Love Poems About Storm or Storm Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: inspirational, love,

Pardon From the Storm

Take my heart and carry me to where all dreams are born. Into loves arms, oh such a place that's always safe and warm. Away from such deceitful lairs where blackened virtues swarm. into a light where peace must shine and grants us pardon from a storm. High above the mountain tops or low as low can be. Makes no difference where we are a wondrous lyric calls to me. Singing of your splendor like a miracle performed. I'll stay with you to find the port that grants us pardon from a storm. POTD 03/03/2018

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: color, life, poems,

Write Your Name

Paint the world of words so bright

Brush the canvas with pure delight

Be the rainbow coming out of a storm

The sunrise of a beautiful morn

Paint the world as you would wish

For what is written expresses it

Hearts maybe black or blue

A bright smile colors I love you

Paint it as a blind man sees

Hear it as the deaf conceives

Blank spaces upon your walls

Interpretations are meant for all

Paint the world and let it be

You are you and I am me

No left,right or middle lanes

Colors are one and the same…write your name

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, loneliness,

Living Hell

Damned by the devil's curse upon my heart
I pace the lonely bridge twixt love and hate
Stalked by death's shadow from the very start
Forsaken by the guiding hand of fate

My restless soul sleeps in the tangled thorns
Nursed by the acrid milk of bitter weed
Tormented nightly by old lovers scorned
And haunted by a score of sinful deeds

Pray, take me now to storm the gates of hell
Confront the wicked one and question why
Twas reason for my birth under his spell
To live a loveless life until I die

I curse this lonely life given to me
The fire of hell is all t'will set me free

  an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, lost love, love hurts,


she was a caterpillar, i her cocoon she was the music i her dance she was the rose i her thorns she was lost among the stars i showed her the moon i drifted like a tepid breeze but she was lost in the storm she was right i was not wrong she lit the fire i burned like hell

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, love, silence,

- Promise Me Tomorrow -

For absolutely no reason at all
The storm was withered in the stagnant air
It seems so incredibly crystal clear quiet

Even if you wanted to paint ... no colors could express
Let this moment pass in quiet gratitude and joy
The real meaning of life bound with ribbon of love

When the sun wakes up tomorrow
Give me a kiss that says everything will be fine

A-L Andresen 27.05.2015 :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: child, social,


A mazing child full of life
Unconditional relentless love
Touched by angels through the strife
Insightful blessings from above
Struggles with communication
Tries with joyful anticipation
Intelligence beyond the norm
Child of God within the storm

by Dan Kearley |
Categories: funny, inspirational, love,

A Gentle Kiss

A gentle kiss, that I really must send To another true, and very dear friend Pucker up babe, it's coming your way And riding a storm, so it should be there today I licked my lips before I blew, so I know it's going to stick But with all the lightning, it might have a little kick So when it hits your lips, it might give off a little spark Now what started off as a gentle kiss, might be leaving you in the dark
*For my sweety* *Elizabeth Wesley* Love,Dannyboy 8-24-12

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: life, love,

- a Love So Great -

May the sun always shine in your heart - melt away winter's ice
   Always look for beautiful colors - even if you never find the rainbow

   Nobody wants to experience the towering and storm high waves
   Adversity makes us strong - like sailing on the sea in storm

   Open up your heart - take a deep breath
   Dreams you will find among the stars - where peace prevails

   Let your thoughts dance between the clouds - without a worry in mind
   Bring your paint brush - paint the world in stunning colors

   Our world is so endlessly large
   A human so little, a love so great

A-L  Andresen :)

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: love, passion, storm, summer,

A Symphony of Summer

A symphony of summer is the storm
It underscores the reasons why we love
Dramatic in refusal to conform
As passion is composed from up above
Crescendo moments irrespective of
A maestro who just will not understand
That love is love is love is love is love
As thunder claps with rain at our command
To bless our harmony and hate to not withstand

by White Wolf |
Categories: allegory, love, magic,

Forever Together:

