Love Poems About Stress or Stress Love Poems
by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: writing,

Writing a Love Sonnet POTD

If only I could write you a sonnet,
Iambic pentameter and what not,
Let my muse mull profoundly upon it.
I must write it quickly lest I forgot.

It will have to stress real passion, love,
Mention a rose if I really must
But for heaven's sake leave out the white dove,
Still do mention the red moon that I trust.

Compare her eyes to some fragrant flower,
And wish to taste her full strawberry lips,
Scheme to meet her in a quiet bower,
Clouds enfold us in mythical eclipse.

Will she come, will she go, my marigold?
Ah, my poor love sonnet has now gone cold.

POTD 14 September 2020

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: morning,

Morning Light

O the warmth and the depth of the sun, o’er us, for the yellows and reds, as they throw their shine on the maples and oaks and the pines, caress of the pale and ebon - all the blossoms stress. And the flit of the robins, and rest on boughs, as they lift up our spirits in singsong light. We’ve a glimpse of once-paradise-sourced delight. The long rays of God’s arms - they lean down to rouse. Each new day, flows our way, and it fits like glove, and we stretch out our arms like a child, and smile, as we’re wrapped in the Dayspring’s colors and style. All our senses awake, as God pours out love. 8/23/2022

by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: funny, humor,

Chainsaw Blues - Bawdy Limerick Lol

There was a lumberjack from Borehamwood 
A chainsaw mishap took off his manhood
His Love life now a mess 
And it caused him great stress
So he made himself one out of some wood .  
He went to bed one night full of desire
Sue his wife put on her sexy attire 
Things got steamy and hot 
He gave it all he got  
But with passion and friction it caught fire . 

Written 5th March 2019.

For make me actually LOL 2 poetry contest 

Sponsored by Nina Parmenter.

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: heaven, joy, love, wisdom,


Subtle, tingling, blissful caress
Wholeness of being, free from stress
Essence of presence celebrates 
Each node within, Cupid’s address

Magnetic heat, pheromones grates
To music of spheres, soul gyrates
Bliss elixir suffuses form
Soma nectar drips through love’s straits

Mists divine are both cool and warm
Magical is, this benign storm
The false drops away, truth is known
Rapture unbound, is the new norm

Bliss and wisdom, that’s ours to own
Borne of love and light, is home grown
Within our heart, is God’s heaven
Yet each must enter there alone 


by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: christmas, love, winter,

- Stuck In a Snowglobe With You -

In a moment of silence
The winter's crystals are filled
in a snowglobe with you

A window without curtains
Like two sparrows in the country of love
We escape from problems in line
and money that burns

To get away from Christmas and stress
This is one of the most magical places on earth
So close, cheek to cheek

We sit on this branch and shine
in our common air and landscape
Christmas is time for peace,
love and reflection

Take care of those around you
Christmas is a period of the year
it's hardest to be lonely

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Humble B |
Categories: angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,

Love, Angels, and Music

LOVE God is always love Forever seek the kingdom; Praise the creator Keep giving what you can give Please endure until the end ANGELS Beautiful Heavens Protecting the meek ones earth Watching over us Helping us to cope with life Comforted with hope and trust MUSIC When you find rhythm You find your hearts inner core Celebrate the times Make them better than before Reminisce and dance all night

by Vera Duggan |
Categories: beauty, cheer up, depression, stress,

Relieving One's Self of Stress

There are so many things we like to share
And bring love in to take away care
The best way to relieve stress
Is to remember the good times and happiness

We hear the words of grief and trouble
And we know that we can halve it and not double
We have been given the gift to see the funny side
With laughter and smiles so far and wide

Sharing our stories and  kind words from the start
And the pleasure we bring will melt every heart
And help to heal loneliness, fear and pain
Then as we leave and please come again

by Veronica Capo |
Categories: hurt, leaving, life, loneliness, lost love, love hurts, stress,

Breaking the Chains

You tug and bend at the chains weighing down, 
struggling to even make one small dent. 
You try to burn the chains that have you bound, 
but to no avail... Not one link is bent. 
Cruelty and sadism are expressed here, 
in the holder of the chains who you'd trust; 
and those close-by strive to halt painful tears, 
but the chains make it all a complete bust. 
The chains hold strong from the mind to the source, 
causing loneliness to fill the bruised heart. 
Nothing right now withers those chains of course, 
but nothing is free from breaking apart. 
If all else fails and no progress is made, 
just give those tough chains time to rust and fade.

by Nicholas Windle |
Categories: animals, devotion, friendship, happiness, love, pets,

Thoughtful Paws

Place your hand upon my coat,
Watch me shiver so,
Pure ecstasy with you I feel,
Through my eyes I touch your soul.

For ill be there at your waking,
My tail, wagging to and fro.
In the evening bring you comfort,
When the days, stress has took its toll.

Can there be a friend so loyal,
Who will be there when you call?
In this ever changing world,
Some things never change at all.

by Verlena S. Walker |
Categories: age, angst, bereavement, body, change, crazy, stress,

Premature Aging

pReMaTuRe AgInG
an older woman and a younger man are a trix in between because as his love blooms he sees himself aging. _________________________|
penned on august 31, 2014!

by Carrissa Whateley |
Categories: break up, confidence, courage, funny love, grief, growing up, happiness,

The Love Shock Test

why seek true love 
when even the truest love is fleeting
the thing you should desire is 
for lasting love to transpire 
take my hand and hold your breath
this is a love test
do you have a single doubt
about how it will turn out
are you afraid they will leave
and how you could possibly grieve
worry no more the stress will disappear
and just send this to your sweet dear
because it's over they never really let you near
it is fact they are being clear they don't want you here
take your love and disappear don't live in fear

by Wayland Bunch |
Categories: happiness, love, relationship, tribute,

Harmony Through Love

We haven’t been formally acquainted 
Though your words now travel in me
A picture of harmony you’ve painted
Love truest, in the very highest degree

Trouble in the midst, but don’t stress
Look into the windows of the soul
Therein you’ll find your happiness
Where two parts become a whole

Partake of this newfound pleasure
Two rivers now flowing into one
The joy contained has no measure
Warmth radiating like rays of sun

On this road of destiny or now call it fate
To encounter true love, it’s never too late

Based on In Deepened Harmony by Nette Onclaud

I do not know you, but your friends desire you back. You must truly be a light and inspiration to them.

by Ahmed Sheik Koya |
Categories: motivation, stress,


A pearl is not found in every oyster 
Only ones that endure a grit that comes to fester
Slowly its lacquered and covered with shiny plaster
It takes grit and time and no way to do it faster
And the grit is the start of the pearl of luster

Consider every grit that comes into your life
Cover with love and forgive every strife
For you will encounter irritating grits rife
Solve them with mediation and not with a knife
Make Lovely pearls and brighten every life

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, angst, death, dedication, depression, faith, forgiveness, health, introspection, life, loss, lost love, people, philosophy, recovery from..., religion, sad, socialmirror,

Guilty Reflection

Looking dead at me in this smeared mirror...
a lost man
face red
and teared

stacking excuses 
the longer I stare
this stress abuses 
my conscience with a glare

a guilty reflection warns
my mind is the prison I fear
as I long to escape 
from the  hell I dwell in
right here

who have I become? 
what have I done right?
crossroads appear suddenly 
as fog fills the mirror tonight

darkness owning the room,
prefers I suffer slow
so I proceed with speed 
because it’s the only way I know

tasteless stories
flood my life’s hard bound chapters 
while this smeared mirror reflects tears
dripping from a face 
which was once filled with laughter.

by Jaycee Cervenka |
Categories: death, introspection, missing you,


Death lingers
Not in an essence, or scent-
No spectral aura conjured by tears or laughter,
But through wishes left too late and unspoken
Guesses made in blue ink, seal stamped, and filed.
Your legacy pillaged and raped by suited men
'til it's extorted to to pennies.

Your smile and voice are buried in the stacks.
Documents, bills, and letters to be written
Fill the memory baring your name;
Your scent and laughter long gone.
Given choice, I would pick the lowest memory
Over the reality of perpetual argument and stress.
Perhaps it's better to have left only love.

by Faye Gibson |
Categories: care, endurance, family, god, stress,

Caregiver's Road

Beneath a heavy weight I labored,
misunderstood by those I love and serve,
illness raging, family demanding,
expending soul and physical reserve.
Like a thin smoke quickly dissipating,
spirit tenuous, weak upon the road,
on the precipice of breakdown trembling
feeling endurance and harmony erode.

Along a peaceful stretch of sand walking,
listening to pounding surf, the birds,
tasting the invigorating sea air,
hearing in my heart God's voice, His words,
inviting nature in to permeate
my being, soothing the aching pain . . .
spirit at rest, on God's glory feeding,
I can go home, begin my work again.

