by Eve Roper |
love, universe,
Twin Flames
one flame flickers blue
as love awakes a journey
connecting a friend
as red flame sparks holding hands
tame harmony remains “Love”
te amo
holding each other
our own little universe
in a language all our own
burning one unified flame
jet ’aime
flickering flame sings
orange green red blue one soul
passionate love grows
candle ignites luminous
holding my heart existence
I love you
I love you in Spanish, te amo and France, Jet ’aime
Poetry Contest :Twin Flames
Sponsored by: Nayda Ivette Negron
by Frederic Parker |
death, lost love,
Desperate my heart when I long for you
In unknown realms remembering your face
As timeless tears fall, emotions are blue
From days and nights of love's fleeting embrace
My heart will forever wander alone
Tightly tethered to a life that has gone
Taken in the night with nary a moan
Only the quiet of death's breaking bond
To find your beauty floating among stars
With my dreams remembered which came in moonlight
When we danced with strings from Spanish Guitars
And cradled in arms of lover's delight
Silence is haunting with empty despair
No room to love again, nothing to share
by Daver Austin |
love, passion
TANGO (Fibonacci)
Bold Spanish music
Flask of vintage wine Two glasses
She so dark So beautiful The rhythm? Maddening!
A Tango by Albeniz Fire in her eyes Lips promising
Young love
by Daver Austin |
EVENING FAIR (sing to Scarborough Fair)
Crust of bread and strawberries red
Cheese and wine will go to your head
And when you dance the room becomes magic
Step and whirl at Blithe County Fair
Warm the night with bright crescent Moon
Fiddles three an old Spanish tune
Sweet Greta Lee has captured my fancy
Step and whirl at Blithe County Fair
Youth and Eros moment of bliss
Rose glow her cheeks I offer a kiss
Though so demure she yields to temptation
Found my true love at Blithe County Fair
by Jim Pemberton |
best friend, faith, first love, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, god, happiness, hate, heartbroken, inspiration, inspirational, introspection, jesus, joy, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, lost love, love, lust, relationship, religion, religious, sin, spanish, spiritual, spoken word, uplifting,
May the Love of Jesus Touch You!
May the love of Jesus bless and touch you!
May his presence be with
and uplift you!
May the joys of the love make
you complete!
And touch you, from your
head to your feet!
May the glory of the lord
be with and keep you!
His majestic power can really touch you!
May the words that he’s spoken,
touch your spirit!
His mercy and salvation…
He freely give it!
May the sweetness of Jesus,
into your life bring!
His righteousness and beauty!
Your everything!
May you take some time
with Jesus in prayer?
How much he loves you!
How much he cares!
By Jim Pemberton 07.28.13
by Brashard Bursey |
girlfriend-boyfriend, love, on writing and words,
Una chica hispana la fuerza y belleza tan sabios y fuertes, creo que estoy enamorado de ella. Ella representa al sol que brilla toda la habitación y mi mundo por día. Por la noche, ella es la luna que sube por la noche, y mi buena estrella.La belleza de todas las niñas hispanos están floreciendo como un lote de rojo, amarillo, blanco y rosas rosadas. Cuando miro a los ojos de una hermosa chica hispana, que brillan como un par de caras diamantes por valor de 1 millones de dólares. Cuando veo la cara, es como mirar un ángel
by Mark J. Halliday |
beauty, funny love, magic, music, passion, song, symbolism,
Guitars seduce me
With stacatto semi-tones
Spanish Gypsy scales
by Cameron Hartley |
boyfriend, cute love, love, lust, spanish,
He turns me into
A wide-eyed little child
And he is my favorite game-
It goes like; he holds me close,
His fingers in my hair...
His breath is steady, matches mine,
His heart beats in my ear...
Now if I stroke his skin
With my fingertips, will the
Beat of his heart quicken?
If I press myself more closely
To him, will the warmth
Of his skin rise?