Mystical Moon answers All I need to know Tomorrow shall bring A joyous occasion. Patiently I wait Walking through time In this labyrinth Only the soul knows Fly like an eagle Carry my soul Unfold my heart In harmonic bursts Magical moments Finding love Always on my mind My beloved friend When faith returns The way we were Together as one Dreamers Love is like the rose Heralding the day Simply love Just you and me In a perfect storm A calming light came to me As I awoke A vision of pure light.
7~June~2017 For Best Title contest Sponsored by: Laura Loo

by Mark Massey |
Categories: innocence,

Stem of Thorns

~ Her love abloom fell blinded in the bliss
of one thought gentle in its callow prime,
and if she felt one inkling of amiss,
a thwarted tempest may have been in time.
   As love became a storm within the boil,
her naïve virtue veered into his path,
those sweet delusions flailed within the toil,
encumbering the fault for wielded wrath.
   Her timid screams, ensnared within his throes,
fell silent as a veil of hush adorns.
When petals wilt within the pallid rose,
its beauty dies upon a stem of thorns.
     Bewildered tears fall from an angel’s eyes
         when death becomes a lover in disguise.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: encouraging, friend, friendship,

A Friend In Deed

When darkness spreads across the land, and storm clouds form above; a friend will be there, outstretched hand, and offer you their love. They stand beside you through the dark, and always without strings, to help you make it ‘round the mark; the wind beneath your wings. Whenever doubt forms in my mind my writing is sub-par; with your encouragement I find my muse becomes a star.
June 23, 2018

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: heaven, joy, love, wisdom,


Subtle, tingling, blissful caress
Wholeness of being, free from stress
Essence of presence celebrates 
Each node within, Cupid’s address

Magnetic heat, pheromones grates
To music of spheres, soul gyrates
Bliss elixir suffuses form
Soma nectar drips through love’s straits

Mists divine are both cool and warm
Magical is, this benign storm
The false drops away, truth is known
Rapture unbound, is the new norm

Bliss and wisdom, that’s ours to own
Borne of love and light, is home grown
Within our heart, is God’s heaven
Yet each must enter there alone 


by Brian Strand |
Categories: love,

Love a Definiion

Love knows no boundaries within its heart,
once given in intimacy,cannot cede
an inch of terrotory to depart
the mutual promise, bound close by deed;
Love in its passion,holds all things clear
yet lays wide open,giving its all
and lives its life ,trusting without fear
a loyalty innate,of instinct's call;
With faithfulness it lays foundations sure
against all tribulation and heartbreak,
death's tempest certain storm,it can endure,
held by unseen pillars that cannot shake;

With neither rule,nor scale can we measure
the height,depth,breadth of this priceless treasure.

 | Year Posted 2010

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: grandmother,

One Last Tear

the saltiness of love
a riveting fall
unlike other tears
this solitary shed
like a drip of life-blood
the lance of each freckle
an almost feckless drive over the sallow cheek
finally landing on the lump of her throat

the last tear stains her pillow
tasted by encompassing family
a lovely bouquet
the aroma of memories
likewise a splash of a storm
lashing against the window pain
softly moaning wind
as she exhales one more breath
like the shake of a baby’s rattle

as the sun shines
a doe with a sparkling eye
and her fawn
through the window pane

her family exhales
and holds the snapshot
of her death

Silent One’s One Last Tear Contest

by Sally Eslinger |
Categories: desire, imagery, light, love, moon, music,

Spring Enchantment a love poem

Spring Enchantment (a love poem)

As wisps of clouds creeped
overhead before a storm moving quickly east,
the moon lay down his vanilla beams 
to dispel the darkness hiding our bared feet — 
set side by side — romantically
touching for warmth, for love, for eternity,
hopefully, to envelop us, like the coming rain
in our lives’ thundering, combined heartbeats
…joined into those duets passion will release
all about from the great springs of yearning.

(c) s.y. Eslinger 3/2024
Thanks be to God——

by Georgia Kereopa |
Categories: dark, drug,

Spirit Delirium - Ice

I am the mind disturbed that thinks it’s well
euphoria surfs, dysphoric swells
perfect storm before the cresting wave
felled the confidence of the brave

I am the liar that catfished hope
Stole from a random heart that couldn’t cope
Love leaps, faith jumps, joy follows
Suicide upon the maddened rocks below

I am all the tears that fell
Abide in the hidden depths of sorrows well
I am the fire that burns up all your dreams
Dying light of fallen stars and moonbeams

by Ann Peck |
Categories: 12th grade, appreciation, love, nature,

I Breathe

I breathe the new leaves in the Spring,
I breathe the azure of the skies
I breathe the birds on magic wing
I breathe the sunset as it dies,
only to paint a new sunrise.

I breathe Nature in any form:
the rain that falls with gentle grace;
the clouds, the lightning in a storm.
the wooded lands, the open space.
all part of Nature's gilded face

If but once, I could journey far,
and mingle with a Summer day.
to climb the clouds, sit on a star
gaze at Nature's golden display 
that almost takes my breath away.

First Place!

by Sandra Adams |
Categories: lost love,

Resurrect Us Again

within the midst of darkened summer nights
a gossamer wind whispers through the trees
a melancholy melody benights
your soft whispers attuned within its breeze

i feel your gentle touch atop bare skin
as i dance with shadows in moon's dim light
pirouetting around what could have been
beneath the slow dance of yesteryear's plight

i close my eyes beneath your lips' caress
where memories hold tight your tender kiss
to live in the moments time can't repress
i slip back through the years and reminisce

i lose myself within memories calls
until summer's thunderous storm befalls

July 8, 2019
Best sonnet 2019 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: angel, appreciation, body, metaphor, passion, true love,

Let Me

let me ...
you are the All
your need is my pleasure -
your pleasure, my need
i, water to your vessel, rain to your bloom
your fingers are the spaces in mine
your body ... the bread of my desire -
and the altar of my sacrifice
let me fill my hollows ... sip your wine
oh let me ...
you are the One
the reef i break myself upon
and the soft sand beach that receives me
i, your spindrift ...
washed shore-ward by the storm
you are my mercy ...
bind me with your sorrows
let weep, the blood of pain and passion
wrap me in your wings
and let me.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Strand Choice D, Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

by Christopher Flaherty |
Categories: love,

Love Pray New Day Enjoy the Gift

New Day

Give us all a New Day 
Give us all a Holiday
Give us all a brighter dawn

So when the Sun pierces our curtains
That what which we were uncertain
Are consigned to our past
Like ghosts and ashes

So give us all a New Day
And let the sun shine 
Into every room
Where the clouds of doom
Are decorations and affirmations 

That the Storm is clearing
And the Sky has no ceiling 
For all we are feeling
Is Love and Rocket's 
Set for the Sun

Come On
Come on
And all become 1
Who fear none
As Love's great reward 
Is nothing more than that
Love itself 

Enjoy the gift
And give the World 
A well deserved Lift

by Cameron Hartley |
Categories: analogy, i love you, love, ocean, passion, sea, simile,

Love You Like the Sea

I'll love you like the ocean
I'll love you like the sea

I'll caress you like the salty breeze
Does caress those white-capped crests
I'll embrace you as the breaking waves
Embrace the shore with zest

I'll kiss you like the rising sun
Does kiss the sea at dawn
I'll call you like the sea bird sang
With passion, again and again

I'll raise you like the morning mist
That joins the sea to sky
I'll move you like the pale, round moon
Does move the pounding tide

I'll push you like the summer storm
That brings the sea to life
And even as in you I drown
Never did breathless trepidation feel so right

I'll love you like the ocean
I'll love you like the sea

by James Burns |
Categories: anniversary, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, inspirational, love, passion, romance

The "senses" Since

I remember the look
In those big brown eyes
As you’d smile and laugh
And leave me hypnotized

I remember the touch
Of your hands so soft
How you’d hug and comfort me
And shake the cold off

I remember the taste
Of your sweet lips on mine
Enthralled in a kiss
For hours at a time

I remember the sound
Of your voice so warm
You’d just whisper gently
And quiet the raging storm

I remember the smell
That enchanted my nose
The scent of your body
Bathed in absolute rose

Yes, I remember you dear
And all the love we grew
And I have spent a lifetime
Making “sense” of you

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: i miss you, longing, love,

- I Miss You -

The strong wind hits me on my cold cheek 
  The bird's escape across the great ocean 
  My tears, my longing for summer that was 
  Over high mountains, through deep forests 
  Let your fingers glide easily over my mouth 
  Rhythm of the chest, the heart is beating, soul burns 
  Yearning expression - heat of the closeness 
  Compared to eternity where the storm has subsided 
  At dusk I hear the sounds of hours we shared 
  You are far away, yet close 
  The yearning for you is a flame 
  that will never burn down

  A-L Andresen :)
  Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: love,

What Will It Be

There's a storm that we can't weather
There's a war that we can't win
But as long as we're together
We're together thick and thin
I know that you said things
I didn't like or understand
Then my reply would surely sting
Hot and dry like desert sand
So, I'll lay aside my pride
As you'll reach to hold my hand
Using love to be our guide
And respect to make our stand
'Cause there's a war that we can win
And a storm that we can't weather
Unless through thick and thin
We can learn to stick together