Whatever you desire your life to be, may loves reflection be all you see

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, friendship, meaningful, nature, symbolism, tree, writing,

Retreat To Heed Our Honest Deeds


Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.
Two noble men aware of twilight time
both face evil world with courage and grace
Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
all standing with courage none can erase.
Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
weathering this world's darkest raging storms
images show lives lived regally and bold
tho' existing in weakened earthen forms.
With words of wisdom written in our seeds
we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.

22nd June, 2018
T.J Grén & Robert Lindley

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: spiritual,

Earth Life Purpose

It’s my belief we all are here because
God wishes us to know both joy and pain
to learn of life, and also we have flaws
so we’re on earth to reach a higher plane.

Our life experiences help us to find
those attributes we’re in possession of
that we can use to benefit mankind.
God wants for us to bless the world with love.

By knowing sorrow, we will also grow
to more appreciate the good in life.
Of insecurities we must let go
and trust in God to see us through our strife.

Our purpose then most simply put is this:
to grow in grace so we might taste of bliss.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: dream, friendship love, longing, love,

I Acquiesce To Friendship

Your sensuous eyes render me a fool.
How clumsy I become within your mien.
I stutter, stumble trying to keep cool
While all the time envisioning a scene
Of you and I together palm in palm
As sun departs behind the hillside's face,
And in the blush of twilight I feel calm
Enough to kiss your lips with lover's grace. 
My heart would swell if only this were so,
If even in my dreams it would come true,
That you might sense within my smile aglow 
The awesome humble love I have for you.
One tiny glance of regard you impart 
Would be enough to satisfy my heart.


by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, hurt, relationship,

The Dance of Jealousy

Her piercing eyes burn through paper-thin lies igniting fear as flames erupt inside. And accusingly, she breaks down and cries, trying to salvage what's left of her pride. She believed you both had found your soulmate; and thus, never thought either heart would stray. And expresses feelings of love and hate; as she watches her dreams slipping away. There's no such thing as an innocent flirt; it's the first crack in a relationship. And the lies that accompany it hurt; causing the scales of happiness to tip. Jealousy is an emotional dance, stomping out flickering flames of romance.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

Painting Love

How many images can I paint more
than I’ve already done? Like nights moon-lit
or meadow-dancing? You - whom I adore -
in every love scene - you’re the star of it. 
The many colors! Oh, each brilliant hue.
I splashed them giddily when we shared bliss.
I’ve given sunsets, snow and spring to you -
Sweet passion’s words for you, Dear, and a kiss
I’ve always left down on the corner of
each canvas in our life, for there’s no me
without you, and there’s nothing but our love
to get us through, and sometimes tragedy
I’ve painted too – deep ocean’s blue – yet still,
I’ll paint you always lovely with my quill.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: funny love,

If I Were the One For Nicola

If only I could make my way to Paris
To search the boulevards and rainy rues
I'd look to find my lonely heart an heiress
An Irish lass vacationing her muse

We'd find a quiet cafe' on the Seine
Where we could sit and share a laugh or two
By candlelight we'd toast with French champagne
Pretend that we were on our honeymoon

But how could I convince her I'm the one
To make all of her fantasies come true
She knows there's more to life than having fun
In Paris hearts get easily confused

I'd get down on one knee under the stars
Give her the paper ring off my cigar

   an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, how i feel, love,

Within Her Heart

Within her heart is where I wish to be
To dwell inside the garden of her soul
Where each soft heartbeat plays a symphony
And all around is beauty to behold

The sunshine of her love would keep me warm
My one desire, to take life's pain away
Consoling her when clouds of sadness form
Removing troubles of each stressful day

Should something cause her fragile heart to break
I'd gather up the pieces tenderly
With love I'd smooth the sharpness of heartache
Then put them back together lovingly

Within her heart is where her beauty lies
Her love, the light that shines within her eyes

   original poem by Daniel Turner