If I trace the outline
Of his lips, will he murmer
by Kaila B.A |
art, happiness, inspirational, love, music, me, me,
Oh My Spanish Guitar
Let me forget all my pain
Let me listen to your meldoy
Day or night I wouldn't complain
Let me follow your rhyme
Smile with my closed eyes
Let me dance even if it rains
My feelings with your music always rise
Oh My Spanish Guitar
My fingers wants to feel you so bad
My eyes want to fall a sleep
Just by holding you in my hand
Let me gently attack your frets
With tendency let me play with your chords
Let the string buzz like a happy bee
Let the heart feel the fretboard
Oh My Spanish Guitar
you decide what you want to do
I could die and you are in my arms tonight
I could chill till life time with you
by Dorian Petersen Potter |
beautiful, character, love, moon,
Endymion some poets say
Was a King some say a hunter
But most believe a shepherd fair
And a youth of great beauty too
Then she the moon Selene saw him
Loved him and coming down kissed him
Slept beside him, slept at her whim
He never woke, lies always so
By mountainside as it death do
She lulls to sleep as she kiss him.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~ Author's Notes
The " Decima " is a Spanish style or form of musical poetry that contains 10 lines.
by Andrea Dietrich |
lost love,
in Madrid
lived a dark-eyed boy -
like my youth
that young, wild man *tan guapo
vanished from my life
*tan guapo = so handsome
by Rahima Espat |
sad love, silence, spanish,
Cuando de reojo veo tú silueta;
Paran mis latidos,
Mi cuerpo se estremece,
Y se alborotan mis sentidos.
El el silencio de esta fría soledad;
Te grito lo que siento,
Te revelo mis deseos,
Pero no hay nadie que logre escuchar.
Volteo la mirada sólo para verte pasar;
Perdiendome en tú caminar.
Mis ojos cuidandote,
Mientras me pregunto, en quién pensaras?
Continuo mi camino en silencio;
Todo vuelve a la normalidad.
Por escrito guardo estos sentimientos,
Para de ellos nunca volver a hablar.
-Volcán Inactivo
by Harry Horsman |
miss you,
Oh the wondrous glow of an English Rose
seductive she glides along foreign skies,
words that are spoken in this tongue she chose
whence where she will dwell amidst sunlit sighs.
But what of the love she doth leave behind
subdued in the humus of his desire,
a stringent veil of secrecy so blind
creates a fabric entity of fire.
The candle burns low his autumn of life
when stood at the gate of fearful goodbyes,
upon a tropical romance so rife
chance an English fragrance with Spanish eyes.
Still through woeful tears he scans a Jet plane
waits thereof her return to ease his pain....
© Harry J Horsman 2013
by Kate Ginsberg |
baby, beauty, blessing, love, parents, peace,
Little one I am here
you are not alone
Mama will guard your sleep
and you are safe at home
I will hold you closely
in protective arms
and keep precious baby
from harm
Trees slowly nod
in the sighing wind
Now the sun has gone
you must rest again
Seeing sweet contentment
on your drowsy face
I'm breathless with the moment's
tender grace
Stars gently wink
in the silver sky
look up above,
watch the moon climb high
close your eyes now, my darling
and drift off to dreams
in peace as I watch
over thee
by Andrew Crisci |
animals, death, food, loss, love, nature, sad, seasons, sympathy
Estephania was the Spanish horse,
with a chestnut coat and mane
and a lighter long tail...and she ate
alfalfa for strong teeth and bones.
She was domesticated, losing her liberty
and neighing she showed keen ability:
to spot dangers on a perilous path...
Estefania even stopped for a stranded cat.
In summertime she fed mostly on grass,
but bees stung her many times to protest,
and struggling to get them off her tail...
she hit a shrilling raven in the head.
And feeling sorry for the dying bird wincing,
Estefania licked his semi-open
him a little comfort as he folded his wings;
and whinnying she wept a river of tears.
by Brashard Bursey |
girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, love, on writing and words,
Amar a una hermosa chica hispana será el gran momento de mi vida. Parece que todos los hispanos las niñas son hermosos ángeles. No sólo es esta chica hispana es tan bello como el resto de las niñas hispanas, ella es muy lindo, demasiado. Cuando vi esta hermosa chica hispana, tuve las mariposas en mi estómago. Pero cuando esta atractiva Hispanic ángel había entrado en mi vida , he tenido un instinto acerca de este momento. Esta chica hispana es el sol que brilla sol, la luna que aparece por la noche, y mi buena estrella.
