by Elaine George |
rose, winter,
I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath
How I long to touch those petals again
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss
Opened in passion whispering my name
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss
Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold
That now my love keeps you and me apart
But if I were to pluck this winter rose
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?
by Panagiota Romios |
appreciation, community, love, perspective, poetry,
~Poetesses and Poets, Divine~
All over this great planet we live,
Penning our thoughts, and love to give!
With our hearts, as lanterns so bright,
Writing with hearts into this summer night.
Pen thee, then, of nature’s fine beauty.
Quietly, we are world Muses on duty.
Creations we form of happiness and sorrow.
Moonlight and dreams, on which to borrow!
A hug from me, now..close your eyes.
Tomorrow is both a gift and a surprise!
Panagiota Romios
by Silent One |
love, love hurts,
I still recall our first poetic glance,
dormant pen roused my fingers to dance.
Her love was like a cherry blossom tree,
which at first blossomed so beautifully.
When a tender breeze took each fragile bud,
we stood naked, vulnerable to the flood.
Broken branches fell, as love became silent,
our poems burned in fires, ever so violent.
Her absence formed a lawless state of mind,
vacant heart bled for memories left behind.
Some say sorrow washes away with rain,
but in heartbreak, torpid wounds leave a stain.
Love is a balance of peace and distress,
yet it's something two souls cannot suppress.
Simple Sonnet
Silent One
Example for what is love contest.
by Michelle Faulkner |
lost love, recovery from, sorrow,
They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach
Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this
by Christina Bowring |
love, sorrow,
Porcelain chalk white mask
moves with silence of mime
that hides a lovelorn face
moonstruck by orbs of light
with shadows to embrace.
Porcelain chalk white mask
a cloak of much disguise
hides from the world a heart
that has lost its amour
and yet, performs for art.
Porcelain chalk white mask
a jester, clown, for all
veils verbal tongue held still;
liminal space for words
lest written by a quill.
Porcelain chalk white mask
masquerades as muted
gestures on staged display
hides tumbling diamond tears -
Pierrot to portray …
by Andrea Dietrich |
It’s my belief we all are here because
God wishes us to know both joy and pain
to learn of life, and also we have flaws
so we’re on earth to reach a higher plane.
Our life experiences help us to find
those attributes we’re in possession of
that we can use to benefit mankind.
God wants for us to bless the world with love.
By knowing sorrow, we will also grow
to more appreciate the good in life.
Of insecurities we must let go
and trust in God to see us through our strife.
Our purpose then most simply put is this:
to grow in grace so we might taste of bliss.
by Robert Lindley |
anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,
Hope, A Little Remained
She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.
He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.
For Silent One's, eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.
by Daniel Turner |
This life we're living
Is so unforgiving
Reminding us every day
Of games that we played
Choices we made
Dreams that faded away
Paths that were crossed
Loved ones we've lost
Still promising a brighter tomorrow
When that promise is broken
Our wounds rip back open
Leaving hope to drown in deep sorrow
From our very first breath
We're stalked by death
We live our lives in fear
Knowing well it won't last
So we live loose and fast
Look up and the days have become years
We add peace, subtract strife
Find the sum of a life
Discover we've love left for giving
Love that goes wasted
On the bitterness tasted
In a life so unforgiving
by Daniel Turner
by Susan Ashley |
emotions, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love, sorrow,
I rise and fall like melancholy tides
in ebb and flow of wistful disrepair,
our separate in consciousness divides,
the whiff of grief fills broken-hearted air.
Neglected now, heartstrings' rawhide, I mourn
with briny beads that water my dismay,
eyes teary drizzled mist, inside forlorn,
my psyche pierced by thorns in love's bouquet.
Whatever will I do, this emptiness..?
A gnawing hollow where my heart should be.
My lonely preys me like a lioness,
a simba stalks this lost love refugee.
Soft morning sun does gaze into my eyes
enlightening the depths of agonize.
by Tim Smith |
Words flowing like magic, explode off my page
Taking me on journeys, I didn't seek
My mind is just floating, feelings do race
Her spirit is leading, to heaven I think
Reading but living, each chosen word
Caught up in beauty, emotions I trace
My heart is a flutter, tears sometimes fall
In awe of her verses, as much as her grace
Passion and love, I can feel her heartbeat
Sorrow and pain, mistakes made again
Dancing with nature, you take me by hand
Simply you're beautiful, I'm in love with your pen
Spilling of emotions, out onto the page
Poems come alive, for sure they are real
Confide in me please, all that's concealed
My dearest poetess, you make me feel
by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,
I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here
I can’t get back in control of my emotions
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy
I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help
Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help
by Emile Pinet |
break up, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts,
Love feels like it’s magical;
your heart burns like it's on fire.
And your ears only hear hope;
not whispers of a liar.
When trust's shield starts to weaken,
he shores it up with more lies.
And an outpouring of pain
replaces truth as it dies.
Fear fortifies nagging doubts
as they morph into goodbyes.
And failed dreams discreetly drown;
in tears spilled from crying eyes.
Yet, time carries you away;
to where hope outweighs sorrow.
For, like a river, it flows
toward a new tomorrow.
by Silent One |
love, romance,
Tell me how may I show you devotion?
No words are left in this dictionary.
Which fool said love is just an emotion?
My Goddess, I am your missionary.
The essence of time is not eternal,
but my adoration is evergreen.
You are a flower that is nocturnal.
Alive in every season - nature's queen.
When adversity knocks upon your door,
let me soothe your misery and sorrow.
Does not matter if we are rich or poor,
I will provide a better tomorrow.
Come lose yourself in desire and passion.
Our romance will invent a new fashion.
Silent One
Originally written on 30 October 2015.