Copyright, August 1, 2014
Faye Gibson

by Jeremy Michael |
Categories: love,

A Loveless Love, Or Schrodinger's Love

Deserving all deserts and worth all worths,
My love is admiration’s mirrored whole,
A shadowed shade whose forms do form rebirths,
I’m boldly uncontrolled in her control.
A burning nymph who’s in all fairness fair,
My love’s accounted without frankness frank,
To stress distress she counts my bareness bare
And burns my ardor with a rankness rank.
To hold and not be held is wealthless wealth,
To see and not be seen is sightless sight,
To cure and not be cured is healthless health,
To love and not be loved is lightless light.
		A crisp and charming cat sans coyness coy,
		My love’s a lifeless life and joyless joy.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: spring,

Sensational Spring

Spring's arrived at last, she wears her green dress as I go rambling on lush verdant hills This season's so special I will confess I pick some beautiful gold daffodils their xanthic colour relieves any stress after depressing days of winter chills Fluffy newborn lambs gambol in the fields I love the rebirth that spring always yields Spring Poetry Contest Sponsored by Regina McIntosh NB poetic licence used ... I never pick wild flowers just ones growing in my garden 02/20/21

by Just James |
Categories: abuse, child, drink, love,

Age of Innocence

He seems dizzy and sometimes very still, 
yet she sees her father’s hand leave his will 
and then connect the cheek of her mother 
Yet still her eyes lead back to her father 

Every night she sees her mother’s pain tear 
It runs down and is wiped away in fear 
Her cries fade with the colour of her dress 
The bruises on her mother signs of stress

Every day a child errands to the fridge 
The key never to spill even a smidge 
Her toil seeks to release his broken heart 
and reveal to him his little sweetheart 

Nothing can change her one love endeavor 
Her daddy’s love her target forever 

- inspired by Nicola's poem-

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: family, future, love, nature, peace, world,

I See a Day

I see a day when mankind will say
   Let us our differences downplay
when the wolf will lie down with the lamb --
   Hearken to the shofar blast of the horn of the ram

I see a day when every husband and wife unite
   to keep the bonds of matrimony pure white
when children feel the love and care they so deserve
   when families dwell in peace, no stress on their nerves
I see a day when the earth is back in equilibrium
   without carbon overload or environmental destruction
when mankind treats our wonderful world with awe
   when he respects Nature and Natural Law...

These visions may perhaps sound like mere dreams
   Let's make them come true, on wise plans' streams

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: body, humor, new year,

- New Years Goal -

       New year, new goal.
       a goal that provides
       many benefits.
       A wellness challenge.

       It makes the brain
       swim in dopamine.
       Is mood-lifting
       and removes stress.
       Increases metabolism,
       and burns my calorie consumption
                                   (I love chocolate)
       Stronger abdominal muscles
       and a well-shaped butt
       The face becomes softer
       - highlights the glow in the skin
       All this without plastic surgery
       - Goal's outcome 
                               - a win-win situation.

by John Patrick Robbins Aka Gonzo |
Categories: angst, depression, lost love, love, sadheart, heart, love,

Love None the Less

She captured my heart for a blessed moment in time.
Everything seems new.
Now even words seem hollow as the lines to this rhyme.

Hands togather I held a chance at something so very true.
Strong are the arms.
That held on to all but you.

Such a strong  appearence  so many feeling I conceal
Please dont look  into my eyes.
Cause my broken heart will reveal.

As the pain is a unending  stress.
What is this agony
So many names is love none the less.

She takes my day.
every second  she haunts my thoughts.
Keeping my heart from so very far away.

To understand anothers heart  we can only guess.
call me a joke if you must.
But a lost soul craves love none the less.

by Gordon Mcconnell |
Categories: feelings, freedom, me, silence,

Alone In My Silent Corner

Silence is such an attractive voice
listening to nothing but silence speak
there in that space all alone
your hearing revs up not all weak

I love to go on a walk alone
especially among nature, hear the sounds
God sometimes uses His created birds
twirping and humming all around

Sometimes I listen to just silence
keeping my ears open and in tune
it's amazing the sounds silence speaks
more clearer even than full moon

I love silence more than voices
having my stammer hard to talk
silence brings release from all stress
in my moment there I can unblock

(This is written on what silence is to me.  How silence show me what words can't say.)

by Ashley Evans |
Categories: cool,


[i]Sweet Whispers And Warm Eyes,
  The Heart Loves What no Sight,
Shattered Hearts And Broken Dreams, 
The Heart No With No Mind,

Abusive Spouse, Scream Out Shout 
The Heart loves Without Doubt.
Controlling Or Jealousy,
The Heart Won't Tell You To Leave:
Cheating Partner  With A Loyal lover ,
Because the heart Don't care.

The Mind thinking No  But The Heart Cries Yes,
Causing You So Much Stress.
No Knowledge Can Save You,
Because the heart can't Change You.

Love Is Blind  And this true,
I've Lost Count Of How Many Times my heart Has Been Bruised .
So Say Want You Want  And Do As You Must,
There's No Controlling The heart When It Come To True Love