by Isador Paul Cruz Jr |
desire, emotions, for her, love, lust, romance, spanish,
Ustad Es Mi Corazon,
Words Can Not Explain How My Heart Feel's About You
Ustad Tiene Mi Amor,
The Love That You Have Given Me Has Been So Heavenly
Sú Sonrisa Es Mi Luz Del Sol,
For Your Smile Has Melt My Heart Just For You
Sú Piel Es Tan Hermosa,
For Your Skin Is Like Silk Soft And Smooth
Pero Es Como Un Sueno,
The Dream Of Being Complete For The First Time
I Want To Love You For You
I Want Us To Be A Family
I Want You For Your Heart & Your Soul
I Want To Fulfil Everything As One
I Will Love You As Long As I Live
I Will Gladly Give My Last Breathe To You Too
I Will Give You A 110% Of My Love
Heart With All The LOVE I CAN
by Dalila Agtani |
The “kubo” now complete and done
With all the spirits and blessings
Adorned and commends
All sights of beauty existing
No faults of structure than woodborer
Can ever be commented to dissuade
One night or two or month long
Of couplings and bliss
Under the moonlight moaning
Pure gold of love shared
Oh, I know and we know we care
So much perfect for honeymooners
That no one would dare
Put a footprint like “hasta la vista”
Kubo- Filipino term for a hut, a small dwelling made up of local materials, generally constructed in the suburbs.
“Hasta la vista” Spanish term for see you later.
by Stellah Ayako |
loss, lost love, love hurts,
He called me Remxy,
Actually that's his previous one,
I know he was furtive,
about his cold feelings towards me,
he felt completely nothing for me,
yet ! he lied,
should I hold on?
it is something that seems
like an intractable problem,
he does not seem to realise,
that I am here fir him,
He only sees her shadow hovering,
in his dreams.
it seems I was a substitute,
more so,
I was just an impersonator,
because even after I left ,
he never seemed to bother to call,
he never realised that he had lost an unfound species,
the unique species,
he never felt he had smashed a beautiful Spanish guitar,
it was a lesson learnt the hard way for me.
by Rachel St.Cross |
food, happiness, love,
Egyptian flavours
Candie's; chaste
Autumn's shaved
Ice French vanilla
Cream; covered in
German soft milk
Virgin Italian
Cherries; soaked
Coconut rum
English toffee
Pineapple bits
In our mouths
Swirling intoxications
Asian strawberries
Spanish caramels
African mints
Dipped, in Autumn's
Native cream.
by Robert Pettit |
girlfriend-boyfriend, love, places, heart, heart,
My heart runs faster than elevated trains passing by.
It is all because this Spanish sweetheart has caught my eye.
As I walk past the rows of homes in Lower Kensington,
an attractive Hispanic girl has snared my attention.
With olive skin, and long hair as dark as a raven’s wing,
this sweet Chiquita is getting my heart ready to sing.
“A rose is growing in Spanish Harlem”, says Ben E. King.
However, I will stay in Philly to pursue this thing.
I know attractive women are found in a plethora.
There are so many to see here in Philadelphia.
This doll I have just found is now number one on my list.
She looks so sweet. I wonder if she has ever been kissed?
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
analogy, appreciation, for her, god, i love you,
O Beautiful Daughter of God
O ' hermoso
hija de Dios;
hija de Dios;
impresionantemente Santo;
eres, eres;
O Beautiful Daughter of God
O ' hermoso
flor del ungido;
sorprendentemente eres;
usted es;
O Beautiful Daughter of God
Siempre tan fiel;
Eres fiel;
asthoning agradecido;
O ' hermoso;
Hermosa flor;
hija de Dios;
Usted es, usted es
O Beautiful Daughter of God
WRITTEN BY James Edward Lee Sr. 2019
by Lin Lane |
family, love,
young couple in love
nurturing parents now gone
left their legacy
global heritage
french, spanish, lil' italian
irish and german
a real smorgasbord
main ingredient was love
served to all of us
one older brother
younger sister - my best friend
grew up on a farm
life was lots of fun
but there was work to be done
raised with faith in God
strong lineage tree
branched with children of our own
fed with lots of smiles
5.3.16 Marvin's Family Contest
by Michael Degenhardt |
death, life, love, passion,
My eyes see just the surface
But there’s so much more to you than meets the eye
My heart increases its pace
As my throat lets forth a cry
With a need to kiss your skin, else I should die
by Katherine Stella |
adventure, animals, dedication, family, fantasy, children, girlfriend-boyfriend, imagination, life, lost love, love, native american, people, romance, visionary
< dances around a rings fire
mounts horse returns for ones desire
echo's linger from canyon's ridge
navajo commanche just smidge
forbidden love from chief's higher
This Was Written by Katherine Stella
Entry For Brian Strand's 5 Line Contest
This Is Written In A Spanish Quintain
GL All