Re posted 17 November 2020
by Charmaine Chircop |
Be Gone
Let Her face
befriend darkness
so he may not seek
those lips of red that plead
that beg , needy for his kiss
nor feel the aching for his touch
So he may not look within her eyes
and find there the afterglow of his love.
Brief Memories -For Flo's Contest
by Susan Ashley |
angst, conflict, depression, fate, love hurts, sorrow,
I see the future
in the constellation of my crystal tears
as you siphon the sparkle off what’s left of my joy.
Heavy is my heart where you spread your composting ego
sacrificing my fire.
Your unwillingness
to ascend from darkness
on wings of breath and light
is not lost on me..
as you strut your fan of peacock plumes
snuffing out any hope
for my flickery flame.
Susan Ashley
July 19, 2018
~ Third Place ~
Contest: Any July 2018 Poem
Sponsor: Dear Heart a.k.a. Broken Wings
~ POTD ~
July 21, 2018
by Jess Opperman |
death, dedication, grief, loss, love, miss you, sorrow, wife,
If I could will my heart to stop
and breathe a final breath
I'd sit beneath an old oak tree
and trade my life for death
The pain in life of losing you
is more than I can bear
how can a man be happy when
his better half's not there
Life's meaning's gone when I lost you
no purpose can I find
for you were but the reason i
loved life and cherished time
I cannot will my heart to stop
I'm waiting for the sign
from God to show His mercy to
unite us one more time
by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
lost love, poetry, sorrow,
Photo by Rhonda Pearson Smith
Thickening fog hung beneath the willow tree
consumes dreams of your lost poetry.
From sandalwood-scented sleep,
I kiss you and weep.
Love songs will
lustrous still.
Silver lyrics creep
to gold dust dawn from the deep
creases of clouded sleep, where I free
thickening fog hung beneath the willow tree.
Written 7/13/20
Contest - Andaree - 11 Lines Poetry
Sponsor - Joseph May
by Rama Balasubramanian |
I am a unique creation of God
crafted with same love as others
for a unique purpose
I am no less, no more than others
I am equal to all
I have no right to feel inferior
for the great lord created me
nor have I the right to feel superior
for everyone was created by him
I know I am here in this mortal world
for short time
I am a star in the sky
living amidst other stars of same kind
vibrating in bliss and inner joy
I feel no sorrow no pain
I am happily dancing and smiling
I am sure one day I will leave this mortal world
and reach my true abode in the Milky way.
Date: 11/8/2020
by Tu Tran |
love, poems, words,
Words can be as deadly as a knife
It can penetrate straight through your heart
Bleed all the spirit right out of your life
Twists your mind and tear you apart
Words can bring you pain and sorrow
Weaken the spirits of today and tomorrow
Breaks your heart and squeeze your head
Leave you living yet leave you dead
But words of love from the very start
Can instill much happiness to your heart
Eased your pain and comfort your mind
Have you seeing yet have you blind
by Arturo Michael |
love, poetry, poets,
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fiction and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
She’s writes the verses to undress me
Great lines that flower in her hair
Her lips of ink are red and rosy
Each stanza goes straight to my head
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
She writes of loneliness and sorrow
Of broken hearts that never mend
She is the dream I need each morning
Moon captured by her spells
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fictions and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
by Susan Ashley |
grief, heartbreak, lost love, music, pain, romantic love, sorrow,
Piano music plays.
Soft notes emote mid air,
like tear-stung doves they fly
in atmosphere of fog.
The clouds, they shroud the sky.
Piano music plays,
the keys, they seize my blues—
the depth of blue, so vast.
Poetic ivories
harassed… recite the past.
Piano music plays.
Dull echoes haunt the halls,
sonatas without soul.
Since wick and flame lost light
my space inside like coal.
Piano music plays,
the white noise like a ghost.
My fluid fingers mourn
in melodies of you —
my rose with thorns reborn.
by Victor Buhagiar |
anger, love,
I felt ashamed today
I should have not spoken that way.
My love was annoyed and left.
I was surprised by all the dialogue bereft.
Worse the telephone ceased to work,
In anger, I threw down the phone with a jerk.
Saddened by my uncouth manner
Our love must remain a winner.
How to send her a message of sorrow?
I dared not wait for tomorrow.
A message I would send with haste,
No, no, not a moment to waste.
I wrote a note and stuck it to my dove.
With all the words that spelt love.
Fly, sweet white dove, fly to her home
No time to wander or to roam,
Straight to her loving arms, fly sweet bird
Let her message of love be heard.
by Rob Schulteis |
anxiety, beauty, cancer, death, love,
"With Angels Wings"
The whispering winds, a song they sing
A song of sorrow and of a heart so big
Your love reaches as far as the eye can see
I believe in dreams because in my heart, you beat
Just as a gentle breeze shimmers every leaf
Your love, in every heart, plants a seed
Elegance, love and hope is what grows beneath
And this is your gift to us....
For safe keeping.
So...if you ever wonder why heaven sings
It's because now you fly...
With Angels Wings
by Deb Wilson |
father daughter, pain, child, me,
There is a child that looks like me.
Years from now still won't be free.
You'll want to rock her in your arms.
Keep her safe from all that harms.
Some things you simply don't forget.
And there is shame that haunts me yet.
The stark reality is this-
I find it hard to share a kiss.
Children are meant for love and prayers.
Not sneaking footsteps on the stairs.
Fear grows where refuge should be.
Hate floats on a toxic sea.
In all these years sorrow still lives.
A broken spirit but strong will gives
reason to find a better way.
This child is loved by me today.
written 4/13/2013
by Edward Ebbs |
absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,
When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around
Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand
I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock
The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream
I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much
I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song
When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here
Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14
Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart